1、芪苈强心抑制心室重构抗心力衰竭基础与临床研究证据CADHypCMValvLVD Remodeling Low EFArrhythmiasDeathPump FailureCHFSymptomsNon CardiacFactorsVentricular Remodeling after Infarction and in Diastolic and Systolic Heart FailureJessup et al. N Engl J Med 2003;348:2007-2018Neurohormonal model of HFMcMurray J, Pfeffer MA.Circulatio
2、n. 2002;105:2099-106.Primary targets of treatment in HFJessup M, Brozena S. N Engl J Med. 2003;348:2007-18.气阳虚乏脉络瘀阻 尿少水肿络息成积心室重构、心脏扩大“ 气分 ” (神经体液调节异常) “ 水分 ”(钠水滁留) “ 血分 ”(血流动力学异常) 益气温阳黄芪、附子、人参、桂枝活血通络丹参、红花利水消肿葶苈子、泽泻、香加皮标 本兼治强心、利尿、扩血管缓解心慌气短、不能平卧、尿少水肿症状抑制 RASS与交感神经减少心室重构与 RASS、交感神经系统激活导致心室重构为慢性心衰病机新概念相
3、吻合 脉络学说指导慢性心衰病机、有效组方及作用研究Cellular Immunology 2009, 260:52-55ResultsThe effect of Qiliqiangxin on the echocardiographic and hemodynamic parameters in the infarcted hearts. 4 g/kg/day for 4 weeks for RatsThe ratio of TNF-a/IL-10 in infarcted myocardial tissue was reversed by Qiliqiangxin.Conclusion:Qiliqiangxin improves cardiac function of rats with MI through regulation the balance between TNF-a and IL-10.