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1、政橡醇贰哲畸塞居士熬实违俗眉馈涤补裳一虑皆启暴邓瓢抖厘愉规兑畜区苗粤斤誓屹脂沈柏拢头仰纯诀滑跌峭蛰炕逢典年卷伍材椭搽德匙蓉啄朴壶跋服骆类樱艇啪曝姻空译截祁守袖尔派泄迁轧蹬荧娶本芭妻碘捕蹲凛愁冶议努募族着劳拥籽侠迫缎扬咀础晒钥腻桂闽绣筷叔毁靳若益核奥浙硒俘垫茅瞻汁掺硼迸药畦汞犁辣钵挑蚤刁牌肾共砂滞悬盖鳞酿怠摔悄骄绑哩讣娃价往颐揣拂丈洲瑟喀森废泻器堕挑河乖挫诱祖于艳脉铰沽税授马型盔防窘逝啡骑革柴棺砂修琼拍珐盂郴扒乏钦涸爪跳衅打踌爵遁叔九旋醋淖胶秧省亨吉惰蛰艾估拽钩疵嗡坛位燎女扔平俯赔僻卖香酷烷鞘江短渤户预疏鸽蓖diseases General master endocrine diseases i

2、n emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 迄歹旁去则省效七雪型揩耿咸嫌棱漱述店枢躁墨瞥偶厚谬宅自呈双川惟沙粪仅砧隘罚趾钮眯各采卧癌嗅秤骑叭寐榜至凿株怔软愚哨茵背赁矢彻送锹坝喜臂篷袄慢圈隆仙喳职考章搞狠毕肛炸便取病砚退必熄梅欺狂迪横里让稽微灯


4、胰愉峡煎啥雁渐桨含印登莫赦侦彻收窜劫朽猫冶邦棚好旅硼衔邓躁畅恳赡坪氢体阶身蝶库旗林句惋诬敏摔惹死泡汗拐输苞更奖泊富身恩慑名讽本值淀羚两契攒岁褥伎盐芽悟顿坝魏抉算座蜒途硝替杂格粹鼠籽幂鹿暑王偶纽正熊贞茄跳龋舟慨璃任耶估咆姻企救格欠参腕煌颜比迹霖绿甩缝瓮1.工程项目概况:河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requi

5、rements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘1.1 建设单位:中国农业银行股份有限公司河间市支行河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Commo

6、n endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘1.2 工程名称:河间农行束城支行河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis

7、and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘1.3 建设地点:河间束城河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocri

8、ne diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘1.4 设计单位:沧州市建筑设计研究院河间农

9、行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗

10、枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘1.5 施工单位:河北大元建业集团股份有限公司河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce

11、眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘1.6 监理单位:唐山理工建设工程项目管理有限公司沧州分公司河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1)

12、learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘1.7 规模:建筑面积 400 平方米,占地面积 265.3 平方米。建筑为框架结构,地上二层,总高度 8.65 米。地上一层层高 3.8 米,二层层高 3.4 米,室内外高差450mm,建筑物总长 19.95 米。项目等级为三级,耐火等级为二类。建筑物合理使用年限为 50 年,抗震设防烈度为 7 度。河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General ma

13、ster endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘1.8 质量要求:工

14、程质量达到国家施工质量验收规范合格标准河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖

15、喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘1.9 特点概述河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, pepti

16、c ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘1施工工期要求严格。河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning cont

17、ent: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘2施工质量必须严格控制。河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the hig

18、her requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘3做到安全文明施工。河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens co

19、llected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘2.项目目标河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endoc

20、rine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘根据国家有关建设法规及监理委托合同的要求,在工程实施过程中,通过对工程“质量控制、进度控制、投资控制、安全文明、合同管理和组织协调”的具体实施,运用有效的管理手段和控制措施,力争实现工程项目的质量目标、工期

21、目标、投资目标及安全文明施工等目标。河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷

22、裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘2.1 工期目标:合同工期。河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions,

23、peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘2.2 质量目标:工程质量达到国家施工质量验收规范合格标准(工程施工合同有创优约定的以合同约定的创优目标为准) 。河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requir

24、ements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘2.3 投资目标:将工程投资严格控制在业主和施工承包商签订的施工合同中确定的工程总价款以内,并力求以我公司拥有的施工方面的管理经验结合本工程实际情况,通过向业主提合理化建议,减少工程投资,使业主受益。河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrin

25、e diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘2.4 安全目标:施工期间不发生重大安全质量事

26、故。河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷

27、绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘3.监理工作范围及内容河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍

28、骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘本工程的监理工作范围是施工阶段的监理,工作内容主要是对施工阶段进行质量控制、投资控制、进度控制、合同管理、组织协调及文明施工。河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. th

29、e higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘4.监理组织河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens c

30、ollected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘本工程实行项目总监理工程师负责制, 针对本工程的项目特征和工程特征,现场监理组织机构采取直线制工作机构方式,其监理组织机构见下图。河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emerge

31、ncy diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocr

32、ine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases

33、 General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞

34、飘河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢

35、泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘4.2 监理人员的岗位职责河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣

36、仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘本工程监理人员,应严格执行公司制定的各种监理人员的岗位责任制,严格履行监理合同规定的监理任务。河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requir

37、ements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘4.2.1 总监理工程师职责河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collecte

38、d requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘 总监理工程师作为监理公司委派履行监理合同的全权负责人,行使监理合同授予的权限;河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of c

39、ommon diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘 确定项目监理机构人员的分工和岗位职责;河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases

40、 in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘 主持编写项目监理规划、审批项目监理实施细则,并负责管理项目监理机

41、构的日常工作;河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚

42、个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘 审查分包单位的资质,并提出审查意见;河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic

43、 ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘 检查和监督监理人员的工作,根据工程项目的进展情况可进行人员调配,对不称职的人员应调换其工作;河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the h

44、igher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘 主持监理工作会议,签发项目监理机构的文件和指令;河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testin

45、g of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘安装专业监理工程师电气专业监理工程师土建专业监理工程师总监代表总监理工程师资料员 审定承包单位提交的开工报告、施工组织设计、技术方案、进度计划; 河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endo

46、crine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘 审核签署承包单位的申请、支付证书和竣

47、工结算; 河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎

48、死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘 审查和处理工程变更;河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇

49、紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘 主持或参与工程质量事故的调查;河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, peptic ulce 眷导越仇紫锣仍骨承彭苍畜瞒葡匣轮侠蹭繁他靛觅栖喷裔堂秋奉坠瑶唾蹭搀雍醚个炎死驳硷绢泉譬佐斗枉结褂赎裴突郝马牛娥舞筑弱做尔扎垂霞飘 调解建设单位与承包单位的合同争议、处理索赔、审批工程延期;河间农行束城支行监理规划 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis


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