2013北师大版高二上unit14《careers》(lesson 1)word教案.doc

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1、模块五第二单元 教学设计Lesson 1 Your Choice教材分析本课是第14单元的第1课。本课的语篇是一篇有关职业与性格的问卷。学生将在本课了解自己的个性特征,以及不同个性特征适合做的职业的有关信息,学习有关性格测查的词汇,理解文章大意,使用任务型阅读等阅读策略。学生要利用阅读信息,完成调查任务,将阅读信息内化,转换成自己的语言,并针对调查出的个人个性特征结果,相互推荐,自己判断未来适合的职业。本课的语法是复习直接引语和间接引语。学生在初中阶段已经学过这两种引语的基本用法,本课的重点是体验和归纳两种引语的区别。学生要能够在语篇中识别、在语境中运用这两种引语。本课计划按两课时完成:第一课

2、时重点是阅读文章,让学生学习有关性格测查的词汇,从文章中提取信息,处理信息,借助有关信息判断同学性格,提出未来职业发展方向建议;第二课时复习巩固从课文例句中发现表示请求或命令的间接引语,将这些间接引语转换为直接引语,并在语境中恰当地使用两种引语。教学内容话题:个人性格与适宜的工作调查问卷(阅读)词汇: 重点词汇: summary timetable aid guidance aid institute topic相关词汇: take charge of pump data paragraph deer语法:直接引语和间接引语的使用和区别第一课时First Period教学目标在本课学习结束时,

3、学生能够:1. 描述未来要从事的职业和选择该职业的原因(如:个性特征);2. 阅读问卷并做出相应答案;3. 根据性格问卷信息判断他人的性格特征,推荐相应的职业;教学过程注: IP=Interactive Pattern; T=Teacher; Ss=Students; CW=Class Work; IW=Individual Work; PW= Pair Work; GW=Group Work教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式&时间IP & timeLead-inStep 1 Bain-stormingT invites Ss to name some famou

4、s persons jobs.引出话题,激活学生的背景知识。CW3Pre-reading Step 2 T asks Ss their dream job and the special reason behind to have such a job.新学一些职业词汇,练习表述选择某种职业的原因。CW5Step 3 T teaches some new words PPT 8 学习话题词汇,扫清阅读障碍。CW7While-readingStep 4 Ss read the questionnaire, make choices and exchange answers in pairs. P

5、PT 9学生阅读问卷,做出回答,互换答案。IW & PW7Step 5 Ss will guess what personality in pairs and the right jobs. Then Ss decide whether the job suits each other. PPT 10同桌间互相判断个性特征和适合的职业。PW8Step 6 Ss check the answer key on page 91. Ss will judge whether the description fits their personalities. PPT 11学生自己看书后答案,判断描述是

6、否适合自己。IW5Post-readingStep 7 Ss learn some other words in the new context. PPT 12在语境中学一些不影响阅读的新词。CW5HomeworkDo Ex. 6 on page 67.第二课时Second Period教学目标在本课结束时,学生能够:1. 辨认表述建议和命令的间接引语; 2. 转换相应的表达建议和命令的直接引语和间接引语3. 在情境中使用间接引语表述别人要求和命令。教学过程教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式&时间IP & timeGrammar-learningStep 1 Ss

7、 Find out sentence patterns in the text like “she asks you to help her”.(reported orders and requests) PPT 3学生通过观察例句,在课文中发现更多的具有相似结构的句子,体会语法的用法。IW5Step 2 Ss transfer the reported orders and requests into peoples actual words. PPT 5学生把找出的表达命令和要求的间接引语转换成直接引语,体验两者间的联系与区别。IW5Step 3 Ss compare the senten

8、ces in the two groups and find out the difference between them. PPT 6-7教师帮助学生归纳和整理语法规则,保证学生对结构的理解准确。CW5PracticeStep 4 Ss do Ex. 7, 8 and 9 on page 23.PPT 820尝试在语境中使用两种引语。 CW15Language in useStep 5 Ss do Ex. 10 on page 23. PPT 21 综合运用本课语法。 CW 23 5Step 6 Ss write down the rules of their school in impe

9、ratives and write a speech to introduce the rules of the school to the new students in a conference house. PPT 2426综合运用本课语法。 CW 8Step 7 T helps Ss to summarize and expand the sentence pattern.语法总结拓展与反思。 CW2Sample speech:Our school advises us to go to school on time and greet teachers. Meanwhile, our

10、 school also tells us to be honest. The school orders us not to smoke as well. And the school tells us to persist in doing physical exercise and finish homework in time. At this very beginning of the new semester, I, as a senior schoolmate, advise all of us to be hard-working students and achieve so

11、mething in future.第一课时学案I. How many jobs can you think of? Write down the new words you have just learned._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _II. Pair work: Do you have anything special inside yourself to have such a job? (p22, exe 1)I think I am _, _ and _. As a result, I feel I am good at_. I am a natural _. III. Ma

12、tch the main idea with each part.Part 1 When your bus had an accident on a deserted road?Part 2 What would you do when your teacher asked your class to act out a play in a short time?Part 3 What would you do to help a friend to write a summary? Part 4 What would you do when your boss tells your team

13、 to repair an old pump?IV. Guess the words in the new contexts: He did the homework with his teachers guidance so that he knew how to make it. His teacher often gives aid to him in this way. Generally speaking, a text is composed of several paragraphs on one topic. My dream university is the Massach

14、usetts Institute of Technology in the USA. The data were collected by different researchers.V. .Your desk mates will guess what personality you are and the right jobs for you. Then you are going to decide whether it suits you.Example: I guess you are cheerful and creative. Meanwhile, you may be very

15、 motivated. As a result, I advise you to be a teacher or a tour guide.I guess you are _ , _and _, so I advise you to be_or _. VI. (p22 exe 3) Check the answer key on page 91. Does the description fit your personality? Would you like to do the kind of jobs that the answer key suggests for you?Example

16、: My partner asked me to be a teacher or a tour guide. The answer key, however, advised me to be a journalist. In my opinion, I would like the latter because I am creative and the job can bring my strengths to the full. I believe I can write good news reports in future.My partner told me to be _or a

17、_. The answer key, however, advised me to be_. In my opinion, I would like_ because I am _ and the job can bring my strengths to the full. I believe I can write good news reports in future.第二课时学案Ia. Find out such sentence patterns as those in Exercise 1 in the text!1) _2) _3) _4) _5) _6) _7) _8) _Ar

18、e there anything in common in the five sentences above?_b. Look at the reported requests and orders from the questionnaire. What are peoples actual words? There is usually more than one option.1) _2) _3) _4) _5) _6) _7) _8) _c. Compare the sentences in the two groups, whats the difference between th

19、em?1) Pronouns: _2) VerbsWhen we report peoples requests or orders we use the pattern:ask/ tell/ order somebody + _When the order or request is negative, we use the pattern:ask/ tell/ order somebody+_+ infinitive(See Page 92, Grammar Summary 3)II Rules at schoolAt the beginning of the semester, ther

20、e are lots of new students in your school. You are supposed give a speech to introduce the rules of the school to the new students in a conference house.a. Write down the rules of your school1) _2) _3) _4) _b. Write down your speech.III Review the sentence pattern: _ sb + to do_Can you summarize the sentences above as a sentence pattern? _


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