2014人教新目标英语七下unit 6 《I’m watching TV》period4教案 .doc

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1、辽宁省辽阳市第九中学七年级英语下册Unit 6 Im watching TVperiod4教案 人教新目标版I. Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge ObjectsKey vocabulary: doing homework, watching TV, cleaning, eating dinner, talking on the phoneTarget language: Whats Steve doing? -Hes watching TV.Does he want to go to the movies? -Yes, he does.Is Nancy

2、 doing homework? -No, she isnt. 2.Ability ObjectsTrain students listening and speaking skills.Train students communicative competence.3.Moral ObjectsBe good at watching something and love our lives.Teach students how to cooperate.II. Teaching Key PointsMaster the key vocabulary.The present progressi

3、ve tense.III. Teaching Difficult PointOral practice using the target language.Make a conversation.IV. Teaching MethodsTask-based teaching method.Illuminating teaching method.PairworkV. Teaching AidsA projector.A tape recorder.VI. Teaching ProceduresPeriod FourI Aims :Section BNew words:shopping mall

4、 pool camera bird toy wait sure apartmentNew phrases :at school at the pool at home eat dinner in the photo New sentences :Thanks for sth./ doing sth.Here is a photo of my family .二 教学流程1 情景导入教师利用多媒体或挂图呈现一些单词并附上一些句子来讲解这些单词的用法2 合作探究1 整体感知该部分的主题仍然是运用“现在进行时(am/i s /are /+Ving来谈论正在发生的事 ,在听,说,读,写,自我检测之后,

5、使学生的语言技能 进一步提升,在学习的过程中,培养自己的观察力,从而养成关注生活的良好习惯。 (2)四边互动学生独立完成 1a 2a 3b Self check等部分,结合 1b2c and Groupwork4中提 示,学生开展问答式对话,然后分角色扮演出 just for fun!三 达标反馈教师引导学生完成阅读中的问答后,让学生写出一段现在进行时的短文。四 学习小结1内容总结学习了词语 pool library mall Thanks for .,a photo of my family ,do ones homework etc . Go over am/is /are +Ving a

6、nd Hello! Is Tina there ? This my brother .Whats he doing ?Where do people swim ?2方法归纳学习本课时,要认真观察,细心选择运用语言, 采用自主式与合作式相结合的方法来完成该课 的学习任务。在观察中思考,在运用中获得语言技能。五 链接生活链接一:Hello ! Is Tina there ? sometimes you can use Hello ! Is that Tina ? or Is that Tina speaking ?链接二收集学生带来的绘画作品或照片,然后分发给一些同学,每人用一两句话描述其内容或正在发生的事。六 板书设计New Words: New SentencesPool library mall A Thanks for doing something .a photo of my familyB Hello! Is Tina that ?Do ones homeworkC /Here is a photo of my family .D he is doing his homework .课后反思:


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