2016春湘少版版英语五下Unit 11《Who was first》word集备教案.doc

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1、Unit11Who was first?Period 1教学目标 1 能熟练地运用新单词。2 能掌握序数词的规律,并能灵活地运用序数词。学情分析 学生们对基数词,已经有初步的认识,可能对序数词可能会出现混淆的情况,通过开运动会让学生们对序数词有清楚的认识。再通过做游戏来巩固序数词。重点难点 重点:课文 A 部分和 B 部分的短语和单词。难点:用序数词准确地描述顺序。教学过程 Step1 Warming up1 Greetings.2 Lets sing.3 Review1 T: I count numbers “one two three.”2 Lets play games.Ill devi

2、de class into three groups.which group can count numbers and get the first.Step2 Presentation and drill1,Teacher shows a picture abut Sports Day.2,T;Look at this picture ,What were they doing?Ss:They were having sports meeting.Preset new words ;one-hundred- metre raceSports3,Read the new words one b

3、y one.4,Show a picture and then ask students: “Who was first?”Teacher write the sentence on the blackboard.Teacher help students answer:Amy was first.Lingling was second. Anne was thirst.5,Teacher presents:1st-first 2nd-second 3rd-third 4thfourth 5thfifth 6thsix 7thseventh 8th eighth 9thninth 10th-t

4、enthAsk students to read the words.Step3 practiceTeacher prepares some word cards.Lets play a game - I can say.Teacher show first. I can say:“I am first.”T: Here are some word cards. They are first , second, third ,fourth ,fifth. I will take a picture from there. If I take first , I can say :I am fi

5、rst. Maybe I take fifth, I am last. Are you clear?Step4 Consolidation1 Lets chant.基变序,有规律。词尾加上-th。(fourth, sixth, tenth)一、二、三,特殊例,结尾字母 t, d, d。(first, second, third)八去 t,九去 e, (eighth, ninth)ve 要用 f 替。(fifth)Step 5 HomeworkCopy the new words.Read the text.Period 2Part B教学目标 (一)语言目标1. 词汇:能听懂、会说、认读单词:

6、first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, race。2. 句型:能用 Who was first? The tiger was first.陈述森林动物赛跑的结果。(二)应用目标能在所创设的情境或游戏环节中理解、运用序数词。教学准备序数词的单词卡片、动物图片、教学课件重点难点(一) 重点序数词的认读、理解和运用。(二) 难点序数词 first, second, third, fifth 的读音。教学过程 【导入】 (一)Greetings T: Hello,boys and girls.

7、Are you ready for class?【导入】 (二)Leadin 1.T: Ive got four questions for you.The first question: What day is it today? Then what day was it yesterday?Yesterday was very special day for the animals, do you know why? I will tell you later.(设计目的: 设置悬念,激发学生的好奇心,为后面动物运动会的情境创设蓄势。 )2.The second question: Do

8、you know any animals? What animals do you know?3.The third question: What animals can run very fast?(设计目的:本节课是以动物运动会为情境开展教学,当中会涉及到很多的动物名称,为后面的教学环节做好铺垫)4.The fourth question: Please guess this word. Its got four letters.(1) The first letter is in tiger bear rabbit. What is it? Yes, its r.(2) The seco

9、nd letter is in animal lizard kangaroo. What is it? Yes, its a”.(3) The third letter is in cow cat crocodile. What is it? Yes, its c.(4) The fourth letter is in elephant monkey forest. What is it? Yes, its e.(设计目的:让学生再次感知序数词和复习动物名称,同时,引入新单词race。 )(5) Then how to read this word? face race(设计目的:从 face

10、 到 race, 以旧带新,巧妙解决 race 的读音问题)5.You see today you are also in a race. Id like to see who will be the winner. So come on.(设计目的:让学生再次理解 race 的含义,同时与本节课的评价方式相结合)【讲授】 (三)Presentation and practice 1. T: Just now, I said that yesterday was a very special for the animals. Why? Lets have a look.(播放动物运动会开幕式视

11、频) (设计目的:渲染情境,给学生以视觉的冲击力,为动物的 100 米赛跑做好铺垫。 )2. T: Wow, how exciting! There were Animal Games yesterday.there was a one hundred meter race. Who were in the race? Please look.T: Horse, tiger, rabbit, elephant, giraffe were in the race.3.(1) T: Who was first? Can you guess?S1: The horse was first.S2: T

12、he tiger was first.T: Now lets check the answers. The tiger was first. Which word is first? (拿单词卡带读:f ir st, first. The tiger was first.并用同样的方法教 second, third, fourth, fifth)(2) T: Who was second? The horse was second.(3) T: Who was third? The giraffe was third.(4) T: Who was fourth? The elephant wa

13、s fourth.(5) T: Who was fifth? The rabbit was fifth.(设计目的:用动物的赛跑引入序数词的学习,增强学生学习的趣味性,给学生留下深刻的印象。将单词事先贴在黑板上,让学生根据老师的读音选择相应的单词,增强学生辨别单词,认读单词的能力。 )4【练习】 (四)Production Little reporter 1. T: Whos he? Ss: Hes Li Ping.T: Whats he?Ss: Hes a reporter from CCTV.T: Do you want to be a reporter? Let me show you

14、how to give a report about race.Yesterday, there was a one-hundred meter race. The tiger was first.Li Ping, CCTV.2. T: Please practice in groups. Try to help each other.3. T: Now show time. Who will be the first.(设计目的:通过我是小记者的环节,让学生不仅能说出所学的序数词,还能有出完整语篇的输出。这样就将单词教学融入了情境,融入了语篇。接下来的拓展环节, 还是在运动会的情境中,引出

15、long jump, high jump, swimming 800m 等项目,并将运动的比赛成绩单发个各个小组,请各组派一位小记者就比赛结果进行报道。 )Period 3Part D教学目标 1.Use the new words well. 2.Able to understand Part D, and finish the exercise3.Able to use ordinal numbers to describe the orders学情分析1.学习兴趣不是很高,部分学生甚至有厌恶感,同时,许多学生还是为学习而学习,谈不上兴趣问题;2.部分学生学习的目的性不是很强,导致学习习惯

16、不好,学习无明确的计划,有作业就写,无作业就玩。重点难点 重点:Part D难点:Describe the orders well.教学过程 Step1. Warming up1. Greetings2. Sing English song3.Report the homework of last lessonStep 2. Presentation and drill 1. Group activity. Finish Part C.2. Show part DT: How many squares are there in the picture? Whats on the second

17、square?S: There is a school on the second square.Step 3. Practice 1. Talk about Part D, discuss in groups2. Finish Part D, fill the blanks.Step 4. ConsolidationGame-Guess, guess, guessPlay the game by teams. One student describe another one about his/ her appearance, wearing, hobby and order of seats and so on, others guess who is student.Give assessment.Homework 量一量自己家人的身高,并说说谁第一,谁第二,谁第三


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