2015秋鲁教版英语八上Unit 1《Could you please clean your room》(SectionB 2a-3b)word学案.doc

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1、Unit1 SectionB 2a-3b 精品学案年级: 八年级 学科: 英语 主备人: 审核人: 执教人: 班级: 课题 Unit1 SectionB 2a-3b 课型 新授课学习目标1、掌握本课的单词及短语。2、能读懂两封信件。3、会写表达自己观点的信件。学习重点1.掌握能利用每段第一句话找出短文主要意思的阅读方法2.会写表达自己观点的信件。学习难点 写作学习程序学习过程学习札记【一】自主学 习 明确目标预习 2a-3b,翻译下列词组和句子1.足够的压力_ 2.浪费时间_3.为.提供._ 4.介意做某事_5.依靠,依赖_ 6.为了_7.发展孩子的独立_8.对.来说没有必要做_9.做.是不够

2、的_10. .越早.就越好_11.在.方面花费时间_ 12.取得好成绩_通过预习你还有什么不懂的地方吗?【2】借助媒介 正音操练1.借助多媒体,呈现 2a 的重点词组和句子。讨论 Do you t hink kids should help out with chores at home?2.完成 2b 的阅读:阅读前:小组 讨论 2a 中的问题。阅读中:独立阅读并找出每封信的大意。找出不懂得词汇和句子找出支持与反对孩子做家务的观点。阅读后:完成文后的问题。【3】合作探究 展示提升1.处理阅读后 练习 2c,2d,2e.2.小组合作完成 3a,分成两组辩论。3.写作: 英语课上,老师组织全班同

3、学开展有关“青少年做家务活”的讨论。下表是你们小组记录,请根据表格内容用英语向全班同学做一个汇报。提示:1.汇报内容:你和同学所做的家务活;你对青少年做家务活的看法;2.词数 80 词左右。Name ChoresTom take out the rubbishJenny wash clothes and clean the roomAnna help mom cook dinnerI ._ _ _【4】达标检测 盘点收获一、根据句意、首字母和汉语提示完成句子1.She d_(掉落)the plate on the ground and it broke into pieces.2.Its w_

4、(浪费)to throw away glass, paper and metal.3.That company p_(提供)poor child ren with 3,000dollars last year.4.Good sleep helps the body and brain grow and d_(发展).5.The students are waiting for the r_(结果)of the exam.二选择填空。( )1.-Would you mind _lending me your dictionary?-Certainly not. Here you are.A.le

5、nd B. lent C. to lend D. lending( )2.One of the best ways for people to keep healthy is to _good eating habits.A.grow B. develop C. take D. show( )3.I_some of my free time playing basketball for school team.A.spend B. cost C. take D. pay( )4.Im not sure whether I can hold a party in the open air, be

6、cause it _the weather.A.decides on B. depends on C. lives on D. agrees on( )5._eat safely, I think we had better make some food by ourselves instead of buying some.A.As a result B. Beca use of C. In order to D. Thanks to三、根据汉语意思,把下列句子补充完整。1.一些青少年认为做家务是浪费时间。Some teenagers believe doing chores is _ _

7、_ _.2.你没有必要为他担心,他现在能照顾自己。_ _ _ _for you to worry about him. He can look after himself now3.做家务有助于发展孩子们的独立性,教会他们怎样照顾自己。Doing chores helps to develop childrens independence and teaches them how to _ _ _.4.对学生来说仅仅取得好成绩是不够的。_ _ _to just get good grades at school.5.孩子越早学会独立,对他们的未来就会更好。_ _kids learn to be independent,_ _it is for their future.学习反思


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