2017广州版英语六年级下册Module 3《Famous People》word教案.doc

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1、 Module 3 Famous People教学内容:Unit Seven-Unit Nine教学目标:1.能按要求掌握本单元的音标单词和句子.2.通过学习本单元的课文, 能就“famous people”的话题进行简单的交流3.能用正确的升降调朗读肯定句和一般疑问句。4.会做本单元课本和活动手册的习题.教学重点:掌握本单元的单词和重点句型.教学难点:能用简单的句子谈论一些名人的情况。教具使用: 图片单词卡音标卡录音机和投影教学课时: 5 课时教学过程: 第一课时Unit Seven Dr Sun Yatsen一、复习(Revision) 1.看图片复习短语和练习说话。2.听写(Dictat

2、ion these words): driver teacher doctor nurse policeman dentist worker farmer cooker student pupil waiter assistant 二、新授1.听录音并结合音标学习以下新单词、短语(要求背诵) 。Learn the new words:historical 历史性的 Dr=Doctor 医生、博士 born 出生 modern 现代的leader 领袖 against 反对 emperor 皇帝 free 自由的finally 最后 memorial 纪念 hall 厅 president 总统

3、 lose 丢失 premier 总理 speech 发言 be born 出生 memorial hall 纪念堂 make a speech 发言、讲话2.听录音,学习朗读课文。3.学习以下重点句型: (1)A: What are you reading?B: Im reading about a famous historical person.(2)He was born in Guangdong.(3) Dr Sun Yatsen was the father of modern China.(4) He was a great leader. He was against the

4、emperor. Ha tried to change China and free the people.(5)I think he loved the people and the people loved him.(6)You can visit the Dr Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall in Guangzhou.4.小组朗读课文, 根据课文的投影,分段背诵课文。5.小结:Dr Sun Yatsen 的事迹。四.Homework 1.熟读本课单词和课文,并到各小组长处背诵.2.做活动手册P30-33 页的笔试题3.下一节课听写今天的新单词.第二课时一. 复习(Rev

5、ision)1. 听写(Dictation these words):historical born modern leader against emperor free finally memorial hall president lose premier speech be born memorial hall make a speech 2. 读课文,并背诵。二、新授( Work with Language)1. Read the sentence . Match them with the pictures.a. In 1911, Dr Sun Yatsen, the father

6、of modern China, became its first president.b. In 1893, Mao Zedong, the great leader of China, was born in Shaoshan, Hunan.c. In 1976, the Chinese people lost their Premier Zhou Enlai.All the Chinese people were very sad.d. In 1979, Deng Xiaoping visited Guangdong and made an important speech.2. Rea

7、d the Rhyme.3.跟录音学唱 Sing Along We Shall Overcome三. 巩固练习1.操练:同桌谈论关于你认识的我国的历史名人。2.讲评活动手册P30-33 页的笔试题四.Homework 1.熟读本课单词和课文,并到各小组长处背诵.2.听录音预习 Unit83.下一节课听写活动手册P29 页的第一、二题听力第三课时Unit 8 Robin Hood一.复习(Revision) 1. 听录音听写做活动手册P29 页的第一、二题听力二.新授 1.听录音并结合音标学习以下新单词(要求学生背诵)Learn the new words: century 世纪 clever

8、聪明的 brave 勇敢的 forest 森林 rich 有钱的nobody 没有人 cos 因为 =because wood 树林 held 举行 Asian 亚洲的 writer 作者 painter 画家 inventor 发明家 musician 音乐家 scientist 科学家 die 死 revolutionary 革命者 the poor 穷人 the rich 有钱人 full of 充满 be held 举行 Asian games 亚运会2.,学习朗读课文3.学习以下重点句子。(1) A: What are you doing there?B: Im reading ab

9、out a story about Robin Hood.(2) Hes an English hero. There are a lot of stories about him. (3) Before the 14th century people began to talk about his stories.(4) He took from the rich and gave to the poor.4.小组分角色朗读课文.三. 巩固练习 1.齐读课文, 并分角色表演课文.2.口头操练: P38 Work with Language四.作业 1.熟读本课单词和课文,并到各小组长处背诵.

10、2.做活动手册P34-373.下一节课听写今天的新单词. 第四课时一.复习(Revision) 1. 听写(Dictation these words): century clever brave forest rich nobody because wood held Asian writer painter inventor musician scientist die revolutionary 二.新授 Sound Families and Work with Language.1. Sound Families:用正确的升降调朗读肯定句和一般疑问句。2. Work with Lang

11、uage.(1) Listen and find out how to read the years.a. Dr Sun Yatsen was born in 1866.b. My mother was born in 1960.c. I visited Beijing in 2000.d. The 2008 Olympic Games will be hell in Beijing.e. The 2010 Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou.Try to read these years.1871 1921 1990 2004 2008 2010(2)

12、 Read the information and make dialogues about the famous people.Lu Xun Chinese writer 1881-1936Xu Beihong Chinese Painter 1895-1953Thomas Edison American inventor 1847-1931Xian Xinghai Chinese musician 1904-1945 Marie Curie French scientist 1867-1934Charlie Chaplin American film star 1889-1977For e

13、xampleWhos Lu Xun? He was a great Chinese write.When was he born and when did he died? He was born in 1881 and in 19363.Fun with Language三. 巩固练习1.讲评活动手册P34-37 的笔头练习。四.Homework1.熟读 Unit4 和 Unit5 的单词和课文,并到各小组长处背诵.2.预习 unit9.3.下一节课听写活动手册P38 页的第一、二题听力, 做活动手册P38 42 页第五课时Unit 9 Lets go further一.复习(Revisio

14、n) 1. 听录音听写做活动手册P38 页的第一、二题听力二.Story time 1.分小组读课文,并讨论新单词的大意,理解这个故事,认识奥地利著名的音乐家莫扎特。2.Read the story with the help of a dictionary. Then try to retell it.3. Project:In groups, look for some information and make a poster. You may introduce some great leaders, famous scientists, inventors, painters, musicians, writers, film stars and so on.4. 扩展:Did You Know三、 巩固练习:做活动手册P3942四、Homework 1. 做好复习,准备小测。2. 明天听写学过的职业的单词。教学反思:_


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