2017牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 5《Wild animals》(Integrated skills)导学案.doc

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1、Wild animals活动一、课前预习导学(1)学习目标: 1.掌握并运用描写野生动物外貌、性格、能力、食物以及面临危险的词汇和句型。2.能从听力材料中获取不同野生动物的外貌特征、性格特点、能力长处、主要食物以及各自所面临的危险。 3.能综合所听、所读的信息将一封关于野生动物信的空缺内容补充完整。4.通过了解野生动物面临的危险,激发学生保护、爱护野生动物的情感。5.掌握词汇:while catch thick lose living kill human sorry pity sell shame act词组:yours sincerely far away black stripes wo

2、rk as a team buy fur coats句型: What a shame !Its a great pity!They are now in danger.(2)课前预习 Task1 完成对话,每空一词:A: Jane, I think you should stop _ sharks fin.B: Why? It tastes _. A: Many sharks are killed because people eat sharks fin soup. I think its _ to eat it. Sharks have a right to _.B: _ I dont e

3、at it, someone _ will eat it.A: If everyone _ doing it, then _ wont kill sharks any _. B: _ you are right. OK, Ill stop doing this kind of thing.活动二、课堂合作探究1.catch 捉住、捕获、赶上,其过去式和过去分词均为 caught,catch up with 赶上catch the bus 赶上公交车 catch the ball 接住球请填空完成: The cat is _ the mouse. Be quick, or we wont c_

4、the early bus. 2. thick 厚的、密的,反义词为:thin 薄的、稀薄的根据汉语意思完成下列句子:(1)雪积了两米厚。The snow lay two metres _.(2)她有一头浓密的头发。She has _ hair.3. sell 卖、出售,过去式和过去分词均为 sold,反义词为 buy ,seller 卖方 sell out 卖完 sell sth.to sb.=sell sb. sth. 把某物卖给某人请选择:Jay Chous CDs _ very well in our city.A. sell B. sold C. selling D. is sell

5、ing 请填 空:Wi ll you _ ?你把那辆自 行车卖给我好吗?活动三、课内练习巩固Task2 翻译下列词组。1. 太不像话了! _ 2. 太遗憾了! _3.身体的其他部位 _ 4. 失去居住地 _5. 不停止 _ 6. 越来越少的居住区域 _7. 团结协作 _ 8. 为了取乐而抓住他们 _活动四、达标测试Task3 根据中文提示完成句子。1. Tigers are big and _ (强壮的 )cat animals.2. Hunters _(捕捉) tigers for their fur.3. Wolves work as a _ (队)and never kill for f

6、un.4. Wolves can see and hear something far _(离开).5. What a _(羞愧) it is for us humans to hurt wild animals.6. Many animals lost their _(生命) because some people hunt them for fur.7. The dogs can find food by _ (嗅觉).8. Does her handwriting tell you about her _ . (品质)9. Ill talk with you about _ (保护) w

7、ild animals.10.I dont think wolves are _ (危险) to humans.Task4 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Many animals lost their _ (live) areas because people used the land for farming.2. There are not so many _(wolf) as before.3. If _ (hunt) see an elephant in the wild, they will kill it.4. The number of the wild animals is g

8、etting _ (small) and _(small).5. Hunters kill wild animals _ (make) money.6. My mother shouldnt _ (buy) fur coats any more.7. He went to school without _ (eat) breakfast this morning.8. When the cat is away, the _ (mouse) will play.9. The _ (lose) of his job worried him.10. Did you see Wu Hua here just now? Yes, he walked away _( sad )11. Im not sure if I _ (be) on time.12. If we _ (take) good care of the young trees, they will grow up quickly.13. We _ (come) if it doesnt rain tomorrow.14. Look! The children _ (swim) happily in the river.活动五、教学效果验收 (1)错题警报(2)错因分析(3)矫正补救(4)自我反思


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