1、哈啦片語Let off stea洩憤 叫人滾開 的十句話哈啦片語Let off stea洩憤 英解:to do something to release stress or anger 沸騰的熱水必須排出蒸氣,就如同人在火冒三丈的時候,也必須要有發洩怒氣的管道,像摔東西或大吵大鬧都是一般人常見的洩憤方式。發洩情緒Sally thinks listening to rock music is a good way to let off steam.莎莉認為聽搖滾樂是個發洩情緒的好辦法。消除鬱悶Joe likes to let off steam by playing football.喬喜歡藉由
2、打美式足球來消除鬱悶。紓解壓力I think the reason youre stressed out is that you have no way to let off steam.我認為你壓力大的原因是你沒有紓解壓力的管道。發洩怒氣Violence is not a good way for people to let off steam.暴力不是人們發洩怒氣的好方式。排解鬱悶On weekends, many people go dancing at clubs to let off steam.許多人在週末去夜店跳舞以排解鬱悶。線上收聽叫人滾開的十句話1. Leave me alone.離我遠一點。2. Go take a hike!去爬山吧!(閃一邊涼快去!)3. Get lost!滾!4. Go fly a kite!放風箏吧!(閃一邊涼快去!)5. Dont you have anything else to do?你沒別的事可以做了嗎?6. Get out of my way!閃開啦!7. Go away. Ive got no time for you.走開,我沒時間跟你耗。8. Drop dead!去死啦!9. Beat it!滾開!10. Get out of my sight!離開我的視線!