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1、人物:Z(曾小贤),H(胡一菲) ,Y(悠悠),Q(子乔) SECTION ONE H(啃着苹果):Oh, I see, you want to get ZhangWeis room back.Z: Yes. We have to do this, for the peace of our department! H: How can you demand me to do this? : We can pay whatever we have, including ZhangWei! H: Its not the matter of money, he could get it back i

2、f he has the ability to defeat me by intelligence. Z: OK, Id like to present him to challenge you. H: you? Hahahh Z: hahahhha dont you afraid? H: No way! I mean, you three could just come in one time. If you were lucky enough to defeat me, just have whatever you want, but if you fail, I will occupy

3、the whole department! Q: Are you sure? H: Of course.Z: That is a deal! (悠悠突然冲出来) Y: OOUWOWO, you are having a competition. Great, great! I would like be the judge and set the questions! 四个人一人玩一个苹果,曾小贤的苹果丢了,继续摆手。 Y: Here comes the rule: Each team have to answer thirty questions, you will have thirty

4、seconds for each question. Now, the coin will tell us which team first. 悠悠扔起硬币然后按住,慢慢的揭开,然后沉默片刻 Y: Would you please get your side up first? 大家一阵嘘声 Q: The side of head!. No! the flower!.No! no no,the head!: Is that so important? Q: the order is very important! Ok,ok, the head(突然很激动)flower! Z: well, w

5、e have decided, the head side. Y: Hehe Im sorry, but neither side of the coin is the head. Q: (很激动) my god, its all your fault! Weve lost the good order! : (。 。 。的): ignore it, anyway, the side without flower. Y(抛硬币): It is the side of number. Q: number? ()Who chose the number? 三人叹气,然后短暂沉默,突然惊喜的大声惊叫

6、。 : Oh year! Year! Great! Y: boys, please choose your subject. Q: Western sexy!(大家尴尬对视) Y: This subject is not included. There are only subjects of animals, lifestyle, movies and science. Z: Well the lifestyle subject. Y: Well, listen carefully: there is someone that you always take responsibility f

7、or her but never take responsibility for you, who is it? 三人笑了: Y:wrong,its bank. Yifei H: Animals Y:A pig need to go across the bridge, and the bridge can only afford 500 kilograms. The pig weighs 300 kilograms. But the bridge broke down while it was crossing the bridge. Why? : how can it be the sub

8、ject of animals? Y(出示黄牌) H: I got it. The pig was driving! Y: right. Q: How can a pig drive? H: why cant a pig drive since Zengxiaoxian can do so? (曾小贤做开车动作) Y: well, its your turn Q: Japanese moviesY(黄牌 ) Z: we choose lifestyle again. Y: listen , Huyifei falls from the height of 6000 to 1000. why i

9、s she still alive?Q: for she was in a plane. Y: wrong. She was a Chinese stock investor who dropped from 6000 point to 1000 point. Z: I see that, can you be more stupid?Y: yifei H: movies Y: please speak out the four most frequent dialogues said by Monk Sha. H(思考一会儿 ): big brother, our master was ca

10、ught by the monster!Y: one. H: second brother, our master was caught by the monster!Y: right, two. H: big brother, second brother was caught by the monster! Y: three. What about the last one? H: ouei! big brother, our master and second brother were both caught by the monster. Y: perfect!SECTION TWOY

11、: now, the score is 15 to 14.Here comes the last question. It is your last chance. Please choose a subject. : science! I love science! Y: waoo the question may not be easy to you. We divide the pain into 12 degrees in medical. The first degree is bitten by a mosquito, and the twelfth degree is the p

12、ain of delivering a baby. So, whats the thirteenth degree?: I know, I know! Its HARA-KIRI! : wai-wai-wait, wait. It mustnt be right, if HARA-KIRI is more painful than deliver a baby, why do so many people choose Caesarean birth? I apply to refute his answer! : lvZiqiao, how can you refute my answer?

13、 If my room is occupied, I will make sure you kill your self by HARA-KIRI! 关谷激动争吵, , Q: Stop making noise! Let me think!. I got it! It is the feeling when a pregnant woman was bitten by a mosquito while giving birth to a baby! Y: correct! Now the score is 15 to 15. its a drew. H: why? I do not accep

14、t it. Y: calm down, Ive already prepared for this result. Extra-time! 三人怪叫 喔 Y: both side will have two minutes to answer, add 1 mark if correct, deduct 1 mark if wrong and no mark if you give up. Are you clear?H: heng You are losers, are you sure you want to bet on it?Z: Of course! H: I mean, more

15、wagers. Z: Well, I want your(众人吃惊) washing machine! H: OK, so whats your wager? Q: We can give you ZhangWei! H: What am I going to do with that guy? Q: Let me tell you, it is not depend on what you want, but what we have! TO BE CONTINUED (胡一菲) ,G(关谷) ,Y(悠悠) ,Q(子乔) 第一节 (啃着苹果):哦,我明白了,你想要得到张巍“房间后面。 Z:是

16、的。我们必须做到这一点,我们公寓的和平! H:你怎么能要求我做到这一点? G:我们可以付出什么,我们都有,包括张伟! H: 它“不 该 钱的事, 他 可以 得到 它 后面 如果 他 有 该 能力 打败我。 Z:好吧,我要替他他向你挑战。 H:你呢?Hahahh Z:hahahhha 你害怕了? H:没门!我的意思是,你三个可以一起来。毫无疑问, 如果你足够幸运击败 我, 将得到你想要的 想, 但 如果 您 失败, 我 将 占据 全部公寓! 问:你确定吗? 当然:H。 Z:这是一个交易! (悠悠突然冲出来) Y: OOUWOWO,你有一个竞争。太好了,太棒了!我想是 法官和设置的问题! 四个人一

17、人玩一个苹果,曾小贤的苹果丢了,继续摆手。 Y:这里谈到的规则:每队必须回答 30 题,你会 有三十秒的时间为每个问题。 现在,硬币会先告诉我们,哪支球队。 悠悠扔起硬币然后按住,慢慢的揭开,然后沉默片刻 Y:请你先选择哪一面? 大家一阵嘘声 问:头的一面!.。不!花!.不!不,不,头! G:那是如此重要? 问:顺序是非常重要的!好吧,好吧, ,头.(突然很激动)花! Z:好了,我们已经决定了,头上方。 Y:呵呵我“ 对不起,但硬币的任何一方都不是头。 问:(很激动) ,我的上帝,它“都是你的错!我们“已经失去的良好秩序! G:(。 。 。的):忽略它,反正旁边没有花。 Y(抛硬币):是数字的

18、一侧。 问:多少?(.)谁选择了多少? 三人叹气,然后短暂沉默,突然惊喜的大声惊叫。 Y:男生,请选择你的主题。 问:西方的性感! (大家尴尬对视) Y: 此主题 不包括在内。 那里 仅 主题 的 动物, 生活方式, 电影和科学。 Z:恩. 生活方式的主题。 Y:嗯,仔细听:有一个人,你总是承担责任 她却从来没有对你负责,是谁呢? 三人笑了 Z: 第三者和:错,它“银行。一菲H:动物 Y:一只一 猪 需要 至 去 横过 该 桥梁, 和 该 桥 可以 只承重 500 公斤。猪重 300 公斤。但桥坏了,而它 正在过桥。为什么呢? G:怎么能说这是动物的主题?Y(出示黄牌) H:我知道了。猪驾驶!

19、 Y:对。 问:如何才能一头猪开车吗? H:为什么不能 因为曾小贤都可以开车? (曾小贤做开车动作)Y:好了,轮到你 问:日本电影 Y(黄牌) Z:我们选择的生活方式了。 Y:听,一菲瀑布从 6000 高度 1000 为什么她还活着? 问:因为她是在一个平面上。 Y:错了。她是一个中国人 股票 投资者谁从 6000 点下跌至 1000 点。 Z:我看到,你可以更愚蠢吗? Y:一菲H:电影 Y:请说出四种最常见的对话由沙僧说。H(思考一会儿):大师兄,师父被妖怪抓走了! Y: 1。 H:二师兄,师父被妖怪抓走了Y:对,2。 H:大师兄,二师兄被妖怪抓走了!Y: 3。那么最后一个? H:!ouei

20、 大师兄,师父和二师兄都被妖怪抓走了!Y :完美! 第二节 Y: 现在, 该 得分 是 15 至 14.Here 来 该 最后 问题。 它 是 您的 最后 机会。请选择一个主题。 G:科学!我爱科学! Y: waoo这个问题可能不容易哦。我们把疼痛分为 12 度医疗。第一度是被蚊子叮,而第十二 度是分娩一个婴儿的痛苦。那么,第十三程度的痛是什么? G:我知道,我知道!它是切腹自尽Z:,等,等。冷静下来,你试过吗? 问:据千万不能“T 是对的,如果剖腹自杀比分娩一个宝宝更痛苦,为什么 所以很多人选择剖腹产?我申请来反驳他的回答! G:吕子乔,你怎么可以反驳我的答案?如果我的房间被占用,我必使 一

21、定要通过剖腹杀死你! 关谷激动争吵, , 问:停止制造噪音!让我想想!.我知道了!这是感觉,当怀孕 同时要生下一个婴儿的女子被一只蚊子咬伤!Y:正确! 现在的得分是 15 到 15。H:为什么?我不接受它。 Y:冷静下来,我“已经已经为这个结果而准备。加时赛! 三人怪叫 喔 Y:两侧将有两分钟时间来回答,加 1 标记,如果正确,扣 1 标记,如果错了,没有标记,如果你放弃了。你明白了吗?H:恒你是失败者,你确定你要赌了? 当然:Z! H:我的意思是,更多的赌注。 Z:嗯,我想你 R(众人吃惊)洗衣机! H:好的,那又怎样“是你的赌注? 问:我们可以给你张伟! H:我要他干嘛问:让我告诉你,和我们赌不在于我们赌什么而在于我们有什么!


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