中秋习俗中英文The custom of the Mid-autumn Festival.doc

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1、The customs of the Mid-autumn Festival1. Appreciating the moon 赏月The origins of appreciating the moon as a custom can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty (618907). On the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, the moon is at its roundest and brightest, symbolizing togetherness and reunion in Chinese cultur

2、e. When people look at the moon, it reminds them of their families and homeland. Nowadays, people still like appreciating the moon together with families after the reunion dinner in the evening of the Mid-autumn Festival. 中秋赏月的习俗可以追溯到唐朝时期。农历八月十五,月亮最圆最亮,因此在中国文化中,它象征着团聚。每当人们看到月亮,就会想起家人和故乡。如今,人们仍然喜欢在中秋

3、的夜晚吃完团圆饭跟家人一起赏月。2. Eating Mooncakes 吃月饼Mooncake is an indispensable food during the Mid-autumn Festival. Traditional mooncakes are imprinted with Chinese characters with such meanings as “longevity”, “happiness” or “harmony”. In ancient times, mooncakes were a kind of offering to the moon. Over the

4、centuries, these special cakes have become the most popular food of the Mid-autumn Festival. People eat mooncakes together with family, or present mooncakes to relatives or friends, to express love and best wishes.中秋佳节,月饼必不可少。传统的月饼上印有中国字,寓意长寿、幸福、和睦。古代,月饼用来供奉月亮。而现在,月饼成了中秋佳节最受欢迎的食物。人们同家人共享月饼,又或者馈赠亲戚朋友

5、,以表达心中的爱和美好祝福。3. Having the reunion dinner at home 吃团圆饭As the Mid-autumn Festival represents the reunion of families, Chinese will go home from every corner of China and have dinner together on that night. In the past, the whole family would get together and start preparing the reunion dinner from t

6、he morning to celebrate the harvest. Though Nowadays people still come together for a reunion dinner on Mid-autumn Festival, the dining place has changed. Most families tend to have dinner at a restaurant rather than make dishes themselves at home. 中秋节代表着家人团聚,因此,人们会从祖国大地的四面八方赶回家,在中秋夜与家人吃顿团圆饭。从前,家人们会一大早就聚在一起开始准备团圆饭,以庆祝丰收。如今,人们也会在中秋节聚在一起吃团圆饭,但是聚餐地点有所变化。大多数家庭更喜欢在饭店聚餐,而不是在家自己动手做菜了。


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