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1、餐厅领位员英语口语(1)领位员仪表仪容要整洁端庄,站立于门口.(2)见宾客应面带微笑, 主动打招呼“您好,欢迎光临“,“早上好“,“晚上好“等,对熟悉的客人要加上姓氏,以示亲切,尊重.(3)把客人引入餐厅, 问清客人团队名称,是否预订过用餐人数, 如无预订,要热情协助订餐,安排餐位.(4)走在客人左前方 23 步 ,不时向客人回头示意,保持好距离, 以示礼貌和以免走失.(5)主动为客人拉椅, 客人要坐下时,用膝盖顶一下椅子背, 双手同时前送,使客人坐在离桌子合适的位置,一般以客人的前胸与桌边 1015cm 为宜.迎宾领位小姐常用英语口语 200 句(试用)一 迎宾 Greeting Guest

2、s1. Good morning, Sir. Welcome to Food Center.先生,早上好!欢迎您到饮食中心来!2. Good afternoon, Madam. This is Food Center. May I help you?夫人,下午好! 饮食中心。需要我为您效劳吗?3. Good evening, Miss Wang. Welcome to our Food Center. Have you made a reservation?王小姐,晚上好!欢迎光临本饮食中心。请问有没有预订?4. Good morning, Sir. Have you had a reserv

3、ation?早上好!先生。请问订了座吗?5. Hello! Food Center at your service.您好!饮食中心竭诚为您服务。6. Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to our restaurant.晚上好,女士们和先生们!欢迎光临本餐厅。7Heres reception, What can I do for you?这里是接待处,可以为您效劳吗?8. How many guests are there in your party, Sir?先生,请问你们团一共几位?9. How many people in all,

4、Please?请问一共几位?10Good evening. A table for two?晚上好。是两位吗?11. Are you being served?已经有人招呼您了吗?12. Mr.Chang, your table is No.11 on the second floor, We are looking forward to having you . 张先生,您预订的是二楼 11 号桌,我们恭候您的光临。13This table No.8 is specially reserved for you.这张 16 号桌是专门为您保留的。14. Good afternoon, Sir.

5、 Nice to see you again.先生,中午好,很高兴再见到您。15. Good evening, Sir. Are you expecting anyone?先生,晚上好,您还等什么人吗?16. Ill give you a small table available. Is that all right?我给您安排一张有空位的小桌子,这样行吗?17. We shall confirm the reservation by phone.我们会打电话来确认预订事宜的。18. Welcome! We are looking forward to having you with us.

6、欢迎!我们恭候您的大驾光临。19. Good afternoon, Sir. It is the business time now.下午好,先生。现在是营业时间。20. Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. You are of the same tourist party ,arent you?女士们、先生们,晚上好。你们是同一个旅游团的吧?21. Which country do you come from?请问是从哪个国家来的?22. There are twenty-four people in your party, Is that correct

7、?你们一共是 24 位,对吗?23. Weve arranged three tables on the second floor for you. Theyre No.3, No.4, No.5. Eight people for each table.我们为你们在二楼安排三张餐桌,台号是 3、4、5,每 8 个人一桌。The waiter asks the diners to wait in line.朋务员请客人排队。(A: Waiter B: Guest)A: Good evening,sir. 晚上好,先生,B: Good evening,Could you find us a ta

8、ble for two, please?晚上好。请给我们安排一张两人餐桌,好吗?A: Im afraid all of our tables are taken,sir. Could you wait in line until a table is free,please?恐怕所有的位子都满了。请排队等一会儿好吗?B: Well,how long will it take? 好的,等多长时间?A: A Bout fifteen minutes,sir. 大约 15 分钟,先生。B: Thats a Bit too long. 那可太久了。A: Would you mind sharing a

9、 table,then ?你介意与别人同桌吗?B: Well,wed rather wait.我们还是等一会儿吧。A: All right. Could you take a seat over there and Ill inform you when a table is free.好的。请那边坐。一有空位子我马上通知你们。B: Thats fine. 好的。(Fifteen minutes later when a table is free.)(15 分钟后有了空桌。 )A: We have a table for you now,sir. This way,please. We ar

10、e very sorry for the delay.先生,现在我们有空桌子了,这边请。很抱歉耽搁了你的时间。Notes 简单注释 wait in line 排队等候Would you mind sharing a table?本句为“would you mind”后接 doing sth.的句型。 share 是分享的意思。wed rather=we would rather,后接 do sth.宁肯做某事inform s B. sth. 告知某人某事2.Related Sentences 英语实例(1)Welcome to our restaurant.欢迎光临本餐厅。(2)Have yo

11、u got a reservation?请问你预订了吗?(3)Yes,a table for two near the window.是的,一张靠窗的两人桌。(4)Yes,a table for two under the name of Bill Smith.是的,以比尔史密斯名字订的两人桌。(5)How many,please?请问几个人?(6)Are there only two of you?只有两个人吗?(7)Where would you prefer to sit?你喜欢坐哪里?(8)Ill show you to your table.我带你人坐。(9)Would you co

12、me this way?请这边走。(10)Would you come with me,please?请跟我来。(11)This way,please.请这边走。(12)Would you like to sit here?坐这儿行吗?(13)Would you prefer to sit By the window?你喜欢靠窗坐吗?(14)Have you Booked a table?请问你预订餐桌了吗?(15)Would you take your seat?你请坐。(16)Would you Be seated,please ?你请坐。(17)A waiter will come to

13、 take your order.服务员会来为你服务。(18)Ill Bring you the menu.我去给你拿菜谱。(19)Heres the menu.给你菜谱。(20)Your menu,please.你的菜谱。(21)Im afraid that table is reserved.那张桌子恐怕已有人预订了。(22)Would you mind sharing a table?你介意与别人同桌吗?(23)Im sorry to have kept you waiting.很抱歉让你久等了。餐厅常用英语:Receiving the Guests 领位(1)Receiving the

14、 Guests 领位1. Situational Dialogues 情景对话Situation(1): The guests are entering a restaurant and a waiter is receiving them.客人们来到了一家餐厅,服务员正在与他们打招乎,并将他们领到座位上。(A: Waiter B: Guest)A: Good evening,sir. Do you have a reservation?晚上好,先生。请问你预订了吗?B: Good evening. Yes,the names Bill Smith. I Booked a table for

15、two for 8:00 this evening.晚上好。是的,我叫比尔.史密斯。我预订了一张今晚 8 点的两人桌。A: Ah, Thats right. Would you please come this way? Is the table suitable for you?哦,好的,这边请。请问这张桌子行吗?B: Its fine. Thank you.很好。谢谢。A: Would you please sit down,Ill Bring you the menu.你们请坐,我去拿菜谱。B: Thank you.谢谢。Notes 简单注释Would you please come t

16、his way?请你这边走。Is this table suitable for you?这张桌子行吗?Ill Bring you the menu.我去拿菜谱。Situation(2): How to choose the table.如何选择座位。(A: Waiter B: Guest)A: Good evening,ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our restaurant.晚上好,女士们,先生们。欢迎来我们餐厅。B: Good evening. Do you have a table for four?晚上好。请问你们有 4 人桌吗?A: Certa

17、inly. Where would you like to sit? By the window or further Back?有。请问你们想坐在哪里?靠窗还是靠里面点儿?B: I think its Better to sit By the window so that we can enjoy the evening lights.我想最好是靠窗,那样我们好欣赏夜晚的灯光。A: OK. Would you come with me please?Wont you Be seated?This is the menu,please take a look at it,Ill Be Back

18、 later.好的,请跟我来。请坐。这是菜谱,你先看一下,我马上就回来。B: Thank you.谢谢。A: You are welcome. Have a nice dinner.别客气。祝你们就餐愉快。Notes 简单注释 By the window or further Back?是靠窗坐还是靠里坐?Its Better to sit By the window.最好是靠窗坐。the evening lights夜晚的灯光Would you come with me?跟我来,好吗?Wont you Be seated?请坐。take a look at it看一下Ill Be Back

19、later.我马上就回来。Have a nice dinner祝你们就餐愉快。Situation(3): Guests have Booked a table.客人已订餐桌。(A: Waiter B: Adams C: Sarah)A: Good evening,sir. Do you have a reservation?晚上好,请问你预订了吗?B: Yes, Ive Booked a table for two for 7: 30 this evening.是的,我订了一张今晚 7 点 30 分的两人桌。A: Can I have your name,please ?请问你贵姓?B: Wi

20、lliam Adams.威廉,亚当斯。A: Ah,yes,Mr. Adams. We have a nice table overlooking the street for you. Would you come this way?啊,是的。亚当斯先生。我们给你留了一张临街的好桌子。请跟我来。B: Thank you very much.非常感谢。A: Here it is. Is this to your satisfaction,sir?到了。这里还满意吗,先生?B: This is just fine. What do you think,Sarah?太满意了。莎拉,你觉得怎么样?C:

21、 It couldnt Be any more pleasant.没有比这儿再好的了。A: Very good. Please Be seated. This is the menu. Would you please have a look at it? Im sorry, its rather Busy at the moment. Ill Be Back later.很好,请坐。这是菜谱,你们先看一下,好吗?真抱歉,这会儿人很多,我马上就回来。B: Never mind. Thank you.没关系。谢谢。Notes 简单注释Do you have a reservation?你预订餐桌

22、了吗?Here it is.就是这里。Is this to your satisfaction?你觉得满意吗?It couldnt Be any more pleasant.再也没有比这儿更好的了。Its rather Busy at the moment.这个时候就餐的人很多。Never mind.没关系。Good morning/afternoon/evening. 我能为你做点什么? What can I do for you? 你们有几个人? How many people you are?(这句我不敢肯定完全正确, 只是以前和外国人这样说,他们能明白) 想尝试一下新产品.吗? We

23、have new food now,do you want to have a try? 您的餐点金额为.元. The total is .yuan.或者 It costs .元. 或者.yuan, thank you! 谢谢您的光临,再见. Thanks for your coming,see you next time. 这是餐厅嗫常用的英文对话,相信可以用的上!( 中英对照的, 可以看看:) Head Waiter:Good evening,sir.Do you have a reservation,sir? 领班服务员:晚上好,先生,你有预订桌位吗,先生?Customer:I am a

24、fraid not. 顾客:我恐怕没有。H.W:Just a moment,please. 请等一会儿。H.W:Im very sorry,were full now.Would you mind waiting about ten minutes,sir? 非常抱歉,我们现在客满了,你介意等 10 分钟吗? C:No,I dont mind. 不,我不介意。 H.W:Here is the chair,sir. 这里有椅子,先生。C:Thank you. 谢谢你。 H.W:Im very sorry to have kept you waiting,sir. 我很抱歉让你久等了,先生。C:Okay?Thank you.


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