1、Normal Labor and Delivery(AFE)正常分娩Lin Jianhua M.D., Ph.D., ProfessorDepartment Of Obstetrics & GynecologyRenji Hospital Affiliated to SJTU School of Medicinedefinitionn Term delivery(labor): 37-42weeksn pre-term delivery: 28- 37 weeksn post-term delivery: 42 weeksn Abortion: 28 weeksn 85% of women s
2、pontaneous labor and delivery between 37-42 weeks n LMP :last menstrual periodn EDC: expected date of confinememtThe four factors for laborn Force (contraction)n birth canal (bony canal)n fetus (lie,position ,presentation,weight)n psychical-factorsThe contractionsn increase in frequency and duration
3、n uterus can be felt to harden during contraction n lasting about 30-45 secondsn interval between contractions to be 5 minn the pain of labor is a characterNST CST Bony pelvisn The planes of pelvisn inlet plane (promontory)n mid plane of pelvis(ischial spines)n outlet plane(two intersecting triangles)n Mechanism of laborn Engagement*n Flexionn Decentn Internal rotationn Extensionn External rotationSymptoms and signs of the onset of the laborn Painful uterine contractionn a shown effacement and dilation of the cervixn rupture of membranes