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1、 九年级 Unit 1 短语积累1.和朋友一起工作 work with friends 2.制作单词卡片 make word cards3.听磁带 listen to tapes 4. 向老师求助 ask the teacher for help5. 与.交谈 have conversations with sb. 6. 为了考试学习 study for a test7. 看录像 watch videos 8. 大声读,朗读 read aloud9. 练习发音 practice pronunciation 10. 口语技巧 speaking skills 11. 作报告 give a repo

2、rt 12. 首先 for the first time / at first 13. 获取主要观点 get the main ideas 14. 一字一字地 word by word15. 词组 word groups 16. 发现做某事是. find it +adj. to do sth.17. 语言学习的秘诀 the secret to language learning 18. 害怕做某事 be afraid to do sth./ be afraid of doing sth.19. 爱上. fall in love with . 20. 也 as well 21. 肢体语言 bod

3、y language 22. 脸上的表情 expressions on ones faces 23. 关键词 key words 24. 查字典 look up sth. in a dictionary 25. 对.感兴趣 be interested in . 26. 对.有更好的理解 have a better understanding of .27. 小组学习 study with a group 28. 看英语节目 watch English programs 29. 大声重复出来 repeat out loud 30. 做笔记 take notes31. 给笔友写邮件 write e

4、-mails to pen pals 32. 记句型 memorize the sentence patterns 33. 做语法练习 do grammar exercises 34. 英语口语 spoken English 35. 提高阅读速度 increase reading speed 36. 在语法方面犯错误 make mistakes in grammar37. 做某事的能力 the ability to do sth. 38. 出生 be born 39. 依靠,取决于 depend on 40. 和 .有共同的. have . in common 41. 对.建立兴趣 creat

5、e an interest in . 42. 注意,关注 pay attention to .43. 擅长. be good at . 44. 从.中学习 learn from .45 培养学习技巧 develop study skills 46. 做某事最好的方式 the best way to do sth. 47. 写下,记下 write down / take down 48. 把 .和.联系起来 connect . with.49. 向某人解释. explain sth. to sb. / explain to sb. sth. 50. 互相,彼此 one another /each

6、 other51. 来自 come from / be from 52. 一个终生的旅程 a life-long journey 53.成为.的一部分 become a part of . 54.练习做某事 practice doing sth. 55. 帮助某人做某事 help sb. (to) do sth. 56. 使发音正确 get pronunciation right 57. 越.越. The +比较级 +主语+谓语,The +比较级+主语+谓语九年级 Unit2 重点短语1. 泼水节 the Water Festival 2. 龙舟节 the Dragon Boat Festiv

7、al 3. 中国春节 Chinese Spring Festival 4. 元宵节 the Lantern Festival5. 有点拥挤 a little crowded 6. 去.度假 go to . for a vacation 7. 度假 take a vacation/holiday 8. 增加(体重)put on 9. 听起来像 sound like 10. 和.相似 be similar to 11. 向.仍 throw sth. at sb. 12. 冲走、洗掉 wash away13.有好运气 have good luck 14.以.的形状 in a shape of .15

8、.中秋节 Mid- Autumn Festival 16.在中秋之夜 on mid-autumn night17.给某人带去祝福 carry wishes to sb. 18.传统的民间故事 traditional folk stories19.射下 shoot down 20.计划做某事 plan to do / make a plan to do sth.21.拒绝做某事 refuse to do sth. 22.飞向月球 fly up to the moon23.大声呼喊 shout out 24.摆开、布置 lay out25.的传统 the tradition of. 26.和某人分

9、享某物 share sth. with. sb.27.结果 as a result 28.在五月的第二个星期天 on the second Sunday of May29.带某人出去吃饭 take sb. out for dinner 30.变得越来越受欢迎 become more and more popular31.一个.另一个.one .the other. 32.想起、认为 think of 33.装扮、盛装打扮 dress up 34.的真谛 the true meaning of.35.的精神 the spirit of . 36.的重要性 the importance of .3

10、7.一本由.写的小说 a novel written by . 38.一个叫做.的人 a man named .39.关心 care about 40.赚钱 make money 41.生意伙伴_business partner 42.受到惩罚 be punished 43.告诫某人去做某事 warn sb. to do sth. 44.结束 end up45.期待某人去做某事 expect sb. to do sth. 46.带某人回到 take sb. back to .47.使某人想起 remind sb. of sth 48.害怕某物 be afraid / scared of sth

11、.49.害怕做某事 be afraid / scared to do sth. 50.醒来 wake up51.叫醒某人 wake sb. up 52.决定做某事 decide to do sth./ make a decision to do sth.53.承诺做某事 promise to do sth. 54.有需要的人 people in need55.的开始 the beginning of. 56.不但.而且 not only . but also.57.过去常常做某事 used to do sth. 58.过去是 used to be 59.被用来做某事 be used to do

12、 sth. 60.习惯做某事 be used to doing sth.九年级 Unit3 重点短语1.获取关于这座城镇的一些信息 get some information about the town 2. 得到一些杂志 get some magazines3. 买一双鞋 get/buy a pair of shoes 4. 沿着.走 go/walk along 5. 直到.才 not.until . 6. 去三楼 go to the third floor 7. 路过 go past/walk past/pass by/walk by/go by 8.休息用的房间 room for res

13、ting 9.握住某人的手 hold ones hand 10. 在去.的路上 on the way to .11. 走向前 walk/go up to . 12. 更早一点 a little earlier14.介意做某事 mind doing sth. 14.购物中心 the shopping center16.在某人的右边/左边 on ones right/ left 16.向左/右拐 turn left/ right17.花店 flower store 18.建议某事 advise sth. / suggest sth.18.19.建议做某事 advise to do sth. /su

14、ggest doing sth. 20.邮寄一封信 mail a letter21.给某人邮寄东西 mail sth. to sb. / mail sb. sth. 22.去某地的方向 the directions to .23.更不礼貌 more impolite/ less polite 24.一个直接的问题 a direct question25 在不同的情况下 in different situations 26.导入一个请求 lead in to a request27.使用恰当的语言 use proper language 28 变得对.更擅长 become better at .

15、29.在拐角处 on/at the corner 30.在角落里 in the corner31.吃饭的好地方 a good place to eat 32.请求某人做某事 request/ask sb. to do sth.33.因(做)某事而感谢某人 thank sb. for doing sth. 34 盼望做某事 look forward to doing sth.35. 急匆匆地 in a rush 36. 某人花费时间做某事 sb. spend some time (in) doing sth. 37. 朝着.的方向 in the direction of . 38. 朝着四面八方

16、 in all directions/ in every direction 重点句子你能告诉我休息室在哪吗?Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 1. 你知道在哪里可以买到一些杂志吗?Do you know where I can get some magazines? 2. 你能告诉我我怎样去书店吗?/你能告诉我去书店的路吗?Could you please tell me how I can get to the bookstore? Could you please tell me how to get to the boo

17、kstore? Could you please tell me the way to the bookstore?3. 你知道书店今天什么时候关门吗?Do you know when the bookstore closes today?4. 我想知道下一步我们应该去哪。I wonder where we should go next. 5. 你介意告诉我我怎样可以到达附近的餐馆吗?Would you mind telling me how I can get to a nearby restaurant? 6. 你知道附近是否有餐馆吗?Do you know if there is a r

18、estaurant around here?7. 当你去外国旅游时,知道如何礼貌地寻求帮助是十分重要的。When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help politely.九年级 Unit4 重点短语1.过去常常 used to do 2. 保持沉默 keep silent 3. 时常,有时 from time to time 4. 变红 turn red 5. 应对,处理 deal with / do with 6. 敢于做某事 dare to do sth.7. 不敢做某事 daren

19、t do sth. /dont / doesnt/ didnt dare (to) do sth. 8. 开始做某事 take up doing sth. 9. 不再 not . any more / no more / not .any longer/ no longer10.一群. a crowd of . 11. 向某人解释. explain sth. to sb.12. 很多关注 tons of attention 13. 担心. worry about . / be worried about .14. 小心./担心. be careful of/ about. 15. 小心做某事

20、be careful to do sth.16. 私人的时间 private time 17. 和.闲逛 hang out with sb. 18. 准备做某事 be prepared to sth. / prepare to do sth. 19. 通往成功的路 the road to success 20.继续战斗 fight on 21.极少数的 a very small number of22.某人做成某事 make it 23.当众 in public24.作演讲 give a speech 24.独处 be alone25.在足球队 on the soccer team 26.一直

21、,总是 all the time 27.对.感到紧张 be nervous about 28.一个 15 岁的小男孩 a 15-year-old boy29.感到孤独 feel lonely 30.对.有影响 have an influence on31.缺席. be absent from 32. 决定做某事 make a decision to do sth=decide to do sth.33.寄宿学校 boarding school 34.建议某人去做某事 advise sb to do sth35.亲自 in person = by oneself 36.即使 even thoug

22、h/if37.对.感到自豪 be proud of/take pride in 38.和某人交流 communicate with sb=have communication with sb39.令某人吃惊的是 to ones surprise 40.在过去的几年里 in the past/last few years41.要求某人做某事 require sb to do sth 42.很难相信.Its hard to believe that .43. 自从.以来已经有多长时间了 It has been (It is) + 一段时间 + since + 从句44.改变某人的生活 change

23、 ones life 45.做某事失败 fail to do sth46.总是做某事 be always doing sth 九年级 Unit5 重点短语1. 由.制成(看出材料)be made of . 2. 由.制成(看不出材料) be made from.3. 在.(地点)制造 be made in . 4. 由.组成 be made up of .5. 由某人制作/用什么方式制作 be made by . 6. 因为.而著名 be famous for .=be known for .7.在过去 in the past 8. 据我所知 as far as I know 9. 在山腰上

24、on the sides of mountains 10. 被送去生产 be sent for processing 11. 遍及全世界 all over the world = around the world 12. 用手 by hand 13. 发现 .(是.的)find it + 形容词 + that 从句 14. 发现做某事(是.的) find it +形容词 to do sth.15. 避免做某事 avoid doing sth. 16. 制造高科技产品 make high-technology products17. 在世界各地 in all parts of the world

25、 18. (不)被允许做某事 be (not) allowed to do sth.19. 在每个月的最后一个星期五 on the last Friday of each month 20. 地球表面 the earths surface 21. 粗心驾驶 careless driving 22. 交通事故 traffic accident23. 用某物去做某事 use sth. to do sth. 24. 某物被用来做某事 sth be used to do sth.= be used for doing sth.25. 某物被某人用 be used by sb. 26. 某物被用作. S

26、th be used as .27. 去.度假 go on a vacation to . =go to . for a vacation 28. 许多不同种类的 many kinds of .29. 风筝节 the kite festival 30. 放风筝 fly a kite 31. 国际风筝节 the international kite festival 32. 来自 be from = come from 33. 普通事物中的美 beauty in common things 34. 传统艺术形式 forms of traditional art 35. 把.变成. turn .

27、into . 36. 根据. According to .37. 放出,派遣 send out 38. 处在困境中 in trouble 39. 用. 覆盖 be covered with/by . 40. 上升到.之中 rise into . 41. 被看作. be seen as . 42. .的象征 a symbol of .43. 剪纸 paper cutting 44. 存在(多长时间) be around for +一段时间45. 把.放在(贴在).上 put . on . 46. 童话故事 fairy tale 47. 历史故事 historical story 48. 在高温下 at a very high heat/temperature49. 孔明灯 sky lanterns


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