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1、高考总复习全效新方略 词汇学习必备教育不是要把篮子装满,而是要把灯点亮!尽我所能,为您服务,做老师的好帮手! 1Unit 3 教案单元话题 人体与动作教学目标 复习人体与动作话题词汇,了解相关常识,通过阅读、完形来复习巩固本单元话题词汇,并能用所学词汇表达与话题相关的观点或内容教学重点 drop, note, notice, raise, turn; be buried in / bury oneself / ones face (head etc) in;observe, search, sight, spot,view; have / take a look at;smell, taste

2、; burst into laughter / burst out laughing;beat, catch, fill, fix, hit, hang, hold, point, reach, strike, tear, throw, touch; hold on to;rise;lie, sense教学难点 1. 表示人体动作的重点词的释义、用法和搭配以及考点指导。2. 辨析 note, notice, observe;raise, rise; view, scene, scenery, sight; beat, hit, strike;beat, defeat, win; lay, li

3、e;lie in, lie on, lie to;表示眼部动作的动词 glare, stare, glance, spot, witness 的辨析。3. 运用所学话题词汇用英语谈论或描述人体动作行为。教学建议 1. 本单元词汇量大、难度大,课前预习尤其重要。2. 课上精讲一些重难点词的释义、用法、搭配,当堂完成基础训练习题;完形、阅读中有大量话题词汇复现,需要引起学生注意。教学资源一、导学案:见电子文档二、备课参考(红色标注为本单元释义 )dropn. C 滴;常用复数 滴剂drops of rain 雨滴eye drops 眼药水 常用单数 微量;少量She has not a drop

4、of patience. 她一点耐心也没有。常用单数 下落;下降a drop in air pressure 气压下降a sharp / rapid drop in profits 利润急剧 / 快速下降 常用单数 倾斜或垂直的距离v. vi. to pay attention to sb/ sth I noticed that her hands were shaking. 我注意到她的手一直在颤抖。note (rather formal) to notice or pay careful attention to sth It is common in business English.

5、Please noted that the bill must be paid within ten days. 请注意本账单必须在十天内付清。observe (formal) to see or notice sb/sth The police officer observed him driving at 100 miles per hour. 警察发现他正以 100 英里的时速驾车。高考总复习全效新方略 词汇学习必备教育不是要把篮子装满,而是要把灯点亮!尽我所能,为您服务,做老师的好帮手! 4observe v. vt. 不用于进行时 正式用语 察觉到;注意到I observed a l

6、etter on the table. 我注意到桌上有封信。 observe doing / do sth:He observed someone open the door. 他看到有人开了门。 observe + that 从句:She observed that successful people spent a lot more time reading than they did watching TV. 她注意到成功人士花在阅读上的时间比他们看电视的时间多得多。 vt. I dont think its quite fresh. 这条鱼有臭味,我认为它不新鲜了。 vt. 不用于被动

7、语态 察觉出;感觉到I can smell a festival atmosphere. 我能感觉到节日的气氛。I can smell trouble. 我感到有麻烦了。n. C does it seem all right? 闻一闻这块奶酪,它是不是好的? smelly adj. 有臭味的;发臭的高考总复习全效新方略 词汇学习必备教育不是要把篮子装满,而是要把灯点亮!尽我所能,为您服务,做老师的好帮手! 9taste v. 用作系动词 尝起来;有的味道The food tasted better than it looked. 这种食物的味道比看上去要好。What does pumpkin

8、taste like? 南瓜是什么味道? vt. 尝;品尝;尝出的味道He tasted the soup to see if he had put enough salt in it. 他尝尝汤, 看是否够咸。I can taste grape in this bread. 我能吃出这面包有葡萄味。 vt. 尝到;体验He deserves not the sweet that will not taste the sour. 不愿吃苦,不配享福。I have never tasted the delights of country life. 我从未体验过乡村生活的乐趣。n. C & U

9、味道;味觉The water from the well has a pleasant taste. 这口井的水味道甘甜。2012 四川His taste is sensitive. 他的味觉很灵敏。 C & U 爱好;品味Popular music is not to everyones taste. 并非每个人都喜欢流行音乐。She has good taste in dressing, I would say. 我想说,她在穿着方面很有品味。 C 用单数 感受;体验This was my first taste of live theatre. 这是我初次在现场观看演出。beat v.

10、vt. & vi. (连续地) 打;敲打;殴打beat a drum 敲鼓beat . to death 把打死The boy was beaten until he was black and blue. 那孩子被打得青一块紫一块。The rain was beating against the window. 雨水正敲打着窗户。 vt. 打败;战胜;超过Will anyone beat the record this year? 今年会有人打破纪录吗?He beat all runners in the country. 他的赛跑成绩全国第一。 vi. (心脏等) 跳动She could

11、feel her heart beating with fear. 因为害怕,她能感觉到心脏在怦怦乱跳。 译林1beat about / around the bush 说话拐弯抹角Get to the point. Dont beat around the bush. 直奔主题吧,别拐弯抹角的。点拨七:taste (产出词汇)1.表示感官的动词用法:feel, look, smell, sound, taste 2. 考点复现 While she was in Paris, she developed a _ for fine art. (2013 天津)A. way B. relation

12、 C. taste D. habit This cake t delicious. Would you like a try? (2008 浙江)答案: C tastes点拨八:beat ( 产出词汇)1. beat hit strike 辨析2. beat, defeat, win 辨析三者都有“战胜”的意思。beat 宾语是人,常指在游戏或比赛中打败某人。 He beat me in chess. 他下棋赢了我。defeat 的宾语是人,指在战争、竞赛、或体育赛事中打败某人。比 beat 更正式。 Our team was defeated by 3 goals to 2. 我们队以 2:

13、3 的比分被击败。win 作及物动词时,宾语为事或物,不能接人。 win a race / a game / an election 在赛跑 / 比赛 / 选举中获胜高考总复习全效新方略 词汇学习必备教育不是要把篮子装满,而是要把灯点亮!尽我所能,为您服务,做老师的好帮手! 10n. C 敲打;敲击声; (音乐) 节拍; (心脏等) 跳动 (声)The beat of a song makes you want to dance! 歌曲的节拍让人想跳舞! 外研4My heart missed a beat. 我的心跳顿了一下。catch (caught, caught) v. vt. & vi

14、. 抓住;截住;接住catch sb by the arm 抓住某人的胳膊I got caught in the rain and my suit has been ruined. 我遇上了大雨,整套衣服都被淋得不成样子了。 Throw me that towel. 把那条毛巾扔给我。 OK. Catch. 好的,接住。 vt. 捉住;捕获Did you catch any fish? 你捉到鱼了吗?The police have launched an operation to catch the murderer. 警方已展开了行动捕捉凶手。 vt. 偶然撞见;当场发现 catch sb

15、doing sth:Anyone caught doing something ungreen might be punished. 任何人被发现做不环保的事情都有可能受到惩罚。 2013 辽宁改 catch sb + adj. / prep.:We knew he had been cheating, but we had never caught him at it before. 我们知道他一直在做手脚,但以前没有当场发现过。点拨九:catch ( 产出词汇)考点复现1. In order to _ with the advanced countries, we must keep le

16、arning.A. catch up B. get alongC. put up D. go on2. When I opened the door, a parcel on the floor _ my eye.A. met B. caught C. drew D. attracted答案:1. A 2. B辨 beat, hit, strike三个词都有“打” 、 “击”的意思,但用法不完全相同。beat 指用手或物等连续地打、敲击,如殴打或体罚,敲鼓、桌子等,还可指心脏跳动、打拍子和雨水的冲击。 She was beating the dust out of the carpet. 她在

17、敲打地毯上的灰尘。 Her heart was beating with joy. 她兴奋得心怦怦直跳。hit 表示瞬间的动作,强调打中或击中这一结果,或强调敲打、打击对象的某一点,只作及物动词用。 He shot his arrow and hit the target. 他射了一箭,击中了目标。strike 指用力地“打击” ,表示短暂的动作,含有急速的或突然的一次性的殴打、打击或敲击,是普通用词;还可表示敲钟、报时。有时与 hit 通用,指灾难侵袭。 He hit / struck her hard in the face. 他重重地打了她一耳光。 The car ran out of control and hit / struck a tree. 汽车失去控制,撞在树上。 The clock struck noon. 时钟敲响中午十二点。 Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。


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