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1、英中常用醫學詞汇 1. Medical Category 醫學科別 Allergy 過敏性病科Alternative medicine 另醫學Cardiology 心臟內科Cardiovascular 心臟血管科Dentistry 牙科Dermatology 皮膚科Gastric pass flatus 放屁 8 Pimple (Papule/Pustule) 暗瘡Poisoning 中毒Pussy discharge 膿分物Radiating 擴散Rash 疹Red and swollen throat 喉紅腫Relapse 發Ringing in my ears 耳鳴Runny nose

2、鼻水Scalded by hot water 熱水燙傷See things moving 物件移動Sense of spinning 旋轉性眩 Shivering 發、顫抖Short of breath 能呼吸Sneeze 打噴嚏Snore 鼻鼾Sore eyes 眼痛Sore throat 喉痛Sputum 痰Stop bleeding 止血Stuffy 鼻Suicidal tendency 自傾向Swalloed fishbone 被魚骨噎到Sweats 發汗Tarry black stool 黑Temperature 溫Tension/Nervous 精神緊張Thirsty 口渴Thro

3、w up or vomit 嘔吐Tiredness 疲倦Tremor 手抖Uncomfortable 舒服Unconsciousness 昏迷Urinate frequently 頻Vertigo 眩Vomit 嘔吐Watery eyes 眼水Weakness 虛弱6. Dentistry 牙科 Symptoms 癥Bad breath 口臭 Halitosis 口臭Toothache 牙痛Terms 詞彙 9 Canine 犬齒 Ceramic crown 陶瓷牙套 Crown 牙套 Dental calculus (Tartar) 齒石Dentist 牙醫 Denture 假牙Dentur

4、ist 假牙技師 Filling 補牙 Gold crown 牙套 Gum 牙肉/牙齦 Incisor 門牙 Molar 臼齒Orthodontics 矯正Orthodontist 牙科矯正醫師 Periodontist 牙週病醫師 Root canal treatment 根管治 Stutter 口吃 Veneer crown 環鑲Diseases 疾病 Aphthous Ulcer 口瘡 Cavity 蛀牙Dental abscess /tooth abscess 牙瘡Periodontal disease 牙周病 Stomatitis 口腔炎/口炎7. Dermatology 皮膚科 T

5、erms 詞彙 Baldness 禿頭 Birthmark/Nevus 胎記/ 痣 Burn 灼傷 Cancer 癌( 性腫瘤) Contusion (Bruise) 挫傷 Dry skin 乾燥皮膚 Freckle 雀班 Furuncle (Boil) 瘡 Hyperhidrosis 多汗症 Mole 痣 Rash 疹Scabies 疥瘡Sunburn 太陽灼傷 Tinea (Ringworm infection) 癬 Wart 疣Diseases 疾病 Athletes foot 香港腳 Allergic contact dermatitis 變應性接觸性皮炎 10 Corn 雞眼/釘胼D

6、ermatitis 皮膚炎/ 皮炎Drug eruption 藥疹 Eczema 濕疹Frost bite 凍瘡Infantile eczema 小兒濕疹 Lupus 瘡 Measles 麻疹Pimple 暗瘡Psoriasis 牛皮癬/銀屑病Red Rash/Roseola 紅疼 Skin cancer 皮膚癌 Urticaria 風疹塊8. Gynecology & Obstetrics 婦產科 Symptoms 癥 Amenorrhea/no menstruation 常性閉經 Ankles and feet are swollen 腳腫 Blood clots in my menstr

7、uation 月經有血塊 Breast engorgement 乳房充盈Cramp in my legs 小腿抽筋 Discharge is blood stained 白帶夾血絲 Episiotomy wound hurts 外陰口疼痛 Foul vaginal discharge 白帶臭 Heavy vaginal bleeding 陰道大出血 Heavy vaginal discharge 白帶過多 Heavy/scant menstruation 月經過多/ 少 In labor 胎兒生產作動 Irregular periods 月經規則 Menstrual pain 經痛 Misse

8、d a period 月經 Morning sickness 懷孕嘔吐Mucus discharge 白帶呈黏性 Pregnant/Expecting 懷孕 Prolapse of uterus 子宮下垂 Some blood on my panties/Have show 紅Sore nipples 乳頭疼痛 Sterile (Cant get pregnant) 育 Swollen breasts 乳房脹痛 Thin/Thick/Purulent discharge 白帶水/膿/ 含膿 Throw up every morning or morning sickness 清晨作悶嘔吐 Ut

9、erine contractions 子宮收縮 Vaginal spotting 陰道小出血 Vulva itchy/sore 外陰痕癢疼痛 Water has broken 破羊水 White cheesy discharge 白帶呈凝乳塊 Yellowish skin/Jaundice 新生兒黃疸病 11 Yellowish/Greenish/Brownish discharge 白帶呈黃/棕色Terms 詞彙 Cesarean section 剖腹分娩 D & C (dilation and curettage of uterus) 擴張宮項和刮宮術 Delivery 分娩 Epidur

10、al analgesia 無痛分娩 Fetal movement 胎動 Hormone imbalance 荷爾蒙分失調 Incubator 育嬰箱 Induced abortion 人工產(墮胎) Induced labor 引產(催生 ) Membrane rupture 破水 Menopause 期 Miscarriage/Abortion 小產 Premature delivery 早產Sterilization 結育Therapeutic abortion 治性產To wean 斷奶Tubal sterilization 輸管結育法Umbilical cord 臍帶 Uterus 子

11、宮Diseases 疾病 Candida vaginal infection 珠菌陰道炎 Cervical polyp 子宮頸息肉 Cervicitis 子宮頸炎 Endometriosis 子宮內膜位 Fibroid uterus 子宮纖維變性 Menstruation disorder 月經失調 Ovarian cyst 巢嚢腫 Ovarian tumor 巢瘤 Pelvic infection 盆腔炎Trichomoniasis 滴蟲陰道炎 Vaginitis 陰道炎 9. Ophthalmology 眼科 Symptoms 癥 Blurred vision 視覺模糊 Double vi

12、sion 重視 Dry eyes 眼感甘澀 Dull pain in eye 眼部隱痛Eye discharge 眼分物 Eyelid is itchy 眼蓋癢 Eyelid is swollen 眼蓋腫Flying objects/Floaters 飛蚊症Foreign body in the eye 眼內 物 12 Gritty/Sandy in eyes 沙入眼 Photophobia 畏光 Pussy discharge 膿分物 Severe pain in cheekbone 頰骨劇痛 Smarting pain around eye 眼部痛 Sticky discharge 黏性分

13、物 Watering eyes 眼水 Terms 詞彙 Cornea 眼角膜 Diplopia 複視Eye ball 眼球 Iris 虹膜Lens 晶體 Optometrist 驗光師Poor vision 視 Pupil 瞳孔 Retinal 視網膜Sclera 鞏膜 Tear 眼Visual activity 視Visual disturbance 視障礙 Diseases 疾病Astigmatism 散光 Blepharitis 瞼炎 Blurred vision 視模糊 Cataract 白內障 Color blindness 色盲 Conjunctivitis 結膜炎 Esotrop

14、ia (Cross-eye) 內斜視Dacryocystitis 囊炎Diabetic retinopathy 病性視網膜病 Glaucoma 青光眼 Hyperopia 遠視 Keratitis 角膜炎 Lacrimal duct 管 Macular degeneration 黃斑變性 (如色素性視網膜炎) Myopia 近視 Nyctalopia 夜盲症 Optic neuritis 視神經炎 Photophobia 怕光 Presbyopia 視(花眼) Retinal detachment 網膜剝 Retinitis 網膜炎 Squint 斜視 Stye 瞼腺炎/針眼(眼調針) Tra

15、choma 沙眼 Trichiasis 倒睫 13 10. Otolaryngology 耳鼻喉科 Ear 耳 Burning pain in ears 耳內灼痛 Cerumen (Ear wax) 耳垢 Difficulty in hearing 聽聲音有困難 Diplacusis 重聽 Ear discharge 耳分物 Earache 耳痛 Tinnitus (Ringing in the ears) 耳鳴 Some loss of hearing 部分失聰 Nose 鼻 Cant distinguish smell 嗅覺 Epistaxis (Nose bleed) 鼻血 Lost s

16、ense of smell 失去嗅覺 Nasal congestion 鼻 Nasal discharge stained with blood 鼻涕帶血 Noisy breathing 呼吸作響 Nose itches 鼻痕癢 Postnasal drip 鼻後滴注 (黏液入鼻後方) Pussy discharge 鼻膿 Rhinorrhea (Nasal discharge) 鼻涕Running nose 鼻水Sensitive to pollen/weather change/dust 花粉/天氣變化/ 塵敏感 Sneeze 噴嚏 Snore 鼻鼾Stuffy 鼻Mouth and Th

17、roat 口和喉 Bitter taste in tongue 苦澀 Choke 嗆喉Clear throat 清喉Difficulty in swallowing 吞嚥困難 Drool 口水 Dry/Furry tongue 舌苔 Hoarse voice 發聲嘶啞 Loss of voice 失聲 Sore/Itching /Red throat 喉痛 /痕/紅 Swollen throat 喉紅腫 Terms 詞彙Hearing aid 助聽器 Inner ear 內耳 Middle ear 中耳Nasal cavity 鼻腔Outer ear 外耳 14 Pharyngeal tons

18、il 頭 Semicircular canal 三半規管 Tongue 舌 Tonsil 扁桃體 Tympanic membrane (Ear drum) 鼓膜 Uvula 懸雍垂 (小舌) Vocal cord 聲帶 Diseases 疾病 Allergic rhinitis 過敏性鼻炎 Canker sore 口瘡 Diphtheria 白喉Epistaxis 鼻血 Laryngitis 喉炎 Nasopharyngeal cancer 鼻癌 Otitis media 中耳炎Pharyngitis 炎 Sinusitis 鼻竇炎 Tinnitus 耳鳴 Tonsillitis 扁桃腺炎 1

19、1. Nervous System 神經系統 Symptoms 癥 Black-out 短暫昏厥 Cant move my limbs 四肢癱瘓Confusion 錯Dazed condition 意朦朧 Delirium 讌語態 Disturbance of speech 語言障礙 Disturbance of vision 視覺障礙Dizziness 眼花 Drowsy 昏 Excited condition 興奮 態 Illusion 幻覺Intermittent tingling pain 陣痛 Light headache 輕頭痛 Loss of consciousness 失知覺

20、Nausea 心 Neck and back are stiff 頸背部僵硬 Nervous 緊張 Periodic headache 週期性頭痛 Spinning 旋轉式眩Sudden dizziness 突發式眩 Syncope 倒 Things moving or vertigo 物件移動 Tinnitus 耳鳴 15 Tremor 手抖 Vomiting/Diarrhea/Sweating 嘔吐/腹瀉/發汗 Terms 詞彙Anxiety 焦慮 Brain 腦 Cerebellum 小腦 Cerebrum 大腦Coma 昏迷Concussion 腦震盪 Convulsion 全身抽筋

21、Depression 抑鬱 Fatigue 疲倦Hemiplegia 半身遂 Insomnia 失眠 Marrow aspiration 抽背脊髓液Numb 無知覺 Paralysis 肢麻痺Paraplegia 半身麻痺Pins and needles 麻痺 Quadriplegia 四肢癱瘓 Tremor 顫抖 Spinal cord 脊髓神經 Unconscious 失知覺 Vertigo 眩(天旋地轉) Diseases 疾病Apoplexy 腦出血 (中風) Brain tumor 腦瘤Cerebral ischemia 腦缺血 Cerebral embolism 腦栓Cerebra

22、l hemorrhage 腦出血Cerebral thrombosis 腦血栓Concussion of the brain 腦震盪Encephalitis 腦炎 Epilepsy 顛癇Herpes zoster 帶泡疹 Hysteria 歇斯底症 Meningitis 腦膜炎 Migraine 偏頭痛Neuralgia 神經痛Neurasthenia 神經衰弱 Parkinsons disease 帕遜症 Sciatica 坐骨神經痛 Stroke 中風 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 蛛網膜下出血 Trigeminal neuralgia 三叉神經痛 12. Heart a

23、nd Circulatory System 心臟和循環系統 Symptoms 徵 Beating extremely fast 心跳劇 Black out 暫時性昏厥 Burning feeling in chest 胸部灼痛 Chest pain 胸痛Chest tight 胸翳悶 Dizzy/Giddy 頭 Fainted 人事 Irregular heartbeat 心跳 規則 Pale face 面色蒼白 Short of breath 能呼吸Spinning 旋轉感覺Sudden stop in my heartbeat 心跳忽停頓 Terms 詞彙 Anemia 貧血 Angiop

24、lasty 血管形成術 Artery 動脈 Atrium 心房Blood vessel 血管Coronary artery by-pass operation 心臟血管搭橋手術 Cyanosis 青紫 / 發紺Edema (Dropsy) 水腫 Heart 心臟Heart attack 心臟病發作 Lymph node 巴腺/結 Palpitation 心悸 Valve replacement 人工心瓣換 Vein 靜脈 Ventricle 心室Diseases 疾病 Aneurysm 動脈瘤 Angina 心絞痛Arrhythmia 心失調 Arteriosclerosis 動脈硬化症 Br

25、onchitis 支氣管炎 Cardiac arrest 心跳突停Cardiac asthma 心臟喘息Congenital heart disease 先天性心臟病 Coronary heart disease 冠心病Coronary occlusion 冠動脈閉 Cor pulmonale 肺性心臟病 Endocarditis 心內膜炎 Heart block 心傳導阻滯 Heart complication 心臟併發症Heart failure 心臟衰竭 17 Heart murmur 心症 Hypotension 低血壓Mitral stenosis 二尖瓣狹窄 Myocardial

26、infarction 心肌栓 Myocarditis 心肌炎 Paroxysmal tachycardia 突發性心跳 Pericarditis 心外膜炎 (心包炎) Rheumatic heart disease 風濕性心臟病 Scurvy 壞血病 Thrombosis 血栓症Tracheitis 氣管炎Valvular cyanosis 心臟瓣膜病 Valvular incompetence 瓣鎖閉全 Valvular stenosis 心瓣狹窄 13. Respiratory System 呼吸系統 Symptoms 癥 Asthma 哮喘 Blood-streaked sputum 咳

27、帶血絲痰 Chest burning 胸痛 Chest pain 胸痛Cold sweating 汗 Cough a lot 咳嗽多Hematemesis (vomit blood) 吐血 Hemoptysis (cough up blood) 咳血Dry cough 乾咳Fever on and off 間歇性發熱 Frothy sputum 咳帶泡沫痰Grey sputum 咳帶灰痰 Moist cough 濕性的咳Pink sputum 咳帶粉紅痰 Radiating to armpit 痛擴散至腋窩 Short of breath 呼吸困難Short of breath after e

28、xertion 用 後呼吸困難 Thick sputum 咳帶濃痰 Wheezing stridor 氣喘性咳White sputum 咳帶白痰Yellow sputum 咳帶黃痰Terms 詞彙 Allergic 過敏性鼻炎 Allergy 過敏症Asthma 哮喘 Bronchus 支氣管 Hay fever 花粉症Lung 肺Polyp 鼻息肉 18 Nasal congestion 鼻 Diseases 疾病 Asthma 哮喘 Bronchiectasis 支氣管擴張 Bronchitis 支氣管炎Bronchopneumonia 支氣管肺炎 Common cold 感冒Emphys

29、ema 肺氣腫 Hemoptysis 咳血 Influenza (Flu) 性感冒 Lung cancer 肺癌 Pertussis 百日咳 Pharyngitis 喉炎Pleural effusion 肺積水Pleurisy 胸膜炎Pneumonia 肺炎 Pneumothorax 氣胸Pulmonary tuberculosis 肺結核 Rhinitis 鼻炎 Sinusitis 竇炎Tracheitis 氣管炎 Upper respiratory infection 上呼吸道感染 14. Digestive System 消化系統 Symptoms 癥 Abdominal enlarge

30、ment 腹部膨脹 Acid regurgitated from stomach 酸液反胃Anorexia 食欲振 Appetite 食欲Bad breath 口臭Bleeding from Anus 肛門出血 Blood in stool 糞帶鮮血 Bowel movement 大Burning pain in anus 肛門灼熱 Constipation 秘Cramping pain 絞痛Diarrhoea 腹瀉Difficulty in swallowing 嚥食困難 Distended abdomen 腹部飽脹Fecal incontinence 大失禁 Flatulence 胃腸氣脹

31、Gas frequently 排屁頻密General abdominal pain 腹痛Gurgling sound 腸鳴 Gurgling sound in abdomen 腹腔鳴 19 Hard stool 糞硬條 Heartburn 胸痛Hiccup 打嗝Indigestion 消化 Loose and watery stool 糞稀 Loose anus 肛門後難收縮 Loose stool 糞軟條 Lost appetite 食欲振 Lumpy stool 糞Mucus in stool 糞帶黏液 Nausea 嘔吐 On and off pain 陣痛Pass Gas/Fart 放

32、屁Pass out blood 痾血Pass out worms 腸寄生蟲 Prolapsed anus 肛門脫Sense of pressure 壓迫感 Stomachache 胃痛 Tarry black stool 糞漆黑色 Thirst 口渴 Throw up (vomit) 要嘔吐 Upset stomach 胃部適 Vomit 吐 Water brash 胃灼熱 Terms 詞彙Appendix 盲腸 Gall bladder 膽囊Pancreas 胰臟Diseases 疾病 Appendicitis 盲腸炎 Ascites 腹水 Cholangitis 膽管炎 Cholecyst

33、itis 膽囊炎Cholera 霍 Cirrhosis of liver 肝硬化 Colitis 結腸炎/大腸炎 Diarrhoea 腹瀉 Duodenal ulcer 十二指腸潰瘍 Dysentery 疾 Enterogatritis (Gastro-enteritis) 腸胃炎 Esophagitis 食道炎Esophagus cancer 食道癌Gallstone 膽石 Gastric ulcer 胃潰瘍 Gastritis 胃炎 Gastroptosis 胃下垂 Hematemesis 吐血 Hemorrhoids/Piles 痣瘡 20 Hepatic failure 肝功能衰竭 H

34、epatitis 肝炎 Hernia 小腸氣 (疝氣,脫腸) Hiatus hernia 孔疝氣 Hyperacidity 胃酸過多症 Indigestion 消化 Intestinal catarrh 腸黏膜炎Intestinal obstruction 腸 Intestinal tuberculosis 腸結核 Jaundice 黃疸病Liver cancer 肝癌 Pancreatitis 胰藏炎 Perirectal abscess 肛門周圍膿瘍 Peritonitis 腹膜炎 Pyrosis (Heartburn) 胃灼熱Rectal cancer 直腸癌Stomach cancer

35、 胃癌 Typhoid fever 傷寒 (大腸熱) 15. Urinary System 系統 Symptoms 癥 Blood in my urine 小帶血 Burning feeling when urinating 小灼痛 Cloudy yellow urine 色黃濁Coffee color or brown urine 色深紅Dysuria (Difficulty in urinating) 排困難 Incontinence 小失禁 Lumbago 腰痛Retention of urine 閉、滯Tea-colored urine 色如 Urinated frequently 頻

36、繁Terms 詞彙 Adrenal gland 腎上腺 Bladder 膀胱 Impotence 陽萎Kidney 腎臟Oliguria 少Pain on urination 小時疼痛 Penis 陰莖Polyuria 多Prostate 前腺 Swelling of testis 睪丸腫大 Testis 睪丸Urethra 道Urinary incontinence 小失禁 21 Diseases 疾病Bladder stone 膀胱石 Calculus 結石 Cystitis 膀胱炎 Diabetes 病Enuresis 遺症 Gonorrhea 病 Hematuria 血Hypertro

37、phy of the prostate 前腺肥大 Nephritis 腎炎 Nephrolith 腎結石 Nephrosis 腎變病Phimosis 包莖Premature ejaculation 早洩 Pyelonephritis 盂腎炎 Renal failure/Kidney failure 腎功能衰竭 Renal stone/Kidney stone 腎石 Renal tuberculosis 腎結核 Syphilis 梅毒 Tumor of the kidney 腎瘤Uremia 毒症 Ureteral stone 輸管結石 Urethritis 道炎 Urinary tract infection 道感染 Venereal disease 性病


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