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1、An Analysis of the Impact of Money on Gatsbys humanityin The Great Gatsby学 院:外国语学院班 级:2009 级 英语 4 班指导教师:王 欢姓 名:于 亮AbstractNick comes to live in the New York, neighboring the protagonist of the novel, Gatsby. In this new place a great banquet is held every evening. Nick and Gatsby meet each other the

2、re, in which the story begins. Nick is quite interested in exploring Gatsby. Later he finds that theres a complicated love for a girl deep in Gatsbys mind. When Gatsby was young, he was a military officer. At that time he fell in love with a girl called Daisy, who had a feeling for him too. Afterwar

3、d World War I occurred, Gatsby was dispatched to Europe. It seemed accidental but also certain that Daisy broke up with him, marrying a man called Tom who was in a wealthy family. Daisys marriage life was not very happy, because Tom was dating a mistress. Substance was not enough to fill up the empt

4、iness in her mind. Gatsby was pretty deplorable, believing that it was money that made Daisy betray, so he made up his mind to make his own wealth. Several years later, he succeeds on his wealth. He builds a mansion opposite to the mansion of Daisy. Gatsby tries all kinds of ways to draw the attenti

5、on of Daisy, in order to get back his beloved. Nick is impressed by what Gatsby did, so he goes to Daisy to deliver the deep love of Gatsby. However, Daisy loves to flirt with Gatsby whenever they meet, and Gatsby would always follow her trap, naively believing that their long-term love is going to

6、have a happy ending. However the real tragedy is barely in the beginning. At that time Daisy is never the Daisy before. She barely perceives their vagueness as a kind of excitement. Once Daisy is driving absent-minded, accidentally runs into the mistress of her husband. Under the provocation of Tom,

7、 Gatsby is shot dead by the husband of Toms mistress. Even till his death, Gatsby does not espy the contemptuous smile over Daisys face. His tragedy lies in that he has dedicated everything to his perfect dream, which is barely an impossible dream. Although Daisy left and he apparently smelt the pur

8、suit of money in her voice, he did not change his mind, totally engrossed in his own dream. When people are lamenting him, Daisy is on her journey to Europe with her husband. Nick has seen the unction of humanity and returns to his hometown from this indifferent city.Keywords: Gatsby, love, money摘要尼

9、 克 ( Nick) 从 中 西 部 故 乡 来 到 纽 约 , 在 他 住 所 旁 边 正 是 本 书 主 人 公 盖 茨 比( Gatsby) 的 豪 华 宅 第 。 这 里 每 晚 都 在 举 行 盛 大 的 宴 会 。 尼 克 和 盖 茨 比 相 识 ,故 事 就 这 样 开 始 了 。 尼 克 对 盖 茨 比 充 满 探 究 的 兴 趣 。 探 究 的 结 果 是 : 尼 克了 解 到 盖 茨 比 内 心 深 处 有 一 段 不 了 之 情 。 年 轻 时 的 盖 茨 比 并 不 富 有 , 他 是一 个 少 尉 军 官 。 他 爱 上 了 一 位 叫 黛 茜 ( Daisy) 的

10、姑 娘 , 黛 茜 对 他 也 情 有 所钟 。 后 来 第 一 次 世 界 大 战 爆 发 , 盖 茨 比 被 调 往 欧 洲 。 似 是 偶 然 却 也 是 必 然 ,黛 茜 因 此 和 他 分 手 , 转 而 与 一 个 出 身 于 富 豪 家 庭 的 纨 绔 子 弟 汤 姆 ( Tom)结 了 婚 。 黛 茜 婚 后 的 生 活 并 不 幸 福 , 因 为 汤 姆 另 有 情 妇 。 物 欲 的 满 足 并 不 能填 补 黛 西 精 神 上 的 空 虚 。 盖 茨 比 痛 苦 万 分 , 他 坚 信 是 金 钱 让 黛 茜 背 叛 了 心 灵的 贞 洁 , 于 是 立 志 要 成 为

11、富 翁 。 几 年 以 后 , 盖 茨 比 终 于 成 功 了 。 他 在 黛 茜 府邸 的 对 面 建 造 起 了 一 幢 大 厦 。 盖 茨 比 挥 金 如 土 , 彻 夜 笙 箫 , 一 心 想 引 起 黛 茜的 注 意 , 以 挽 回 失 去 的 爱 情 。 尼 克 为 盖 茨 比 的 痴 情 所 感 动 , 便 去 拜 访 久 不 联系 的 远 房 表 妹 黛 茜 , 并 向 她 转 达 盖 茨 比 的 心 意 。 黛 茜 在 与 盖 茨 比 相 会 中 时 时有 意 挑 逗 。 盖 茨 比 昏 昏 然 听 她 随 意 摆 布 , 并 且 天 真 地 以 为 那 段 不 了 情 有

12、了 如愿 的 结 局 。 然 而 真 正 的 悲 剧 却 在 此 时 悄 悄 启 幕 。 黛 茜 早 已 不 是 旧 日 的 黛 茜 。黛 茜 不 过 将 她 俩 目 前 的 暖 昧 关 系 , 当 做 一 种 刺 激 。 尼 克 终 于 有 所 察 觉 , 但 为时 已 晚 。 一 次 黛 茜 在 心 绪 烦 乱 的 状 态 下 开 车 , 偏 偏 轧 死 了 丈 夫 的 情 妇 。 盖 茨比 为 保 护 黛 茜 , 承 担 了 开 车 责 任 , 但 黛 茜 已 打 定 主 意 抛 弃 盖 茨 比 。 在 汤 姆 的挑 拨 下 , 致 使 其 情 妇 的 丈 夫 开 枪 打 死 了 盖 茨

13、 比 。 盖 茨 比 最 终 彻 底 成 为 了 牺 牲品 。 盖 茨 比 至 死 都 没 有 发 现 黛 茜 脸 上 嘲 弄 的 微 笑 。 盖 茨 比 的 悲 剧 在 于 他 把 一切 都 献 给 了 自 己 编 织 的 美 丽 梦 想 , 而 黛 茜 作 为 他 理 想 的 化 身 , 却 只 徒 有 美 丽的 躯 壳 。 尽 管 黛 西 早 已 移 情 别 恋 ,尽 管 他 清 楚 地 听 出 “她 的 声 音 充 满 了 金 钱 ”,却 仍 不 改 初 衷 ,固 执 地 追 求 重 温 旧 梦 。 人 们 在 为 盖 茨 比 举 行 葬 礼 , 黛 茜 和 她丈 夫 此 时 却 早

14、已 在 欧 洲 旅 行 的 路 上 。 不 了 情 终 于 有 了 了 结 。 尼 克 目 睹 了 人 类现 实 的 虚 情 寡 义 , 深 感 厌 恶 , 于 是 怀 着 一 种 悲 剧 的 心 情 , 远 离 喧 嚣 、 冷 漠 、空 洞 、 虚 假 的 大 都 市 , 黯 然 回 到 故 乡 。关 键 词 : 盖 茨 比 , 爱 情 , 金 钱ContentsAbstract in EnglishiAbstract in Chinese.iiiI. Introduction.1A. A brief introduction to Fitzgerald.1B. A Brief Introd

15、uction to Gatsby.1C. Literature Review1. An Analysis of the process of tragedy of Gatsby.2A. Gatsbys Americans dream.2B. Gatsbys character.2. The relationship between Gatsby and Daisy.3.The relationship between Gatsby and Fitzgerald.4V. Conclusion6Works Cited.7- 1 -I. IntroductionA. A brief introduc

16、tion to FitzgeraldFrancis Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940), one of the greatest authors in the 20th century in the US. They were called the lost generation, and the signal of the roaring 20s. His writings have the exact feature of the lost generation, describing the young generations failure of pursuing

17、 their Americas dream. In 1925, his masterpiece The Great Gatsby was published, marking his special status in the history of literature. The Great Gatsby describes the disillusioned Americas dream. The novel censures the upper class, shows compassion for Gatsby, and express that his tragedy was beca

18、use of his perfect delusion and unawareness of the upper class. In December 1940, he passed away, aging 44.B. A Brief Introduction to GatsbyIn the 20s of 20th century in the US, the air is filled with frolic. Accidently, the deprived employee Nick gets into knowing the secret world of Gatsby. To Nic

19、ks surprise, the secret in Gatsbys mind is the girl on the other side of the river, named Daisy. However, cruel reality failes his fragile dream, and the goddess in his eyes is barely an ordinary money-pursuing woman. This novel adopts impressionism, which is significant in his status in the history

20、 of literature. C. Literature Reviewduring the time when this novel was written, the World War I just - 2 -ended(1918), and the Great Depression(1929) had not come. The traditional morality had been shattered, and hedonism took control of peoples mind. Its a generation which by Fitzgerald was called

21、 “a miracle generation, an art generation, a money generation, and also a irony generation. Under his writing, the young people of the upper class were the permanent characters, who could not reject the lure of money. His novels are often filled with the dreams of young people, because those are the

22、 traits of the generation. In the meantime, his novels are also filled with emotion failure, because that is the fate of the people at that time. . An Analysis of the process of tragedy of GatsbyA. Gatsbys Americans dreamThe Great Gatsby is a novel that illustrates the society in the 1920s and the a

23、ssociated values and dreams can be summed up to be what is termed the American Dream: a dream of money, wealth, prosperity and the happiness that supposedly came with the booming economy and getting-rich schemes that formed the essential underworld of American upper class society. Fitzgerald illustr

24、ates the American Dream and the carelessness of a society that floats in the wake of this dream. According to the characters respective expectation, it can be seen that the American Dream is not confined to one social class or type of person, but to the whole nation, everyone.B. Gatsbys character- 3

25、 -In the novel, Gatsby reveals himself to be an innocent, hopeful young man who stakes everything on his dream, not realizing that his dream is unworthy of him. To Gatsby, his dream I of spiritual reunion with Daisy, but his prior dream is wealth. He thinks that wealth can solve all his problems: ti

26、me, Daisy, and love. In the novel, Gatsby uses the most lavish party, sumptuous mansion, and gorgeous machine to impress Daisy. And the green light, situated at the end of Daisys East Egg dock, represents Gatsbys hopes and dreams for the future. Gatsby associates it with Daisy.However, Gatsbys dream

27、 is predetermined to fail. On the one hand, he acquires immense wealth through criminal activities, for instance, bootlegging. This is the opposite idea of the American Dream, which states that only the good, virtuous and hard working are rewarded. On the other hand, he held an unrealistic view of l

28、ife and how he could recreate the past. His dreams has distorted in the reality, when his rationality realizes that the image of life and of Daisy does not coincide with the real life version. The devastating end of his dream is the finish of The Great Gatsby. Just as Fitzgerald sees the American dr

29、eam crumbling in the 1920s, American powerful optimism, vitality, and individualism become subordinated to the amoral pursuit of wealth. . The relationship between Gatsby and DaisyIn Gatsbys eyes, Daisy is his American Dream. Gatsby has made Daisy a symbol of everything he values. In order to be reunited with Daisy, he holds the lavish weekly party to draw Daisys attention and gets help from Nick. Chapter 5


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