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1、四川外语学院外语专业本科毕业论文写作规范 第一条 本科毕业论文是实现本科培养目标的重要教学环节。毕业论文的 写作是对学生综合素质的检验,它既是检测学生综合运用所学的基础理论、专 业知识和基本技能进行科学研究、理论思考与实践设计能力的重要手段,也是 对他们进行初步的科研训练,掌握基本的科研方法,培养学生观察问题、分析 问题和解决问题能力的重要过程。本科毕业论文是学院教学档案的重要组成部 分,为了进一步做好外语专业本科生毕业论文工作,加强本科毕业论文的规范 管理,结合我院实际,特制定本写作规范。 第二条 毕业论文总要求 本科毕业论文要求学生在掌握本专业的基础理论、专门知识和基本技能的 基础上,通过

2、查阅相关资料,有条理、有逻辑地观察问题、分析问题和解决问 题。论文要求观点鲜明、论据充分、论证有力、逻辑性强、条理清楚、文字正 确通顺、格式规范。同时,论文鼓励学生进行思维与观念上的创新,培养学生 的创新能力,鼓励学生发表新见解;论文应该科学合理地利用资料,严禁抄袭 或剽窃他人的作品(具体要求见四川外语学院本科生毕业论文撰写条例(暂 行) ) 。 第三条 毕业论文打印格式 (一)纸型:A4 纸型。 (二)页码:页码从正文第二页开始打印(首页不显示) ,放在页面的底端, 采用“页面底端居中”的格式。 (三)字体:用汉语撰写的论文统一采用“宋体” ,用英语、法语、俄语、 德语、西班牙语等外语撰写的

3、论文采用“时代新罗马(Times New Roman) ”字 体,用日语撰写的论文采用“明朝体” 。 (四)字号:论文正文的字号用“小四” ,章节标题用“四号”加粗。 (五)页边距:采用 Windows XP 默认页边距:上 2.54 厘米,下 2.54 厘 米,左 3.17 厘米,右 3.17 厘米。 (六)装订线:左边 1 厘米。 (七)行数:每页 44 行。 (八)页眉页脚:页眉 1.5 厘米,页脚 1.75 厘米。 (九)行距:论文全文采用 1.5 倍行距。 (十)对齐方式:论文正文采用“两端对齐”的方式,标题或副标题采用 “居中”的方式。 第四条 论文组成部分 本科生的毕业论文应该包

4、括以下部分: 第一部分:论文封面页(Cover Page ) 第二部分:论文题目页(Title Page ) 第三部分:论文目录页(Outline Page) 第四部分:论文正文(Body) 第五部分:论文尾注(Endnotes) 第六部分:论文参考书目(Bibliography) 第五条 毕业论文装订 (一)毕业论文的装订顺序应为:论文封面页、论文题目页、论文目录页、 论文正文、论文尾注、论文参考书目。 (二)毕业论文装订份数总计 4 份,1 份用于存档,另 3 份用于论文评阅与 答辩(答辩时学生使用的论文自备,不需装订) 。 第六条 论文各组成部分的写作规范 (一)论文封面页 论文封面页采

5、用学院统一的封面格式,内容包括毕业论文题目(中外文) 、 系别、专业、年级、学生姓名、指导教师及论文结稿日期。 (二)论文题目页 1.论文题目页应该用外语(非外语专业用中文)撰写。 2.论文题目页包括论文的标题、摘要(约 200 字左右)以及关键词(3-5 个) 。 3.论文标题与摘要,英文单词“Abstract ”与摘要正文,摘要正文与关键词 之间均空一行。 4.摘要正文各自然段首行空 5 个字符。 Self-Knowledge of Emma (空 1 行) Abstract (空 1 行) Emma lives in a quite simple environment. When sh

6、e is a little child, her mother dies and she is spoiled by her father. Having such a background, Emma is dominant, aggressive and imaginative. After she experiences the two major affairs in her life- the relationship with Harriet and her emotion towards Mr. Knightley, she realizes her own faults and

7、 acquires self-knowledge of both moral faults and emotion. After Emma fails to be a match-maker of Harriet and Mr. Knightley, she comes to know that feelings can not be imagined and that she should not force her own idea on others mind. And this is the very beginning of Emmas self-knowledge. Emmas s

8、elf-knowledge of both emotion and moral faults deepens as she gradually realizes her emotion towards Mr. Knightley. Mr. Knightley has sexual attraction for Emma and he also set a moral model for Emma, but Emma does not realize this kind of feeling. When Harriet tells Emma that she loves Mr. Knightle

9、y, Emma suddenly know how much she loves Mr. Knightley and at the same time she completely realizes her moral faults. (空 1 行) Key words: Emma; characters; match-making; self-knowledge (三)论文目录页 1.论文目录页采用主题式目录(Topic Outline)或短句式目录(Sentence Outline) ;主题式目录中的所有列举项均为名词(分词) 、名词(分词)短语及 其它非谓语结构,短句式目录则以短句的形式

10、标示各组成部分的写作内容。 2.主题式或短句式目录均采用三级制,第一级编号为罗马字 四号,加粗,居中 小四号,加粗, 居中,200 字左 右 加粗,3-5 个关键词,各关键词之间用分号隔开 两端对齐,小四,1.5 倍行 距 各段首行空 5 字符,有 特殊格式要求的语种 (如德语)除外 (I,II,III,) ,第二级编号为英文大写字母(A,B,C,) ,第三级 编号为阿拉伯数字(1,2,3,) 。 (德语专业第一级编号为数字 (1,2,3,) ,第二级编号为 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,第三级编号为 1.1.1,1.1.2,1.1.3) 3.论文目录页的具体内容包括论文题目(Title) 、论

11、文观点( Thesis Statement)和各分级目录。 4.论文题目用四号、加粗、居中对齐,外文单词 Outline(提纲、目录)与 Thesis Statement(论文观点)用小四号、加粗、首字母大写,目录页正文字体 用小四,1.5 倍行距。 5.论文目录页的其他具体规范见示例: (1)主题式目录: The Independence of Jane Eyre (空 1 行) Outline (空 1 行) Thesis Statement: Jane Eyre tried to preserve her self-respect, independence and self-suffi

12、ciency at every stage of her life, both in struggling with social pressure and in resisting the temptation of passion. (空 1 行) I. Introduction: Jane Eyres Preserving of her Independence at Every Stage of her Life II. Janes Realization of the Importance of Independence at Gateshead A. Peoples Sympath

13、etic Ignorance of Jane owing to her Homely Appearance at Childhood B. Invitation of Scorn from Dependence and Incompetence C. Necessity to Be Saved from Blind Fear of Authority and Self-reliance III. Strength Gained from her Teacher and Fellow Students at Lowood Institution A. Learning from Maria Te

14、mple the Value of Independence B. Learning from Helen the Importance of Duty and Self-control IV. Full Display of Independence at Thornfield Hall 四号,加粗,居中 小四,加粗,首字 母大写 对齐 小四,居中,加粗 第一级编号 第二级编号 实义词首字母大写 A. Working as a Governess to Support Herself B. Regain of Control over her Passion after the Accept

15、ance of Rochesters Love 1. Her Refusal to Be Someone in his Possession 2. Her Preference of his Rude Openness to his Flattery 3. Maintaining Independence Economically as Adeles Governess. V. Pleasure of Self-sufficiency at Moor House A. Spiritual Support from her Friendship with the Two Sisters B. G

16、aining Social Respect by Teaching in the Village School C. Reject of St. Johns Offer of Marriage VI. Marrying Rochester as his Equal at Ferdean VII. Conclusion (2)短句式目录: The Independence of Jane Eyre (空 1 行) Outline (空 1 行) Thesis Statement: Jane Eyre tried to preserve her self-respect, independence

17、 and self-sufficiency at every stage of her life, both in struggling with social pressure and in resisting the temptation of passion. (空 1 行) I. Introduction: Jane Eyre tried to preserve her independence at every stage of her life. II. At Gateshead, Jane began to realize the importance of independen

18、ce. A. Jane, a poor orphan of ten, did not evoke sympathy from other people, because she was not pretty. B. From John Reed Jane learned that dependence and incompetence invited nothing but scorn. C. In the “red room”, Jane began to realize that she needed to be saved from her blind fear of authority

19、 and be self-reliant. III. At Lowood Institution, Jane gained strength from her teacher and fellow 第三级编号 小四,1.5 倍行距 四号,加粗,居中 小四,加粗,首字母大写 对齐 第一级编号 第二级编号 小四,加粗,居中 students to achieve her independence. A. Jane learned from Maria Temple the value of independence. B. Jane learned from Helen the importanc

20、e of duty and self-control. IV. At Thornfield Hall, Jane showed her independence fully. A. Jane worked as a governess to support herself. B. Jane tried to regain control over her passion when she felt her loss of independence after she accepted Rochesters love. 1. She wanted to be his friend and com

21、panion, but not someone in his possession. 2. She told him she preferred his rude openness to his flattery. 3. She remained economically independent by maintaining her job as Adeles governess. V. At Moor House, Jane learned the pleasure of self-sufficiency. A. Jane became spiritually stronger and mo

22、re confident through her friendship with the two sisters, Diana and Mary Rivers. B. Jane gained social respect by teaching in the village school. C. Jane rejected St. Johns offer of marriage because she did not want to live as a tool to serve God. VI. At Ferdean, Jane married Rochester as his equal

23、after his wifes death and his loss of all his property in a big fire. VII. Conclusion: struggling hard with social pressure and in resisting the temptation of passion, Jane Eyre achieved her self-respect, independence and self-sufficiency. (四)论文正文 1. 论文正文标题(含副标题)用四号加粗,居中对齐。 2. 论文如分章节,每章应单独起页,章标题用四号加

24、粗,居中对齐;章内 小标题左起顶格,前后各空一行。 3.标题与正文之间空一行。 4.正文中各自然段首行空 5 字符。 第三级编号 5.正文中直接引用的原文如果不超过 4 行,则直接将引文并入正文,并在 引用部分的前后使用引号标注,同时在引号之后采用阿拉伯数字,对引文进行 注释编号;注释序号应以论文全文为单位统一按序编号,正文中的注释编号应 与尾注部分的注释编号相同;注释编号采用上标的方式,数字与引号之间不加 空格字符,数字之后空 1 个字符。 6.直接引用不超过 4 行(含 4 行)的短引文,其标点与注释编号采用下列 格式: (1) P. C. Shelley held a bold view

25、: “Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.”1 (2) P. C. Shelley thought poets “the unacknowledged legislators of the world.”2 (3) “Poets,” according to Shelley, “are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.”3 7、通过阐释、描述或者转述的方式间接引用别人的观点,则不用引号,而 在间接引用结束以后用数字编序的方式进行注解: (4) P. C. Shelle

26、y once wrote in a book that poets were the unauthorized law-makers of the world. 4 8、直接引用 5 行以上(含 5 行)的长引文应与正文分开单独列示,具体格 式如下: (1)论文正文与引文之间用冒号连接。 (2)长引文首尾不用引号。 (3)长引文如果仅有 1 段,左边每行空 10 字符: In the 1950s, for example, while Ellington was still alive, Raymond Horricks compared him with Ravel, Delius, and

27、 Debussy: 引号前用冒号,数字采用上标,数 字后空一个字符 引号前不加标点 直接应用的引文如果被断开, 前后用逗号隔开 冒号 空 5 字符 (空一行) The continually enquiring mind of Ellingtonhas sought to extend steadily the imaginative boundaries of the musical form on which it subsists. Ellington since the mid-1930s has been engaged upon extending both the imagery

28、 and the formal construction of written jazz.5 (空一行) Ellingtons earliest attempt to move beyond the three-minute limit recieved . (4)长引文如果有 2 段或者 2 段以上,则每一自然段的首行应再多空 3 字 符,即首段空 13 字符,其余各行空 10 字符。 (5)长引文与正文之间各空一行: Figures in literature are either flat characters ( one dimensional figures, figures wit

29、h simple personalities) or round characters (complex figures). The characters described in the first chapter of The Great Gatsby can well be regarded as flat: (空一行) I never saw this great-uncle, but Im supposed to look like him- with special reference to the rather hard-boiled painting that hangs in

30、 fathers office. I graduated from New Haven in 1915, just a quarter of a century after my father, and a little later I participated in that delayed Teutonic migration known as the Great War. 6 (空一行) However, F. Scott Fitzgerald succeeds in changing these flat figures into round ones through his mast

31、er-hand writing skills and in-depth characterization. (五)论文尾注(Endnotes) 1.本科毕业论文的尾注页应该单独起页。 2.论文尾注以全文为单位拉通编序,序号应该与正文中注释的最初编号一 致。 3.尾注的数字编号采用上标的形式,数字后空 1 字符。 不用引号,左边空 10 字符 2 段以上引文首行空 13 字符 空 10 字 符 正文首行空 5 字符 用数字标注 4.尾注的行文采用首行缩进的方式,首行缩进 5 字符。 5.尾注中作者的编排方式采用名前姓后(First Name First)的原则,如 John Kennedy(外国

32、人) 、 Xiaoming Li(中国人的拼音拼写) 。 6.尾注中汉语注释的格式如下: 7 申丹, 叙事学与小说文体学研究 ,北京:北京大学出版社,1998 年,第 69 页。 8 申丹, “中西神话故事中的叙述结构, ”中国比较文学 ,2000(3) , 第 54 页。 9 陈红霞, “浪漫误读与贬抑性误读, ”收于乐黛云编, 独角兽与龙 中西文化交流中的误读 ,北京:北京大学出版社,1996 年,第 91 页。 7.尾注中书名用斜体标注,出版信息(出版地、出版社、出版年份)用括 号扩注,同时标注页码: Notes (空一行) 1 Leonard Shatzkin, In Cold Typ

33、e: Overcoming the Book Crisis (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1982), 35. 2 Ibid., 145. 3 Ibid 4 Paul Starr, “The Electronic Reader,” in Reading in the 1980s, ed. Stephen Braubard (New York: Bowker, 1983), 78. 5 Nicolas E. Davis and Gregory Crane, ed., The Printing Press as an Agent of Change (Cambridge:

34、Cambridge University Press, 1979), 107. 6 Welter W. Powell , “The Health-Science Information Struggle: The Private Information Industry versus The National Library of Medicine,” New England Journal of Medicine 307 (15 July 1982), 201. 7 Starr, 79. 8 http:/ 9 http:/www

35、.eng.fju.edu.tw/Literary_Criticism/new_criticism/ (六)论文参考书目 1.本科毕业论文的参考文献数目不得少于 4 本(部、篇) 。 2.本科毕业论文的参考书目页应该单独起页。 四号,加粗,居中 空 5 字符,数字用上 标,数字后空 1 字符 与上一注释同书不同页 出处与上一注释完全相同 编著中文章 编著 期刊文章同一出处再次出现但页码不同时 出处为网址时 3.论文参考书目中作者的编排方式采用姓前名后(Last Name First)的原则, 中间用逗号隔开,各意义单元间用实心点标示,如 Kennedy, John.(外国人)或 Li, Xiao

36、ming.(中国人的拼音拼写) 。 4.参考书目的行文采用悬挂缩进的方式,每一书目悬挂缩进 5 字符。 5.参考书目中如兼有两种文字资料,则应分开排列,先外语后中文。 6.参考书目中外文书名用斜体标注,出版信息(出版地、出版社、出版年 份)不用括号扩注,除期刊文章外不用标注页码: Bibliography (空一行) Davis, Nicolas E., and Gregory Crane, ed. The Printing Press as an Agent of Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979. http:/www.e

37、ng.fju.edu.tw/Literary_Criticism/new_criticism/ Powell, Welter W “The Health-Science Information Struggle: The Private Information Industry versus The National Library of Medicine.” New England Journal of Medicine 307 (15 July 1982), 201-223. Shatzkin, Leonard. In Cold Type: Overcoming the Book Cris

38、is. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1982. Starr, Paul. “The Electronic Reader.” In Reading in the 1980s. Ed. Stephen Braubard. New York: Bowker, 1983. (空 1 行) 桂诗春、宁春岩主编 语言学方法论 ,北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1997。 (空 1 行) 廖七一 “庞德与胡适诗歌翻译的文化思考, ”外国语2003(6) ,第 5459 页。 四号,加粗,居中按英文首字母顺序拉通编序 先外文后中文,中间空一行 出版信息 不用括号 各意义单位之间用实心点隔开 期刊文章附页码 不同参考书目之间空 1 行 尤今奈达著,严久生译 语言文化与翻译 ,呼和浩特:内蒙古大学出版, 1998。 中国对外翻译出版公司 诗词翻译的艺术 ,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 1987。 第七条 适用对象 本规范适用于外语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写(有特殊要求的语种如日语、 德语,按照其语种格式规范写作) ,非外语专业本科生毕业论文的写作参见四 川外语学院非外语专业本科毕业论文写作规范 (新闻传播学院的学生参见新 闻传播学院本科毕业论文写作规范 ) 。 第八条 本规范解释权归教务处。 四川外语学院教务处 著者为公司或机构时


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