2012秋外研版七上unit1《i always like birthday parties》word教案.doc

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1、新外研版七年级上册英语教学设计 课 题 Module8 Unit1 I always like birthday parties. 课时 No.1 教学 目标 1. 知识与技能:能听懂并运用有关词汇、句型简单描述如何过生 日。 能听懂并学会用 Would you like to ?发出及 接受邀请。 2. 学习策略:注意学习生活中关于生日的有关英语。 3. 情感态度:培养乐于交友、乐于合作、健康向上的品格。 4. 文化意识:了解不同国家的人们赠送生日礼物时不同的风俗。 重点 难点 1频度副词的使用及在句中的位置。 2动词第三人称单数形式。 3形容词性物主代词的用法。 教学过程(集体备课) 个性

2、备课 【课前预习】 1、课前朗读本单元单词及相关短语,小组内的互相学习、 监督。 card, party,present, would,always, great, cake, never, special, cut, give, sing, happy, secret 2、词汇大比拼(学生自查单词,看谁写的又快又对) 。 【课上探究】 Task1 warming up 1. Look at the picture and describe it.(Activity1) Then let the Ss show. 2. Listen and number .(Activity2) Then c

3、heck in class. 3. Talk about your birthday. What do you usually do on your birthday? I usually have a big dinner/ 4. 教授频度副词 never sometimes often usually always. I always have a big dinner. I never have a party. I sometines get a card. Task 2 listening 1. Pre-listening Listen and answer: When is Dam

4、ings birthday party? Do they sing Happy Birthday? Who always gets birthday presents? 2. Deep listening Listen and check the true sentences (Activity 5) Task 3 reading and practice 1. Read the dialogue and do Activity 4. 2. Read the passage and find out the phrases. (读课文,找短语) 生日聚会_做生日蛋糕_ 生日卡片_用汉语/英语

5、_ 得到生日礼物_在聚会上 _ Task 4 Grammar 1. 动词第三人称单数词尾变化有三种形式。 (1)一般动词在词尾加-s, -s 在清辅音后读s,在浊辅音或元 音后读z, ds 读dz,ts 读ts。如: helphelps , knowknows,get gets,readreads (2)以字母 s,x,ch,sh 或有些以 o 结尾的动词加 -es,-es 读 iz。如: guessguesses ,fix fixes,teachteaches ,washwashes gogoes ,dodoes (3)以辅音字母+y 结尾的动词,先变 y 为 i,再加-es,-ies 读

6、iz。如: carrycarries ,fly flies 注:在 play plays,saysays 中,字母 y 前为元音字母,第 三人称单数形式直接在动词后面加-s。 (4)特殊词例外。如:beis,havehas 2. would like 用法 would like 意为“想,想要” ,与 want 意义相同,但语气更 委婉。would like 可与任何人称连用,没有人称和数的变化, 肯定句中 would 常在主语后面缩写为 d。 肯定句:主语 + would like 一般疑问句:Would + 主语 + like ? 特殊疑问句:疑问词 + would + 主语 + like

7、 ? 基本用法: 1. would like sth. “想要某物” 。如: Would you like a cup of tea? Yes, please. / No, thanks. 2. would like to do sth. “想要做某事” 。如: Would you like to go shopping with me? Yes, Id like to. / Id like to, but I have to do my homework. 3. would like sb to do sth “想要某人做某事” 。如: Jim would like his friend t

8、o help him with his English. Task5 Test 当堂检测 (一)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. What do you u_ do on Saturday? 2. I a_ do my homework in the evening. 3. Lets s_ him a birthday card. 4. He often gets a birthday p_. 5. My grandpa _(经常) drinks tea in the afternoon. 6. Jim g_ a lot of presents on his birthday party.

9、 (二)把下列句子翻译成英语。 1. 你愿意参加我的生日聚会吗?我很乐意去。 _ 2. 生日聚会上你通常干什么? _ 3. 我们有时候送生日卡片。 _ 4. 你用汉语唱还是用英语? _ 5. 大明总能收到生日礼物。 _ Task6 课堂小结与评价 小组交流总结本节课所学知识,并进行评价。 板 书 设 计 Module8 Unit1 I always like birthday parties. Would you like to do ? birthday party Yes,Id love to. birthday card What do you usually do at? birthday present At the birthday dinner,we eat noodles. sing Happy Birthday Daming always gets birthday presents. give sb sth = give sth to sb at the birthday dinner In English/ in Chinese make a birthday cake 教后 反思


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