2012秋外研版七上unit2《the tiger lives in asia》word学案.doc

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2012秋外研版七上unit2《the tiger lives in asia》word学案.doc_第1页
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2012秋外研版七上unit2《the tiger lives in asia》word学案.doc_第2页
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1、七年级英语上册 Module 6 A trip to the zoo Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia 学习目标: 1.能读懂介绍动物的文章并且能寻找细节信息。 2.能描写自己喜欢的动物。 3.学会关爱动物保护动物。 重难点:行为动词的一般现在时 课前延伸 1. 预习 unit2 的相关词汇。 2.行为动词一般现在时的基本用法。 3.课前准备:大声朗读单词。 课内探究 Step I: Lead in. Play a guessing game. Step II: Pre-reading. Where are the animals from? Step III :S

2、kimming (速读) Read quickly and answer the questions. 1.How many animals are there in the passage?_ _ 2.What are they? _, _,_,_,_. Step IVCareful reading.(细节阅读) Read Para. 1 and 3 carefully. 1. This elephant lives in Africa.( ) 2. The elephant eats plants, bamboo and meat.( ) 3. The zebra is an _ anim

3、al. 4. What doesnt the zebra eat?( ) A. plants B. leaves C. grass D. bamboo Read Para. 4 and match (连线) live swimming like Asia be good at animals catch water Read Para. 2 and 5 carefully. 1. About 500 pandas live in zoos.( )(T/F) 2. How many kilos of bamboo does the panda eat a day ?( ) A.50 B.70 C

4、. 30 D.60 3. Monkeys live in ( )(多选) A. Africa B. Europe C. Asia D. America 4. Do monkeys eat eggs? _ Step V Our favourite animal. Step VI: Making friends. Step VII:Summary. Step VIII: Homework. 课后提升 (一) 复习巩固 1. 复习本节课所学内容,记忆基本单词和短语。 2. 整理课堂笔记 ,掌握新词汇,语法知识。 (二) 分层作业 1.写一段文章介绍你最喜欢的动物。(必做) 2.网上搜寻更多动物的信息并制作海报。 (选做)


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