2013人教版必修一unit4《earthquakes》(the 6th period)word教案.doc

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1、英语:Unit4Earthquakesthe 6th period 教案(1) (新人教版必修 1) The Sixth Period 从容说课 In this period, Teacher will help to train the students reading,listening and speaking skills. In the Reading part,the students should not only understanding the whole passage,but also try to compare it with the reading passage

2、 on Page 26.Compare the ways that the writers used to describe the facts and feelings.After comparison the students will know that the writer of the San Francisco quake described more feelings.So then the students are asked to read the third paragraph with feeling.Reading with emotions is often igno

3、red by teachers and students.But it can really improve the students understanding of the passage. In Listening part,the students will first use what they have learnt in the first period to fill in the form.Then they will listen to the tape several times to finish the task.This step doesnt only provi

4、de the students a chance to train their listening ability but also provide them knowledge about how to produce an earthquake plan,which is very useful and practical. Then the students will choose items for the personal earthquake bag.They should make good choices as well as explain the reasons why t

5、hey choose these items instead of those.Like the previous step,this step also trains the students speaking and provides them with some useful knowledge. 三维目标 1.Knowledge: (1)Learn a passage about the San Francisco Earthquake. (2)Learn how to make an earthquake plan. (3)Learn what to contain in a per

6、sonal earthquake bag. 2.Ability: (1)Learn to compare two similar passages. (2)Train the students listening ability. (3)Train the students speaking ability. (4)Learn to find reasons for their choices. 3.Emotion: (1)Learn to cooperate with others. (2)Learn from the bravery of people of San Francisco t

7、o face the reality. 教学重点 (1)Train the students listening ability. (2)Train the students speaking ability. (3)Learn a passage about the San Francisco Earthquake. 教学难点 (1)Learn to compare two similar passages. (2)Learn to find reasons for their choices. 教具准备 (1)a tape recorder (2)a projector (3)the bl

8、ackboard 教学过程 Step 1 Greetings Greet the whole class as usual. Step 2 Revision T:In the second period,you learnt some detailed information about the Tangshan Earthquake.Can you use fewer than five sentences to summarize the passage? S:Let me have a try.The terrible earthquake struck the city of Tang

9、shan while people were sleeping.More than 400000 people were killed or injured in the quake.After the quake,people found nearly everything was destroyed.But people in Tangshan didnt lose heart.They rebuilt the city with the help of soldiers. T:Quite good. Step 3 Reading and Comparing T:In the first

10、period,we also talked about the earthquakes that happened in San Francisco. Today, we will learn a passage titled “The Story of an Eyewitness”,which is about the San Francisco Earthquake in 1906.It was written by Jack London,who was a famous American writer. T:First read the passage carefully.While

11、reading,please think about the following questions: (1)How did the author feel about the earthquake? (2)How did the author feel about the people of San Francisco? (Ss read the passage.) T:Now,lets check your answers. S1:The author found the earthquake shocking and horrible,because the author wrote,

12、“Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed.” “Nothing is left of it but memories and some houses far from the centre of the city.” S2:The author found the people of San Francisco different from ever before,because the author wrote, “Never in all San Franciscos history were her

13、people so kind as on that terrible night.” People became more patient and understanding to each other. T:Quite good.But I dont think they are the only answers to the questions.You can keep your own answers as long as you think they are reasonable and you can find proofs from the passage. Read the fi

14、rst paragraph in this passage.Then go back and read again the first paragraph of the passage on Page 26.Compare the ways both writers give you details about the earthquakes.Try to finish the 4 exercises on Page 66.You may discuss in pairs. (Ss read the two passages and finish the exercises.) (After

15、several minutes.) T:Now lets check your answers. S3:I think the writer of the San Francisco in 1906 shows more feelings about the earthquake.For example,he wrote, “Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed.”“Nothing is left of it but memories and” T:I agree with you.You can see

16、 that the author of the Tangshan quake in 1976 described many phenomena that happened before the quake was coming.There were no words that expressed the authors feelings in the first paragraph. S4:Both writers give similar details about the damage caused by the quakes and peoples bravery to face the

17、 realities. (Teacher goes on checking the answers with the whole class and asks the students to give their reasons.) T:Next I will play the tape of this passage for you to listen.Please pay special attention to the intonation. (After listening.) T:Now I will give you several minutes to read the thir

18、d paragraph with feeling. Step 4 Listening T:Up till now,earthquakes are still difficult to predict.We can hardly avoid an earthquake.But actually we can do things to reduce the losses of an earthquake,and we have discussed that in the first period.Lets look at the form on Page 66 and have a discuss

19、ion about the earthquake plan with your partner. (After several minutes.) S1:The first thing I must do is to pick “safe places” in each room in my house. S2:The second thing I must do is to stay indoors until the shaking has stopped and stay away from windows. S3:The third thing I must do is to expe

20、ct aftershocks and use extreme caution when entering buildings. T:What should you do if you are outside? S4:If Im outside in an earthquake,I should stay outside and move away from buildings,trees ,streetlights and power lines.I should stay there until the shaking stops. T:What should you do if you a

21、re in the living room? S5:I should stay away from window.Crouch down under a sturdy table and stay indoors until the shaking stops and Im sure its safe to exit. T:What should you do if you are in the house alone? S6:I must keep calm.Step towards the nearest safe place in the house and stay there unt

22、il the shaking stops. T:Next we are going to listen to the tape and write down the three “things” that are mentioned. (Teacher checks the answers with the class.) T:Then lets listen again.This time you should write down more details about each of the “things”. (After listening,Teacher checks the ans

23、wers with the class.Play the tape again if necessary.) Step 5 Speaking T:You know every family should have an earthquake bag,in which there are enough things that you can use in case of an earthquake.Here we have a list of possible items for the personal earthquake bag.Choose only eight things,which

24、 you think are the most essential,from the list.They must last you five days.Discuss with your partner. (After several minutes.) T:Now join another pair and discuss your choices.Put all the things you agree on into a final list.Discuss the other items explaining your reasons and trying to agree whic

25、h ones are the most suitable. (After several minutes.) T:Each group should choose one representative.Now be prepared to present your list to the class and give your reasons for each choice. 板书设计 Unit 4 Earthquake The Sixth Period Questions: (1)How did the author feel about the earthquake? (2)How did

26、 the author feel about the people of San Francisco? My Earthquake Plan 1st thing I must do 2nd thing I must do 3rd thing I must do If you are outside,you If you are in the living room, you If you are in the house alone, you 活动与探究 Poster-making Prepare a poster to be put up around schools or hospital

27、s to explain to people what they should collect in a personal earthquake bag and why.Give a list of the items chosen and give reasons for the choice.The students must also explain why some other things should not be chosen.The students posters should be divided into three parts. Part 1:What the post

28、er is about and why. Part 2:The items and why they are chosen. Part 3:What should be avoided and why. 备课资料 Questions and Answers about Earthquakes 1.What is the biggest earthquake ever recorded? The largest earthquake recorded in the world in the last 200 years was the 1960 magnitude 9.5 earthquake

29、in Chile.It caused 5700 deaths and created a large tsunami.It is the largest earthquake to be recorded by modern instruments and ruptured over 700 km of faultline with slip of about 20 m.It was the first real confirmation that the whole earth rings like a bell after a big earthquake. 2.What are fore

30、shocks? Foreshocks are earthquakes that occur up to days or weeks prior to a larger earthquake.Scientists are currently unable to tell the difference between foreshocks and normal background seismicity until the large earthquake has happened.However,the fact that many large earthquakes do have fores

31、hocks,indicates that something unusual is happening before the large events and gives us hope that one day we will be able to detect what this unusual activity is. 3.How long does an earthquake last? People who have just felt an earthquake often ask how long it lasted.What they really want to know i

32、s how long they felt the shaking.This depends on the size of the earthquake and their distance from it,because earthquake waves spread out as they travel,but also become weaker.A magnitude 6 earthquake several hundred kilometres away can be often be felt for 30-40 seconds.The actual duration of slip

33、 on the earthquake fault is usually quite brief just a few seconds for a magnitude 6 for example.This is because the fault rupture spreads very quickly (at about the S wave speed) ,so the whole process of faulting is over very quickly.During the very largest earthquakes,fault rupture can continue for up to 5 minutes as the rupture spreads over a length of say 1000 km.For these earthquakes very high levels of aftershocks mean that the ground can be felt shaking continuously for some hours.


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