2013人教版选修九unit2《sailing the oceans》word教案2.doc

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1、英语:Unit2 Sailing the oceans教案(2) (新人教版 选修 9) Part One: Teaching Design Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading (SAILING THE OCEANS) Aims To help students read about sailing the oceans To help students learn about the predicate Procedures Warming up by leaning about navigator What is a navigator?

2、A navigator is the person onboard a ship responsible for the navigation of the vessel. On aircraft, the position may also be referred to as a flight officer. The navigators responsibilities include planning the journey, advising the captain (or pilot) while en route, and ensuring that hazards or obs

3、tacles are avoided. What is exploration? Exploration is the act of searching or traveling for the purpose of discovery, e.g. of unknown regions, including space (space exploration), or oil, gas, coal, ores, water (also known as prospecting), or information. Exploration has existed as long as human b

4、eings, but its peak is seen as being during the Age of Exploration when European navigators travelled around the world. In scientific research, exploration is one of three purposes of research (the other two being description and explanation). Exploration is the attempt to develop an initial, rough

5、understanding of some phenomenon. Warming up by talking about Zheng Hes Seven Voyages In July 11, 1405, the eunuch Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty royal court set out on his first overseas voyage. In the following 28 years, this navigator proceeded to carry out six more voyages, accompanied by a huge e

6、ntourage of nearly 30,000 people. By traveling throughout Southeast Asia, and around the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea and East Africa, he also landed at over thirty different nations. He was the earliest largest scale navigation in world history, coming more than half a century earlier than Columbusf

7、amous exploits. Warming up by looking and listening Hello, class. Do you know this man? Yes, he is Marco Polo. Marco Polo (1254-1324), is probably the most famous Westerner traveled on the Silk Road. He excelled all the other travelers in his determination, his writing, and his influence. His journe

8、y through Asia lasted 24 years. He reached further than any of his predecessors, beyond Mongolia to China. He became a confidant of Kublai Khan (1214-1294). He traveled the whole of China and returned to tell the tale, which became the greatest travelogue. I. Pre-reading What are navigational instru

9、ments? Navigational instruments were built in the age of exploration to guide the explorers to their destinations. navigational instrument - an instrument used for navigating artificial horizon, flight indicator, gyro horizon - a navigational instrument based on a gyroscope; provides an artificial h

10、orizon for the pilot compass - navigational instrument for finding directions depth finder - navigational instrument used to measure the depth of a body of water (as by ultrasound or radar) inclinometer - an instrument showing the angle that an aircraft makes with the horizon instrument - a device t

11、hat requires skill for proper use asdic, echo sounder, sonar - a measuring instrument that sends out an acoustic pulse in water and measures distances in terms of the time for the echo of the pulse to return; sonar is an acronym for sound navigation ranging; asdic is an acronym for anti-submarine de

12、tection investigation committee II. Reading for forms Read the text SAILING THE OCEANS on page 12 to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions. SAILING THE OCEANS We may well wonder/ how seamen explored the oceans

13、/ before latitude /and longitude made it possible /to plot a ships position/ on a mapThe voyages of travelers/ before the 17th century /show that /they were not at the mercy of the sea /even though they did not have modern navigational aidsSo/ how did they navigate so well? Read these pages/ from an

14、 encyclopedia Page l: Using nature to help Keeping alongside the coastline This seems to have been the first /and most useful form of exploration /which carried the minimum amount of risk Using celestial bodies North Star At the North Pole /the North Star is at its highest position /in the sky, but

15、at the equator /it is along the horizonSo /accomplished navigators were able to use it /to plot their positions Sun On a clear day /especially during the summer/ the sailors could use the sun /overhead /at midday to navigate byThey can use the height of the sun /to work out their latitude Clouds Sea

16、 captains observed the clouds /over islands. There is a special cloud formation /which indicates /there is land/ close by. Using wildlife Seaweed Sailors often saw seaweed/ in the sea /and could tell /by the colour /and smell/ how long it had been thereIf it was flesh /and smelled strongly,then /the

17、 ship was close to land Birds Sea birds could be used to show the way/ to land /when it was nowhere to be seenIn the evening /nesting birds return to land /and their nestsSo /seamen could follow the birds /to land /even if they were offshore/ and in the open sea Using the weather Fog Fog gathers at

18、sea /as well as over streams /or riversSeamen used it /to help identify the position of a stream /or river /when they were close to land Winds Wise seamen used the winds/ to direct their sailingThey could accelerate the speed,but they could also be dangerousSo /the Vikings would observe the winds /b

19、efore /and during their outward /or return journeys Using the sea Certain tides/ and currents could be used /by skillful sailors /to carry ships/ to their destination. These skills helped sailors/ explore the seas/ and discover new landsThey increased their ability/ to navigate new seas/ when they u

20、sed instruments page 2: Using navigational instruments to help Finding longitude There was no secure method of measuring longitude /until the 17th century/ when the British solved this theoretical problemNobody knew that /the earth moved westwards/ 15 degrees/ every hour, but sailors did know an app

21、roximate method of calculating longitude /using speed /and timeAn early method of measuring speed/ involved throwing a knotted rope/ tied to a log /over the side of the shipThe rope was tied to a log /which was then/ thrown into the seaAs the ship advanced through the water /the knots were counted/

22、as they passed through a seamans handsThe number of knots/ that were counted /during a fixed period of time/ gave the speed of the ship/ in nautical miles /per hourLater, when seamen began to use the compass /in the 12th century /they could calculate longitude /using complicated mathematical tablesT

23、he compass has a special magnetic pointer /which always indicates the North Pole,so/ it is used to help find the direction /that the ship needs to goIn this way /the ship could set a straight course /even in the middle of the ocean Finding latitude The Bearing Circle It was the first instrument /to

24、measure the suns positionA seaman would measure the suns shadow/ and compare it /with the height of the sun/ at middayThen/ he could tell if he was sailing on his correct/ rather than a random course. The Astrolabe The astrolabe, quadrant/ and sextant are all connected. They are developments /of one

25、 anotherThe earliest,the astrolabe,was a special all-in-one tool /for telling the position of the ship/ in relation to the sun/ and various stars /which covered the whole skyThis gave the seamen /the local time /and allowed them /to find their latitude/ at seaHowever, it was awkward/ to use /as one

26、of the points of reference/ was the moving ship itself The Quadrant This was a more precise/ and simplified version of the astrolabeIt measured how high stars were above the horizon /using a quarter circle/ rather than the full circle of the astrolabeIt was easier to handle /because it was more port

27、ableIts shortcoming was that it still used the moving ship /as one of the fixed points of referenceAs the ship rose /and plunged /in the waves,it was extremely difficult /to be accurate /with any reading The sextant The sextant was the updated version /of the astrolabe /and quadrant/ which reduced t

28、he tendency/ to make mistakesIt proved to be the most accurate /and reliable of these early navigational instrumentsIt works by measuring the angle /between two fixed objects /outside the ship/ using two mirrorsThis made the calculations more precise /and easier to do III. Copying useful expressions

29、 and making sentences You are going to copy in your notebook all the useful expressions and make sentences of your own with them. sail the oceans, explore the oceans, plot a ships position on a map, the voyages of travelers, before the 17th century, at the mercy of, have modern navigational aids, re

30、ad these pages from an encyclopedia use nature to help, keep alongside the coastline, seem to have been, the first and most useful form of exploration, carry the minimum amount of risk use celestial bodies, North Star, at the North Pole, at its highest position in the sky, at the equator, along the

31、horizon, accomplished navigators, be able to useto plot their positions, on a clear day, during the summer, use the sun overhead at midday to navigate by, use the height of the sun to work out their latitude, observe the clouds over islands, a special cloud formation, land close by use wildlife, see

32、 seaweed in the sea, tellby the colour and smell, flesh and smelled strongly,close to land, use sea birds to show the way to land, in the evening, nesting birds, return to land and their nests, follow the birds to land, in the open sea use weather, gather at sea, as well as over streams or rivers, i

33、dentify the position of a stream or river, close to land, use the winds to direct ones sailing, accelerate the speed, observe the winds, before and during ones outward or return journeys use the sea, carry ships to their destination, explore the seas, discover new lands, increase their ability to na

34、vigate new seas, use instruments use navigational instruments to help, find longitude, secure method of measuring longitude, solve this theoretical problem, move westwards, 15 degrees every hour, method of calculating longitude, use speed and time, method of measuring speed, tie to, over the side of

35、 the ship, throwinto, advance through the water, pass through, during a fixed period of time, give the speed of, in nautical miles per hour, use the compass, use complicated mathematical tables, have a special magnetic pointer, indicate the North Pole, find the direction, in this way, set a straight

36、 course, in the middle of the ocean find latitude, the Bearing Circle, measure the suns position, measure the suns shadow, comparewith, the height of the sun at midday, sail on, rather than a random course a special all-in-one tool for telling the position of the ship, in relation to, give sb the lo

37、cal time, find ones latitude at sea, use as one of the points of reference, a more precise and simplified version of the astrolabe, above the horizon, use a quarter circle, use the moving ship as one of the fixed points of reference, plunge in the waves,the updated version of the astrolabe and quadr

38、ant, reduce the tendency, make mistakes, the most accurate and reliable of these early navigational instruments, work by measuring the angle IV. Transforming information Next you are going to read the text again to complete the chart below. SAILING THE OCEANS Using nature to help keeping alongside t

39、he coastline Using navigational instruments to help Using celestial bodies: North Star; Sun; Clouds finding longitude Using wildlife: Seaweed; Birds Finding latitude: The Bearing Circle; The Astrolabe; The Quadrant; The sextant Using the weather: Fog; Winds Using the sea V. Closing down by reading m

40、ore about sailing the oceans Sailing the oceans For thousands of years, people have been sailing across the oceans and around the world. Knowledge of ocean currents and wind patterns has allowed people to reliably reach their destinations even after crossing huge expanses of open ocean. In this phot

41、ograph, a sailboat uses wind and currents to move among the islands of Micronesia. Before modern navigational techniques were developed, navigators in the South Pacific relied on stick charts to indicate island locations relative to winds and currents. Today, racing sailboats is a sport, and teams t

42、est their skills by racing around the world. Navigation now relies on satellites, but knowledge of wind patterns, ocean currents, and potential obstacles in unfamiliar waters is still essential for sailing. In this investigation, youll plot a course for racing around the world in a sailboat. Youll e

43、xplore some of the obstacles you might encounter on your route; then youll have the opportunity to revise your route to improve your speed. Additional Materials Complete the summary of the story with one word in each blank. While sailing the _1_we may make use of both the nature _2_ the navigational

44、 instruments to help. By making use of the _3_ to help, it is meant that we could either _4_ alongside the coastline, _5_use celestial bodies like the north star, the sun and the clouds, _6_ use wildlife such as seaweed, birds, _7_ use the weather such as fog and winds, _8_ use the sea. By using _9_

45、 instruments to help it is meant _10_ we could manage to sail either by finding longitude _11_by finding latitude by means of the Bearing Circle, the Astrolabe, the Quadrant _12_ the Sextant. (Key: 1.oceans 2.and 3.nature 4.keep 5.or 6.or 7.or 8.or 9.navigational 10.that 11.or 12.and ) Comprehension

46、 questions 1. What is the main topic of this passage? A. The voyages of the travelers before the 17th century B. How to plot a ships position on a map C. How did ancient men navigate so well D. Use nature to aid navigation 2. Ancient navigators use navigational instruments to help them A. find celes

47、tial bodies. B. predict the weather. C. explore the sea. D. find latitude 3. The author of the passage implies that the ancient navigators were A. hard-working. B. brave. C. intelligent. D. energetic 4. According to the passage, A. the ancient accomplished navigators were able to use South Star to p

48、lot their positions B. Sea birds could be used to show the way to land when it was nowhere to be seen C. Wise seamen used the snows to direct their sailing D. The sextant proved to be the most accurate and reliable of these early navigational instruments (Key: BDCB ) Notes to the special sentences 1

49、.So accomplished navigators were able to use it to plot their positions熟练的领航员就能够用 它来确定自己的位置。句中 accomplished 是形容词,意思是“优秀的,熟练的”,作定语修 饰其后的名词。Accomplished 的用法如下:已完成的; 已达到的: accomplished facts 既成事实; 学识渊博的, 技术高超的, 有成就的: an accomplished cook 厨艺精湛的厨师, Judy is accomplished in English teaching. 茱蒂擅长英语教学; 有教养的, 优雅的: an accomplished lady 才女 2.On a clear day especially during the summer the sailors could use the sun overhead at midday to navigate by在晴朗的日子,尤其是在夏


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