2013外研版(一起)六上《unit 1 have you got any stamps from china》word教案.doc

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1、教学基本信息 课题 Book 11 Module 3-Unit 1 Have you got any stamps from China? 学科 小学英语 年 级 六年级 教师 余冬梅 教材 新标准英语 一年级起使用 第十一册 研究主题 德育在小学英语学科的实践与研究 教材: 1.指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准 (2011 年版)要求英语教学要“体现工具性和人文性的双重 属性” 。 工具性承担着培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力的任务;人文 性承担着提高学生综合人文素养的任务。英语教学要“体现语言学习对学生发展 的价值” 、重视学生个体差异、重视语言学习的实践性和应用性。在体现工具性的

2、同时凸显英语课程的人文性。 本节课的教学本着以“小学英语德育纲要”为指导,将语言知识、语言技能 的教学与精神的教育紧密结合,渗透于整个教学过程中,凸显语言学习对人的精 神的教育作用,让学生在获取语言知识和语言技能的同时感受语言文字富有的情 感、思想、内涵和意义,收获精神的教育和智慧的启迪。 小学英语德育纲要中 对英语学科德育范畴有这样的描述, “了解自己,关爱他人,形成健康人格。 ” 引 导学生通过目标语的学习进一步了解同学、朋友,增进相互间的了解(兴趣、爱 好等) ,让学生透过语言学习加深对目标语文化的了解,认识文化差异,尊重别国 文化。 本节课根据任务型语言教学的相关理论知识,设计互动、合

3、作的课堂活动,为 学生搭建语言活动发展的平台,使学生在语言活动中不仅能够获取知识、发展能 力,更让学生体会到英语学习的乐趣,达到英语教育的目的,从而实现英语教育 的意义。 2.教学背景分析 (一)教材分析 本教材是新标准小学英语。这套教材以人物为主线,以对话、故事为载体。 语言知识的学习和运用紧密结合,引导学生运用所学的单词、结构来说话、做事。 整套教材的编写从语言学习的规律入手,情境创设丰富;结构清晰、体现语言学 习和语言发展规律,一至四年级的教材是语言知识的呈现阶段,五六年级的教材 为语言知识的复习阶段。 本节课新授的是六(上)第三模块第一单元 Have you got any stamp

4、s from China?单元话题为“兴趣爱好”范畴中的收藏话题。教材的语法点较,共涉及到 三种时态:一般现在时、现在进行时和一般将来时,但这三种时态均非新授。除 此之外,本单元所涵盖的功能句型也较多,如:What are you doing? I am putting Have you got any stamps from China? No, I havent. What have you got? Ive got Where are these stamps from? These stamps are from等。本单元单词表中呈现的单词有四、五年级出现过的单词:America, C

5、anada,也有本单元新出现的单词:stamps, album, collect,其中这三个单词 为新授。 (二)学生情况分析 本节课授课对象是六年级学生。在前面五年的学习过程中,他们已经学习过小 学阶段需掌握的四种基本时态(一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时和一般将 来时)及其相关知识,并能够运用基本时态进行简单的表达。本单元涉及的“兴 趣爱好”这一话题,在四五年级也有过初步学习。如,谈论课余活动等。 通过课前调研发现,大多数学生对于本单元复现的功能句型 Have you got? 和 What have you got? 掌握得较好,会认读,会运用。而对于本单元新出现的 三个单词(stam

6、ps, album, collect )的认知,部分学生可以做到识意、会认读, 但个别学生还是有困难,既不识意、也不会读。 在调研中发现,学生对本单元关于收藏的话题还是很感兴趣的,且人人有收藏, 有的学生是独自收藏,也有的学生跟家人一起收藏,且学生们的收藏种类较丰富、 有的收藏数量也颇多,涵盖了日常生活用品、学习用品等,并表示愿意与同学们 分享自己收藏的成果。 3.教学目标(含重、难点) 教学目标: 1.能够听说读写以下单词:stamps, album, collect 2能够听说,并能在恰当的语境中运用功能句型。 功能句型 Have you got? Yes, I have. No, I h

7、avent. What have you got? I have got 3.在真实的语言教学活动中,积累语言素材、形成语言框架,独立完成“介绍 自己的收藏”的语言任务。 4. 形成良好的兴趣爱好,了解收藏的方式和途径;体验收藏的收获和快乐。 教学重难点: 重点:1. 能够听说读写以下单词:stamps, album, collect 2. 能够在恰当的语境中使用 Have you got? Yes, I have. / No, I havent. What have you got? Ive got进行交流。 难点:有序地介绍自己的收藏。 教学准备 教师准备: 多媒体课件,单词卡片,Simo

8、n 和 Daming 人物图片及实物教具等。 学生准备:学生用书、笔、个人收集的物品(实物或照片) 教学流程示意 4.教学过程 1. Warming up Sing a song: Top of the World T: Amazing! Singing English songs is a good way to improve your English learning. And it makes you love English better. Do you think so? T: I love English songs and Ive collected English songs

9、 for over ten years. Ive got not I. Warm-up II. Lead-in VI. Task fulfillment 活动:Look and say 活动:Present the task 活动六:Dialogue reading 活动一:Lets talk 活动一:A competition 活动二:Lets share IV. Text presenting & new language learning 活动一:Picture reading 活动二:Listen and answer 活动三:Listen, repeat and answer 活动四

10、:Listen and repeat, then underline 活动五:Listen and repeat, then circle .Summing up & Assigning homework III. Task presenting 活动:Sing a song V. Language practicing & consolidating 活动二:Lets practice 活动七:Dialogue retelling 活动:Lets enjoy only CDs, but also books of them. And Ive also collected so many MP

11、3s. And Id like to share with you. 学习 collect 意图:通过歌曲演唱,调动学生学习英语的积极性、培养学习兴趣。 教师介绍自己收集的歌曲的相关资料,引导学生了解收集的意义,激起 学生对收集的认同。 2. Lead-in T: People like collect different things, lets see what they collect. Now please look at the pic and say as possible as you can. ppt: different kinds of collections T: Wha

12、t do you think of their collections? 引导学生 Ss 意图:通过 ppt 向学生展示同学和人们日常的收集品,激发学生对收集的兴趣, 感受收集的快乐。 (德育渗透点一) 3. Task presenting Collections show T: Have you got any collections? What have you got? Today please introduce your collections to us. 意图:明确语言任务 4. Text presenting and new language learning 1) Pictu

13、re reading T: Look at the picture. Who are they? Can you say sth about this picture? 学习 stamp T: What do you want to know about their talking? 2) Listen and try to get answers T: Lets listen and try to get answers to these questions.(Tick one or two of them) 3) Text learning Step 1: Listen, repeat a

14、nd answer the question. T: Where are Simons stamps from? Ss T: Why has Simon got so many stamps? Say in pairs T: Yeah. Maybe Simon has collected stamps for a long time. He is interested in it and keeps doing it. We should learn from Simon. Do things you are interested in and keep it. 学习 album 意图:引导学

15、生认识收集的价值,养成坚持收集的习惯。 (德育渗透点二) Step 2: Listen and repeat, then underline T: Has Simon got stamps from China? Ss T: Why? Ss T: How can he get Chinese stamps? Do you have any suggestions? Please discuss in pairs. Ss T: Yes. We can collect stamps in different ways. . 意图:通过交流向学生渗透收集的方法,了解收集渠道的多样化,做有心人。 (德

16、 育渗透点三) Step 3: Listen and repeat, then circle T: Is Daming interested in collecting stamps? Ss T: How do you know that? Ss 感受、理解 both 词义 T: Daming is interested in collecting stamps now. Lets read and feel how he likes it? 意图:分角色朗读,体验分享带给 Daming 的兴奋,感受分享的快乐。 (德育 渗透点四) 4) Read in roles T: Lets read

17、and feel how they like collecting stamps. Ss 5) Retell the dialogue T: Oh, lovely boys! Would you like to retell as Simon? Look! Here it is. Now try in pairs. Hi. I am Simon. Now I am putting my _into my _. I have got some stamps. These stamps are from_, _and _. But I havent got _stamps from _. I gi

18、ve Daming some stamps and a book. Now we both have stamp albums. 意图:通过复述,构建语言框架。 6) Look, guess and match the stamps with the countries T: Do you know all the stamps? Where are they from? Now, look,guess and match(邮票,国家, 国旗) T: Do you know sth about this stamp? 7)A competition T:Have you got stamps

19、or do you know sth about stamps? OK. Lets see who knows more about stamps. Take out your worksheet and choose as quickly as you can. 意图:传达邮票文化,启发学生思考,认识收藏的价值。 (德育渗透点五) 5. Language practicing 1)Lets practice T: Have you got any stamps? Ss If you dont have. What have you got? 2) Lets talk T: Are you i

20、nterested in the collections of your partners? Ss T: Please go on asking and try to know more you want. 意图:了解本组的小伙伴们收集了什么以及收集的情况。 6. Task fulfillment 1) Lets talk 2) Share your collections in class T: Whod like to share in class? 意图:让学生在完成语言任务中实践用英语交流,分享收藏的快乐。 (德育渗 透点六) 4)Supplementary Picture enjoy

21、ing. Unusual collections in the world. 意图:让学生欣赏现在世界上最不寻常的收藏,深度感受收藏的乐趣和意义。 (德育渗透点七) 7. Summing up and assigning HW 1) Summing up Ask students to sum up the key points. 2) Assigning HW Go on sharing your collections after class. Write a brief introduction to your collections. 意图:作业体现语言的应用 5板书设计 Module 3 Unit 1 Have you got any stamps from China? What have you got? Where are they from? How did you get them? Why do you collect? stamps album both Qs from Ss


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