2013外研版选修七module 3《literature》word学案.doc

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1、Module 3 Literature 学案 外研版选修 7 文学 核心词汇 1Not all of them were successful in e_ from prisons. 2He was given a r_ of $1,000 for catching the criminal. 3The happy s_ of children playing in the garden vanishes,and it is quiet again. 4Did you see the cat s_the mouse? 5They _(哀痛) for their children, killed

2、 in the war. 6The doctors _(分发) the medicines to the people in the flooded area. 7The small chair isnt strong enough to _ (支撑)that heavy man. 8Dont spoil your _(食欲) by eating sweets before meals. 9He is 75 and in good _ because he knows it is important to a balanced,_ diet.(healthy) 10Thousands of p

3、eople will _ if food doesnt reach the city and up to now about ten people have died of _.(starve) 1.escaping 2.reward 3.scene 4.seize 5.mourned 6.distributed 7.support 8.appetite 9.health;healthy 10.starve;starvation 高频短语 1_ 用这种方法 2_ 抓紧,握紧 3_ 刚一就 4_ 惊讶地,吃惊地 5_ 用声音(说),声地 6_ 挑选 7_ 大量的 8_ 使某人关注某事 9_ 喜欢

4、 1.in this way 2.hold on 3.no sooner.than. 4.in astonishment 5.in a. voice 6.pick out 7.a huge amount of 8.bring sth. to the attention of sb. 9.be fond of 重点句式 1The bowls never _,as the boys cleaned them with their spoons,trying to eat every bit of soup. 粥碗从来用不着洗,孩子们非用汤匙把碗刮得明光铮亮了才住手,试图吃掉每一点粥。 2When

5、they had cleaned their bowls in this way,they would sit _ the pot with eager eyes,_ they wanted to eat it. 他们这样把碗刮干净后,就坐在那儿,眼巴巴地瞅着汤锅,似乎要把它也吞进肚子里。 3_Oliver Twist _ was chosen. 奥利弗特威斯特被选中了。 4_ at least thirty seconds had passed,_ to speak. 至少过了三十秒钟,他才说出话来。 5_ had the boy spoken these words _ the warde

6、n hit him on the head with the soup spoon. 孩子的话刚出口,大师傅就操起勺子狠狠地敲他的脑袋。 6 “_anything like it!” said Mr.Limbkins. “我还从来没有听过这样的事情呢!”林勃金斯先生说道。 1.needed washing 2.staring at;as if 3.It was;who 4.Not until;was the man able 5.No sooner;than 6.Never have I heard 知识详解 serve v 服务;服役;端上(饭菜),供应;满足的需要;合乎(目的);接待 (回

7、归课本 P30)The warden,helped by two women,served the soup from this pot at meal times. 开饭的时候,大师傅在锅边舀粥,有两个女人替他打杂。 【归纳总结】 【例句探源】 As Party members,we should serve the people heart and soul. 作为党员,我们要全心全意为人民服务。 After graduation,he returned to Greece to serve in the army. 毕业后,他回到希腊服军役。 Are you being served?有

8、人接待您了吗? (朗文 P1798)The old couch had to serve as a guest bed. 这张旧的长沙发只好用作客人的床了。 The two are not the same and dont serve the same purpose. 二者不是一回事,并且用途也不同。 【即境活用】 1Dinner is _ from six to nine in that restaurant.For twenty years this practice has _ unchanged. Aeaten;lasted Bserved;remained Cgiven;kept

9、 Dordered;developed 解析:选 B。句意是:那家饭店从六点到九点提供晚餐。长达二十年了,这种习惯一直没 有改变。第一个空用 serve的被动语态形式,表示“(饭菜)被提供” 。第二个空用 remained作系动词用,表示“保持” ,unchanged 作表语。 2.The animal bones found in the tomb will _ as important materials for the scientific study. Alook Btreat Cserve Dregard 解析:选 C。serve as充当。句意为“在这墓中发现的动物骨头,将作为科学

10、研究的重要 材料。 ” reward n 报酬;奖励;赏金 vt. 酬劳;奖赏 (回归课本 P31)The next morning a notice was put up on the door of the workhouse,offering a reward to anybody who would employ Oliver Twist. 第二天早晨,济贫院大门外贴出了一张告示,向愿意雇用奥利弗的人提供奖赏。 【归纳总结】 【例句探源】 I didnt do it for reward;I did it for love. 我不是为了报酬做这件事,只是由于爱好。 He was giv

11、en a medal as a reward for his service. 作为对所提供服务的奖赏,他得到了一枚奖章。 He gained a reward of $ 900 for catching the criminal. 他因抓获罪犯而获得 900美元的酬金。 If they meet these objectives,they should be rewarded with more than kind words. 如果他们达成目标,就要论功行赏,光是讲好话是不够的。 【易混辨析】 award,reward,prize (1)award和 reward都可以用作名词和动词。作名

12、词时,二者意义相近,但不是同义词: award的意思是“奖品,奖金” ,与 prize近似,都指因为作出杰出成就而受奖;reward 意 为 “赏金,酬金,奖励,报酬” 。 (2)用作动词时,award 的意思是“授予,颁发,判给” ;reward 则表示“报答,酬谢” ,构 成的搭配有 reward sb.for sth./doing sth.意思是“因为某事而奖励某人” 。 (3)reward也可以用于比喻义。 (4)prize作名词,意为“奖励,奖赏,奖品,奖金” ;作动词,意为“珍视,高度重视” ; 作形容词,意为“优秀的,典范的” 。 Have you attended the aw

13、ard ceremony? She was awarded a medal for bravery by the local government. A reward will be paid to anyone who brings back the money that he lost. First prize was a weekend for two in Paris. 【即境活用】 3(河北衡水中学 2010年高三第二次模拟)The lady _ the boy with two dollars for bringing back her lost dog. Arewarded Bp

14、aid Coffered Dpresented 解析:选 A。句意是:这个男孩给这位女士带来了她丢失的狗,她为此酬谢这个男孩两美元。 reward表示“酬谢” 。pay“支付” ;offer“提供” ;present“呈送” 。 4.(2010 年福建福州三中高三月考)It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to _. Arewards Bprizes Cawards Dresults 解析:选 A。句意:人们普遍认为婴儿学会做事情是因为某些行为有奖励。此处 rew

15、ard表 示“奖励;回报” 。后三项分别表示“奖品” 、 “奖赏” 、 “结果” 。 intend vt. 意欲;打算;想要;计划 (回归课本 P37)Some years later,Pip learns that an unknown person intends to give him money every month. 几年后,皮普获悉一个不知道姓名的人愿意每个月都给他一些钱。 【归纳总结】 【例句探源】 I intended to go to the park,but my son intended that I should go with him to see a film.

16、我打算去公园,但我儿子打算让我陪他去看场电影。 He intends his son to manage the company. 他打算让儿子经营该公司。 These books are intended for the young. 这是专供年轻人阅读的书籍。 I had intended to give you a hand,but I was busy then. 我本来打算帮助你的,但我当时很忙。 【即境活用】 5(2010 年浙江衢州一中高三上学期期中)Jack would love to go to the cinema with his dad,but the film is

17、_ for adults only. Aadmitted Bintended Cpromised Dpermitted 解析:选 B。句意是:杰克想与他的父亲一起去看电影,但是这部电影仅供成年人观看。 be intended for“专供某人使用” 。admit 允许;promise 许诺;permit 允许。 6.All the photographs in our website are _ for educational purposes only and are not for commercial use in any form. Aenclosed Binspected Crela

18、ted Dintended 解析:选 D。句意:我们网站的所有照片都只是为教育目的而准备的,不能用于任何形式 的商业用途。be intended for 意为“为而设计;为而准备” ,符合句意。 in astonishment 惊讶地;吃惊地 (回归课本 P30)He stared in complete astonishment at the child and held on to the pot for support. 他瞪着那个孩子,完全惊呆了,手抓着锅以求站稳。 【归纳总结】 【例句探源】 She stared at him in astonishment. 她吃惊地盯着他。 To

19、 my astonishment,they published the poem and sent me two dollars. 出乎我意料的是,他们发表了这首小诗并给我寄来了两美元。 What astonished me most was that he appeared at the party. 他出现在宴会上,使我们感到非常惊讶。 Everybody was astonished at the news. 这消息令大家惊讶。 (朗文 P1849) We walked back to the house in silence. 我们默不作声地走回房子去。 【即境活用】 7 “Didnt

20、 you have a good time at the party? ”she looked at me and asked _ astonishment. Ain Bto Cfor Dby 解析:选 A。in astonishment是固定短语,作状语,意为“惊奇地” 。to ones astonishment表示“使某人感到惊奇的是”一般用于句首。 8.Looking at her _ looks,we were _. Aastonished;confused Bastonishing;confusing Castonishment;confused Dastonished;confus

21、ing 解析:选 A。修饰 look,voice,expression 等词 的词一般用过去分词形式,故第一空使用 astonished;第二空 confused为过去分词作表语。 a huge amount of 大量的 (回归课本 P41)Dickens always had a huge amount of energy. 狄更斯总是精力充沛。 【归纳总结】 【注意】 the number of虽与 a number of只有一词之差,但它表示“的数量” ,作 主语时谓语动词用单数。 【例句探源】 Its best to cook vegetables in a small amount

22、 of water. 烹制蔬菜时最好少放些水。 There is a great deal of traffic on the road. 路上车辆很多。 A large number of mistakes were made in the composition. 作文中出现了许多错误。 The number of the students in my class is 50. 我班有 50位学生。 【即境活用】 9Jack has a large _ of books while Tom has a large _ of money. Aamount;number Bnumber;amo

23、unt Cplenty;amount Damount;lot 解析:选 B。a large number of 后跟可数名词复数,a large amount of 后跟不可数名词。 10._ money has been spent in building the modern library,where we can read books in our spare time. AA great number of BA large amount of CA good many DQuite a lot 解析:选 B。句意是:大量的钱都花在建造这家现代图书馆了,在那儿我们在业余时间可 以阅览

24、书籍。此句要用 a large amount of与不可数名词 money连用。A、C 项后接复数名 词; quite a lot 要接介词 of。 句型梳理 【教材原句】 No sooner had the boy spoken these words than the warden hit him on the head with the soup spoon.(P31) 孩子的话刚出口,大师傅就操起勺子狠狠地敲他的脑袋。 【句法分析】 句中 no sooner.than.意为“刚一就” 。 No sooner had the football game started than it b

25、egan to rain.足球赛刚开始就 下起雨来了。 No sooner had he sat down than the phone rang. 他刚坐下,电话铃就响了。 表示“一就”的其他结构; (1)hardly.when/scarcely.when,注意该结构同 no sooner.than一样,句子主句谓 语动词用过去完成时,从 句谓语动词用一般过去时;hardly/scarcely/no sooner位于 句首时,句子用倒装语序。 (2)as soon as;the moment/minute/instant.;immediately/instantly (3)on名词/v.in

26、g 形式 on his arrival;on hearing the news (4)at名词 at the sight of Hardly had we begun the climb when the snow began to come down.我们刚一开始爬 山就下起雪来了。 I had scarcely got up when someone came to see me. 我刚刚起床,就有人来找我。 Ill tell you the result immediately I get it. 我一得到结果就告诉你。 On seeing her mother,she burst in

27、to tears. 一见到她妈妈,她就放声大哭起来。 We hadnt met for 20 years,but I recognized her the moment I saw her. 我和她 20年没见面了,可我一见到她就认出了她。 The young couple went to Europe as soon as they got married.这对年轻夫妇一结 婚就去了欧洲。 At the news,they ran away as fast as they could. 他们一听到消息,就尽快跑开了。 【即境活用】 11Did Linda see the traffic ac

28、cident? No,no sooner _ than it happened. Ahad she gone Bshe had gone Chas she gone Dshe has gone 解析:选 A。no sooner.than. 为固定结构形式,表示“刚一就” ,no sooner后常接“had主语done”这一倒装结构。 12完成句子 _ than he sent me an email. 他一到巴黎就给我发了一封电子邮件。 答案:No sooner had he arrived in Paris 作文指导 提纲类作文 【体裁导航】 提纲类写作也是情景作文的一种,是通过给出段落提纲

29、或者给出关键词语、短语等提示的 一种“引领”性的写作。 无论是英语的段落主旨句、提纲提示,还是汉语的词组或短语等引导写作思路,进行习作 时,毕竟减少了审题环节,也不用谋篇布局、重组语序,所以,在写作练习的初级阶段, 这种习作形式尤其受到师生的欢迎。 做这类写作题要特别注意以下三点: 1要按照所提供的“纲”的思路而写; 2要考虑提供的各“点”之间该用什么样的连接词、连接句,以及上下句之间的关系; 3看有无题目要求,有无词数限制,有无逻辑悖理现象(观点不要悖理或前后矛盾)。 总之,能做到循“纲”蹈“句” 、 “纲举目张” ,此类写作便能顺利完成。 【写作示例】 学校即将举行以“Turning a

30、bad mood(心情)into a good one”为题目的英语作文比赛, 请按下列要求写一篇 120150 词的记叙文或议论文。 【写作要领】 一、审题 1体裁:题目中已明确给出可以写记叙文也可以写议论文。 2时态和人称:如果写记叙文,应是结合过去发生的事件来说明怎样有一个好的心情,所 以应用过去时态和第一人称。如果写议论文,则应该用现在时态和第三人称。 二、谋篇 1记叙文的篇章结构应为: Para.1:描述过去发生的一件令人心情不好的事情以及由此产生的不良情绪。 Para.2:讲述如何从坏心情转至好心情的。 2议论文的篇章结构为: Para.1:提出问题:好心情的重要性。 Para.2

31、:分析问题:产生坏心情的原因。 Para.3:解决问题:调整心情的方法。 三、注意事项 提纲作文虽然给出了写作的要点,但要点非常简略,因而还需要对要点进行丰富和拓展。 【范文点评】 Turning a bad mood into a good one At the end of the last semester,I got a C in the English examination.When I knew the result,I couldnt hold back my tears.My mood was terrible and I thought the world was comi

32、ng to an end.I feared to see my English teacher and I thought my classmates would laught at me.My parents werent satisfied with me and maybe they would scold me.So I even wanted to leave my school and family. But after a while,I found I was wrong for I came to realize “Failure is the mother of succe

33、ss”.What I should do was to find the reason why I got so bad a result.And I thought this was a lesson to me and it helped me to find my shortcomings.Maybe it could help me to improve my English.So my bad mood turned into a good one. 点评: 1文章标题,不要遗漏 本段为造成心情不佳的事件以及造成的影响,具体如下: (1)言简意赅地点明导致心情不佳的事件。 (2)为具

34、体心情不佳的表现。 (3)为导致心情不佳的心理原因。 (4)为心情不佳造成的影响想离家(学校)出走。 (5)综上所述,整个事件的叙述娓娓道来,语意连贯,步步深入。 2本段为“我的心情是如何由坏变好的” 。具体过程如下: 意识到“失败是成功之母”自我反省吸取教训提升英语心情变好。 3本文作者心情由坏变好的原因就是“自我反思,不放弃,继续努力” 。当然也可以借助 外力,如老师、父母的教导,书中的某一句话等都可以成为心情变好的原因。 【类题尝试】 (2011年山东潍坊质检)假如你是李华,你们学校最近开展了创建“平安校园”的活动。你 们班为此组织主题班会,请你用英语写一篇发言稿,谈一谈你对如何创建“平

35、安校园”的 一些想法。短文应该包括下面的内容: 1安全意识的重要性; 2在运动中要注意安全; 3在校内要注意人身安全; 4同学间发生矛盾时,一定要保持冷静、理智; 5逐步将“平安校园”活动转化为全体师生的实际行动。 注意: 1不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯; 2词数:120 左右; 3文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:校园安全 safety at school My dear classmates, There is no denying that safety plays an important part in our daily life.Recently our sc

36、hool has carried out a program aimed at making our campus a safe place to stay on. _ _ One possible version: My dear classmates, There is no denying that safety plays an importantpart in our daily life.Recently our school has carried out a program aimed at making our campus a safe place to stay on.

37、I consider this as indeed a good practice,which will make us aware that safety should always come first in our daily life,whether when we stay at school or outside it.When we are doing sports,we should attach importance to the safety and avoid being hurt.Furthermore,when we get into trouble with our

38、 classmates,we should remain calm and avoid any form of fighting,which may only bring suffering and pain to us mentally and physically. As far as Im concerned,I feel all the students and teachers should work hard and creatively to keep the “safety at school” activity in mind.Besides,we are supposed to observe the law discipline where we are at any moment. Thanks.


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