2016春牛津译林版英语九下Unit 4《Life on Mars》(Grammar B、C)word教学设计.doc

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2016春牛津译林版英语九下Unit 4《Life on Mars》(Grammar B、C)word教学设计.doc_第1页
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2016春牛津译林版英语九下Unit 4《Life on Mars》(Grammar B、C)word教学设计.doc_第2页
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2016春牛津译林版英语九下Unit 4《Life on Mars》(Grammar B、C)word教学设计.doc_第3页
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1、Unit1 Grammar(B、C)精品教案 Learning aims 知识目标 Object clauses introduced by that Object clauses introduced by if or whether 能力目标 Make object clause sentences 情感目标 To be interested in English Main points and difficult points How to connect two sentences How to connect two sentences Learning procedures: 1.

2、 自学展示 把下列句子改成宾语从句。 (1) Earth is becoming more and more c rowded and polluted. (Daniel thinks) (2) People will live on the planet Mars by the year 2100. (Daniel thinks) (3) The robot will do most of our work. (Daniel thinks) (4) Hell be back in a month. (I hear) (5) I have been to the Great Wall once

3、. (He tells me) 2. 探究学习 Step 1 Revision Check the exercises about modal verbs in the workbook. Step 2 Lead-in Ask the students two questions about the life on Mars. What do many people think of the life by the year 2100? Who will do most of the work on Mars? Step 3 Presentation 1 (1) According to th

4、e students answers, show them the sentences with object clauses. People think (that) robots will do mo st of our work. Many people believe (that) we will liv e on the planet Mars by the year 2100. Many people are sure (that) they will have more time for their hobbies. Then tell the students to find

5、out the rules with the hint: From the sentences, we know (that) an object clause can be put after some _, such as think, believe, know, or after some _, such as sure, certain. (2) Ask the students to change one sentence into the negative one, and give them two items and make the students choose the

6、better one. Many people believe (that) we will live on the planet Mars by the year 2100.(改为否 定句) Many people dont believe (that) we will live on the planet Mars by the year 2100. Many people believe (that) we will not live on the planet Mars by the year 2100. And then tell the students we always put

7、 not before think and believe. Step 4 Practice 1 Ask the students to find out whether it is an o bject clause or not. Step 5 Presentation 2 Another 2 questions Can any plants grow on Mars now? Many people are sure that some plants can produce enough water on mars, arent they? Then show the students

8、object clauses to introduce a yes/no q uestion. Then tell the students to pay attention to the order and the tense. Step 6 Practice 2 (1) Use if or whether to make object clauses (2) Fill in the blanks with that, if or whether. 3. 课堂整理 (1) 我们可以在动词后用 that 来引导一个句子,替代 宾语,在口语中 that 可省 略。 (2) 我们可以在动词后用 whetherif 来引导yes or no question. 若句子中有or not 时,只能用 whether (3) 句中用陈述句的语序。 4. 当堂练习 把下列句子改成宾语从句。 (1) Could the plants produce enough water? Daniel is not sure (2) Are there any aliens on Mars? (3) Are animals on Mars dangerous? 教后记:


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