2016秋湘少版英语五年级上册Unit 10《What does that sign mean》word教案.doc

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2016秋湘少版英语五年级上册Unit 10《What does that sign mean》word教案.doc_第1页
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1、 What does that sign mean? Teaching Aims 1. The new word: a sign No mobile phone No talking No fishing No picking of flowers No spitting 2. The new sentence What does that sign mean? This/That sign means Teaching key points: 1. the new word sign mobile phone picking spitting 2. The new sentence What

2、 does that sign mean? This/That sign means It means Teaching Aids: Photos pictures ppt CD Word Cards Teaching steps: Step1. Greetings Step2. Warning up Step3. presentation 1,热身之后, one two three 些时,安排朋友响我电话(我故作兴奋状,准备 接的时候拿上 “No mobile phone” 的标志上来并作无奈状)Oh ,no ,Whats this? 请 students 用中文回答,Yes. Listen

3、! 听 CD 然后带读音标 ai n 请人来 读,little teacher. 来源:学,科,网 2. T: So, what does this sign mean? It means Or, This sign/That sign means T: In Chinese! In Chinese! Yes. It means “No mobile phone!” Ok. Read after me. What does this sign mean?来源:学科网 ZXXK This sign means ”No mobile phone!” G1,G2 ask G3,G4 answer O

4、k, then change now, I need 3 Ss come here Oh, look (T 拿上 No talking 的 sign and do it.) 3. So. What does this sign mean? It means ”No talking!” (问几位 students 之后) 4. Now. I want to ask 3 students come here. This is a pond and *与* is going to the pond.* want to go fishing.* tell him not and show the si

5、gn “No fishing!” T: Now, guess! Guess! What does this s ign mean? 5. Now, we are come in a gar den. Look. What is Miss Dai doing? (做摘花状 ) hands up!来源 :Zxxk.Com But! Can we pick flowers in the garden. Yes. We cant pick flowers in the garden. So. What does this sign mean? “教授 No picking of flowers.” 6

6、. 请一个学生假装咳嗽然后吐痰。再请一个学生将”No spitting”的标志树在他 面前。 So. What does this sign mean? Yes. No spitting. Step4 practice 1. 教完之后进行整体诵读。玩游戏 gold finger(有动作,有感情)来源:Zxxk.Com (Sleep ) 2. 将几个标志的意思标上序号写在纸上,来一个学生随机打开一张纸,请其 余的学生齐声问,台上的学生回答,请 持有相近标志的同学马上向前走一步, 反应不过来算输。然后两人握手。 Step5. Consolidation Little reporter: 设置场景对话来源:学科网 Step6.你也是一个标志 You are a sign.墙上的标志通过他们独特的图形向人们传达他们的信息,我们呢? 通过我们的一言一行向身边的亲人,朋友,师长传递信息。你希望传递给老师, 朋友的是美好高尚的信息 还是低俗丑陋的信息?那就 从我们的一言一行起,做 一个高尚的孩子,做一个美丽的标志!


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