2016秋湘少版英语五年级上册Unit 12《The Spring Festival》word教案.doc

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1、Unit 12 The Spring Festival.教案 标题 Unit 12 The Spring Festival. 学 习 目 标 (1)能认读九个新单词及词组(Spring Festival, relative, eve of the Spring Festival, reunion, red packet, burn, firecracker, lion dance, dragon dance.)和三个新句型(They wear new clothes./They receive red packets. /They burn firecrackers。 ) ,做到发音准确、清晰

2、,并能听懂其含义; (2)能熟练运用新句型描述中国的传统佳节-春节的风俗习惯。 (3)能够运用新句型进行情景会话(春节的情景) ; (4)能够根据 flash课件自主听读课文 A,B部分的内容。 学习重点 描述春节的情景。 学习难点 掌握与春节有关的词汇。 学习程序 学习内容 二次备课 Step 1 Warming up and revision 热身与复习 1、Greetings(师生问候) T:Now! Class begins! S: Stand up, please. T: Good morning,boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Ss:Nice t

3、o meet you, too. T: Are you happy today? Ss: Yes, we are happy. 2、Free talk :Talk about the Festival, day and the date. T: What day is it today? S1: Its Saturday. T: Whats the date today? S2: . 【设计意图】谈论星期和日期为要新授的 The first day of the first lunar month 即春节日期作铺垫。 Step 2 Presentation 新课呈现 1、出示春联: T:Now

4、, Whats this? Ss: 春联 T:Do you know when you put them on your door?引导学 生回答。 Ss: We often put them on the door before“Chunjie” T: The Spring Festival means “Chunjie”. Now well learn something about the Spring Festival.并板书课题。教师领读。 【设计意图】让学生明白春节就是 The Spring Festival.并 为之留下悬念,春节大人们会做什么,孩子们又会做什么。 2、节日介绍:

5、 T: The Spring Festival is an important festival in China. It just like the Christmas in Western countries.来源:学科网 Can you tell us some customs during the Spring Festival? What do you do during the Spring Festival? T: Different people have different ways to celebrate the Spring Festival. 你喜欢过春节吗?学生:是

6、的。老师继续问: 为什么?谁能告诉我春节有些什么习俗?Now please read the text to find out how the Lis family celebrates the Spring Festival.(激趣,让学生自己读课文,到课文中去寻找答案) 教师再利用图片教授新单词及短语:eve of Spring Festival / burn firecrackers / lion dance / a family reunion dinner / red packet / dragon dance. 【设计意图】让学生自己养成阅读的好习惯,自己去找 答案,这样他们很自然

7、地接受新知识,而且印象深刻。激发 学生学习新知识的好奇心。 3、Flash 动画课件导入本课第一段: 画面春节来临,李一家到商店购买年货的情景。 :The Spring Festival is coming. What is Lis family doing? Can you guess? 学生们猜后,教师点击购买年货的场景, 让学生感悟那 热闹的气氛,同时出现句子:The Li family is shopping for the festival.点击后观看跟读。 以相同的方法学习其他三段。 【设计意图】用动画给学生呈现课文场景,学生通过视、 听、说等形式接受纯正的语言材料,实现课堂学习多

8、元化。 Step 3 Practice 1、Watch and follow( 幻灯片 Dialogue) A:用课件播放课文 Part A 动画,学生观看后回答问题: T: Now please watch the following flash carefully and then answer my questions. 回答问题:What is Lis family doing? B:再播放课文 Part A 动画一遍,学生跟读 T: Read after the flash together. 再讨论并完成以下问题: What is Lis family shopping for?

9、Who will come to Mingmings house on the eve of the Spring Festival? Who enjoy the Festival most? Why? What do children receive? What do you do during the day? 【设计意图】通过对课文的学习,让学生进一步理解和 掌握本课句型及内容,培养学生的阅读能力。通对课文的熟 知,加深对春节习俗的了解。 Step 4 Consolidation 巩固新知 两人一组根据关键词(shop for, enjoy shopping, on the eve of

10、 the Spring Festival, have a meal, wear, receive, burn firecrackers, watch, have great fun)引导学生复述课文。 教师示范:T: The Spring Festival is coming. Lis family is shopping for the festival 选几位同学分别表演课文 A 部分,要求表演夸张,幽默。 活动结束后,并给予奖励。 【设计意图】通过对课文的表演,让学生们进一步加深 对课文的理解与掌握,能够把所学的新语言项目,自由创编 对话,达到交际运用的目的。活动后,教师及时对学生的表

11、现给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 Step5: Summary课堂小结 1、 引导学 生共同总结这节课学的知识,可用幻灯片展 示句型和词汇。( 幻灯片 Summary) 2、课后作业 (1)听 A、B 部分的录音,大声朗读课文及词组。 (2)将 Mingming 过春节的情形讲述给家人听; (3)了解中西方节日的异同。(可以查阅资料) Step 6 Exercises . 一、翻译下列词组。 1、a family reunion dinner 2、dragon dance 3、burn firecrackers 4、eve of the Spring Festival 5、lion

12、dance 6、red packet 板 书 设 计 教 后 反 思 Unit 12 The Spring Festival.教案 Period 2 2012 年 11 月 日 教出: 月 日 设计:吴常宇 审核: 标题 Unit 12 The Spring Festival. 学 习 目 标 1)继续掌握有关春节的单词及词组(Spring Festival, relative, eve of the Spring Festival, reunion, red packet, burn, firecracker, lion dance, dragon dance.)和三个所学句型(They w

13、ear new clothes./They receive red packets./They burn firecrackers.) ,练习句型 Do you exchange red packets? / Yes, we do. / What other customs do you have? / We wear new clothes. (2)能够根据 flash课件自主听读课文 C部分的内容。 学习重点 掌握有关春节的词汇,并熟练地运用于描述春节的一些风俗。 学习难点 掌握与运用春节有关的词汇。 学习程序 学习内容 学习要求 Step 1 Warming up and revisio

14、n 热身与复习 1、Greetings(师生问候) T:Now! Class begins! S: Stand up, please. T: Good morning,boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Ss:Nice to meet you, too. T: Are you happy today?来源 :学+ 科+网 Ss: Yes, we are happy. 2、Free talk :Talk about the Festival, day and the date. T: What day is it today? S1: Its Sunday. T:

15、 Whats the date today? S2: Its . T: Yes, today is Mothers Day. 用同样的方式介绍中国的春节、元宵节、端午节、中秋 节,以及西方的圣诞节、感恩节和万圣节等节日。 【设计意图】谈论星期和日期为新授的 The first day of the first lunar month, Lunar New Year 即春节日期作铺垫。 Step 2 Presentation 新课呈现 1、T: The night on December 24th is called the Christmas Eve, then how do we call“

16、年三十”? 帮助学生回答:“eve of the Spring Festival”。然后出示 单词卡片 eve of the Spring Festival,鼓励学生自由联想并大胆 说出与春节除夕有关的一切事物,用中英文说出均可(red packets, a family reunion dinner, burn fire-crackers, cleaning,吃 饺子,贴对联,拜年等),培养学生的发散性思维。想象力丰 富且知识面广的学生可获奖励。 2、快速阅读课文 C 部分,了解其大意。 T:Now, Whats this? Ss: 红包 T:Do you know who give the

17、 children red packets?引导学 生回答。 Ss: The old people give red packets to the children. T: What other customs do you have? Now well learn something about the Spring Festival.并板书课题。教师领读。 【设计意图】让学生明白春节就是 The Spring Festival.并 为之留下悬念,春节大人们会做什么,孩子们又会做什么。 3、节日介绍: T: The Spring Festival is an important festiv

18、al in China. It just likes the Christmas in Western countries. Can you tell us some customs during the Spring Festival? What do you do during the Spring Festival? T: Different people have different ways to celebrate the Spring Festival. 你喜欢过春节吗?学生:是的。老师继续问: 为什么?谁能告诉我春节有些什么习俗?Now please read the text

19、 to find out how the Lis family celebrates the Spring Festival.(激趣,让学生自己读课文,到课文中去寻找答案) 教师再利用图片复习单词及短语:eve of Spring Festival / burn firecrackers / lion dance / a family reunion dinner / red packet / dragon dance. 【设计意图】让学生自己养成阅读的好习惯,自己去找 答案,这样他们很自然地接受新知识,而且印象深刻。激发 学生学习新知识的好奇心。 4、Flash 动画课件导入本课第一段: 画

20、面春节来临,李一家到商店购买年货的情景。 :The Spring Festival is coming. Do you know What Lis family doing? Can you guess? 学生们猜后,教师点击购买年货的场景, 让学生感悟那 热闹的气氛,同时出现句子:The Li family is shopping for the festival.点击后观看跟读。 以相同的方法复习其他三段课文。 【设计意图】用动画给学生呈现课文场景,学生通过视、 听、说等形式接受纯正的语言材料,实现课堂学习多元化。 Step 3 Practice 1、Watch and follow( 幻

21、灯片 Dialogue) A:用课件播放课文 Part A 动画,学生观看后回答问 题: T: Now please watch the following flash carefully and then answer my questions. 回答问题:Do you exchange red packets? B:再播放课文 Part C 动画一遍,学生跟读 T: Read after the flash together. 再讨论并完成以下问题: What is Lis family shopping for? Who will come to Mingmings house on t

22、he eve of the Spring Festival? Who enjoy the Festival most? Why? What do children receive? What do you do during the day? 2、两人一组,练习课文 C 部分的对话。 游戏Super Little Hero(超级小英雄) 将学生分为两大组进行比赛。首先各组派出代表回答必 答题;然后进行抢答。抢到的问题可自己回答,也可把问题 留给对方回答。答对加分,答错减分。积分多的为超级小英 雄。所问的问题可以是有关东方节日的,也可以是有关西方 节日的。 Who give the childr

23、en red packets? What other customs do you have? What customs do American people follow during the Christmastide? (They decorate their home / wear Christmas clothes / hang gifts on Christmas tree / make wishes / send Christmas cards / 【设计意图】通过对课文的复习,让学生进一步理解和 掌握本课句型及内容,培养学生的对话的能力。通对课文的 熟知,加深对春节习俗的了解。

24、 Step 4 Consolidation 巩固新知 两人一组根据关键词(shop for, enjoy shopping, on the eve of the Spring Festival, have a meal, wear, receive, burn firecrackers, watch, have great fun)引导学生自由会话。 教师示范:T: The Spring Festival is coming. Lis family is shopping for the festival 选几位同学分别表演课文 C 部分,要求表演夸张,幽默。 活动结束后,并给予奖励。 【设计

25、意图】通过对课文的表演,让学生们进一步加深 对课文的理解与掌握,能够把所学的新语言项目,自由创编 对话,达到交际运用的目的。活动后,教师及时对学生的表 现给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 Step5: Summary课堂小结 1、 引导学生共同总结这节课学的知识,可用幻灯片展 示句型和词汇。( 幻灯片 Summary) 2、课后作业来源:学|科|网 Z|X|X|K (1)听 C 部分的录音,大声朗读课文及词组。 (2)将 Mingming 过春节的情形讲述给家人听; (3)了解中西方节日的异同。(可以查阅资料) Step 6 Exercises . 选择题。 ( )1、The Spri

26、ng Festival is A. come B. coming C. comes ( )2、 Mrs Li is busy the food for her family and relatives. A. cooking B. cook C. cooks ( )3、All of Mingmings relatives meet at his house _ the eve of the Spring Festival A. at B. to C. on ( )4、In the _ , they burn firecrackers. A. morning B. afternoon C. ev

27、ening ( )5、 _the day, they watch lion dance and many other celebrations. A. During B. On C. At ( ) 6、Children the Spring Festival most. A. enjoys B. enjoying C. enjoys ( ) 7、 They receive red packets their family. A. to B. from C. in ( ) 8、They have_. A. fun B. a fun C. great fun ( )9 InSpringFestiv

28、al,they burn A. fire B. firecrackers. C. money ( ) 10、They wear . A. cap B. shoes C. new clothes 板 书 设 计 Unit 11 We are sorry.教案 Period 3 2012 年 月 日 教出: 月 日 设计:吴常宇 审核: 标题 Unit 11 We are sorry. 学 习 目 标 (1)能阅读 D部分小短文; (2)能运用短文中所学句子来复述春节情景; (3)能根据 flash课件来回答短文中的问题。来源:学_科_网 Z_X_X_K 学习重点 在活动中熟练运用语言; 学习难点

29、 熟练节日的问候。 学习程序 学习内容 二次备课 Step 1Warming up and revision热身与复习 Step1 Warming up(热身) 1、Greetings(师生问候) T: Now! Class begins! Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, teacher. T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too. T: How are you? S: Im fine, thank you. 2、Free talk T: What day is it today?

30、S: Its Monday. T: Whats the weather like today? S: Its sunny. 【设计意图】简单的问候是培养学生的基本素质,谈 论天气和星期的话题是我们每节课必需具备的环节。 Shep2 播放音乐“Happy new year”(flash 幻灯片) T: Now, lets listen to the music and watch TV. S: OK! (让学生边拍手边跟着视频轻轻的唱) 歌曲播放完毕 T: Do you like this song?来源:Zxxk.Com S: Yes, we do! T: Who can sing this

31、song, please hands up! S: I can sing. 【设计意图】通过歌曲初步感受到春节快要到来了。 Step3 Presentation 新课呈现(幻灯片) T: Do you like the Sing Festival? S1:Yes, we do! T: So, what do you do during the Spring Festival? S2:I have reunion dinner. S3:We wear new clothes. S4:I burn firecrackers. S5: I watch dragon dance. T: OK! Tha

32、ts very interesting! Now lets celebrate the Spring Festival together! Look! There are many gifts(礼物),do you like them? S: Yes, we do! T: Now, please watch flash and listen. (播放 D 部分短文和动画) 幻灯片播放完毕后导入短文问题(PPT 形式) 1、What do people do to celebrate the Spring Festival? They 2、What do people do when they

33、meet each other? They T: Please open your books Page49. Lets learn Part D Now, read Part D by yourselves. Who can translate Sentence 1? S1: 春节到了,人们买了很多花放在家里。 T: Is that right? S: Yes. T: Who can translate Sentence 2? S2: 他们做好吃的食物,他们也放鞭炮。 T: Is that right? S: Yes. T: Who can translate Sentence 3? S3:

34、 当朋友见面时,他们互相祝福好运。 T: Then teacher gives everyone a gift. Lets price them. Now, please read after me. Now, please read by yourselves. Boys read, girls read, then together. OK, you did a very good job. Please watch PPT. Lets do exercise. Who can answer Question 2, hands up, please. S1: They buy many f

35、lowers, cook good food. S2: They also burn firecrackers. T: Who can answer Question 2, hands up, please. S3: They wish happiness and good luck for each other. T: Yes or no? S: Yes. T: Yes, they are very clever. Then, give a gift to everyone. 【设计意图】通过视频、阅读课文、朗读短文和回答 问题,加强学生对短文的理解和记忆。 Step4 Lets have

36、fun(Part E) 1、Please watch PPT and listen. 2、Follow me and chant. 【设计意图】通过 chant加强和巩固学生对课文的 理解。 Step5 Consolidation 巩固新知 (幻灯片) 1、 播放与春节有关的动画 2、T: Happy new year to you! Class is over. Goodbye everyone! Step6 Summary 课堂小结 1、引导学生共同总结这节课所学内容; 2、课后作业:收集与春节有关的两幅对联。 Step 5:EXERCISE 课堂作业 将下列句子翻译成汉语。 1、The Li family is shopping for the festival. 2、All of Mingmings relatives meet at his parentshouse. 3、This is the reunion dinner. 4、The Spring Festival. 5、They have a big and delicious meal together. 板 书 设 计 教 后 反 思


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