2017鲁科版英语五年级下册Unit 3《Lesson 2 How are you feeling today》word教案.doc

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1、Book6 Unit3 Lesson2 How are you feeling today?教学设计 一、教学目标: 1、能够听懂、会说并认读单词 much, better, rest, soon, lesson 及短语 get well, keep away, on time 2、能听懂、会说、认读并运用 How are you feeling today? Much better. Take the medicine on time. Take a good rest. Drink some water. Youll get well soon.关心他人身体健康并 提出合理化建议 3、在真

2、诚的交流互动中培养学生关爱家人朋友身体健康、通过友爱 的言行与话语增进友谊的积极情感。 二、教学重难点: (一) 教学重点: 1、单词 much, better, rest, soon, lesson 及短语 get well, keep away, on time 的听说认读 2、熟练运用句子进行语言交流,情感互动。 (二) 教学难点: 在真实情境中灵活地运用句型进行语言交际。 三、教具准备:教学光盘,课件,单词卡片 四、教学过程: (一) Warming-up. 1、Greetings. 2、Read, act and say. 教师出示有关病情的单词卡,学生读出并做出相应动作和表情, 再

3、师问生答、生问生答,复习巩固上节课所学词汇与句型。 (二)Presentation 1、承接上一环节教师对学生说“You have a cold. So please take the medicine on time.”引出新词汇“on time”. 2、Dialogue. (1)课文导入:We know that Wang Hong had a bad cold. How is she feeling today? Lets go and see (2)播放教学光盘,整体感知课文,回答老师的问题,教师板书答 语并出示单词卡片学习新单词“much” 、 “better”;学生在课本中找 出

4、Miss Zhang 询问王红今天身体状况的句子,教师板书在黑板上。 (3)再次播放光盘,学生在书上划出大家给王红提的康复建议: Mum: Take the medicine on time and drink some water. Miss Zhang: Take a good rest. Youll get well soon. Danny: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 逐个叫学生读说出句子,教师板书,再教学新单词“rest” 、 “soon”与短语“get well” 、 “keep away” (4)学生自读课文,回答问题“What i

5、s Wang Hong worried about?”教学新单词“lesson” 。 (5)听音跟读。学生逐句跟读,在跟读中培养朗读习惯,训练朗 读技巧,学会简单连读,模仿语音语调。 (三)Practice. 1、Role play.小组分角色表演对话。 2、Fill in the blanks. Wang Hong a bad yesterday. She is today. Her mother tells her to take the medicine and drink some . Miss Zhang tells her to a good .Danny gives her an

6、 . They all hope(希望)she can soon. Wang Hong is worried about her .But Miss Zhang says they can help her. (四)Production. Lets do. “What can we do for our friend when he/ she doesnt feel well?” 小组合作,制作建议卡。(鼓励学生通过关爱的话语、合理的建 议以及温馨的举动关怀彼此,友爱互助.)2 五) Summary. 教师引导学生结合板书归纳本节课所学内容;齐读板书。 (六) Homework. 1、听课文录音,模仿跟读课文。 2、查找有关健康的名言、警语、谚语等并摘抄一下,大家交流分享。 板书设计 Unit3 Lesson2 How are you feeling today? How are you feeling today? Much better. Take the medicine on time. Drink some water. Take a good rest. Youll get well soon. Have some fruit. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


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