2017人教新目标版英语七下Unit 1《Can you play the guitar》word导学案1.doc

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1、Can you play the guitar 学习目标与要求: 1.学习新单词并能谈论自己或他人的能力; 2.能正确使用情态动词 can 的表达用法,并能表达自己在某方面的才能,谈谈彼此的 特长与爱好。 第一段:【短课导学】 模块一:自主学习 学习内容 摘 记 Step1 :Free talk Now the winter vacation is over.What did you do ?Did you have a good time? Step2 : Review 1)翻译下列单词或短语。 1.Im from China.I speak_(汉语). 2.Her_(地理) teacher

2、 is very fun. 3.I think_(科学)is boring, but _(音乐)is relaxing. 4.We have a_ _(郊游)in the afternoon. 5.Our school will have a _ _(音乐盛典)next term. Step3 :Leading Can you say something about your hobby? Step4:Reading and Listening 1.按要求写出下列短语并在课本 P1-P2 中划出重点短语或句子。 下国际象棋 弹吉他 音乐俱乐部 想要做 擅长于 讲故事 交朋友 加入社团 2.重点

3、句的翻译和重点短语的用法梳理。 1)play the guitar 弹吉他 归纳:play+ +各种乐器,表示”演奏;吹奏;弹奏”乐器前有 限定。 反馈训练打鼓 弹钢琴 拉小提琴 打网球 下象棋 玩扑克 2) Can you play the guitar ? 1)归纳can 为 动词, 后面接 ,汉语意思为“能;会;可 以” 。否定形式为 或 。通常可表示能力;许可 请求 可能 性。 表能力:-你会打篮球吗? - -是的,我会。/不,我不会。- 他的妹妹会讲英语。 表许可:你可以在放学后去音乐部。 You the music club after school. 我们不可以在课堂上讲话。We

4、 in class. 表请求:你能帮我一下吗? 表可能性:这本书不可能是 Lucy 的。 反馈训练 ( ) 1.Hurry up,or you catch the train. A.cant B.neednt C.mustnt D.shouldnt ( ) 2.-Can your friend sing? - . A.Yes,I can B.Yes,she can C.No,you cant D.I dont know 3.Listening Finish the exercises 1b&2a&2b. 第二段:【长课导学】 模块二:交流研讨 模块三:巩固内化 研讨内容 摘 记 Step1:

5、Please check the answers in groups,then find the differences. Step2:Role-play the conversation P2-2d. 课题 Unit1 Can you play the guitar? Section A P1-2 1a-2d 第 1 课时 授课时间:第 1 周 班级 姓名 模块四:当堂训练 (独立完成) 老师的话:复杂的事情简单做,简单的事情认真做,认真做的事情重复做,重复做 的事情 创造性做!一时专一事,做最好的自己,你一定成功! 一.单选题. ( ) 1. Can John play the _ wel

6、l? A. piano B. basketball C. chess D.football ( ) 2. My sister cant _ in a river. A.skate B.run C.swim D.jump ( ) 3.Lets go and play_ ping-pong. I dont want to play_ violin. A. a, the B. the, a C. /, the D.the,the ( ) 4.Who wants _the swimming club? A. to joins B. join C. to join D.joins ( ) 5. The

7、girl can _English and she can _ it in English very well. A. say, speak B. tell, speak C. speak, talk D. speak, 学习任务 摘 记 适 当 形 式 填 空 。 1.Can you help kids with (dance)? Yes,I can. 2.They want (join)the baseball club. 3.Can you (sing)? 4.The girl likes music.She wants to be a (music). 5.Do you want to

8、 join the (swim)club? 6.Are you good with (kid),Jim? 7.I can play the trumpet but I cant play it (good). say ( ) 6. Mary can play the chess_ she cant swim. A. and B. or C. but D. so ( ) 7.Can I look at your pictures? _. A. Yes, I do B. Yes, you are C. Yes, I am D. Yes, here you are 二.根据要求改写句子。 1.club,art,want,the,to,I,join (连词成句) 2.Mary can speak English.(改 成一般疑问句并作否定回答) 3.My father can play the guitar very well.(改成否定句) 4.I want to join the music club.(对画线部分提问) club do you want to ? 5.Linda likes music.(改成否定句) Linda music.


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