北师大版高中英语必修3 Unit 7《The sea》(Section Ⅳ)word教案.doc

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1、Section Grammar & Writing 关系副词引导定语从句 当先行词在定语从句中作状语时,通常要用关系副词引导定语从句。常用的关系副词 有 where,when,why 等。 一、关系副词 where 1where 引导的定语从句的先行词往往是表示地点的名词(如 place,room,house,spot,school,country 等),在从句中作地点状语。 They went into the hall where the meeting was being held.他们走进正在开会 的大厅。 2where 可以引导非限制性定语从句。 Galileo lived in t

2、he city of Pisa,where there is a leaning tower about 180 feet high. 伽利略住在比萨城,那里有座大约 180 英尺高的斜塔。 3关系副词 where 常可用“介词关系代词”构成的表示地点的介词短语代替。 The office where (at which) he works is not far from here.他工作的办公室离 这儿不远。 Japan is the place where (in which) earthquakes frequently happen.日本是地 震频繁爆发的地方。 温馨提示 where

3、引导定语从句和状语从句的区别: 引导定语从句时,where 是关系副词,在从句中作地点状语,其前有表示地点的名词 作先行词,从句修饰先行词;引导状语从句时,where 是从属连词,从句修饰主句的谓语 动词,where 前面没有表示地点的名词。 Hes got himself into a dangerous situation where he is likely to lose control over the plane.(定语从句) 他使自己陷入了一种危险的情况,他很可能会失去对飞机的控制。 When you read the book,youd better make a mark w

4、here you have questions.(状语从句) 读这本书的时候,你最好在有疑问的地方做一下标记。 二、关系副词 when 1when 引导定语从句时,先行词往往是表示时间的名词(如 time,day,week,month,year 等),在从句中作时间状语。 He came at a time when I least expected him. 他在我最意料不到的时候来了。 Ill never forget the day when I left for college with my father.我永远不 会忘记我和父亲动身去大学的那天。 2when 可以引导非限制性定语从

5、句。 In the old days,when I was a little boy,the city had no industry to speak of. 在过去,那时我还小,这个城市没有工业可言。 3关系副词 when 有时可用“介词关系代词”代替。 I still remember the day when(on which)I joined the Youth League.我仍然记得 我加入共青团的那一天。 三、关系副词 why 1why 引导定语从句时,先行词往往是表示原因的词(如 reason,explanation,excuse 等),在从句中作原因状语。 Do you k

6、now the reason why she burst into tears? 你知道她突然大哭的原因吗? This is the explanation why he changed the plan. 这是他改变计划的解释。 2关系副词 why 有时可用“介词关系代词”代替。 The reason why (for which) he succeeded in the exam is that he worked very hard. 他这次考试成功的原因是他学习非常努力。 四、关系代词和关系副词的选择 当先行词是表示时间的 time,day 等或表示地点的 place,house 等时

7、,一定要注意分 析从句的结构。如果缺少主语或宾语,应用关系代词 that 或 which,如果缺少时间状语或 地点状语,应用关系副词 when 或 where。 Ill never forget the days which/that we spent together.(which/that 作 spent 的宾语) 我永远忘不了我们一起度过的日子。 His father works in a factory which/that makes radio parts.(which/that 在从 句中作主语) 他父亲在一家生产无线电零件的工厂里工作。 The house where I li

8、ved ten years ago has been pulled down.(where 在从句中 作地点状语) 我十年前住的房子已经被推倒了。 形容词与副词的比较级 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级是高考必考的语法项目,必须熟练掌握其用法。对于 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的用法应注意以下具体问题: 1表示倍数几个句型 (1)倍数as形容词/副词原级as. (2)倍数形容词/副词比较级than. (3)倍数the性质名词of. (4)The名词be倍数what 从句 (5)The名词be倍数that/those of. At a rough estimate,Nigeria is three

9、times the size of Great Britain. At a rough estimate,Nigeria is three times as big as Great Britain. At a rough estimate,Nigeria is twice bigger than Great Britain. 粗略估算,尼日利亚的面积是大不列颠的 3 倍。 The output of this year is 3 times that of 2014. The output of this year is 3 times what it was in 2014. 今年的产量是

10、 2014 年的三倍。 2同级的比较用 as.as,the same.as,such.as 引导。 Mr.Li is as good a teacher as Mr.Zhou;both of them are deeply loved by their students.李老师与周老师一样慈祥,他们都被他们的学生所深深爱戴。 3与比较级有关的结构及运用 (1)more and more 意为“越来越” ,其后接名词(不可数名词或可数名词复数均可), 也可修饰形容词、副词、介词短语、动词等。 More and more people are concerning themselves with

11、environmental problems. 越来越多的人关心环境问题。 (2)the比较级,the比较级表示“越,就越” 。 The harder you work,the more progress you will make. 你越努力,取得的进步就越大。 (3)否定比较级最高级 He has never spent a more worrying day. 他过了最担心的一天。 (4)“no比较级than”结构 “no比较级than”结构通常不是表示一般意义的否定,而是表示对两个待比较的 对象同时进行否定,通常可理解为“与一样不” 。 You are no more careful

12、than he is. 你和他一样不仔细。 4比较级的修饰语常见的有: (1)rather,much,still,even,far,any(常用于否定句或疑问句),a lot,a little,a great deal,by far,a bit 等。 (2)还可以用表示倍数的词或度量名词作修饰语。 (3)修饰最高级的有 by far,nearly,almost,by no means 等。 The bridge being built now is by far the longest across the Yellow River.现 在正在修建的这座桥是迄今为止跨越黄河的最长的桥。 温馨提

13、示 (1)比较的对象应该相同。 The weather here is colder than that of Beijing. 这里的天气比北京的天气冷。 (2)比较的对象不能相互包含,常见的句型是: 比较级than any other 单 数 名 词all ( the) other 复 数 名 词 anyone elseany of the other 复 数 名 词 the rest of the 复 数 名 词 或 不 可 数 名 词 ) The Mississippi River is longer than any other river in the United States.

14、 密西西比河比美国其他任何一条河都长。 China is larger than any other country in Asia.中 国 比 亚 洲 任 何 别 的 国 家 都 大 。 any country in Africa.中 国 比 非 洲 任 何 国 家 都 大 。 ) (3)注意比较结构中的省略现象。 在日常交际中,彼此都明白的比较对象往往省略。 What do you think of the film? 你认为这部电影怎么样? I have never seen a better one.(后边省略了 than the film)我从没有看过 更好的一部。 Toms com

15、position,if not better(后边省略了 than Jacks),is at least as good as Jacks.汤姆的作文,如果不比杰克的好,至少跟他的一样好。 这种省略现象给考生正确判断造成一定的障碍,在高考中出现频率较高,应引起足够 的重视。 .句型转换 1The school where his sister works is a key school in Hebei Province. The school_is a key school in Hebei Province. 2There was a time,when there were no rad

16、ios,telephones or TV sets here. There was a time,_ , telephones or TV sets here. 3Have you ever been to the house where Lu Xun once lived? Have you ever been to the house_ _? 4This is the reason why the computer cannot entirely replace man. This is the reason_ _ 5I was born on Oct.1st,when our natio

17、n was set up. I was born on Oct.1st,_ _. 6This story is more interesting than that one. That story isnt_ this one. That story is_than this one. 7The weather in Shandong is cold,and its much colder in Harbin. The weather in Harbin is_than_of Shandong. 8If you study harder,you will get better grades.

18、_you study,_grades you will get. 9The river is three times as wide as that one. The river is_than that one. 10He works hardest in his class. He works_in his class. 答案:1.at which his sister works 2.during which time there were no radios 3.in which Lu Xun once lived 4.for which the computer cannot ent

19、irely replace man 5.on which our nation was set up 6.as interesting as;less interesting 7.much colder;that 8.The harder;the better 9twice wider 10.harder than the others .用形容词或副词的适当形式填空 1There are_ (many)new beautiful spots here than in other cities of China. 2This lesson is_ (easy) than the last on

20、e. 3Of the two girls Im teaching,I find Nancy the _ (clever) 4Gold is_ (little)useful than iron. 5My sister is two years _ (old)than I. 6He is as _ (strong) as a horse. 7The boy runs almost as _ (quickly) as his teacher. 8He could drive as _ (carefully) as his father. 9This article is slightly (稍微的)

21、 _ (well) organized than that one. 10We all love ourselves _ (much)and hate ourselves _ (little)than we ought. 答案:1.more 2.easier 3.cleverer 4.less 5.older 6strong 7.quickly 8.carefully 9.better 10.more;less 如何写调查报告() 写法指导 一、概述 调查报告是针对某一现象、某一事件或某一问题进行深入细致的调查,对获得材料进 行认真分析研究,发现本质特征和基本规律之后写成的书面报告。在英语书面

22、表达训练中, 我们经常会遇到这一类写作题,要求同学们根据调查结果,对某种现象进行分析并谈谈自 己的看法,写一份调查报告。 二、具体写作步骤和写作方法 写调查报告要写明调查的原因、调查过程、调查结果以及你得出的结论。一般而言, 写调查报告时要从以下几个方面进行分析和写作: 首先,根据题目中所给的现象和问题做一些客观的介绍,通常使用的时态是一般现在 时。这类题目一般会给出一个图表,列举一些数据或一些事实。我们首先要描述这个图表 中的信息。常见的写作方法有: (1)按调查的先后顺序逐点写; (2)按事物发展的阶段来写; (3)将两种事物进行对比,以显示其是非、优劣,找出其差异来写; (4)按调查对象

23、的特点分门别类来写。 其次,分析这些数据或事实反映出的问题。这部分不是调查报告的主体,通常用一两 句话阐述就可以。但要做到“一针见血” ,即观点提炼准确、鲜明。 最后,通常在文章的最后一段阐述作者个人的看法和建议。 常用句式 1According to a survey. 2Ive made a survey and find that. 3A recent study shows that. 4As far as I know. 5Some.while some. 6I think. 7In my opinion. 8I hope. 9I advise that. 写作要求 我们是寄宿制学校

24、,大部分学生住校,也有一部分学生选择走读。我校开展了一次问 卷调查,主题为“我们是否应该住校?” 下表是本次调查的结果,请你就此结果用英语写一篇调查报告,并适当阐述自己的观 点。 70%的同学赞成住校 30%的同学反对住校 1.有利于培养我们良好的学习和生活习惯; 2.节约了时间; 3.可与老师及同学充分交流,有利于共同进步。 1.学校餐厅无法满足多样需求; 2.学生住校不利于了解外界信息; 3.和家人交流少。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2文章的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Recently,a survey has been made in our school on whether

25、 we students should live on campus in a boarding school.The opinions are divided._ _ _ 审题谋篇 项目 结论 体裁 调查报告 话题 是否应该住校 时态 一般现在时为主 人称 第三人称为主 词句推敲 1词汇 支持 _ 在上学路上 _ 有助于 _ 与别人交流少 _ 有必要 _ 答案:in favor of on the way to school contribute to communicate less with others its necessary to. 2句式 百分之七十支持这个观点。住校有助于形成

26、好的学习和生活习惯。 一般表达:70% of us are in favor of it.Living on campus can help develop a good habit of studying and living. 高级表达:(用 as 引导原因状语从句改写上面句子) _ _ 再者,他们可以向老师咨询,和同学讨论,这有助于他们提高。 一般表达:Whats more,they can consult teachers and discuss with classmates and it will contribute to their improvement. 高级表达:(用 w

27、hich 引导定语从句改写上面句子) _ _ 没有父母陪伴,他们之间交流更少。 一般表达:If parents accompany them less,they communicate less with them. 高级表达:(用 without 作状语改写句子) _ _ 答案:70% of us are in favor of it as living on campus can help develop a good habit of studying and living. Whats more,they can consult teachers and discuss with cl

28、assmates,which will contribute to their improvement. Without parents accompanying,they communicate less with them. 妙笔成篇 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ One possible version: Recently,a_survey_has_been_made_in_our_school_on_whether_we_students_shoul d_live_on_campus_in_a_boarding_school.The_opinions_are_divided. 70%

29、 of us are in favor of it as living on campus can help develop a good habit of studying and living.Besides,they can spend less time on the way to school and home.Whats more,they can consult teachers and discuss with classmates,which will contribute to their improvement. However,30% of them are again

30、st it for the reasons below:First,the school canteen cant meet the various needs of students.Second,if they live on campus,they will have little chance to get in touch with society.Last,without parents accompanying,they communicate less with them. Personally,I think its necessary to live on campus b

31、ecause we can live,study and play together happily. 课时作业 4 (A 卷) .品句填词 1The teacher from _ I learnt most was Mrs.Zhu. 2Whats the name of the sport _ which you go in a boat? 3Mathematics is the subject _ I am most interested. 4This is the question _ we have had a discussion. 5This is the house _ I wa

32、s born. 6This hall is five times _(big) than our classroom. 7He doesnt study as _(hard) as his brother. 8The _(hot) the air is, the more quickly it will rise. 9The book is no _(heavy) than one half a kilo. 10This book is _(difficult) than any other one here. 答案:1.whom 2.for 3.in which 4.about which

33、5.in which 6.bigger 7.hard 8.hotter 9.heavier 10more difficult .阅读理解 A “The noise made by boats of whale watching tourists may be causing communication problems for the animals.”British researchers said last week. Whale watching is a popular tourist activity in places where groups of killer whales(虎

34、鲸)live.Every day,dozens of boats filled with tourists go to watch the beautiful animals.Unfortunately,the engines of the boats make a lot of noise,and that may be causing problems for the whales,according to a report in the US science magazine Nature. The whales travel in groups,and communicate with

35、 each other through sonic(声波的)calls that some scientists refer to as singing.The sounds of the boat engines may be creating too much background noise for the whales to be able to hear each other. The researchers listened to recordings of whale calls made between 15 and 25 years ago,before whale watc

36、hing became popular.These were compared to more recent recordings. They found that the animals have started to sing for longer than they used to,like a person shouting to a friend across a noisy room. It is believed that the whales are trying to communicate hunting or breeding information.Scientists

37、 said that,if this is prevented,the future of the worlds whale population could be in danger. “Animals become slow in mind and repeat themselves in noisy areas, ”said Volker Deecke,a Canadian biologist.“They have to say things twice or three times in order to be understood.” The killer whales studie

38、d were living off the coast of northwestern America.The number of killer whales in this area has been falling for several years,but scientists are not sure why. 1What does the underlined word“breeding” in Paragraph 6 mean? ASinging to others. BProducing young. CCaring about the old. DHunting for foo

39、d. 解析:选 B。词义理解题。由第六段第二句可知,科学家说如果这件事情被阻止的话, 世界上鲸的数量将处于危险中,因此推断 breeding 指的是“繁殖” 。 2The passage mainly tells us_ Athe problems of whale watching Bhow killer whales communicate with each other Cthe reduced population of killer whales caused by whale watching Dhearing problems of the killer whales cause

40、d by whale watching 解析:选 D。主旨大意题。文章讲述了观鲸船的噪音给虎鲸的信息交流造成了麻烦。 3Now in a noisy background,the killer whales have to_ Asing in a louder voice Bsing longer Ctravel in smaller groups Dget nearer to each other 解析:选 B。细节理解题。由第五段可知,因为受噪音干扰,现在虎鲸“唱”的时间 比原来长。 4From the passage,we can feel that the author is_ Aan

41、gry Bhopeful Cworried Ddisappointed 解析:选 C。推理判断题。文章介绍观鲸船的噪音给虎鲸的交流造成了困难,而且虎 鲸数量在下降,科学家也不明白其中原因,因此显然作者对此感到“担忧” 。 B Almost everyone likes to eat apples.Apples grow in nearly every part of the world.The United States produces more apples than any other country except France.The states of Washington and

42、New York grow the most apples.Perhaps this is why “New York” is often called “Big Apple” by some people.New York is on the east coast and Washington is on the west near Canada. Apples are red, yellow or green.They are very popular in the United States.Many_people_like_to_carry_apples_to_work_or_to_school_to_eat_with_their_ lunches.Most American people are often too busy or too tired to cook dinner, so they often have their dinners very simply.Apple juice is also a popular drink


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