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1、初三年级上学期英语期末复习(2) 听力部分(20 ) I.情景反应 5 1. A. In three years B. Three years C. For three years 2. A. On New Years Eve B. For two years C. Since last year 3. A. They are very kind-hearted. B. He is kind-hearted man C. He is very kind- hearted 4. A. Mrs Green. B. The Greens C. Mr Green 5. A. Before dinner

2、 B.Before lunch C. Before breakfast II.找出你所听到的句子意义最接近的答案 5 6. A. Jim borrowed the book from Dick B. Jim has given a book to Dick C. Dick has already got Jims book. 7. A. Whats wrong with me? B. Hurry up, everybody! C. Whats the matter with your leg? 8. A. He found the station B. He took the woman to

3、 the station C. the woman was going to the station 9. A. My brother has gone to Beijing B. My brother is still in Beijing C. My brother visited Beijing twice but he is not in Beijing now 10. A. They are old, but they can enjoy music B. They are old, so they cant enjoy music. C. They are not old, so

4、they can enjoy music. III.听对话,回答问题.5 11. A. Ask her to turn up her TV. B. Ask her to turn down her TV C. Tell her to turn off the TV. 12. A. I wanted to try out my ideas B. He wants to try out his ideas C. he wanted to try out some of his ideas. 13. A. On the farm B. In his garden C. In the field D.

5、 On the floor 14. A. The line was good. B. The line was bad C. Its not a very good line 15. A. He wants to borrow an old bike B. He wants to borrow a bike C. He wants to borrow a new bike IV.听短文,选择正确答案 .5 16. What do you think of Mrs Smiths roses? A. They are good. B. They are the worst. C. They are

6、 the best in her street. 17. Why were the roses which the boy was holding quite cheap? Because_ A. he didnt like the roses. B. he didnt pay anything for them C. they were fresh 18. Why didnt Mrs Smith want to buy the roses? Because_ A. she thought there lots of in her garden B. the roses were not be

7、autiful C. the roses were not fresh 19. Which is true? A. They were beautiful roses in Mrs Smiths garden that afternoon B. The boy picked the flowers in Mrs Smiths garden C. The boy wanted some money 20. From the story we know that Mrs Smith had _. A. a small beautiful house B. a small but beautiful

8、 farm C.a big and beautiful garden 笔试部分(100) V.单项填空:25 21. Its easier _ than _ A. to say.do B. to do.to say C. to say to do D. say. do 22. The children know that their parents fill their stockings _ presents. A. of B. into C. with D. to 23. Here is a letter for you. It_ be from your friend. A. must

9、B. can C. will D. shall 24. - You must be here at six tomorrow morning. - Sorry, I _ be here so early. A. need B. may C. mustnt D. cant 25. Do you know what _ this time yesterday? A. they were doing B. were they doing C. they are doing D. are they doing 26. He _ here in two hour. A. will come B. is

10、coming C. has come D. comes 27. She said that she _ such a tall tree. A. has never seen B. never saw C. never had seen D. had never seen 28. Do you know_ ? A. why she wont come to see us B. why will she not come to see us C. why she not come to see us D. why wont she come to see us 29. Dont put the

11、radio _ the TV set. A. at top of B. on top of C. in top of D. over top of 30. It began _ when I got home. A. rain B. rains C. to rain D. to raining 31. -Will you go to the cinema with us tonight? - I dont think so. Im _ tired to go. A. enough B. too C. very D. so 32. -Lets go to the country tomorrow

12、. - All right, if it _ rain tomorrow. A. doesnt B. wont C. isnt D. wouldnt 33. Mike is back after four-year study in the United States.But he still looks just_ before. A. same like B. as same as C. the same D. the same as 34. The boy sometimes_ a red coat. A. puts on B. wears C. dresses up D. dresse

13、s 35. _ is “Father Christmas“ in their house? A. Whom do you think B. Who do you think C. Do you think whom D. do you think which 36. This is _ house. Come in, please. A. Jim and Kate of B. Jim and Kates C. Jims and Kates D. Jims and Kate 37. Would you please write this sentence_ a pen _ English? A.

14、 in.in B. with .in C. with . with D. using.in 38. When we woke up in the morning, we found our stockings _ presents. A. filled B. filled with C. full of D. filling with 39. The man _ green is our new teacher. A. with B. of C. about D. in 40. When I was working in the fields. I saw a plane _ over my

15、head. A. flyed B. flied C. flies D. flying 41. He asked the man upstairs _ drop the shoes on the floor. A.dont B. not C. wont D. not to 42. Youd better _ in class. A. dont talk B. not to talk C. to not talk D. not talk 43. There _ a sports meeting next Sunday. A. will have B. has C. is going D. is g

16、oing to be 44. He will go to the cinema with me if he _. A. is busy B.will be free C. is free D. will be busy 45. Whats _ way of saying TV. A. other B. others C. the another D. another VI.完形填空;10 Men have been interested in the stars _46_ they first looked up _47_ the sky. Some of these stars may ha

17、ve _48_ planets(行星). If that is so . we can know _49_ life may exist (生存) on one of _50_ . The problem is that the nearest _51_ is four light years away. In other words, light from it has been travelled for _52_ years before it finally(最后) _53_ us. Maybe nobody from the_54_ will ever visit that star

18、 _55_ it will take a rocket (火箭) a hundred thousand years to reach it. 46. A. for B. because C. since D. from 47. A. in B. into C. on D. for 48. A. its B. his C. their D. there 49. A. that B. how C. where D. what 50. A. it B. sky C. them D. their 51. A. star B. sun C. moon D. earth 52. A. three B. f

19、ive C. 100 D. four 53. A. reaches to B. gets C. reaches D. arrives 54. A. star B. sun C. moon D. earth 55. A. because B. as if C. though D. why VII.阅读理解:30 A. During the early part of this century(世纪) , most cities and small towns had many “guest (客人) houses“ There were large homes with rooms. Visit

20、ing travellers could pay for staying there. Guest houses were warm and friendly places. In these places, you often had a home-cooked meal as well as a clean room and a bath(洗澡) . But today few guest houses remain(保留) . Nice hotels have taken place of them. These nice hotels have many new things such

21、 as television sets and swimming places. Some guest houses can still be found, however, particularly(特别地) in small towns. When you find them, these places offer(提供 ) travellers a good cheap place. 56. Guest houses in most cities and towns were _. A. visiting travellers homes B. for travellers C. ope

22、n to foreign visitors D. better than nice hotels 57. Which one can you not find in a guest house? A. A bath B. A clean room C. Home-cooked meals D. A television set 58. Nice hotels can not offer_. A. a television set B. a swimming place C. home-cooked meal D. clean rooms 59. Which of the following i

23、s true? A. There are still many guest houses now B. Travellers like guest houses more than nice hotels C. There are no guest houses in cities D. Though (尽管) small in number, you can still find some guest houses 60. People prefer guest houses because _. A. they are warm and friendly places B. They do

24、nt cost much C. they are everywhere in cities and towns D. Both A and B B. A gentleman once had a cat of which he was very fond. At meal time the cat sat up at a table with him. The man ate with a knife and s fork, but the cat ate from her plate. Sometimes, when she had finished her dish, her master

25、 (主人) gave her a bit of his food. He shared(分享) his meal with her. One day the cat was missing at meal time .“ Ah! Where is my cat? “asked the man. his wife said“Cant you eat without her?“ so the meal began without the cat. Before lunch was over the cat rushed into the room and at once jumped up ont

26、o the chair. She had two mice in her mouth, and before anyone could stop her, she dropped one into her own plate, and the other into her masters plate. “Dear me!“cried the woman. “ A mouse is in your plate!“Hush!“said her husband. “This shows that she is a nice cat. She knows what friendship is. She

27、 wished me to share her dinner as I have often shared mine with her.“ 61. The master loved his _ very much. A. wife B. table C. cat D. mouse 62. The cat sat up at the table _ meal time. A. before B. at C. after D. to 63. _ the gentleman gave his cat a little of his food when she ate up her food. A.

28、Finally B. Often C. always D. Sometimes 64. One day the cat was _ for a moment . A. there B. here C. absent D. last 65. The cat come back with _ mice in her mouth. A. five B. no C. two D. there C. There all kinds of horses in the world. But one of them you cant ride, It doesnt live on land, but in t

29、he sea. Its head looks like the head of a horse. So people call it “Sea horse“. In fact, the sea horse is a small fish. It likes to live in warm water. A sea horse always stands up in the water when it swims. Father sea horse carries the eggs to keep the m safe in its pouch(育儿袋) until they hatch(孵).

30、 When the eggs are hatched, the baby sea horses swim away. 66.There are _ kinds of horses in the world. A. few B. a few C. some D. different 67. _ horses live on the land. A. All B. Some C. No D.Not all 68. Why do people call it “Sea horse“? Because_. A. it lives in the sea. B. it is a small fish C.

31、 it lies to live in warm water D. it is in the sea and its head looks like the head of a horse 69.Who looks after the eggs of sea horse? A. Father sea horse B. Mother sea horse C.the soldiers D. No one 70. The title of this passage is _. A. All Kinds of Horses B. Father Sea Horse C. A Strange Horse

32、D. The Baby Sea Horse VIII.完成对话:10 A: Have you seen Jim these two days? B: No. Hes _ to a Japan to see his grandfather. A:Has he _ been there before? B: Of _. ! He lived there before he came here. A: Have you still not _ from him? B: Yes, Ive just _ a letter from him. A: What did he say? B: He said

33、he _ himself there and would stay _ another month. Then he was going _ to England. He also wanted me to give his best _ to you. A: Oh. Well. Its very _ of him to say so. IX.单词拼写:10 81. When are they going to hold the s_ meeting. 82. I ran as fast as p_ , but I couldnt catch up with him. 83. John wri

34、tes the most c_ in his class. 84. You are wrong, I really cant a _ with you. 85. Nanjing is a place of i_. 86. When Helen was young, she p_black to red. 87. I was just going to do some cooking w _ the telephone rang. 88. People quickly c_ round when there was an accident on the street. 89. There are

35、 many story books and science books on those s_ in the reading-room. 90. David is one of the best r_ in our class. He runs very fast. X.书面表达: 根据下面的提示, 写一篇 50-60 个单词的短文;15 上个星期天, 李雷和王明骑自行车去看电影. 路上他们看见了一个钱包在地上(a wallet lie on the ground).他们把它捡起来. 他们看了看手表. 几乎到了看电影的时候了. 但是, 他们 仍然决定先把它交给警察. 当他们匆匆赶到电影院的时候

36、,电影已经开始(be on ) 一个小时了. Key:2002 初三上英语期末考试题 听力部分(20 ) I.1. How long has your uncle lived in the city? 2. When did you see the TV play? 3. What kind of perso is Father christmas? 4. Who is Father Christmas in Jim and Kates house ? 5. When does Christman Day always begin? II. 6. dick has already lent t

37、he book to Jim. 7. If someone has hurt his leg you should ask “.?“ 8. The policeman told the woman how to find the station . 9. My brother has been to Beijing twice. 10. They are never too old to enjoy music. III. 11. - Dont you think her TV is too noisy, Tom? - Yes. Ill ask her to turn it down. Q:

38、What is Jim going to do ? 12. -What do you want a science lab for? - I want to try out some of my ideas. Q: What did tom want a science lab for? 13. - What is the boy doing? - He is going to grow vegetabls in his garden. Q: Where is the boy going to grow vegetables? 14. -Why are you shouting on the

39、phone? -Because the line is too bad. She asked me to speak more loudly. Q: Why was the girl shouting on the phone? 15. - Could I borrow your new bike? - Sorry . I dont have a new one. But Ihave an old one. Q: What does the man want to borrow? IV: Mrs Smith loved flowers and had a small but beautiful

40、 garden, In the summer her roses were always better than anyone else in her street. One summer afternoon her bell rang and when she went to the front door, she saw a small boy outside. He was about 7 years old, and was holding a big bunch of beatiful roses in his hande, “I am selling roses,“ he said

41、. “Do you want any? They are quite cheap. they are fresh. I picked them this afternoon.“My boy.“Mrs Smith answered, “I pick roses when I want, and dont pay anything for them. Because I have lots of them in my garden.“Oh, No. you havent.“said the boy.“There arent any roses in your garden because they

42、 are in my hand“ 1-5CACCC 6-10 ACCCA 11-15BCBBC 16-20 CBAAC 21-25 CCADA 26-30 ADABC 31-35 BADBC 36-40 BBCDD 41-45 DDDCD 46-50 CBCAC 51-55ADCDA 56-60 BDCDD 61-65 BADCB 66-70DDDAC 71. gone 72 ever 73 course 74 heard 75 received/got/ had 76 enjoyed 77 for 78 return/ travel / fly 79 wishes 80 kind /nice 81 sports 82 possible 83carefully 84 agree 85 interest 86 preferred 87when 88crowed 89shelves90runners


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