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1、-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-Module 4 More things to learnUnit 1 A music classPart 1 Listening(听力部分)40%. Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的单词或词组,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):8%( ) 1. A. piperB. paperC. purple( ) 2. A. youB. yourC. youre( ) 3. A. fullB. feelC. fall( ) 4. A. goldenB. goldC. good( ) 5. A. play the

2、pianoB. play the violinC. play the music( ) 6. A. beside the drumB. between the pianosC. beside the piano( ) 7. A. Alices drumB. Peters drumC. Dannys drum( ) 8. A. a music classB. a musical instrument C. a music room. Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的句子,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):6%( ) 1. A. Listen to the music.B. Li

3、sten to the sound.C. Listen, there is a sound.( ) 2. A. It is my triangle.B. I have a triangle.C. There is a triangle.( ) 3. A. Whose volleyball is this?B. Whose basketball is this?C. Whose football is this?( ) 4. A. The man plays beautiful music.B. The man plays nice music.C. The woman plays beauti

4、ful music.( ) 5. A. Listen to this. Its Alices drum. B. Listen to this. It isnt Alices drum.C. Listen to this. Is this Alices drum?( ) 6. A. The children walk away from the city.B. The children go back to the city.C. The mice walk away from the city.Listen and choose(听问句,选答句;听答句,选问句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):6

5、% ( ) 1. A. They are mice.B. I can see mice.C. There are some mice.( ) 2. A. Beside Kitty.B. Behind Kitty.C. In front of Kitty.( ) 3. A. I can play the piano.B. Im playing the piano.C. I play the piano.( ) 4. A. Its in his bag.B. Yes, it is.C. Its a triangle.( ) 5. A. Where is the triangle?B. What s

6、hape is it?C. Whose triangle is it?( ) 6. A. Ting-ting! What can you hear?B. Zing-zing! What can you hear?C. Ding-ding! What can you hear?. Listen and number(根据听到的顺序,用“1-6”给下列句子编号):6%( ) Mary is sitting beside Tom. Shes playing the triangle.( ) In the music room, there are some pupils. ( ) Tom is pl

7、aying the piano.( ) Alice is playing the violin. They are happy.( ) Theyre playing the musical instruments.( ) In front of them, Peter is playing the drum. Listen and choose(听小对话和问题,选出正确的答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):4%( ) 1. A. Its Tims rubber.B. Its a square. C. Its your rubber.( ) 2. A. Yes, she is.B. No, sh

8、e isnt.C. Shes washing.( ) 3. A. Yes, it has.B. Yes, it is.C. No, it isnt.( ) 4. A. He can play the piano.B. No, he can play the drum.C. He cant play the drum. Listen and circle(听一听,写出听到的单词完成句子):5% The city of Hamelin is full of mice. A man _ to help the people of Hamelin. The man _ beautiful music.

9、 The mice walk behind the man. They walk away from the city. The people of Hamelin do not want to _ the piper his gold. The man plays beautiful music again. Now all the _ of the city walk behind him. The people of Hamelin give the piper his gold. The children _ back home. Listen and judge(听一听,判断正误,用

10、T或F表示):5%( ) 1. The children arent in the classroom.( ) 2. Peter is playing the drum.( ) 3. Eddie and Sam are playing the drums.( ) 4. The violin is old.( ) 5. Their music teacher is Mr Li.Part 2 Reading and writing(阅读部分) 60%. Copy the words, phrase and sentences(正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子,抄写句子时注意大小写和标点符号):6% H

11、amelin music sound the music man in return one bag of gold_zing-zing what can you play alice i can play the violin_. Look and write(根据图意,写出合适的单词完成句子,每线一词,首字母已给):6%1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. - What can you play? - I can play the t_.2. - Where is my drum?- Its over there. Its b_ the piano.3. This basket is

12、f_ of fruit.4. - How many m_? - One.5. Lets m_ the musical instruments.6. - What does this man do? - Hes a p_. Read and judge(判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音,用“T”或“F”表示):5%1. 2. 3. 4. 5. drum super play day violin toilet back angry piano come. Read and write(读一读,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空):5%1. Danny can _ (play) the piano we

13、ll. Listen, Danny _ (play) the piano.2. There are two music _ (class) on Friday.3. -_ (who) pencil is that? - Its _ (Tom).4. - _Jim _ (swim) in the sea? - No, he isnt.5. - May I have _ (some) apple juice? - Yes, here you are. Read and choose(读一读,选一选,将字母代号写在前面的括号内,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):8%( ) 1. Her brother

14、can play _, but he cant play _.A. football, the drumB. football, drumC. the football, the drum( ) 2. This is _ violin.A. Jills and BensB. Jill and BensC. Jills and Ben ( ) 3. -What _ your aunt _? - Shes a singer.A. do, doB. does, doesC. does, do( ) 4. The cat is chasing the mouse. The mouse is _ the

15、 cat.A. besideB. behindC. in front of( ) 5. - Is this _ drum? - No, its _ drum.A. your, myB. my, myC. my, your( ) 6. Here _ some paper planes for you.A. areB. isC. am( ) 7. Would you like _ the Music Club?A. joinB. to join C. joining( ) 8. All the _ of the city walk behind the man.A. childB. childsC

16、. children. Rewrite the sentences(根据要求改变下列句子,每线一词):10%1. Thats my sisters bike.(改为一般疑问句)_ that _ sisters bike?2. My mother can play the piano.(对划线部分提问)_ can _ mother play?3. Kitty, play some music.(改为否定句) _, _ play _ music.4. Sallys drum is under the desk.(对划线部分提问)_ is Sallys drum?5. Its time to hav

17、e music class.(句意不变)Its time _ music class.Read and write(读一读,填上适当的单词,每线一词):5%1. Im the music man. I can play the _.2. - Whats the _? - Its Jills triangle.3. There are _ days in two weeks.4. _ Friday afternoon, I usually do my homework.5. We have a music class in the _ _. Read and choose(读一读,选择合适的应答

18、句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):5%( ) 1. What is it?A. I can hear a drum.( ) 2. What can you hear?B. Its my sisters.( ) 3. Whose drum is it?C. Yes, it is.( ) 4. Is this your sisters drum?D. Yes, of course.( ) 5. Can you play the drum?E. Its a drum. Read and choose(阅读短文,选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):5% Its Sunday morning.

19、The sun is shining. Many boys and girls are playing in the park. Some are singing and some are dancing under a big tree. Some are playing the violin in the pavilion(亭子). There are a lot of flowers and trees in the park. The flowers are beautiful. Some are red and some are pink and yellow. The trees

20、are green. How beautiful the park is!( ) 1. It is in the _.A. morningB. afternoonC. evening( ) 2. There are _ boys and girls in the park. A. some B. many C. any( ) 3. Some children are playing the violin _. A. under a tree B. in the pavilionC. in the playground( ) 4. The flowers are _. A. red and pi

21、nkB. pink and yellow C. red, pink and yellow( ) 5. There are _ in the park too.A. a lot of green trees B. some brown treesC. beautiful parks. Write at least 6 sentences(请介绍如何制作乐器,可以说说需要哪些材料、制作步骤等等,至少6句话,3种及以上句型。):5%Make a musical instrument_Module 4 More things to learnUnit 1 A music classPart 1 Lis

22、tening(听力部分). Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的单词或词组,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):1. Here comes a piper.2. - Is this your triangle? - Yes, it is.3. The basket is full of apples.4. It is a bag of gold.5. Can you play the violin?6. The big drum is beside the piano.7. - Alice, wheres Dannys drum? - Its over there.8. Lets

23、make a musical instrument.(1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. B). Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的句子,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):1. Listen, there is a sound.2. It is my triangle.3. Whose basketball is this?4. The man plays beautiful music.5. Listen to this. Is this Alices drum?6. The children go back to the city.(

24、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B).Listen and choose(听问句,选答句;听答句,选问句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):1. What are these?2. Kitty sits in front of Tom. Wheres Tom?3. What do you play?4. Where is Peters triangle?5. Its a triangle.6. I can hear a piano.(1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C). Listen and number(根据听到的顺序,用“1-6”给下列句子编号

25、):In the music room, there are some pupils. Theyre playing the musical instruments. Mary is sitting beside Tom. Shes playing the triangle. Tom is playing the piano. In front of them, Peter is playing the drum. Alice is playing the violin. They are happy.(314625). Listen and choose(听小对话和问题,选出正确的答案,将字

26、母代号写在前面的括号内):1. A: What shape is your rubber, Tim?B: Its a square.A: What colour is it?B: Its white.Q: What shape is Tims rubber?2. A: Is your grandmother washing in the bathroom?B: No, she isnt.A: Where is she now?B: Shes cooking in the kitchen.Q: Is grandmother washing in the kitchen.3. A: Have yo

27、u a rabbit?B: Yes, I have a rabbit.A: Where is it now?B: Its eating carrots in the cage.Q: Is the rabbit eating in the cage?4. A: I can play the drum. What about, Peter?B: I cant play the drum. I can play the violin.A: Lets play together now.B: OK.Q: What cant Peter play?(1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C). Liste

28、n and circle(听一听,写出听到的单词完成句子): The city of Hamelin is full of mice. A man comes to help the people of Hamelin. The man plays beautiful music. The mice walk behind the man. They walk away from the city. The people of Hamelin do not want to give the piper his gold. The man plays beautiful music again.

29、 Now all the children of the city walk behind him. The people of Hamelin give the piper his gold. The children go back home.(1. comes 2. plays 3. give 4. children 5. go). Listen and judge(听一听,判断正误,用T或F表示): The children are in the music room. What are they doing? Peter is sitting on the desk. Hes pla

30、ying the violin. The violin is new. Eddie is beside Sam. Eddie is playing the big drum and Sam is playing the small drum. Miss Li is their music teacher. Shes playing the piano.(1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F)Part 2 Reading and writing(阅读部分) . Hamelin music sound the music man in return one bag of gold Zi

31、ng-zing! What can you play, Alice? I can play the violin. 1. triangle 2. beside 3. full 4. mice 5. make 6. piper. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F. 1. play, is playing 2. classes 3. Whose, Toms 4. Is, swimming 5. some. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C. 1. Is, your 2. What, your 3. Kitty, dont, any 4.

32、 Where 5. for. 1. violin/drum/ 2. sound 3. fourteen 4. On 5. music room. 1. E 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A. Omitted浅埋暗挖隧道工艺标准1.竖井1.1适用范围:本章适用于浅埋暗挖隧道开挖的竖井由格栅钢架、钢筋网片、喷射混凝土联合组成初期支护的施工及验收。1.2编制参考标准及规范地下铁道工程施工及验收标准GB50299-1999铁路隧道施工规范TB10204-2002 J163-20021.3术语(1)圈梁:竖井棚架支护底座的钢筋混凝土结构。(2)竖

33、井棚架:采用工字钢等型钢焊接成型的吊装骨架,用于提升、倒运竖井及隧道内垃圾和各种材料的吊运装置。(3)格栅钢架:用钢筋或型钢焊接加工而形成的 架式支架。(4)喷射混凝土:利用压缩空气或其它动力,将按一定配比拌制的混凝土混合物沿管路输送至喷头处,以较高速度垂直射于受喷面,依赖喷射过程中水泥与骨料的连续撞击,压密而形成的一种混凝土。(5)干喷:将水泥和骨料干拌后送到喷嘴,在喷嘴的前端让其与水合流的一种混凝土的施工方法。(6)湿喷:将水泥和骨料加水搅拌均匀后直接喷射到受喷面上的一种混凝土施工方法。(7)初期支护:当设计要求隧洞的永久支护分期完成时,隧洞开挖后及时施工的支护。(8)钢支撑:采用工字钢等

34、型钢焊接成型的支护钢架,用于支撑初衬结构的一种支护方式。1.4一般规定1.4.1竖井的断面形式可采用矩形或圆形,当地质情况较差时宜采用圆形。1.4.2竖井井口应做锁口圈梁,锁口圈梁应在井身掘进前完成。1.4.3竖井应设防雨棚,井口周围应设防汛墙和栏杆。1.4.4 竖井应安装上下爬梯,爬梯应牢固可靠,利于行走,不影响竖井施工和运输。1.4.5施工中竖井口、井底、绞车房和工作吊盘间均应有联系信号,必要时可设直通电话。1.5工艺流程 (I)锁口圈梁1.5.1圈梁施工前应进行复核量测,确定竖井准确位置。1.5.2开挖圈梁时严禁扰动圈梁底部土方,清出圈梁底后可直接浇注垫层混凝土.1.5.3垫层混凝土应沿

35、线路方向灌注,布灰应均匀,其允许偏差为: 5高程 mm,表面平整度3mm。 101.5.4挡水墙高度应高于现况地面该地区最高降水量。1.5.5圈梁钢筋施工应符合下列规定:1 钢筋进场后检查出厂材质证明,并按规格、使用部位编号分别加垫木堆放。苫盖,防止雨淋生锈。 2 钢筋绑扎前检查钢筋是否锈蚀,除锈后方可绑扎。 3 施工垫层浇注完毕并上强度后方可进行圈梁钢筋施工。4 钢筋绑扎应用同标号砂浆垫块或塑料卡支垫,支垫间距为1m左右,并按行列式或交错式摆放,垫块或塑料卡与钢筋应固定牢固。5 钢筋绑扎搭接35d,钢筋搭接时,中间和两端共绑扎3处,并必须单独绑扎后,再和交叉钢筋绑扎,钢筋绑扎搭接接头必须错开

36、。 6 单支箍筋和双支箍筋拐角处与主筋交叉点全部绑扎,双支箍筋平直部分与主筋交叉点可交叉绑扎。 7 箍筋位置保证正确并垂直主筋,双支箍筋弯钩叠合处,沿受力方向错开设置,单支箍筋可按交错式排列。 8 钢筋绑扎牢固稳定,不得变形松脱和开焊。 9 圈梁埋件必须固定,保证牢固、位置正确,埋铁位置根据现场情况设置。 10验收标准:钢筋:主筋分布间距: 10 双层筋间距: 10 保护层厚度: 5 双支箍筋单面满焊 10d 1.5.6圈梁模板施工应符合下列规定:1 钢筋绑扎完毕验收后方可支搭模板。2 模板进场后立即对模板除锈,并码放好,做好苫盖,模板使用前再对模板刷隔离剂。3 模板铺设应牢固、平整、接缝严密

37、不漏浆,相邻两块模板接缝平齐,高低差不大于2mm。支架系统连接应牢固稳定。 4 混凝土强度达到设计强度50%方可拆除模板,拆除的模板及时清除灰渣及时维修,妥善保管。 5 验收标准模板:表面平整度:3 模内尺寸:+3 轴线位移:51.5.7圈梁混凝土施工应符合下列规定: 1 模板验收完毕后方可浇注混凝土。 2 混凝土浇注一般采用灰溜子浇注,配合人工手推车浇注。 3 混凝土振捣采用插入式梅花形振捣,振捣间距不大于50cm,振捣棒插入混凝土内每次不短于3分钟,直至混凝土表面不起泡为准,保证混凝土的振捣密实。 4 混凝土塌落度1416cm。 5 混凝土浇注时严禁向混凝土中加水。 6 混凝土终凝后采用浇

38、水养护,养护时间不少于14天。 7 混凝土抗压和抗渗试件应在灌注地点制作。 7.验收标准(mm) 轴线位移 20 高程 +20 垂直度 15 厚度 %p10 1.5.8圈梁钢筋、模板、混凝土施工还应符合7.1、7.2、7.3有关规定。(II)竖井棚架1.6.1竖井一般采用龙门架和电葫芦做为运输系统,并设防雨棚。1.6.2施工中所采用的龙门架和电葫芦必须经过计算,是否能够达到竖井提升要求。1.6.3龙门架各立柱应设钢筋混凝土独立墩,并准确定位竖井圈梁上柱脚预埋铁位置1.6.4安装龙门架应首先立托梁,然后架设行梁,再立龙门架的吊梁,最后架设横撑和斜撑。1.6.5龙门架立柱与预埋铁之间应加设焊接三角

39、钢板,焊缝长度不低于2cm。1.6.6电葫芦安装前,应仔细检查有无损坏或丢失的零部件,并给起升和运行减速器加油,将加油孔密封,严防渗漏。1.6.7根据导轨情况,用调整垫圈调整电葫芦轨道,保证轮缘与轨道翼缘间有4mm间隙。1.6.8在轨道两端设置弹性缓冲器,以保证电葫芦行至两端不脱轨或防止破坏机体。1.6.9在轨道或其连接的构架上设置地线,接地线为截面不小于25mm的金属导线。1.6.10龙门架和电葫芦使用中应经常检查、维修和保养。1.6.11 提升设备不得超负荷作业,运输速度应符合设备技术要求;1.6.12提升设备应有深度指示器和防过卷、过速等保护装置以及限速器和松绳信号等。1.6.13提升用

40、的钢丝绳和各种悬挂用的连接装置,应具有规定的安全系数,使用前应进行拉力试验,合格后方可安装。(III)竖井开挖1.7.1 竖井开挖采用逐榀开挖,每榀对角开挖,开挖顺序为-,严禁全断面开挖。1.7.2 竖井格栅榀距严格按照设计要求进行,绝不允许超挖。1.7.3竖井土方开挖严禁向下和向外超挖,尽可能避免对竖井侧壁土质的扰动。(IV)格栅安装1.8.1格栅宜选用钢筋、型钢、钢轨等制成。格栅钢筋的主筋直径不宜小于18mm。1.8.2格栅应在开挖挂网或喷混凝土后及时架设。1.8.3安装前应清除底脚下的废渣及杂物。格栅安装允许偏差:横向和高程为5cm,垂直度为2。1.8.4格栅安装可在开挖面以人工进行,各




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