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1、2013届山东省德州市九年级第一次模拟考试英语试卷(带解析)1 Youd better not eat too much salt. Its bad for your health. _.A. Not at allB. Youre welcomeC. It doesnt matterD. Thanks for your advice【答案】D【解析】试题分析:Not at all一点也不;Youre welcome欢迎你,不客气;It doesnt matter没关系;Thanks for your advice谢谢你的建议.根据上文,你最好不要吃太多盐,对你的健康不好.结合语境可知选D.考点

2、:情景交际点评:情景交际的考查是英语考试的重点,做此类题型首先要理解各个选项中句子的含义,然后结合具体语境选择合适答语。回答时一般要遵从以下几个原则:礼貌原则,利他原则和英语文化习惯。平时应注意积累各种习惯用语,了解英美文化的区别,尤其注意不能以中式思维思考英语问题。平时应加强英语阅读,增强语感,多了解一些英语文化方面的知识。2 How do you western people celebrate _? They usually make special pumpkin lanterns.A. ChristmasB. Thanksgiving DayC. HalloweenD. New Ye

3、ars Day【答案】C【解析】试题分析:Christmas圣诞节;Thanksgiving Day感恩节;Halloween万圣节;New Years Day元旦.联系下文,他们通常做特殊的南瓜灯笼.可知上文指的是庆祝的是万圣节.故选C.考点:英语常识点评:英语常识的考察也是英语考试的一个重点。在英语中有许多与汉语不同的表达习惯,用语特点等。我们除了学一些比较固定的语法规则外,平时应注意积累各种习惯用语,了解英美文化的区别,尤其注意不能以中式思维思考英语问题。平时应加强英语阅读,增强语感,多了解一些英语风俗文化方面的知识。3Professor Wang, here is my composi

4、tion. Could you _ it?A. be interested inB. have an effect onC. have a word withD. do some reviews about【答案】D【解析】试题分析:be interested in对感兴趣;have an effect on对有影响;have a word with与谈几句话;do some reviews about做一些评论。句意:王教授,这是我的作文。您能给评论一下吗?结合语境可知选D。考点:短语辨析点评:解答此类题型的要点是了解各个短语的基本含义及用法的不同,同时注意其表示多个含义的现象,然后结合语境

5、选择合适答案。4 May I use your pen? Mine is broken. Of course, here are two and you can use _ of them.A. both B. every C. any D. either【答案】D【解析】试题分析:both两者都;every每一个;any任何一个;either两者中的任何一个.句意:我可以用你的钢笔吗?我的坏了。当然了,这儿有两支,你可以用他们中的任何一支。结合语境可知选D。考点:不定代词用法点评:不定代词的应用是初中英语考察的重点,熟记每个代词的用法,注意每个代词之间用法含义上的不同。解题时结合语境具体分析

6、,选择正确答案。5 Your telephone number again? I didnt quite _ it. 5872398.A. accept B. catch C. know D. write【答案】B【解析】试题分析:accept接受;catch抓住,赶上,了解;know知道;write写。句意:再说一遍你的电话号码.我没有听得太清。结合语境可知选B。考点:动词辨析点评:该题型是属于基础题型,是必考内容。英语动词同汉语一样具有一词多义,一词多性的特点。解答此类问题首先要理解每个单词的基本含义,并注意交叉含义间的区别,了解其特殊用法及习惯搭配等特点,然后结合语境选择正确答案。6I

7、write down everything about work in my pink notebook; _it, Ill forget the things I should do.A. before B. except C. without D. outside【答案】C【解析】试题分析:before在之前;except除了;without没有;outside在外边。句意:我在我的粉红色笔记本中记下了每件与工作有关的事。没有 它,我就不记得所有我该做的事情。结合语境可知选C。考点:介词辨析点评:英语介词的一个特点是一词多义,并且介词间语义交叉现象很多,习惯用法也很多,有时很难从词义上区分

8、开来。故学习中要注意不断总结,熟记一些介词和动词的固定搭配用法及习惯用法,是完成此类问题的捷径。7There is nothing in the world _ can make him give up his dream.A. what B. that C. which D. who【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:世界上没有什么事情能够让他放弃他的梦想。本句中先行词为前文整句话内容,抽象事物,故引导词用that,选B。考点:定语从句点评:定语从句引导词的用法比较复杂,其关键就是根据先行词的不同选择不同的引导词.并注意作介词宾语的引导词只能使用宾格形式.that不能用于非限制性定语从句中.8

9、Tony hasnt got any hobbies _ you call watching TV a hobby.A. becauseB. when C. unless D. if【答案】C【解析】试题分析:because因为;when当时;unless除非,如果不;if是否,如果。句意:托尼没有什么爱好。除非你把看电视当做一个爱好。故选C。考点:连词辨析点评:连词在句子中主要起联系上下文的作用,他们之间的区别就是表示逻辑关系的不同,所以在解题时先要理解上下文含义,然后根据上下文逻辑关系选择合适的连词。连词的用法都比较多,语义之间还有交叉,熟记其基本应用规则,了解其区别,注意固定搭配对象,是

10、做好此类题型的关键。9 Please dont make a noise. _ . Ill be as quiet as a mouse.A. Yes, I doB. No, I dontC. Yes, I willD. No, I wont【答案】D【解析】试题分析:英语祈使句的回应与反义疑问句的回应一样,都是用一般将来时态进行回应,并且根据事实进行回应。一般肯定回应为:Yes, +主语(通常是代词)+助动词;否定回应为:No, +主语(通常是代词)+ 助动词 not.(的缩写形式).句意:请不要制造噪音。根据下文,我会像老鼠一样安静。结合语境可知前文为肯定回应,故选D。考点:祈使句点评:英

11、语中祈使句的回应只依据事实进行回应,只是翻译成汉语时有所不同。英语中有很多于汉语不同的语言习惯,注意不能用汉语思维去思考英语问题,学英语就要适应英语中的语言习惯,适应英语文化。10 Ben looks strong. Has he ever been sick? Hes a superman! He _ goes to the doctor.A. alreadyB. oftenC. everD. never【答案】D【解析】试题分析:already已经;often常常,经常;ever曾经;never从来不。本看起来很强壮。他曾经生过病吗?他是个超人!他从来没看过医生。结合语境可知选D。考点:副

12、词辨析点评:该题型是属于基础题型,是必考内容。英语单词同汉语一样具有一词多义,一词多性的特点,本题就是考察这几个单词的副词用法。首先要理解每个选项的基本含义及用法的不同,并注意交叉含义间的区别,然后结合语境选择正确答案。11 Whats up? The music in the restaurant sounds so_ that I want to leave at once.A. soft B. wonderful C. friendly D. noisy【答案】D【解析】试题分析:soft柔软的;wonderful奇妙的,极好的;friendly有好的;noisy吵闹的。句意:怎么了?这

13、个饭店的音乐听起来是如此吵,以至于我想立即离开。故选D。考点:形容词辨析点评:词义辨析考的是学生的基础词汇知识,了解每个选项的含义是做好此类题型的关键,需要注意的就是其一词多义现象及所修饰对象的不同,然后结合上下文语境选择合适答案。12 Could you tell me _ yesterday? Because the traffic was heavy.A. why you came late B. when you came hereC. where you came from D. how you came here【答案】A【解析】试题分析:英语宾语从句中一般为陈述语序。句意:你能告

14、诉我昨天你为什么迟到了吗?因为交通非常拥挤。结合语境可知选A。考点:宾语从句点评:宾语从句中一般为陈述语序,需注意当疑问词做从句主语时,则貌似倒装句,需注意区分。关于引导词的区分需结合引导词的基本含义及其在句子中所承担的句子成分进行具体分析。宾语从句的时态和主句没有必然的联系,需结合语境具体分析。13 Would you like to read the English _ on the medicine bottle for me? With pleasure.A. instructions B. meaningsC. pictures D. documents【答案】A【解析】试题分析:i

15、nstructions指令,说明;meanings含义,价值;pictures图片,绘画作品;documents文档。句意:你愿意给我读一下这个药瓶上的英文说明吗?结合语境可知选A。考点:词义辨析点评:该题型是属于英语考试的基础题型,是必考内容。英语单词同汉语一样具有一词多义,一词多性的特点。解答此类问题首先要理解每个选项的基本含义,并注意交叉含义间的区别,了解其特殊用法,然后结合语境选择正确答案。14 Mum, will you buy me the new iPad after the Entrance Examination? Im afraid I _, dear. We are sh

16、ort of money now.A. mustnt B. cantC. shouldnt D. neednt【答案】B【解析】试题分析:mustnt禁止,一定不;cant不能,不可能;shouldnt不应该;neednt不必。句意:妈妈,入学考试过后,你给我买一部新的ipad好吗?恐怕我不能,亲爱的。我们现在缺钱。结合语境可知选B。考点:情态动词辨析点评:情态动词的考查是初中英语考查的重点,平时学习中一定要熟记这些词的基本词义及用法上的不同,注意其用法及在句子中表达语气的不同。考试中结合语境选择合适答案。15_. Ever since last week.A. Have you taken

17、your temperature?B. Whats the matter with you?C. Is there anything wrong with you?D. How long have you been like this?【答案】D【解析】试题分析:Have you taken your temperature?你量体温了吗?Whats the matter with you?你怎么了?Is there anything wrong with you?你有什么问题吗?How long have you been like this?你这样多久了?根据下文,自从上周以来。可知选D。

18、考点:交际用语点评:交际用语的考查也是英语考试的重点,做此类题型首先要理解各个选项中句子的含义,然后结合具体语境选择合适答语。平时应注意积累各种习惯用语,了解英美文化的区别,尤其注意不能以中式思维思考英语问题。平时应加强英语阅读,增强语感,多了解一些英语文化方面的知识。 A little girl walked to and from school every day. Though it was not fine and clouds appeared in the sky that morning, the little girl made her daily trip to school

19、 as usual. When school was over, winds became stronger and it began to rain. The mother of the little girl felt worried that her daughter would be afraid when she walked home from school and that lightning might frighten her child. Following the bright light of lightning, the mother quickly got into

20、 her car and drove to her childs school. As the mother drove along the road, she saw her little girl walking alone in the rain. To her great surprise, she found that when a lightning came, her daughter stopped, looked up and smiled. Another lightning came and then another followed. With each lightni

21、ng, the little girl stopped, looked up and smiled. Inside the car, the mother asked her daughter, “What were you doing? Why did you look up and smile when the lightning came?” The little girl answered with a smile, “Mum, you know, God was looking at me. Each time I felt a little afraid walking in th

22、e rain, God would take a picture of me. I knew he was playing a game with me.”16How did the little girl go to school every day?A. By car. B. On foot.C. By bus.D. By bike.17What was the weather like that day?A. It was rainy. B. It was fine.C. It was just windy. D. It was only cloudy.18At first, the m

23、other felt worried because .A. she couldnt help her daughterB. her daughter hadnt taken her umbrellaC. she had something more important to doD. her daughter might be afraid of the lightning19According to the article, we can know that the little girl was .A. proudB. shyC. braveD. nervous20This passag

24、e is possibly from .A. a menu B. a magazine C. a dictionary D. a report【答案】16B17A18D19C20B【解析】试题分析:这篇短文中描述了一个勇敢的小女孩笑对闪电的故事。16根据第一段A little girl walked to and from school every day.描述,可知选B。17根据第一段When school was over, winds became stronger and it began to rain.描述,可知选A。18根据第二段and that lightning might

25、frighten her child.描述,可知选D。19根据短文第三段描述,可知这个小女孩并不怕闪电。说明她很勇敢。故选C。20这是一篇故事性短文,故最有可能来自一本杂志,选B。考点:关于一个小女孩的说明文阅读点评:本文浅显易懂,层次分明,学生很容易把握文章中心内容。答题中注意带着问题阅读短文,一般就能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案。A Fantastic Journey to LondonAlan Travel Service Time: July 22August 14, 2012Hotel: Hilton Hotel (free

26、breakfast )Places of interest: St. Pauls Cathedral ( July 23)Tickets: 14 each (kids half-price)Big Ben ( July 24 )Tickets: 10 each (kids half-price)Skating Championship: (July 27August 12)You can book tickets at 0044-020-6528Enjoy the journey together!Total Fee: 2960 each (kids half-price)Tel: 0371-

27、6315680 Fax:0371-6501283Visit us at www. Look-out 21How many days will you spend if you join in Alan Travel Services journey to London?A. 14. B. 22. C. 24. D. 29.22If you want to visit some places of interest on July 24, you can visit _.A. St. Pauls CathedralB. Big Ben C. Hilton HotelD. the Skating

28、Championship23Mr. Li wants to visit St. Pauls Cathedral with his six-year-old son, he should pay _ for it.A. 14 B. 21 C. 28 D. 724When can you watch the Skating Championship in London?A. From July 25 to August 12.B. From July 22 to August 14.C. From July 23 to August 12.D. From July 27 to August 12.

29、25Which of the following is WRONG according to the poster?A. In Hilton Hotel you will have free breakfast every day.B. If you want to find more information, you can call 0371-6315680 for help.C. Mr. Li and his wife will spend 5,920 for their journey to London.D. You can book tickets for the Skating

30、Championship at www. Look-out .【答案】21C22B23B24D25D【解析】试题分析:这是一则有关在伦敦旅行的海报,其中主要介绍了各个旅行项目的时间及收费信息。21根据Time: July 22August 14,描述,可知这是一个持续24填的旅程。故选C。22根据Big Ben ( July 24 )描述,可知选B。23根据St. Pauls Cathedral ( July 23)Tickets: 14 each (kids half-price)描述,计算可知,14+14/2=21,故选B。24根据Skating Championship: (July 2

31、7August 12)描述,可知选D。25根据Skating Championship: (July 27August 12)You can book tickets at 0044-020-6528描述,可知选D。考点:布告类应用文阅读点评:这则海报中主要主要介绍了各个旅行项目的时间及收费信息。各个小题都能在文中找到适当依据。只要认真阅读短文,注意前后联系,就能顺利完成阅读。对于有关数字的问题,要认真分析,并进行必要的计算。In a school some trouble was caused by the students. They are very naughty and didnt

32、obey the school rules.They often fought with each other and they didnt forgive each other. One day a new teacher came to this school. When he heard that, he came up with a good idea. He told each of his students to bring a clear plastic bag and a bag of potatoes to school. For every person they didn

33、t want to forgive in their lives, they chose a potato, wrote the persons name on it, and put it in the plastic bag. Some of their bags were very heavy. They were then told to carry this bag with them everywhere for one week. They would put it beside their bed at night, on the seat when sitting in a

34、car or on a bus, and next to their desk at school. Days of carrying the bags around with them made students get to know what a weight they were carrying in their minds. And they had to pay attention to it all the time so they didnt forget it or leave it in embarrassing (令人难堪的) places. As time passed

35、 by, the potatoes went bad and smelt nasty. Too often we think of tolerance as a gift to other people, and it clearly is for ourselves! If we choose to keep our sadness and hatred (仇恨) in our hearts, we will have to carry them around all our lives. After that, the students got on well with each othe

36、r and didnt fight anymore. Learn to forgive , and you will be happier at the same time.26The new teacher asked the students to bring _ to school.A. a clear plastic bag of potatoesB. a clear plastic bag and a potatoC. some clear plastic bags of potatoesD. a clear plastic bag and a bag of potatoes27Th

37、ey wrote the persons name on the potato, who_.A. they liked B. they didnt forgiveC. hated them D. liked them28The underlined word “tolerance” means_.A. 感恩 B. 宽容 C. 仇恨 D. 悔恨29From this passage we can know that _.A. we should learn to forgiveB. we should know something about potatoesC. we shouldnt use

38、 plastic bagsD. we should take potatoes to school30Which of following is NOT true?A. Tolerance is a gift for other people and ourselves.B. Carrying a bag of potatoes made the students embarrassed.C. The students had to take bags of potatoes with them everywhere.D. The students had to take bags of po

39、tatoes with them for about two weeks.【答案】26D27B28B29A30D【解析】试题分析:这篇短文中聪明的老师让学生把自己对其他人的仇恨化为一个个的土豆,从而让学生们意识到每天携带者这些仇恨时多么重的一项负担。以此让学生们认识到了学会宽容,你才会过的更快乐。26根据第二段He told each of his students to bring a clear plastic bag and a bag of potatoes to school.描述,可知选D。27根据第二段For every person they didnt want to for

40、give in their lives, they chose a potato, wrote the persons name on it,描述,可知选B。28联系下文as a gift to other people,及上下文描述,可知此处指的是宽容的意思,故选B。29根据最后一段Learn to forgive , and you will be happier at the same time.及上文描述,可知选A。30根据They were then told to carry this bag with them everywhere for one week. 描述,可知选D。考

41、点:关于学会宽容的记述文阅读点评:对于文章中的细节题,要注意文章中的细节的理解。推断题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释。考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点。It seems to be strange to you that there is a blind spot (盲点)on the eyes. Here is an interesting experiment (实验) that can make something disappe

42、ar, when one eye is open. Make a card about the size of a postcard and write two English letters L and R on it, L on the left and R on the right. First, hold the card about 80 cm away and you see both the letters. Then close your right eye and look at the letter R only with your left eye. And now, a

43、s you move the card slowly towards you, youll find the letter L disappearing. But if you move the card nearer to your face, the letter will be seen again. Now do the same experiment with your left eye closed, youll find the letter R disappearing. Why does the letter disappear? It is because there is

44、 a blind spot on the eyes. When the image (影像) of the letter falls on the blind spot, it wont be seen. That is why either of the letters disappears.31The writer of the passage thinks that _ there is a blind spot on the eyes.A. few people knowB. no one knowsC. most people knowD. all the people know32

45、The word “disappear” in the passage means _ in Chinese.A. 出现 B. 远离 C. 消失D. 靠近33You fail to see the letter L in the experiment because _.A. your eyes are poorB. its image falls on the blind spotC. your left eye is not openD. you move it close to your eye34In which order (顺序) should you do the experiment?Hold the cardMove the card nearerClose your right eyeWrite two English lettersLook at the letter RMake a cardA. B. C. D. 35The passage mainly (主要) tells us _.


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