蓝山职中unit3 Have you ever done a part-time job.doc

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1、 Unit 3 Have you ever done a part time job? (8课时)学科: English课题:Lead-in, 蓝山县 职业中专 2016年 上 期 高一 年级主备人王娜执教人 课时 总课时 执教时间集体备课成员梁小兰 李永忠 李爱凤 陈焕 邹腾芳教材简析本课时系教材英语2(基础模块 高教版)第三单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening部分,具体内容为:语音训练和能力秀。预设目标(1)学生能掌握有关职业,工作的词汇。 (1)学生能在情境中正确使用一般过去时。增删教学重难点教学重点学生能正确使用一般过去时。熟练掌握有关职业,工作的词汇和句型的用法

2、。教学难点学生能准确运用一般过去时介绍自己和他人的职业,工作。教具准备Multi-media 知识链接复习一般过去时,过渡现在完成时。教法学法启发式,互动式增删教学过程Activity 1: listen to a song and learn the following words The jobssalesperson actor / actresscomputer operatorworkermusic teacherfarmersecretarynewspaper reportertaxi driversportsmanmanagerclothes designerdoctortypi

3、stcashierkindergarten teachercookActivity 2: ask Ss some questions to bring out the following words and expressions Creative hard-workingOutgoing confidentgood at sports love children good with directions good with your hands can speak good English good at math love to work with others can use a com

4、puter very wellActivity 3: Practice a short dialogue using new Words and expressionsWhat do you want to be?I want to be a/an.?Why?Because I.?Activity 1: Before listening, ask Ss to describe four pictures in English, then Listen and tick the right picture for the question1) What are the people doing

5、?2) Where are the peopleActivity 2:Before listening, explain some difficult words and expression to Ss Graduate a part-time jobHave you ever done-? Strong pointsfluent Englishteam playercommunication skillswebsite.Activity 2:Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).1. Li Xiaohong is h

6、aving a job interview. 2. Li Xiaohong didnt have any work experience.3. Li Xiaohong has visited the companys website.4. Li Xiaohong didnt know anything about marketing. 5. Li Xiaohong has passed the marketing test.Activity 2: Listen again and tick.team player fluent Englishcomputer skills pass marke

7、ting testcommunication skills quick learnerActivity3: Read aloud after the tape and underline.Interviewer: Good morning, Miss Tang. Could you tell me something about yourself? Tang Hua: I am a student at XYZ Vocational School. I will graduate next month. I am creative and hard-working.Interviewer: O

8、K. Have you ever done a part-time job?Tang Hua: Yes, I have worked as a part-time salesperson in a company for two years.Interviewer: What are your strong points?Tang Hua: Well, I can speak fluent English. And I have very goodcommunication skills.Interviewer: Why do you want to work for our company?

9、 Tang Hua: I have visited your website. I think it is an exciting place to work.Step three: Summary Make a short summary of what weve learned (1)key vocabulary:salesperson; secretary; part-time; applicant; creative; strong points; speak fluent English; have good communication skills; (2) expression

10、about asking and answering the information of ones working experience, skills and purpose. 增删板书设计 Ask for information: Can you tell me something about yourself? Have you done any part-time job? What are your strong points?Why do you want to work for our company?作业 抄写有关职业的短语。教学反思 课题:Listen and Speaki

11、ng Dialogue B蓝山县 职业中专 2016年 上 期 高一 年级主备人王娜执教人 课时 总课时 执教时间集体备 课成员 梁小兰 李永忠 李爱凤 陈焕 邹腾芳教材简析本课时系教材英语2(基础模块 高教版)第三单元的第二课时,包括 speaking两部分,具体内容为:注重口语交际预设目标(1)学生能掌握有关职业,工作的词汇,如:1. on the website2. send the resume to us3. as soon as possible4. computer skills5. be willing to do sth6. experienced marketing ass

12、istant7. under pressure(2)学生能熟练运用描述个人感受的句型,如:It is very boring. I want to sleep.She is my favorite singer. Her songs are very relaxing and soft.I think it is exciting and I always dance when I listen to jazz.It is different from rock music. It is more peaceful.(3)能力目标(1)学生能在情境中正确使用一般过去时。增删教学重难点教学重点学

13、生能正确使用一般过去时。熟练掌握有关职业,工作的词汇和句型的用法。教学难点学生能准确运用一般过去时介绍自己和他人的职业,工作。教具准备Multi-media 知识链接现在完成时教法学法启发式,互动式增删教学过程Step One Lead-in Vocabulary memory: Teacher shows a group of pictures about jobs and works and asks students to describe each picture.(设计意图: 展示各类工作,职业图片,让学生更直观、形象地区分理解不同工作,职业,锻炼学生的短时记忆能力和看图说话能力。)

14、Step Two Presentation (35 mins)Teacher plays different kinds of short dialogues and movies about jobs and works. Students enjoy them and think about:What type of jobs and works is it?What do you think of the jobs and works?(设计意图:放映几段工作,职业电影视频、对话片段,让学生判断他们的类别,写出单词;再用相关形容词和简单句型描述对这些工作,职业的感受。该活动是本单元学习中

15、的适度放松环节,既巩固复习本单元的重点词汇句型,又拓展学生的知识面,激发学生的学习兴趣。)Step Three Practice (20 mins)1. Complete the chart with words from the list in Activity 19.2. Choose the proper adjectives to describe the pictures in Activity 20.3. Complete the conversation with the correct forms of the words given in Activity 21.(设计意图:

16、通过各种不同的形式,充分练习巩固本单元的重要词汇和语法,培养学生在真实语境中使用词汇,运用语言的能力。)Step Four Group work (15 mins)Do a survey in groups of six.Interview the classmates with the chart in Activity on P52.Then ask the leader of each group to give a short report.(设计意图:在熟练掌握所学句型之后,给学生设计一个调查任务。六人一组,调查小组成员对不同工作,职业的喜好,然后推选一人报告调查结果。小组活动有助于

17、培养学生的合作学习意识。)Step Five summary (5 mins)Grammar focus - Simple Past Tense1. Present the simple past tense with some examples.2. Complete the sentences and make a dialogue in pairs (设计意图: 总结本单元所学语法内容,在语境中让学生熟练掌握一般过去时的用法,并进一步运用于对话中。)Step Six Homework (5 mins)Prepare for the Unit3 Task in groups.(设计意图:

18、自主学习,小组预习单元任务。) 增删板书设计 Unit 3 Have you ever done a part time job?Ive had a job interview today. Ive applied to six companies so far. Do you have any experience in this field? What are your strong points? Do you think you are qualified for this job?增删作业预习所学知识增删教学反思 课题:Reading and writing 蓝山县 职业中专 201

19、6年 上 期 高一 年级主备人王娜执教人 课时 总课时 执教时间集体备课成员梁小兰 李永忠 李爱凤 陈焕 邹腾芳教材简析本课时系教材英语2(基础模块 高教版)第三单元的第三课时,包括reading部分,具体内容为:注重口语交际预设目标1. 知识目标学生能熟练掌握和运用本单元的重要语言知识。2. 能力目标学生能在活动中用现在完成时谈论自己做过的事情,并与一般过去时对比,谈论自己做的事。3. 情感目标(1) 学生能在活动中明确自己的任务,积极配合小组工作,共同完成任务。(2) 学生在任务活动过程中感受自信心和成就感。1. 增删教学重难点 教学重点通过对话教给学生重读音节的朗读技巧。通过单元任务(能

20、力秀),提高学生综合运用语言的能力。 教学难点学生能够运用本单元所学的语言知识完成一个真实的任务,即能力秀。教具准备Multi-media 知识链接现在完成时教法学法1. Oral expression 2. Reading and writing增删教学过程Step One Lead-in (5 mins)Teacher tells students that today we will hold a talent show to attract students attention. (设计意图:教师开门见山提出本节课的任务,即开展现场能力秀,以吸引学生的注意力。)Step Two Uni

21、t Task (60 mins)Teacher introduces the unit task (hold a talent show). Now work in groups and prepare for the show. The steps are as follows:1. Work in groups of three to form a band. Find a singer, a dancer and a host / hostess for your band.2. Prepare for the talent show. The singer should decide

22、on a popular English song. The dancer should design a dance that can go along with the song and the music. Third, the host / hostess should prepare a 1-minute English presentation to introduce the band. The presentation should answer the following questions:What is the name of this band?When did the

23、 singer learn to sing?When did the dancer learn to dance? Why did we choose this song? What is the main idea of the song? 3. Present your talents to the whole class.4. Vote for the super group for this class talent show. You can make your decisions with the help of the following table.Class Talent S

24、how Score SheetSinger (30)Host / hostess (30)Dancer (30)Organization (10)Total score(设计意图: 让学生能够运用本单元所学语言完成一个真实的任务,即开展现场能力秀。真实的任务能调动学生的积极性和参与性,将语言学习变成一件快乐的事情。而且在活动中每个小组的成员都有自己的任务,负责好分配的事项,让每个人都动起来,在活动和交流中都有收获,让他们充分感受到成就感和自信。)Step Three reading practice time (15 mins)Listen and pay attention to the s

25、tressed syllables.(设计意图:通过对话朗读教给学生一些朗读技巧,练习句子中的重读。教材53页) Step Four summary (5 mins)What is the name of this band?When did the singer learn to sing?When did the dancer learn to dance? Why did we choose this song? What is the main idea of the song?板书设计 Unit 3 Have you ever done a part time job?What is

26、 the name of this band? When did the singer learn to sing? When did the dancer learn to dance?Why did we choose this song? What is the main idea of the song? 增删作业1. Finish the exercises in Exercise Book.2. Do the self-check after class to check your exercises.增删反思课题:unit task和pronunciation practice蓝

27、山县 职业中专 2016 年 上 期 高一 年级主备人王娜执教人 课时 总课时 执教时间集体备 课成员 梁小兰 李永忠 李爱凤 陈焕 邹腾芳教材简析本课时系教材英语2(基础模块 高教版)第三单元的第四课时,包括reading部分,具体内容为:招聘广告和自我介绍预设目标1. 1知识目标学生能熟练掌握和运用本单元的招聘广告和自我介绍。2. 能力目标学生能在口语练习中用招聘广告和自我介绍的相关词汇和句子熟练谈论自己的职业构想。3. 情感目标天生我才必有用,学习是通向成功的阶梯。增删教学重难点 教学重点通过翻译练习和提供的资料让学生熟悉并掌握招聘广告和自我介绍的相关词汇和句子。 教学难点学生运用本单元

28、所学的词汇和句子在真实的交际场合中展开对话。教具准备Multi-media 知识链接现在完成时教法学法1. Task-based 2. Explanation增删教学过程Step One Lead-in (20 mins)Translation practiceTeacher show a job-wanted ad on the blackboard and ask ss to write down and translate.(设计意图:教师在黑板上展示一篇招聘广告要求学生记录并翻译,引入到本课主题招聘和自我介绍。广告材料从互联网上下载,要求英文原版。)Step Two Explain t

29、he job-wanted ad (25 mins)1.Teacher explain the important words and expressions2.Teacher explains the important phrases and sentences in the material.(设计意图:老师解释广告材料中的生词,让学生理解有关的重要词汇。)Step Three Writing (30 mins)Students write a self introduction according to the materials given belowJob Descriptioin

30、s Job Typ Nature Location Payment Range Work Hours & Holidays Age Education Major Work Experience Language Computer Skills Other Skills Contact E-Mail Teacher walks around to see if they can write the sentences correctly. (设计意图:学生独立完成自我介绍,依据教师提供的材料。)Step Five summary (10 mins) Present perfect tense.

31、现在完成时结构:have/has+done(过去分词)意义:强调过去的动作对现在的影响。教材49页。 增删板书设计 增删作业 Reading the text and remember all the new words and expressionsExercises in workbook: Unit 3增删反 思课题:language in use蓝山县 职业中专 2016年 上 期 高一 年级主备人王娜执教人 课时 总课时 执教时间集体备课成员梁小兰 李永忠 陈焕 李爱凤 邹腾芳教材简析本课时系教材英语2(基础模块 高教版)第三单元的第五课时,包括writing部分,具体内容为:通过阅

32、读广告获得正确的信息预设目标1. Read ads and know their main ideas .2. Learn how to read ones resume.3. Write ads with given information.增删教学重难点教学重点:了解广告的作用教学难点:运用所给信息写广告教具准备Multi-media 知识链接阅读能力教法学法1. Oral expression 2. Writing增删教学过程List at least two qualities required by each job.列出每种职位要求的至少两种素质。Kindergarten teac

33、her _Marketing assistant _Fast Readingad1: Kindergarten English teacher neededDear Sir/Madam,Our _ opened in 1997. We are looking for part-time_ teachers.We have also posted our advertisement on our _ .You can _ http:/ for more information. If you are interested, please send your resume to us, and w

34、e will contact you as soon as possible. Qualities:1)Good_ and _ 2)Good _ skill 3)Love _ 4)Willing to work on _Fast Readingad2: Marketing assistant wantedBeijing Sports & Leisure _ is a well-known organization and it has become one of the market leaders in this field. Now we are looking for an experi

35、enced _ assistant. If you are interested, please _ Peter at 010-65481234 or visit our website http:/ for more information. You should:1)Have at least_ work experience in this field. 2)Speak fluent _ .3)Have good _ skills. 4)Be able to work under _.Read the two ads, and tick the common qualities for

36、the two jobs. 阅读广告,勾出对两种工作素质要求相同的项。 1)Good English ( )2)Good computer skills ( )3)Good communication skills ( )4)At least two-year work experience ( )Read the advertisements again andComputer the chart.再读招聘广告,填写下表。 The first adThe second adOrganizationPositionWebsite address增删板书设计 增删作业Recite Grammar

37、 Focus增删反思课题:vocabulary practice蓝山县 职业中专 2016年 上 期 高一 年级主备人王娜执教人 课时 总课时 执教时间集体备课成员梁小兰 李永忠 陈焕 李爱凤 邹腾芳教材简析本课时系教材英语2(基础模块 高教版)第三单元的第六课时,包括vocabulary practice部分,具体内容为:学习现在完成时的用法。预设目标1. 知识目标学生能够理解并掌握本单元的重点词汇2. 能力目标 学生运用本单元所学的语言材料完成一个真实的交际任务,通过一系列步骤让学生在真实环境中应用语言,谈论自己工作设想。3. 情感目标 树立努力学习的心愿。增删教学重难点教学重点:通过各种

38、方式,利用具体的语境使用和练习词汇,从而巩固本单元的重点词汇。教学难点:能够运用现在完成时。教具准备Multi-media 知识链接现在完成时教法学法1. Oral expression 2. Writing增删教学过程现在完成时( present perfect tense)一.构成: have/ has + done (过去分词)过去分词(pp)其变化方法和动词过去式基本相同。有部分不同,需要记好。He has lived in Shenzhen for 4 years.He hasnt lived in Shenzhen for 4 years. Has he lived in Shen

39、zhen for 4 years? Yes, he has. / No, he hasnt .I have bought an apple. 表示过去发生或完成的某一动作对现在造成影响或结果。2.现在完成时表示从过去一直持续到现在的动作或状态。She has learned English for 5 years. He has lived in Beijing since he was born .Have you stayed here since 3 oclock?常与for, since引导的时间短语或从句连用.for+时间段since+时间点 , since+句子 常用于现在完成时的

40、时间副词、介词:already (已经): 用于肯定句 I have already posted the letter. yet(已经): 用于否定句,疑问句 He hasnt done his homework yet.just(刚刚) They have just left. ever(曾经) Have you ever been to Beijing ?never(从不) I have never seen him. before(以前) Have you seen the film before? since(自从以来) Ive worked in the school since

41、1999. for(长达) Hes lived in Shenzhen for 6 years. in the past several days / weeks/ years(在过去的) recently(最近) I have not written to my parents recently. so far(到目前为止) So far she has learned 5 English songs.up to now(到目前为止)按要求改变句子。1. She has done her homework. (改否定句)2. She has already told us the news.

42、 (改否定句)3. The rain has already stopped. (改一般疑问句)4. I have waited here for two hours. (划线提问) 5.He has lived in Shanghai since he left Beijing. (划线提问) 6. They have bought a new car, _ _? (反义疑问句) 7. She has learned French since 2002. (同意句) She has learned French _ 2 years. She has learned French_2 years _. since: (自以来)1)since+时间点Hehasstayedheresince5oclock. 2)since+ 时间段+ agoHehasstayedheresince5h


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