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1、基本知识1. 新旧六级比较 具体变化:题型增多,分值由20上升至35,时间也相应从20分钟变为35分钟。(1) 老六级Section A:10 short conversationsSection B:3 passages or compound dictation(2) 新六级Section A:8 short conversations and 2 long conversationsSection B:3 passagesSection C:compound dictation(11个空)2. 新六级考试时间分配(1)8:45进入考场(2)9:00-9:10发试卷(3)9:10开始考试

2、9:10-9:40 写作 9:40-9:55 快速阅读 9:55-10:00 收答题卡一 10:00-10:35 听力部分 10:35-11:20 剩余部分(4)11:20 考试结束解决做题会出现的三种情况:1. 听不懂1)音的问题 美音和英音 区别:A. 美音中元音开口特别大,而英音开口特别小; B. 辅音浊化:美音中清辅音在两个元音夹击下则变为浊辅音; C. 儿化音:美音中如果字母加上 r 则产生儿化音 重读和弱读,语音和语调 2)语速的问题 连读 常见的连读方式: A. 辅音+元音:在一句话中,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以元音开头,两词处于同一义群且语速较快时就发生连读。B. 辅音

3、+辅音:在一句话中,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以辅音开头,后一个辅音发音,前一个不发音。2. 听什么? 1)小词2)短语3)一词多义3. 听懂了但做不对题1)场景 两大固定场景: campus life(校园生活);daily life(日常生活)2)技巧和规律 六个技巧: 听前: 快速阅读选项;预测内容和题型 听中: 理解大意,抓住主题;注意小词和短语 听后:选择相近的选项;争取去找对立的选项 如何正确阅读选项? 阅读选项的技巧:scan,关键要抢时间扫读、略读。 阅读扫描的技巧:找异同点,先纵读再横读 “莫非”法则:凡事要向不好的方面去思维 If anything can go wr

4、ong, it will. 出去玩儿一定会下雨。 汽车、火车、飞机、轮船基本都是晚点。 男生VS女生,女生样样比男生好 注意两点: 勇于放弃,要果断选择答案 一般情况下不要轻意地改动自己的第一选择1997年6月英语六级听力真题1. A) On Monday night. B) On Thursday night. C) On Friday morning. D) On Thursday morning.2. A) Let him move to a room with two single beds. B) Check to see if there are any vacancies in

5、her hotel. C) Try to help him find rooms in another hotel. D) Show him the way to Imperial Hotel.3. A) Brave. B) Robust. C) Generous. D) Dangerous.4. A) He loves his present job. B) He is going to open a store.C) He is about to retire. D) He works in a repair shop.5. A) She is not interested in the

6、news. B) She has also won a scholarship. C) She is surprised at the news. D) She has confidence in him.6. A) His only son is dying. B) He hasnt taken good care of his son. C) He didnt look after his sic wife. D) His mother died some time ago.7. A) At the airport. B) At the reception desk. C) In a ho

7、tel. D) In a travel agency.8. A) He is not equal to the job.B) He is not well paid for his work.C) He cannot keep his mind on his work.D) He doesnt think the job is challenging enough.9. A) The talks havent started yet.B) The talks havent achieved much.C) The talks have produced a general agreement.

8、D) The talks broke down and could go no further.10. A) Look after something for him.B) Get some travel information.C) Tell him the way to the left-luggage office.D) Help him to carry some luggage.11. A) Crowded air traffic. B) The large size of airplanes. C) Bad weather. D) Mistakes by air traffic c

9、ontrollers. 12. A) They narrowly escaped crashing into each other. B) They avoided each other by turning in different directions. C) They bumped into each other over a swimming in different directions. D) One plane climbed above the other at the critical moment. 13. A) To give an example of air disa

10、sters. B) To show the great responsibility shouldered by the pilots. C) To show the role played by air traffic controllers. D) To show that air travel is far safer than driving a car.14. A) Her future prospects. B) Her unique experience. C) Her favourite job. D) Her lonely life. 15. A) Authority. B)

11、 Independence. C) Good luck. D) A good relationship.16. A) She will remain single. B) She will work in a bookstore. C) She will live an empty life. D) She will earn a lot of money. 17. A) She should find a good job. B) She should get married. C) She should have more control over her life. D) She sho

12、uld open a small restaurant.18. A) In day-care centers where little children were taken care of. B) In schools where free classes were organized for young people. C) In places where hot lunch was provided for factory workers. D) In areas in Chicago where poor people lived. 19. A) For young people an

13、d adults. B) For poor city children. C) For factory workers. D) For immigrants. 20. A) Jane Adamslife story. B) Jane Adamsstruggle for womens liberation. C) Jane Adamscontributions to society. D) Jane Adamsresponsibility for the poor.Part Listening Comprehension Section A1 W: Good moring, Im here to

14、 see Mr.Addison.M: Mr.Addison went to Washington last Monday for a conference, and will be back on Thursday night.If you like ,you may come again on Friday moring.Q:When will Mr.Addison return?2 M:I wonder wether it would be possible to change this double room to two single rooms.W:Sorry,Sir.All the

15、 single rooms are occupied.But if you like , I can check with Imperial Hotel to see if they have any.Q:Whats the women going to do for the man? 3 M:Bill was a great guy.He was drowned while rescuing a child from the icy water of the river yesterday.W:Well,as far as I know, that was not the first dan

16、gerous situation he was in.Q:Which of the following best describles Bill.4W:Its good to see you again.What are you doing these days? Youre still working at the sameplace,arent you?M:Yes,I am .And Im counting the days until retirement.Q:What can we learn about the man?5 M:Susan,have you read the noti

17、ce on bulletin board?Ive won the scholarship for the next semester.W:I knew you would. You certainly deserve it.Q:What does the women mean?6 M:What kind of father am I?My only son almost died,and I didnt even know he was ill.W:Dont blame youself.You were too busy to pay attention to him.If his mothe

18、r was still alive,things would have been much better.Q:Why dose the man blame himself?7M:Ive just got back from the holiday you arranged for me.But I must tell you the hotel was really awful.It was miles from the sea.The food was awful,too.The bedroom was dirty.W:Sorry about that.its not really our

19、fault.The contract does say that the hotel accommodation is not our responsibility.Q:Where is the conversation probably taking place?8 W:Suppose the company offered you a pay raise, a 50%,would you like be so determined to leave and look for a job else where?M:Yes,Ive set my mind on it.Id like to fi

20、nd a job with full scope to show my ability.Q:Why has the man decided to leave to company?9 W:How are their talks going on?Have they reached any agreement?M:They only seemed to have agreed to set another date for further talks.Q:What can we infer from the conversation?10 M:Excuse me, madam.Could I l

21、eave this here for a few hours,please?W:Well, its a biterunusual ,isnt?Why not go to the left-luggage office over there?Q:What dose the man ask the women to do?Section BPassage OneToday, air travel is far safer than driving a car on a busy motorway. But there is the danger that grows every year. Fro

22、m the moment the airplane takes off to the moment it lands, every movement is watched on radar screens. Air traffic controllers tell the pilot exactly when to turn, when to climb and when to come down. The air traffic controllers around the busy airport may handle 1,000 planes a day. Any plane that

23、flies near the airport comes under the orders of the controllers there. Even a small mistake on their part could cause a disaster. Recently, such a disaster almost happened. Two large jets were flying towards the airport. One was carrying 69 passengers and had come from Toronto, the other was carryi

24、ng 176 passengers from Chicago. An air traffic controller noticed on his radar screen that the two planes were too close to each other. He ordered one to turn to the right to climb, but he made a mistake. He ordered the wrong plane to do this. So, instead of turning away from the second plane. The f

25、irst plane turned towards it. 15 seconds later, it flew directly in front of the second plane. They avoided each other by the smallest part of a second. The distance between them was less than that of a large swimming pool. This is an example of the danger that grows every year.Questions 11 to 13 ar

26、e based on the passage you have just heard.11. Which factor can most seriously endanger airplanes according to this passage?12. What happened to the two large jets?13. Why were the two large jets specially mentioned?Passage TwoIll still be working, but things would be different. With any luck, Ill e

27、arning more money. But the most important thing will be the job itself and how interesting it is. I mean, I hope Ill be able to choose the kind of job I do and who I work for. Of course, I like to have more money and more authority that I have now. But I dont think they are the only thing in life. W

28、hat I really want is to be more independent than I am now, to have more control over my own life, perhaps to open a small restaurant, or write a book, or something like that. I am not really sure if Ill ever have children or even if I want to be married. It all depends, of course. I f I meet the rig

29、ht person anything could happen. But I wont feel that my life is empty and meaningless if I still live alone for 10 years or even 20 years from now. Not at all. My mother was always saying There is nothing like a good relationship. But I am not so sure. There is nothing worse than a really bad one e

30、ither.Questions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.14. What is the speaker talking about?15. What does the speaker want most?16. What will the speaker most probably do in the future?17. What is the speakers mother always suggesting to her?Passage ThreeJane Adams came from a well-t

31、o-do and cultural family. She was so distressed about the misery of poor people that she left her fine home to spend her life in the slums of Chicago. In 1889, she established a settlement house where she initiated many projects such as hot lunch service for factory workers, day care centers for lit

32、tle children, free classes for young people and adults, gymnasium and art gallery. Immigrants and other poor people came to her settlement house for advice and help, as well as for fun.Jane Adams was also active in fighting against the use of child labor and against war. She worked for womans right

33、to vote and for improving the situation of the blacks. She initiated country vocation programs for poor city children. Jane Adams had great influence on the development of social work in the United States and in other parts of the world. She promoted the idea of responsibility for the welfare of the

34、 poor. Settlement houses of a similar kind were founded in many poor neighborhood to make the lives of the poor more meaningful. In 1931, Jane Adams was awarded the Nobel Prize for what she had done for society.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.18. Where did Jane Adams

35、spend her life after she left her home?19. For whom did Jane Adams start the country vocation programs?20. Whats the passage mainly about?Key: 1-5 BCACD 6-10 BDDBA 11-15 DACAB 16-20 ABDBC小对话一、基本介绍 对话主要涉及人们日常生活中的话题。对话中的句子结构、成分、主题一般都非常简单。一般来说每个对话的字数在40 - 50之间。语速基本稳定在每分钟150 - 160个单词。问题一般都是特殊疑问句,常见的疑问句开

36、头单词:what, when, where, who, why, how。二、小对话的分类小对话常见的十种题型1、数字价格计算题2、时间加减运算题3、对话场景题4、人物职业、身份、关系题5、人物意图题6、态度评价题7、动作行为题8、因果关系题9、推断题(言外之意)10、意义解释题1、数字价格计算题注意:1. 十几、几十的读音2. 分数的说法3. 小数的说法4. 大数字的说法5. 钱的问题(1)打折 discount, discount rate, on sale, 50% off, clearance(2)北美货币体系单位 cent, nickel, dime, quarter, fifty

37、cents, dollar, buckM: How much are the tickets?W: They are ten dollars each for the general public, but student tickets are half price.Q: How much will the man pay for the two general tickets and two student tickets?M: Id like to buy these four thanksgiving cards. Are they ten cents each?W: Three of

38、 them are, but the smaller one is only a nickel.Q: How much would the cards all together?2、时间加减运算题注意:1、超前 earlier, ahead of time, in advance2、准时 be on time, be on schedule3、推迟 behind schedule, late, delay, put off, postponeM: Im sorry, Madam, the plane is somewhat behind the schedule. Take a seat. I

39、ll inform you as soon as we know something definite.W: Thank you. Id rather look around and Ill be back in several minutes.Q: What can be concluded about the plane?1997年6月1. W: Good morning, Im here to see Mr. Addison.M: Mr. Addison went to Washington last Monday for a conference, and will be back o

40、n Thursday night. If you like, you may come again on Friday morning. Q: When will Mr. Addison return?3、对话场景题两大类场景:campus life(校园生活);daily life(日常生活) 1. campus life(校园生活)(1)上课、选课、听讲座、听报告(2)作业(3)考试(4)图书馆2. daily life(日常生活) (1)餐馆 (2)医院(3)银行 (4)邮局(5)旅游 (6)打工(7)机场、车站 (8)宾馆(9)电话 (10)购物4、人物职业、身份、关系题1995年6月

41、8. A) Customer and salesman B) Colleagues C) Employee and boss D) ClassmatesW: Hi, Jack, I just came back yesterday. Anything new while I was away?M: Congratulations, Susan! Its said you will be promoted to manager and become my immediate boss.Q: Whats most probably the relationship between the two

42、speakers at the moment?1994年1月6. A) Customer and salesperson. B) Teacher and student. C) Boss and secretary. D) Guest and waitress.M: Please make 20 copies of this and deliver them to the chief executive and heads of departments.W: Certainly, sir. They will find it on their desks tomorrow morning.Q:

43、 What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?1995年1月 3. A) A teacher. B) A psychologist. C) A librarian. D) A publisher.W: Im looking for textbook for my Psychology course. Its called Introduction to Educational Psychology. Do you have it?M: Yes, we do. Youll find it in Section 24 on

44、the top shelf.Q: Whats the mans occupation?2000年6月7. A) At a book store. B) At an art museum. C) At a newspaper office. D) At a gymnasium.M: Mary is in charge of the art and music section; and Charles, the sports page. What about you?W: Im responsible for the editorials.Q: Where does the woman work?

45、2001年1月7. A) an auto mechanic. B) An electrician C) A carpenter. D) A telephone repairman.W: This is Mrs. Starched, my heater is not getting any power and weatherman says the temperature is to fall below zero tonight. Could you get someone to come over and fix it? M: This is the busiest time of the

46、year, but Ill speak to one of our men about going over some time today. Q: Who did Mrs. Starched want to come over? 5、人物意图题题型特征:第一个人经常提出一个请求、建议或意见等等,第二个人说的话一般以but为标志的句子来说出自己的意见。常见的提问方式:What do you learn from the conversation? 解决思路:关键要听懂第二个人but后面的话,but后面就是正确答案。1994年1月4. A) The apartment is better furnished. B) She prefers to live in a quiet place. C) Its less expensive to live in an apartment. D) She finds her roommates difficul


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