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1、 形容词比较级与最高级的练习题Unit31._you study, _your grades are.A.Harder, the better B.The harder, the better C.The hardest, best2. He is _ of the two girls. A.taller B.the tallest C.the taller D.tallest3. The weather in Beijing is colder than _in Hainan. A.weather B.it C.those D.that4. You dont need a lot of fr

2、iends _they are good. A.though B.but C.as long as D.in fact5.Larry helps to _the best in me. A.bring out B.care about C.be up to D.have to do with6. We _excellent, we _one thing in common. A.are both, both have B.both are, both have C.are both, have both7. Do you play it as _as your sister? A.good B

3、.better C.well D.best8. He is talented _. A.in musics B.at musics C.for music D.in music9._is easy for me _friends. A.That, to make B.It, makes C.It, to make D.This, make10. Its kind _you to help me. A.for B.of C.to D.at11. Who feels_(无聊的), Lucy, Lily or Mary? 12. Which is _(差), Wenzhou or Hangzhou?

4、14. In the _show, he is the most _(天赋).15. Please read _(安静的), dont read_(大声的), your father is sleeping.16. I_(与不同) you, but he is _(和相同) you.17.I _(打破)my arm this morning, he didnt _(嘲笑) me.18. My pen is _(类似) to Larrys.20. I think she sang _(清晰) than Nelly.21. I enjoy _(唱) songs. 22.He likes_(跳舞),

5、 when he finishes _(做) homework, he spends time _(跳舞).24.She _ _(关心) me because she is always there to listen. 25.She is _(外向)than her sister.26.she is _(滑稽) in our class.27.The weather is getting _and _(越来越暖和).Unit41. My parents _my education seriously last night.A.taked B.made C.took D.gave2. I do

6、nt like the soap opera because the stories are _up. A.make B.making C.makes D.made3.That is _ you to decide. A.up to B. from to C.make up D.able to4. He _in playing basketball. A.is able to B.is ready to C.dresses up D.plays a role5. Hangzhou is a good place _. A.visit B.to visit C.visits D.visiting

7、6. The radio station _, so I like it.A.have good music B. has a good music C.plays good music D.plays a good music 7.I like the mall because its _(crowd).8. The _(获胜者) get a good prize each.9. You should wash your hands before _(餐).10. We should listen to the teachers _(仔细的).11. He was the _(创造性的) s

8、tudent in our class, so he _(选择)a magic to perform. on the talent show.12.It _(is/ has) the biggest screen and _(舒适) seats.13.The theater is _(离近) my home.14.You can buy clothes _(最便宜) in town.15._ do you _970 AM?A.How, think of B.What, like C.How, like of D.What, think of16. -Thanks for _(告诉) me. -_.


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