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1、模块一 Unit 1 句型转换1. When parents come to visit the school, we often play songs which are sung by student. When parents come to visit the school, we often play songs _by student.2. Im sorry to say that I cant help you with your homework.I _to say that I cant help you with your homework.3. I like my Eng

2、lish teacher as his classes are lively and interesting.I like my English teacher, _ classes are lively and interesting.4. Wed better make suggestions to the person who is responsible for the project.Wed better make suggestions to the person in _ of the project.5. Its kind of you to share the book wi

3、th me.Thank you for your _ to share the book with me.6. I went to a British school for one year. It was a very enjoyable experience for me._ to a British school for one year was a very enjoyable experience for me.7. During the assembly I sat next to a girl called Diana.During the assembly I sat next

4、 to a girl _ name was Diana.8. In my old school the homework used to be heavy, but here it was less heavier.The homework here was not as heavy as _ I used to get in my old school.9. If you are interested in fairy tales, you can choose this book.If you are_ of fairy tales, you can choose this book.10

5、. What my teacher said encouraged me a lot. What my teacher said was a great _ to me.11. It was not easy for Tony to move the big trunk into the car.It was a _ for Tony to move the big trunk into the car.12. I quite like living alone, and its made me depend more on myself. I quite like living alone,

6、 and its made me more _.13. Are you happy with the result of the match? Are you _with the result of the match?14. Im not worried about my grandfathers health at all as he looks so strong.Im not _ _ worried about my grandfathers health as he looks so strong.15. Tom is no longer the boy that he used t

7、o be. Tom is no longer _ he used to be.16. Immediately he heard the news, he jumped with joy. _ _ the news, he jumped with joy.17. It is known to us all that paper was first made in China._ is known to us all, paper was first made in China.18. He is such a great player that millions of people love h

8、im. He is such a great player_ millions of people love.19. The court required him to pay the fine at once. The court required that he_ the fine at once.20. Mr. Robert is not only our teacher, but also our friend.Mr. Robert is _ _ our teacher .He is our friend.21. Its an important meeting and we need

9、 to prepare well before it begins.Its an important meeting and we need to make good _ before it begins.22. We students should take advantage of every minute to study every subject well.We students should _ _ of every minute to study every subject well.23. The best way to earn respect was to devote o

10、urselves to study and achieve high grades.The best way to earn respect was to _ _ to study and achieve high grades.24. I am satisfied when I look back on my time in the UK.I look back on my time in the UK with _.25. She lives by working as a journalist. She _ _ _ as a journalist.Unit 2句型转换1. I asked

11、 my neighbour to look after my house while I was on vacation in Australia.I _ my house in the _ of my neighbour while I was on vacation in Australia.2. I think we should make use of the club to develop students interest in English.In my opinion, we are _ to make use of the club to develop students i

12、nterest in English.3. You are old enough to decide for yourself.You have grown up so that you can make your own _.4. Any problem that has something to do with teenagers mental health is worth our attention.Any problem that has something to do with teenagers mental health _ our attention.5. The headm

13、aster walked into the hall, with a group of students following him.The headmaster walked into the hall, _ by a group of students6. My parents dont allow me to surf the Internet at the weekend.I am _ to surf the Internet at the weekend by my parents.7. I hope I can depend on myself as early as possib

14、le.I hope to be _ as early as possible.8. Have you thought of any way to deal with the problem?Do you know how to _ the problem?9. Every slave on the farm couldnt tolerate being forced to work day and desired freedom. Every slave on the farm wanted freedom_ as they were forced to work .10. People wh

15、o have received a good education usually enjoy better lives.Well-educated people _ to enjoy better lives.11. I find it is difficult for me to tell the difference between the two words.I have _ telling the difference between the two words.12. Working late into the night often will do harm to our heal

16、th.It is harmful to our health to _ _ often.13.I am afraid I cant manage these children.I am afraid these children are out of my _.14 Mom and Dad arrived back from vacation a day earlier than we had expected.Mom and Dad arrived back from vacation a day earlier than _15. You werent supposed to come h

17、ome until tomorrow.You _ _ come home until tomorrow.16. Daniel had his arms crossed and looked upset.Daniel looked upset, with his arms _.17. They dont deserve an explanation. They dont deserve _./ They dont deserve _ _ _18. Do you think we were too strict with Daniel . = Do you think we were too _o

18、n Daniel19. Now that he has been so rude to us, I feel like we have to punish him ._ he has been so rude to us, I feel like we have to punish him .20. These feelings can be thought of as growing painsThese feelings can be _as growing pains.21. As teenagers grow, it is normal for them to become confu

19、sed with the changing world. With teenagers _, it is normal for them to become confused with the changing world.22. As teenagers get older, they struggled to depend on themselves.As teenagers get older, they struggled to be _.23. They may want and need their parents love very much .They may_ want an

20、d need their parents love.24. They often want to know who they are and how they fit in society.They often _ who they are and how they fit in society.25. Teenagers have difficulty balancing these needsTeenagers have difficulty keeping these needs_.Unit 3 句型转换1. The doctor insisted that I should have

21、my eyes examinedThe doctor insisted on _my eyes.2. The boy is full of energy and never gets tired. The boy is so _ as not to get tired.3. He likes English better than maths. He _ English to maths.4. After staying in hospital for two weeks, he became well.He _ after two weekstreatment in hospital.5.

22、Influenced by film stars and models, many women try to keep slim nowadays.Influenced by film stars and models, many women watch their _ nowadays.6. What effects do you think the lecture will have on the students?How do you think the lecture will _ the students?7. He had no breakfast and went to scho

23、ol in a hurry. He _breakfast and hurried to school.8. He became fatter as he did no exercise. Lack of exercise made him _ weight.9. I want to build my body by jogging before the summer.I want to get into _ by jogging before the summer.10 What you learn instead of how much you read is important.It is

24、 not how much you read but what you learn that _.11. The poor living conditions of these children made us worried.The poor living conditions of these children _ us to be worried.12. I havent received a letter from you for weeks. =I havent _ _ you for weeks.13. Is everything ok with you? =Are you get

25、ting _ _ _ everything?14. I take two pills a day and dont need to exercise.I take two pills a day and dont need to _ _.15. Im embarrassed about my body. = Im _ _ my body.16. Im taking weight-loss pills called Fat-Less, which are well received by young women.Im taking weight-loss pills _ _called Fat-

26、Less, which are quite _ _young women.17. I am not full of energy. = I dont feel so _.18. I regret that Ive taken those weight-loss pills.= I regret_ those weight-loss pills.19. My mother insisted on sending me to the hospital.My mother insisted that she _ _ to the hospital.20. I think you look great

27、 like that. = I think you look great _ _ _.21. Diet and way of life are often a problem for teenagers.Diet as well as way of life _ often a problem for teenagers.22. Walking and riding your bike count , and school sports count too.Walking and riding your bike count, and _ _ school sports .23. Your b

28、ody produces some chemicals making you feel peaceful and relaxed.Your body produces some chemicals _ _ you feel peaceful and relaxed.24. Lin dong insisted on running to lose weight.=Lin dong insisted that _ _ _ to lose weight.25. His money has run out.He has _ _ _his money.答案:答案:1 examining 2 energe

29、tic 3 prefers 4 recovered 5 figures 6 affect 7 skipped 8 gain 9 shape 10 counts 11 caused/ led 12 heard from 13 along well with 14 work out 15 ashamed of16 which are 17 popular among/ with/ 18 taking 19 (should )send me 20 as you are 21 is 22 so do 23 which made答案:1 preparing 2 so do I 3 for 4 inter

30、ested in 5 turn up (还可以说成:Why werent you present at the meeting yesterday? ) 6. in which case 7 anything that 8 containing 9 in 答案: 11 It that 12 known as 13 as well as 14 run out of / been run out of 15 were present at 16 not join 17 lived/ realized / He made his dream a reality and died in peace.1

31、8 managed to get 19 Withgoing 20 anything you like for free答案: 1 enough to /soas to 2 All that 3 As is known to all, 4 whose/ which 5 which 6 During, email , free 7.for helping 8 he should run 9 charge 10 are happy with 11 than usual 12 As 13 more than 14 on show / on display 15 keepinformed 16 tell

32、ing 17 over lunchUnit1答案: 1 sung 2 regret 3 whose 4.charge 5 kindness 6 Going 7 whose 8.what 9 fond 10 encouragement 11 struggle 12 independent 13 satisfied 14 a bit 15 what 16 Upon/ On hearing 17 As 18 as 19 should pay 20 much more than 21.preparations 22 take advantage 23 be devoted 24 satisfactio

33、n 25 earns her livingUnit2答案:1. left 2 supposed 3 decisions 4 deserves 5 followed 6 forbidden 7 independent 8 handle 9 badly 11 difficulty 12 stay 13 control 14 expected 15 shouldnt have 16 crossed 17 explaining 18 hard 19 Since 20 considered 21 growing 22 independent 23 badly 24 wonder/question 25 balanced4


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