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1、新概念英语第一册经典教案Lesson 1 Excuse me!词汇Excuse v. 原谅 me pron. 我(宾格) yes adv. 是的 is v. be动词现在时第三人称单数 this pron. 这 your possessive adj. 你的,你们的 handbag n.(女用)手提包 pardon int. 原谅,请再说一遍it pron. 它 thank you 感谢你(们) very much 非常地Excuse me 用法:1、向陌生人问路时 2、引起对方注意时 3、在某个聚会中突然中途要离开一会儿时4、在发生一个简单的不算太错的错误时 sorry 对不起,用于对别人有

2、伤害时人称代词主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词我(们)Imemymine你(们)youyouyouryours他(们)hehimhishis她(们)sheherherhers主格一般作主语,放在句首 宾格作宾语,放在动词或者介词之后形容词性的物主代词不能单独使用,后面必须跟名词或者其他的词 名词性的物主代词是单独使用的This is my pen. 这是我的钢笔。 This pen is mine. 这只笔是我的。yes读降调表示对某件事情的认同,读升调表示询问v. verb 动词 adj. adjective 形容词 adv. adverb 副词 pron. pronoun 代词pre

3、p. preposition 介词 n. noun 名词 conj. conjunction 连词be 动词有 am, is, are am 只能跟在第一人称的单数 I 后面is 跟在第三人称单数 he, she 后面 be 动词的基本意思:是she is, he is, it is, Tim is are 搭配 you, 不管是单数还是复数you are, we are, they areI am = Im she is = shes he is = hes it is = its Tim is = Tims you are = youre we are = werethey are = t

4、heyre 含有 be 动词的简单的陈述句,否定句,一般疑问句。This is my handbag. 这是我的手提包。含有 be 动词的句子如果变否定句,就是在 be 动词后面加 notThis is not my handbag. 这不是我的手提包。含有 be 动词的句子,如果变成一般疑问句,就是把 be 动词提到句子的前面,大写Is this my handbag? 这是我的手提包吗?Is this your handbag?book 书本 watch 手表 pen 钢笔 car 小汽车 Yes, it is. 是的。 No, it isnt. 不是。This is my book. 这

5、是我的书。 This is not my book. 这不是我的书。Is this your book? 这是你的书吗? Yes, it is. 是的。 This is my watch. 这是我的手表。This is not my watch. 这不是我的手表。 Is this your watch? 这是你的手表吗? No, it isnt.不是This is my pen. 这是我的钢笔。 This is not my pen. 这不是我的钢笔。 Is this your pen? 这是你的钢笔吗?Yes, it is. This is my car. 这是我的小汽车。 This is

6、not my car. 这不是我的小汽车。Is this your car? 这是你的小汽车吗? No, it isnt.课文Excuse me.Yes?Is this your handbag?Pardon?Is this your handbag?Yes, it is.Thank you very much.Lesson2Isthisyour?词汇pen n.钢笔 pencil n.铅笔 book n.书 watch n.手表 coat n.上衣,外衣 dress n.连衣裙 skirt n.裙子shirt n.衬衣 car n.小汽车 house n.房子 pardon 请原谅,再说一遍

7、I see that man in the street. 我在街上看到那个男的。Nothing to fear but fear itself. 没有什么可恐惧的,除了恐惧本身。handbag 手提包我是我的长裙。This is my dress. This is not my dress. Is this your dress? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.这是我的房子。This is my house. This is not my house. Is this your house? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.my, your, his ,he

8、r这是他的衬衫。This is his shirt. 这不是他的衬衫。This is not his shirt. 这是他的衬衫吗?Is this his shirt?Yes, it is. No, it isnt.这是她的手表。This is her watch. This is not her watch. Is this her watch? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.Lesson 3 Sorry, sir.词汇umbrella n.伞 please int.请 here adv.这里 my possessive adjective 我的 ticket n.票 nu

9、mber n.号码five num.五 sorry adj.对不起的 sir n.先生 cloakroom n.衣帽存放处 here 是地点副词 there 那儿home 家 abroad 国外 downstairs 楼底下 upstairs 楼上 downtown 市中心(这些地点副词的前面不能加介词)one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十eleven 十一twelve 十二thirteen 十三fourteen 十四fifteen 十五祈使句My umbrella and my coat please. 省略了

10、动词和间接宾语的祈使句。由一个动词原形开头的句子就是祈使句。here is 是简单的倒装句be 动词放在 here 的后面,这个句式就可以成为简单的倒装句式。My ticket is here. 我的票在这。Here is my ticket. Heres my ticket.shes hes youreHere is my watch. 我的手表在这。 Here is my umbrella. 我的伞在这。Number=No. No. fivemister:加在男性的姓氏前面sir:polite form used in addressing a man especially in a sh

11、op or by children talking to male teachers对男性一种比较有礼貌的称呼或学生对男性老师的一种称呼或下级对上级的称呼gentleman 绅士,对男性比较有礼貌的称呼,在公众场合最得体的称呼guy 在美国英语中对男性一种不正式的称呼,家伙 boy 在美语中不正式的称呼Mister Black 布莱克先生What can I do for you, sir? 我能为你做什么呢?先生?我的外套和我的雨伞,请。My coat and my umbrella please.我的票在这。Here is my ticket.= Heres my ticket.非常感谢你

12、,先生。Thank you, sir.我的是五号。Number five.你的雨伞在这。Here is your umbrella.Here is your umbrella and your coat.这个是你的雨伞。This is your umbrella.Is this your umbrella?很抱歉,不是,先生。Sorry, sir.是这个么?it 表示物体它This is it.Is this it?是的。Yes, it is.非常感谢你。Thank you very much.我的钢笔和我的铅笔,请。My pen and my pencil, please.这是我的票。Her

13、e is my ticket.感谢你,先生。Thank you, sir.七号。Number seven.这是你的铅笔和钢笔。Heres your pencil and pen.这不是我的铅笔。This is not my pencil.很抱歉,先生。Sorry, sir.这个是你的铅笔吗?Is this your pencil?不,不是。No, it isnt.是这个吗?Is this it?是,是的。Yes, it is.非常感谢你。Thank you very much.课文My coat and my umbrella please.Here is my ticket.Thank yo

14、u, sir.Number five.Heres your umbrella and your coat.This is not my umbrella.Sorry, sir.Is this your umbrella?No, it isnt.Is this it?Yes, it is.Thank you very much.省略了give me 的祈使句倒装句number 加数字一般在后面it 作为物,可以代替大家都知道的物体单数Lesson 4 Is this your?suit n.一套衣服 school n.学校 teacher n.老师 son n.儿子 daughter n.女儿I

15、s this your umbrella?No, it isnt my umbrella.Its your umbrella.这是你的雨伞吗?不,这不是我的雨伞。它是你的雨伞。Is this your pen?Is this your pencil?Is this your book?Is this your watch?这是你的长裙吗?Is this your dress?不,它不是我的长裙。No, it isnt my dress.是你的长裙。Its your dress.这是你的小车?Is this your car?不,它不是我的小车。No, it isnt my car.是你的小车。

16、Its your car.这是你的短裙吗?Is this your skirt?不,它不是我的短裙。No, it isnt my skirt.是你的短裙。Its your skirt.这是你的房子吗?Is this your house?不,它不是我的房子。No, it isnt my house.是你的房子。Its your house.Lesson 5 Nice to meet you.词汇Mr. 先生 good adj.好 morning n.早晨 Miss 小姐 new adj.新的 student n.学生 French adj.&n.法国人German adj.&n.德国人 nic

17、e adj.美好的 meet v.遇见 Japanese adj.&n.日本人 Korean adj.&n.韩国人 Chinese adj&n.中国人 too adv.也nut 坚果 country 国家,乡村 color颜色 must 必under在下面mother 母亲I love my country.我爱我的祖国。Another fly-over will be built across that street.另外一座过街桥将在街上被修建。You fall in love with my sister!你爱上了我的姐姐。Its fun to run and jump in the s

18、un.The first person in a class shirt works in my firm.Her younger brothers daughter was a driver.复习I often see that man in the street.A man is sitting on the desk.You see the green leaves on the tree.He has a very happy family.Tim ran back to get the black hat and the red bag.Nothing to fear but fea

19、r itself.Life is happier if it is full of pretty people.先生 Mr.; mister 好的 good 早晨 morning 小姐 Miss 新的 new 学生 student 索菲娅 Sophie索菲娅小姐 Miss SophieMiss Sophie is a new student.她是一个新学生。She is a new student.她不是一个新学生。She is not a new student.她是一个新学生吗?Is she a new student?法国人 French女孩 girl索菲娅小姐是一个法国的女孩。Miss

20、 Sophie is a French girl.索菲娅小姐是一个法国人。Miss Sophie is a French.她是法国人。She is (a) French.德国人 German美好的 nice见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you.遇见 meet日本人 JapaneseNaoko 直子直子是日本人。Naoko is a Japanese.她也是个新学生。She is a new student too.韩国人 KoreanChang-woo 昌宇昌宇是韩国人。Chang-woo is a Korean.他也是个新学生。He is a new student too.中国

21、人 Chinese你是个中国人。You are a Chinese.我们是中国人。We are Chinese.他们 they他们也是中国人。They are student too.晓惠是一个中国的学生。Xiaohui is a Chinese student.小明也是一个中国的学生。Xiaoming is a Chinese student too.复习单词略BlakeMr. BlakeMiss Sophie DupontNaokoHansChang-wooLumingXiaohui课文Good morning.Good morning, Mr. Blake.This is Miss So

22、phie Dupont.Sophie is a new student.She is French.Sophie, this is Hans.He is German.Nice to meet you.And this is Naoko.Shes Japanese.Nice to meet you.And this is Chang-woo.Hes Korean.Nice to meet you.And this is Luming.Hes Chinese.Nice to meet you.And this is Xiaohui.Shes Chinese, too.Nice to meet y

23、ou.复习单词略介绍他人的时候经常用 This is 3个冠词a, an 是不定冠词用于:1、可数名字单数前面 2、具有不确定意义的事或名词前面This is a watcha 用在普通名词前面, an 用于元音音素(元音发音的单词)前面a pen an apple an umbrella an egg an hour a university the 是定冠词,表示特指Look, look, a man is coming into the classroom.The man is my teacher.and 用在句首表示转折too 一般用于肯定句中either 也Lesson 6 wha

24、t make is it?词汇make n.(产品)牌号 Swedish adj.瑞典的 English adj.英国的 American adj.美国的 Italian adj.意大利的Volvo n.沃尔沃 Peugeot n.标致 Mercedes n.梅赛德斯 Toyota n.丰田 Daewoo n.大宇 Mini n.迷你Ford n.福特 Fiat n.菲亚特Exercise AAlice is a student. She isnt German. She is French.This is her car. It is a French car.Hans is a stude

25、nt. He isnt French. He is German.This is his car. It is a German car.选择疑问句她是一个法国的学生。She is a French student. 她不是一个法国的学生。She isnt a French student.她是一个英国的学生。Shes an English student. 她是一个法国的学生吗?Is she a French student?她是一个法国的学生还是一个英国的学生?选择疑问句的标志词是 orIs she a French student or an English student?选择疑问句的

26、回答必须要用完整的句子回答选择疑问句的语调为前升后降worker teacher Is he a worker or a teacher? 他是一个工人还是一个老师? He isnt a worker, hes a teacher. 他不是一个工人,他是老师。 Is she a Chinese teacher or a Japanese teacher? 她是一个中国的老师还是日本的老师? She isnt a Chinese teacher, shes a Japanese她不是中国的老师,她是日本的老师。他是一个德国的学生还是一个意大利的学生?German ItalianIs he a G

27、erman student or a Italian student? 他不是一个德国的学生,他是意大利的学生。He isnt a German student, he is an Italian student.shes hes its Is it a French car or a Japanese car? 它是一辆法国的车还是一辆日本的车?It isnt a French car, its a Japanese car. 它不是一辆法国的车,它是一辆日本的车。This is a Ford. 这是一辆福特车Is it an American car or an English car?

28、它是一辆美国的车还是一辆英国的车?It isnt an English car, its an American car. 它不是一辆英国的车,它是一辆美国的车。This is a Toyota. 这是一辆丰田。Is it a Korean car or a Japanese car? 它是一辆韩国车还是一辆日本车?It isnt a Korean car, its a Japanese car. 它不是一辆韩国车,它是一辆日本车。Exercise BThis a Miss Sophie Dupont.Is she a French student or a Swedish student?S

29、he isnt a Swedish student. Shes a French student.This is a Volvo.Is it a Swedish car or a French car?It isnt a French car. Its a Swedish car.This is Naoko.Is she a Japanese student or a German student?She isnt a German student. Shes a Japanese student.This is Peugeot.Is it a French car or a German c

30、ar?It isnt a German car. Its a French car.This is a Mini.Is it an English car or an America car?It is an America car. Its an English car.This is Luming.Is he a Chinese student or an English student?He isnt an English student. Hes a Chinese student.What make is it? 它是什么牌子的?Its a Volvo.Its a Swedish c

31、ar.Its a Peugeot.Its a French car.Its a Mercedes.Its a German car.Its a Toyota.Its a Japanese car.Its a Daewoo.Its a Korean car.Its a Mini.Its a English car.Its a Ford.Its an American car.Its a Fiat.Its an Italian car.Good evening.Its nice to see you again here.Life is what happens to us while we ar

32、e making other plans.生活就是经常发生的一些偶然。Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?词汇I pron. 我 am v. be动词现在时的第一人称单数 are v. be动词现在时复数name n. 名字 what adj.&pron. 什么 nationality n. 国籍 job n. 工作keyboard n. 电脑键盘 operator n. 操作人员 engineer n. 工程师 operator Whats your name? 你叫什么名字? My name is Lucy?Whats her name? 她叫什么名字? Her name

33、 isWhats his name?他叫什么名字? His name is这是一个新学生。 This is a new student.她的名字叫索菲娅。 Her name is Sophie.这是他的老师。 This is his teacher.他的名字叫罗伯特。 His name is Robert.我的老师是男的。 My teacher is a man.他的名字叫什么呢? What is his name.这是我的女儿。 This is my daughter.她的名字叫什么呢? What is her name.这是他的太太。 This is his wife.她的名字叫什么呢?

34、What is her name.what 特殊疑问词?where什么地方who谁when 什么时候which 哪个,哪一个why为什么whom 谁(宾格)What make is it? 它是什么牌子?What color is it? 它是什么颜色的?What nationality?nation n. 国家national adj. 国家的,民族的nationality n. 国籍country n. 国家 How many countries are there in the world?nation n. 国家,富有人文色彩的land n. 国家,多用于文学作品state n. 国家

35、,表示政治的概念homeland, motherland 祖国work n. 工作,广义的概念task n. 工作,任务job n. 工作,有报酬的工作,既可以是体力的,也可以是脑力的key n. 钥匙board n. 木板blackboard n. 黑板operator n. 操作人员engineer n. 工程师课文I am a new students.My names Robert.Nice to meet you.My names Sophie.Are you French?Yes, I am.Are you French, too?No, I am not.What nationa

36、lity are you?Im Italian.Are you a teacher?No, Im not.Whats your job?Im a keyboard operator.Whats your job?Im an engineer.Robert罗伯特 Italian 意大利 American 美国人 Swedish 瑞典人He is a keyboard operator.Is he a keyboard operator.Whats her job?Whats his job?What nationality is she?What nationality is he?补充材料P4

37、Fill in blanks with a/an.1. Stella is (a) student, and she studies in (a) university. She is (an) America.2. How many days are there in (a) year? How many minutes are there in (an) hour?3. Our Teacher is talking with (an) old man from (/)France.There is (an) oil painting on the wall.Lesson 8 Whats y

38、our job?policeman n. 警察 policewoman n.女警察 taxi driver n. 出租汽车司机 air hostess n. 空中小姐postman n. 邮递员 nurse n. 护士 mechanic n. 机械师 hairdresser n. 理发师housewife n. 家庭妇女 milkman n. 送牛奶的人注意重音符号 5housewife house wolfExercises AComplete these sentences using am or isExample: My name (is) Xiaohui. I (am) Chines

39、e.1. My name (is) Robert. I (am) a student. I (am) Italian.2. Sophie (is) not Italian. She (is) French.3. Mr. Blake (is) my teacher. He (is) not French.keyboard operatorWhats her job? Is she a keyboard operator? Yes, she is.engineerWhats his job? Is he an engineer? Yes, he is.1 policeman2 policewoma

40、n3 taxi driver4 air hostess5 postman6 nurse7 mechanic8 hairdresser9 housewife10 milkman1 policemanWhats his job? Is he a policeman? Yes, he is.2 policewomanWhats her job? Is she a policewoman? Yes, she is.3 taxi driverWhats his job? Is he a taxi driver? Yes, he is.4 air hostessWhats her job? Is she

41、an air hostess? Yes, she is.5 postmanWhats his job? Is he a postman? Yes, he is.6 nurseWhats her job? Is she a nurse? Yes, she is.7 mechanicWhats his job? Is he a mechanic? Yes, he is.8 hairdresserWhats her job? Is she a hairdresser? Yes, she is.9 housewifeWhats her job? Is she a housewife? Yes, she

42、 is.10 milkmanWhats his job? Is he a milkman? Yes, he is.Whats your job?Im a policeman. Im a policewoman. Im a taxi driver. Im an air hostess. Im a postmanIm a nurse. Im a mechanic. Im a hairdresser. Im a housewife. Im a milkman.11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 se

43、venteen 18 eighteen19 nineteen 20 twenty语音强化训练后元音fast, card, park, last, hard, darkdog, bottle, boss, shop, got, jobform, door, talk, horse, before, walkput, good, should, book, cook, sugarmood, food, tooth, move, shoe, schoolfast 快速的card 卡片park 公园;停车dark 黑暗的dog 狗bottle 瓶子boss 老板shop 商店got 获得job 工作form 形成 from 从door 门talk 说话,谈话horse 马before 从前,在之前walk 走路,散步put 放下,放置good 好的should 应该book 书;订票cook 烹饪;厨师;cooker 炉具sugar 糖mood 心情,情绪food 食物tooth 牙齿move 移动;感动shoe 鞋school 学校What you get is a living.获得是一种生存/生活方式 What you give is a life.给予是一种生命价值。Lesson 9 How are you today?词汇hello int. 喂(


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