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1、英语校本课程教案课 题英文歌曲欣赏Earth Song课时1教学手段多媒体教 学目 标1. To listen to a song named , it was sung by Michael Jackson.2. To know the background about 3. To know we should protect our earth.重 点1.To understand the meaning of the song. 2.To appeal our students to protect our world.难 点To understand the meaning of th

2、e lyrics.To try to sing教学内容:.lead-in:Do you like listening songs?Do you like listening English songs? Can you list some names of English song? Can you sing?Who is your favorite singer? Today, I want to talk about a singer, he is my favorite singer, he is the King of pop. I like his music and his dan

3、ce very much. In my view, there will never have another person who can dance and sing like him. He made the Moonwalk. And he has more than thousand fans! He was also a great man, he made more than 40 foundations. Do you know his name?Today lets sing one of his songs named Earth Song. Now lets enjoy

4、the MTV. analyzing1. Talk about the feeling about the song. (迈克尔杰克逊是以一种什么样的感情演绎这首歌曲的?) 这是1995年Michael Jackson的专辑“History”中的一首歌曲。在这首歌中,Michael用淋漓的情感、高亢的高音嘶吼,流着泪诉说着一切正离我们而去的美好事物:“你有没有看到,地球在流泪,海岸在哭泣?一切和平呢?鲜花遍布的田野呢?属于你和我的所有梦想呢?神圣的土地被四分五裂你是不是忘了在战争中哭着死去的孩子?”2. Talk about what did you see from the MTV , Ho

5、w many scenes can you see in the movie? and what the MTV want to tell us. (Michael为呼吁人类行动起来,保护自然和我们赖以生存的地球。影片先后在4个国家取景,分别是亚马逊热带雨林、坦桑尼亚、克罗地亚和美国纽约。每个国家都不同程度存在因人类活动和科技发展造成的灾难。)影片开头,以竖琴和鸟类的美妙声音和丛林的景色来告诉我们大自然的美好,紧接着,镜头中出现了推土机以及烧毁的森林、被屠杀的野生动物、被层层烟雾覆盖住的蓝天、非洲大陆上饥饿的儿童、被战争摧毁了家园的人们。从此,非洲大草原上再也没有成群的野生动物的身影,人们变得

6、惊慌失措,无家可归的人们痛苦地掬起那一捧家乡的焦土。人们除了在焦土上以一种古老而奇特仪式呼唤神力之外,无能为力。终于,大地之母被唤醒。在狂风怒号、闪电雷鸣中,在Michael Jackson近乎绝望的嘶喊中,死者复活,万物重生What about sunrise 日出呢 What about rain 雨呢 What about all the things 还有你说的那些 that you said we were to gain 我们曾为之努力的一切呢 What about killing fields 消失的土地呢 Is there a time 还会再有吗 What about all

7、 the things 还有你说的那些 that you said was yours and mine 属于你我的一切呢 Did you ever stop to notice 你可曾停下脚步 All the blood weve shed before 想想我们曾为之付出的血汗 Did you ever stop to notice 你可曾停下脚步 This crying Earth its weeping shores 想想哭泣的地球和垂泪的海岸 What have we done to the world 我们对地球做了些什么 Look what weve done 看看我们都做了些什

8、么 What about all the peace 所有的和平呢 that you pledge your only son 那是你向你唯一儿子许诺过的呀 What about flowering fields 鲜花开遍的田野呢 Is there a time 还会再有吗 What about all the dreams 还有你说的那些 that you said was yours and mine 属于你我的梦想呢 Did you ever stop to notice 你可曾停下脚步 All the children dead from war 想想在战争中死去的孩子 Did you

9、 ever stop to notice 你可曾停下脚步 This crying Earth its weeping shores 想想哭泣的地球和垂泪的海岸 I used to dream 曾经有过梦想 I used to glance beyond the stars 曾经遥望群星之上 Now I dont know where we are 现在我不知道身在何处 Although I know weve drifted far 只知道我们已漂得太远 Hey 嘿 What about yesterday 往昔呢 (What about us) What about the sea 海洋呢

10、(What about us) Heavens are falling down 天堂在陨落 (What about us) I cant even breathe 我甚至不能呼吸 (What about us) What about lost again 再次失去呢 (What about us) I leaded the woe 我造成了这灾难 (What about us) What about natures worth 大自然的财富呢 (ooo, ooo) Its our planets womb 它是我们星球的生命摇篮 (What about us) What about anim

11、als 动物们呢 (What about it) Turned kingdoms to dust 它们王国被夷为废墟 (What about us) What about elephants 大象呢 (What about us) Have we lost their trust 我们已失去他们的信任了吗 (What about us) What about crying whales 哭泣的鲸鱼呢 (What about us) Were ravaging the seas 我们正在污染海洋 (What about us) What about forest trails 森林的小径呢(oo

12、o, ooo) Burnt despite our pleas 在邪恶的借口上焚烧 (What about us) What about the holy land 神圣的土地呢 (What about it) Torn apart by creed 被宗派四分五裂了 (What about us) What about the common man 平民百姓呢 (What about us) Cant we set him free 我们不能让他们自由吗 (What about us) What about children dying 垂死的儿童呢 (What about us) Did

13、you hear them cry 你听不到他们在哭吗 (What about us) Where did we go wrong 我们这是怎么了 (ooo, ooo) Someone tell me why 有人能告诉我吗 (What about us) What about the baby boy 婴孩呢 (What about it) What about the days 日子呢 (What about us) What about all their joy 他们所有的快乐呢 (What about us) What about the man 人类呢 (What about us

14、) What about the crying man 哭泣的人群呢 (What about us) What about Abraham 亚伯拉罕先知呢 (What was us) What about death again 想再次灭亡吗 (ooo, ooo) Do we give a damn 我们真的不在乎吗 3. What should we do to protect our home, our world?summing-up在Earth Song中,Michael Jackson在片中扮演一个失落的救世主形象,他为被人为破坏的环境、被无辜屠戮的野生动物和被战火摧残的世界而悲泣,Michael Jackson以饱满的情感,声嘶力竭的怒吼在向人们谴责最大自然造成的危害,呼吁我们要保护环境,保护家园,保护我们的地球。Michael Jackson,一声赞扬无数,谴责也无数,我们很多人都只知道他是歌手,其实他还是一名慈善家,他曾向慈善基金捐助3亿美金,创建了数十个基金会。他所留给大家的是我们对世界的热爱,以及人与人之间永远的尊重与爱!最后,请大家一起欣赏他1985年,和莱昂纳尔里奇共同谱写We are the world


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