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1、主动语态与被动语态l 一.概念:主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。l二.被动语态的构成:助动词be+及物动词的过去 分词l三.被动语态的时态:以为work 例:l1. 一般现在时: am / is/are+ workedl2. 一般过去时: was / were+ workedl3. 一般将来时: shall / will +be+ workedl4. 过去将来时: should / would+ workedl5. 现在进行时: am /is/are+ being+ workedl6. 过去进行时: was /were+ being+ worked 7. 过去进

2、行时: was/were +being +worked 8. 现在完成时: have/has+ been+ worked9. 过去完成时: had +been+ worked 10. 将来完成时: shall/ will +have been +worked 11. 过去将来完成时: should/would +have been+ worked 12. 情态动词 (can/may/must/should etc.)+be+动词的过去分词l四. 用法:l 当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时或者只需强调动作的承受者时,要用被动语态。五. 方法:l Many peopl

3、e speak English.(主动语态)l English is spoken by many people.(被动语态)六. 注意以下问题:l A. 带有双宾语的动词变为被动语态时,可以把其中一个宾语变为被动语态的主语,若将直接宾语(sth.)变为主语,须根据习惯在原间接宾语前加上介词to或for 用to的常 见 词有:give, show, send, lend, pass, pay, teach, throw, take, bring etc.用for的常见词有:make, choose, sing, play, draw, save, buy, get, leave, cook e

4、tc.leg.l1. Mary gave him some books.l He was given some books by Mary.l Some books were given to him by Mary.l2. Her father bought her a new bike.l She was bought a new bike by her father.l A new bike was bought for her by her father.lB.带复合宾语(宾语+宾语补足语)的动词变为被动语态时,只能将宾语变为被动语态的主语,宾语补足语不可变为主语。leg. 1. We

5、 call him Gina.l He is called Gina (by us).l 2. They made me happy.l I was made happy( by them).l 3. He asked me to come here.l I was asked to come here (by him)llC. 在see, let, make, hear, watch etc.动词之后,作宾语补足语的动词不定式不带to,但在变为被动语态时,则一定要加上to。l eg.l1. We saw them play football just now.l They were seen

6、 to play football just now. 2. We often hear her sing in English.l She is often heard to sing in English.l D. 在某些“不及物动词+介词/副词”(相当于及物物动词)的句子中,变被动语态时,注意不要丢掉介词/副词。eg.l1. People often talk about that film. l That film is often talked about.l2. We should speak to the old people politely.l The old people

7、should be spoken to politely. E. 当“动词+宾语+宾语补足语”结构变为被动语态时,将宾语变为被动结构中的主语,其余不动。例Someonecaughttheboysmokingacigarette.可改为Theboywascaughtsmokingacigarette.F.need表示需要时,后面常接doing形式表示被动意义,相当于tobedone.Allthecomputersneedrepairing.=Allthecomputersneed_.被动语态专项练习1. A large number of people speak French in Paris

8、.l French _ _ _a large number of people in Paris.2. They produce silk in Suzhou. Silk _ _ in Suzhou.3. Doeshecleantheroomeveryday? _theroom_everyday?4. We often sing this song. _.5. Does he clean the room every day?_the room_ _ _every day?6. Did he paint the window red? _the window_ _ _ _?7. My cous

9、in repaired the broken watch.l The broken watch _ _ _my cousin.8. They built a bridge between the two islands last year. A bridge _ _ between the two islands last year.9. Where did they plant trees? Where _ trees _?10. He broke his leg in the match. _.11. We will give a birthday party tomorrow. _.12

10、. She will sell her house soon. _.13. We will build a new library this year.A new library_ _ _by_this year.14. People are still cutting down too many trees in the USA. _.15. He is repairing the machine. _.16. Are they teaching foreign languages there?_foreign languages_ _there?17. Are you going to m

11、ake a new plane?_a new plane_ _ _ _?18. He has finished his work. _.19. Have they finished the new project?_the new project_ _by_?20. We should plant the trees around the lake.l The trees _ _ _around the lake.21. You can borrow two books at a time.Two books _ _ _ at a time.22. We call maths the lang

12、uage of science. Maths _ _ the language of science.23.The teacher made the students copy the text.The students _ _ _ copy the text.24. Someone saw John cross the street just now. John _ _ _ _ the street just now by someone.25. Thebossmadetheworkersworkallday Theworkers_workalldaybytheboss.26. Hegave

13、meabook I_abookbyhim. Abook_mebyhim.27. Mymothermademeacake. I_acakebymymother Acake_mebymymother.28. IheardTomsingingjustnow Tom_bymejustnow.29. Weshouldtakecareoftheold.Theoldshould_.30. My aunt bought me a present on my birthday.l I _ _a present by my aunt on my birthday.lA present _ _ _me by my aunt on my birthday.


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