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1、Words and expressionsUnit 11、She was really u_ about the way her father treated her.2、It was very stupid of you to i_ your mothers advice.3、He made a good s_ in last exam.4、All the people are c_ about the growth of the younger generation.5、Shes h_ my book away somewhere.6、My summer vocation was comp

2、letely spoiled by a_ of wet days .7、The boy is c_ about skating.8、Its against n_ for a mother to hurt her child.9、He came here on p_ to discuss it with you.10、How d_ you say so?11、Design a_ to find out what kind of friends your classmates are.12、I live all a_ but I dont feel lonely.13、I want your a_

3、 on this work.14、It is a little difficult to c_ someone down when he or she is excited.15、He was caught c_ in the exam.16、No matter what he says, dont _ him.17、C_ with other countries was difficult during the war.18、He formed the h_ of getting up early.19、Both of them are e_ of China Daily.20、List w

4、hat a good friend should do and _ the list with your partners.(分享)21、They are _ .(骗子).22、He paid no attention to their_(自尊心)23、Arrange the exhibits_ to size.(根据)24、Hes_ from loss of memory.(患有)25、The politician is really in a dangerous_.(境遇).26、Why dont you _your idea _on paper?(写下)27、He _his Englis

5、h study(有困难)28、She _a foreigner.(爱上)29、_to change the situation.(努力)30、_snow can cause trouble.(过多)Unit 21. The price i_dinner, beds and breakfast.2. Monitors play an important r_ in managing a class.3. He n_ knocked me down before he saw me.4You should look clearly the p_ situation5. The mountains

6、are not high on world s_.6. Geography also play a part in making d_.7. He changed so much that I didnt r_ him at first .8. Nobody dared to go against his c_that everyone should leave until 8 oclock.9. The professor can speak as many as five foreign l_.10. A_ and vocabulary are important for people t

7、o understand or to be understood.11. The hospital is three b_ from here .You may go there by bike or on foot.12. As you know, the UN plays an important role in i_ relations.13. In America a flat is called an a_ .14. Banana is n_ to Taiwan.15. Do you know the u_ of this word?16. Do you know what time

8、 the violent storm with thunder an l_ happened.17. It became _(接近) to the language you are learning now.18. Our garden is beautiful ,_(尤其)in autumn.19. He did the work under my _(指导).20. She lives in _(东南部)Italy.21. The _(身份) of the murdered woman has not yet been established.22. In my home town, yo

9、u can see ancient and_(现代的) building next to each other.23.Believe it or not ,but he _(实际上) won.24. He _ ( 统治 )the country for 4 years in the past.25. The _ (政府) should take measures to stop air pollution.26. We should know more about Chinese _ (文化) and history.27. She made a _ (请求) for some water.2

10、8. _ (短语) are important in English study.29. Please be _ (礼貌) to our guests.30. Can you _ (复述) the text in your own words?Unit 31、The Australians like to _(露营) in the countryside at the weekends.2、We all know that he is too _(顽固) to apologize.3、Do you remember every d_ of the story you have just rea

11、d?4、Most students keep a _ (日记) of their everyday life.5. Excuse me, what is the f_ to Paris? Is $ 10 enough?6. The music sounds so good that I want to r_ it from the radio.7. In the past, the villagers t_ their goods by goat not by truck.8. The little boy said nothing because he was not b_ enough t

12、o be against his father.9. He is a d_ person. If he d_ to do something, he will do it well.10. I am not _ _(熟悉) the city, for this is my first visit here.11. Finally they were _(说服) to cycle around China.12. We _ _ (将要去)for Beijing tomorrow.13. The scientists are searching for the s_ of the river.14

13、. I d_ about flying last night.15. He was c_ along the street when he was knocked off his bike.16. You cant _ (期望)to learn a foreign language in a week.17. She swan _ (游过) the river.18. The plane is flying at an a_ of 10,000 feet.19. Seeing that he could not persuade me, he had to _ _ _(让步)my view.2

14、0. He _ (坚持说) that he hadnt stolen the girls handbag.21. Milu often says “_(态度) is everything.” to encourage the players to devote more.22. Whenever we see a film,the Chinese teacher will ask us to write about our a_.23. They discussed his position in the company and other _(主题).24. We f_ got home a

15、t eleven oclock.25. First we _ _(支起) our tents and then we ate.26. Peter soon _ them _(使感兴趣)in playing basketball.27. After supper, Tom went to sleep but I _ _ (仍然清醒).28. _ _ _ (其一),a journey isnt as personal as a diary. For another, a travel journey has a different purpose.29. If you _ _ _(改变主意) ab

16、out the job, just give me a call.30. She _ _(毕业于) Harvard with a degree in law.Unit 41、As a result of the accident, the e has to be cut off. 2、They built s for the homeless children.3、We were s when we heard of the news that they would get married soon.4、They began the r work at once.5、A s gas came

17、out of the w.6、The mother is very upset. I noticed her hand . (shake) 7、It is u to argue with him.8、There were dozens of people i in the fire.9、The balloon r up slowly into the air.10、Your hands will be d if you play in the d.11、Later, people felt another big q.12、A c is a very long water way for bo

18、ats.13、We should h the soldiers who died in the war.14、This is a s about how to improve our listening skill.15、The students are p for the mid-term exam.16、How many j have been invited to the competition?17、The city was completely d by the earthquake.18、Do you know who o the meeting?19、He b his diary

19、 in the ground.20、Earthquake is the most terrible d in the world.21、 of the money belongs to my parents. (3/5)22、Suddenly, he felt his world was . (世界末日)23、Hearing the news, his father crying. (burst)24、When he noticed the danger, he called the policeman . (立即)25、After the flood, people lost their h

20、omes. (大量)26、If you get high scores in the exam, your parents will you. (proud)27、 the money to the poor. (分发)28、 the students in the school is more than 5,000. (数量)29、He a box of money under the tree. (挖出)30、If you disagree with the opinion, you may . (摇头)Unit 51、Im w_ to admit that I have hurt her

21、, but thats not my real meaning.2、What are the q _ you should find in a great person. 3、After a short rest, Jack c _ to draw the picture.4、Since I was better e _ , I got a job working in an office.5、The doctor a_ him to eat more fruit and take more exercise.6、The boy got into t_ when he left home.7、

22、He has been able to tell us more about a_ volcanoes than any man alive.8、Firemen had been f_ the forest fire for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control.9、 Ive received a gift from him, but Im not going to a_ it.10、There is no f_ of his losing his way.11、He was s_ to three years in

23、 prison.12、He gave the children some candies to r_ them for behaving well.13、Its not right to solve the problem in v_ .14、Black people had no v_ and could not choose who ruled them.15、Youve broken the law, and youll be put in the p_ for ten years as a punishment.16、It was so cold inside the house th

24、at she had to wrap herself in a b_ to keep warm.17、He was made p_ of the cricket club.18、He is the member of the _ of Nation. (国际联盟)19、The escaped prisoner was brought back under close _ .( 警戒)20、It is time to stop his _ (残忍) to the animals.21、Who gives you the _ (权力) to do that?22、Can you show me t

25、he _ (位置) of your hometown on the map?23、No matter how many times you fail, you should never _ _ (灰心). 24、He passed his examinations and now he has the _ (学位) of Master.25、The countryside is so _ ( 平静的) that I dont want to go back to the noisy city.26、The teacher _ _( 勃然大怒), when I said Id forgotten doing my homework.27、He is a man of high _ (道德原则). 28、I believe that all man are born in _ (平等的).29、When the actors played on the _ (舞台),the audiences sat in their seats and watched quietly.30、_ _ _ _ _( 事实上), she didnt attend the meeting yesterday.5


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