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1、405 970份 名词性从句讲解学案 制作人:赵慧玲 杨秀荣 审核:李秀丽 使用日期:3月5 日定义:在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词从句 (Noun Clauses). 名词性从句包括主语,宾语,表语,同位语从句. 名词性从句中使用陈述句语序。 从属连词that; whether; if (只起引导从句的作用,在从句中不做句子成分) 连接代词 what, whatever, who, whoever, whom, whomever, whose, which,等.在从句 1.分类 中做主语,宾语,表语,定语等句子成分。 连接副词when, where, how, why, whenever,

2、however, wherever等在从句中做状语成分。 引导名词性 2. 名词性从句的连接词选用原则:“缺什么就补什么” 从句的连接词 I know what he is talking about. (从句中缺宾语,指物) Do you know who he is? (从句中缺表语,指人) Where he will go is unknown. (从句中缺地点状语) Im sure that they will come tomorrow. (从句中什么都不缺) I dont know which book I should choose. (从句中缺定语) 定义:充当主语功能的句子叫

3、主语从句That she was chosen made a great stir (轰动) in her school. 注意: it作形式主语的that-从句有以下四种不同的搭配关系: It + be +形容词+ that-从句 It is necessary / important that. 是有必要 / 重要的. It + be + -ed 分词+ that-从句 It is universally acknowledged that./ It is known that众所周知 It + be +名词+ that-从句 It is common knowledge/ a fact

4、that 是常识/事实 It +不及物动词+ that-分句 It happens that碰巧. / It occurs to sb.that 突然想起名 主语从句 It 作形式主语和it引导强调句的比较 强调句: It is in the morning that the murder took place. (去掉该结构后,句子成分完整) 词 主语从句:It was a pity that you shouldnt go to see the film. (在句子中作主语成分)whatever /whichever/ whoever引导主语从句的区别 Whatever 是what的强调形

5、式表示“无论什么”相当于 anything that 从 Whatever / Anything that she does is wrong. whoever 是who的强调形式,表示无论谁 相当于anyone who. 句 ever Whoever / Anyone who walks around in such a heavy rain will catch a cold. whichever 无论哪个;无论哪些,既指人,又指物. 可修饰名词与of连用 Whichever book you borrow doesnt matter to us. Whichever of us fulf

6、ills his task will lend a hand to others. 定义:在复合句中充当宾语功能的句子叫宾语从句We can learn what we didnt know.We find it necessary that we (should) practice English every day. 某些作表语的形容词,如sure, happy, glad, certain等之后可带宾语从句 I am glad that you can come and help me. 注意: wish/would rather后的宾语从句中要用虚拟语气。 I wish I had f

7、inished my homework yesterday. Id rather you had been there yesterday 在表示建议,命令, 请求的词后面的宾语从句当中用should + V, should可以省略 宾语从句 His pale face suggested that he was ill so I suggested that he should go to see the doctor. He insisted that he was innocent and insisted that he should be set free. 注意it作形式宾语的结构

8、 We all thought it a pity that we had missed the lesson. I took it for granted that they were not coming. that一般不接介词宾语,偶尔可作except, in的宾语;其它介词后面需用it作形式宾语 He differs from his roommates in that he devoted his spare time to reading. He knows nothing about Jim except that he is from London. You can depen

9、d on it that he will help you in time of emergency. 表示好恶的动词如like; hate; love;enjoy; dislike; appreciate等后面不能直接跟宾语; I like it when the weather is sunny. I hate it when someone is later for my class. 定义:充当表语功能的句子被叫做表语从句。 复习系动词的概念和类别!The question is whether we can make good preparation in such a short

10、time.表语从句 注意:reason后面的表语从句只能用that,不能用why引导. The reason is that(because ) The reason why we didnt trust him is that he has often lied. (该句型中why引导一个定语从句) 定义:同位语从句跟在名词后面,进一步说明该名词的具体内容. 这些名词主要是表示抽象概念的词如fact, news, promise, idea, truth; possibility; statement; warning; advice等 同位语的引导词有that; whether; why;

11、 who; where; how等;其中that和whether只起引导作用其他连词具有实际意思,同时在同位语中作句子成分。 The news that China broken the world record in the Olympic Games has cheered all of us. The question why so many people would choose to live in the countryside but to work in the city is still 同位语从句 under discussion. ( why 引导同位语从句解释说明中心语

12、question的内容;且why在从句中作状语) 注意: 只起引导作用时,连接词用that而不用which Where did you get the idea that she could not come. 同位语从句和定语从句的区别: 就看that在作引导的从句中是否做句子成分 The suggestion that he raised at the meeting is very important. (that 引导定语) The suggestion that the students should have plenty of exercise is very good. (th

13、at引导同位语从句)在名词性从句当中只能用wh, 在引导让步状语从句两者可以互换. No matter+wh He will believe whatever others say. (划线部分部分为名词性从句,不能互换)名 wh+ever区别 Whatever others say, he will believe it. (划线部分为状语从句,可以互换) Whoever walks around in such a heavy rain will catch a cold. (不可互换)词 原则:能用if的情况,都能用whether表“是否”性 在表语, 同位语,主语(置于句首时)从句时只

14、用whether表“是否” The question is whether the film is worth seeing. (表语从句)从 I have no idea whether we should go to the party. (同位语从句)Whether we shall attend the meeting hasnt been decided yet. (主语从句 句首)句 It hasnt been decided yet if we shall attend the meeting. Whether / if区别 It is doubtful whether / if

15、 he will come here. (主语从句,句末时可互换) 形容词;介词;discuss后的宾语从句中只用whether表“是否” It depends on whether you can do the work well. (介词宾语) 几个难点 The students are discussing whether they will go out for a picnic this Sunday. I am not sure whether he will come here or not. (形容词的宾语) whether与to do; whether与or或 or not

16、的搭配 The question is whether to stay or leave. Do you mind whether a man or woman does the job. :主语,表语,同位语从句中that不能省略 That they are good at English is known to all. (主语从句) The problem is that we dont have enough money. (表语从句) The fact that there are still many people suffering from poverty is really

17、a great problem to the Chinese government. (同位语从句) :在宾语从句中that在以下几种情况中不能省略关于that的省略 做介词宾语时that不能省略I know nothing about my neighbor except that he used to work abroad. 由it作形式宾语时,that引导的宾语从句中,that不可省略 We all consider it important that every student (should) be treated properly. 句子含多个并列句时,引导第二和以后几个从句的t

18、hat不可省略Everyone knew what happened and that she was worried. 宾语从句被隔开时,that不能省略 I never doubt, under any circumstance, that he will study hard. 如果名词性从句中又含有从句,此时that不能省略 Keep in mind that if you want others to respect you, you must respect others first. (that不能省略,后面的宾语从句中含有一个条件状语从句) 1用适当的词填空_the colle

19、ge will take in more new students this year is true今年这所大学将招收更多新生是真的。_ he can finish his task on time is of great importance他是否能按时完成任务非常重要。It is quite _ that the whole project is doomed to failure很清楚,整个计划注定要失败。 It is our _ that the two sides will work towards peace 我们的希望是双方能朝着和平的方向发展。_ is announced t

20、hat the plan has been successfully carried out据宣布计划已经顺利实施。_ we cant get seems better than what we already have我们得不到的东西似乎比我们拥有的东西好。_ the letter was from is still unknown这封信是谁寄出的还不清楚。_ of you gets here first will get the prize你们当中第一个到达这里的人将获得奖项。_dinosaurs suddenly disappeared still remains a mystery恐龙

21、为什么突然消失了还是个谜。Let me know _ or not you can come请让我知道你是否能来。 We are interested in _ you will attend the meeting我们对你是否参加会议感兴趣。She asked me _ handwriting was the best in the class她问我班上谁的书法最好。Ill just say _comes into my mind我想到什么就说什么。Do you know _ the ancient Olympic Games began?你知道古代的奥运会是什么时间开始的吗?Did you

22、 find out_she lost her car?你查出她在哪里丢的车了吗?He said that light _much faster than sound(travel)他说光比声音传播得快。I hate _when they talk with their mouth full of food我讨厌他们满嘴食物说话。The reason for his absence is_he hasnt been informed. 他缺席的原因就是他没接到通知。The question remains _ they will be able to help us问题还是他们能否帮我们。The

23、 problem is _ will take charge of this shop问题是谁将接管这家店铺。The reason why he came late was _he got up late他来得晚是因为起床晚了。Give me your promise _ you will come to our party this evening答应我,你今天晚上会来参加我们的聚会。The student asked me the question_the book was worth reading学生问了我这个问题:这本书是否值得一读。 I have no idea _he was excited at that time我不知道当时他激动的原因。 4


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