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1、高一下学期单项选择、词组辨析练习Module 3 Unit 11. Yesterday we _ traveling in the country with our friends. A. made fun B. had fun with C. have a good time D. had fun in2. I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please _?A. turn it on B. turn it down C. turn it up D. turn it off3. She _ his number in the phone book

2、to make sure that she had got it right.A. looked up B. looked for C. picked out D. picked up4. The boy has been looking forward to _ his present for a whole day, so now hes looking forward to _ whether his father is back home.A. see; seeing B. seeing; seeing C. seeing; see D. see; see5. You ought to

3、 read English more often, and it will do you _.A. good B. well C. bad D. award6. What we are doing is to _ our city.A. beautify B. beautiful C. beauty D. beautified7. The headmaster _ Wang Hong _ for his determination and the great progress he made.A. rewarded; award B. shared; a prize C. awarded; a

4、 prize D. honored; a reward8. I heard that you would set _ Quebec soon. Is that true?A. out to B. off for C. off to D. for9. Unless these people get food in the next two weeks they will starve _.A. dead B. dying C. to death D. to die10. _, he was _ after the long race.A. Obvious, hold his breath B.

5、Obviously, out of breathC. Clear, held his breath D. It is obvious, out of breathcelebrate, congratulate1) It is your birthday tomorrow, so we must _ it.2) The thief was _ himself on his escape when the police came to him.take place, happen, occur, come about, break out1) Can you see me how it _?2)

6、The December Ninth Movement _ in 1936.3) It _ that I had no money on me, so I didnt buy it.4) A good idea _ to me.5) The war between the north and the south _ in 1860.offer, provide, supply1) Jack had to _ food and clothes for his family.2) I have been _ a job in Japan.3) The company also _ consumer

7、s with gas.DCACAACBCB1. celebrate; congratulating2. happened / came about; took place; happened; occurred; broke out3. provide; offered; supplies/ providesModule 3 Unit 2Excuse me, sir. Would you do me a favour?Of course. What is it?I _ if you could tell me how to fill out this form.A. had wondered

8、B. was wondering C. would wonder D. did wonderI wonder whether it will be _ the travel is over.A. long before B. before long C. no long D. longer than3. _ him and then try to copy what he does.A. Mind B. Glare at C. Stare at D. Watch4. Shall we ask John to go with us? _. A. Id rather he dont go with

9、 us. B. Id prefer him not going with us. C. Id rather he didnt go with us. D. Id like him not going with us.5. I hadnt seen him for ages, but I _ his voice on the telephone at once. A. realizedB. recognizedC. heardD. discovered6. When you _ all the tall trees, you will have to cut them up and carry

10、them away.A. cut downB. cut offC. cut inD. cut outcut down, cut off, cut out, cut in, cut up1) She _ the advertisement _ of the newspaper immediately.2) I havent given up smoking, but Im _ it _.3) They had their electricity _ because they didnt pay the bine, unite, join, connect1) In 1603 James I _

11、England and Scotland.2) The bridge _ the two sides of the river.3) The two pieces of wood are _ together with nails.4) Is it possible to _ the two parties?before long, long before1) She said she would come back _.2) She said she had been to Beijing _.3) Tom learned to read _ he started school.4) It

12、will not be _ we meet again.BADCBA1. cutout; cuttingdown; cut off2. united; connects/connected; joined; combine3. before long; long before; long before; long beforeModule 3 Unit 31. The squirrel hides _ nuts inside trees.A. a large quantities B. large quantities of C. a great deal of D. a large amou

13、nt of 2. When he came to_, he found _ in hospital. A. him; himselfB. himself; himself C. him; him D. his; his3. We decided to _on the weather and have the activity outdoors.A. make a bet with B take a chance C. make a record D. keep a diary4. That he refused her invitation couldnt _his disliking her

14、.A. make out B. speak out C. figure out D. account for5. Children under 7 are not permitted _with the toy. A. to use B. using C. to play D. playing6-Susan, go and join your sister cleaning the yard.-why_? John is sitting there doing nothing.A. him B. he C. I D. mepermit, allow, let1) _ me introduce

15、this new teacher.2) She _her mind to wander.3) Smoking is not _ in the gas station, for its easy to start a fire.stare, glare, gaze, glance1) For hours he sat _ at the stars.2) He didnt shout, for just _silently at me.3) Why are you _at me like this?4) She _shyly at him with one of the corners of he

16、r eyes.BBBDCDlet; allowed; permitted/ allowedstaring/ gazing; stared/ glared; staring/ gazing; glancedModule 3 Unit 41. I think you should get $1,000 in a month.-Well, what makes me happy is that I get _ $1,000.A. twice as much B. 3 times more than C. the pay twice D. as much as 3 times2. If you kee

17、p on, youll succeed _.A. in time B. at one time C. at a time D. on time3. _ is at night _ Tom is getting more & more quiet.A. That, which B. Whether, that C. It, that D. What, that4. I need _ cloth, for Im going to make _ clothes.A. a mass of, a great deal of B. a great deal of, a mass ofC. a number

18、 of, a great deal of D. a great many, a great deal of5. The naughty boy _ to his mother that the eggs were _ by himself.A. lied, lay B. lied, laid C. lay, laid D. lay, lay6. The plant may grow to a height of several metres, _ soil condition.A. depending on B. depends on C. depends D. depending7. _ M

19、r. Smith is well again, he can go on with his work on time.A. Now & then B. Now just C. The other day D. Now thatforce, power, energy, strengthYoung people usually have more _ than the old.He lifted the stone with all his _.Knowledge is _.Those people are the progressive _ in the society.now that, b

20、ecause, as, for, sinceIt was _ he was ill that he didnt attend the meeting.It must have rained yesterday, _ the ground is wet.I must stop playing now, _ I have rather a lot of work to do._ you have got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.loudly, loud, aloudAction speaks _ than words.We f

21、elt frightened when the bomb exploded _.Reading _ is very important in learning a foreign language.BACBBAD1: energy, 1: strength, 1: power, 1: force; 2: because, 2: for, 2: as/ because, 2: since/ now that; 3: louder, 3: loudly, 3: aloud.Module 3 Unit 5When we came to a crossing on the completely dar

22、k night, we couldnt decide whether to _ or westward.eastwardB. go to eastwardC. going eastwardD. go eastwardRather than _ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _ a bicycle.ride; rideB. riding; rideC. ride; to rideD. to ride; ridingHai Nan Province, _ by water, lies in the south of China.surroundB. sur

23、roundedC. is surroundedD. surroundingIts terrible. I cant _ to anything today.settle downB. sit downC. look downD. break downAlthough its raining, _ are still working in the fields.theyB. but theyC. and theyD. so theyFrancis, _ born in Kentucky, lived and practiced law in Missouri.wasB. he wasC. who

24、 isD. althoughIm sure David will be able to find the library he has a pretty good _ for finding directions.senseB. feelingC. experienceD. giftacross, through, crossThey built a bridge _ the river.We cant see _ the mist.Water flows _ this pipe.Is it possible to _ the vast desert within three days on

25、foot?scenery, scene, view, sightOne of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high rise is that you can get a good _.I saw a happy _ of children playing in the garden.She enjoyed mountain _ very much.They fell in love when they first met; it was love at first _.What a beautiful _ those roses

26、 make!DCBAADDacross; through; through; crossview; scene; scenery; sight; sightModule 4 Unit 1The doctor decided it would not be _ to continue the treatment.A. worthwhile B. worthy C. worthless D. worthSmall boys often _ little girls and refuse to play with them.A. look down upon B. look on C. look f

27、or D. look up to3.The movie Baby Plan starring Jacky Chan was _ for its viewers to relax themselves.A. given B. taken C. considered D. intended4.Youd better go to see the doctor as soon as possible in _ of your sleeplessness.A. consideration B. considering C. explanation D. search5. Hes a suspect. T

28、he police have been _ his movements.A. observed B. observing C. respected D. respectingworth , worhty , worthwhile1) This vase was five hundred francs at the most.2) Everybody has roots. It is to search for his roots.3) She proved herself a successor of the former champion.4) This book is well readi

29、ng and it is of being read a second time.argue , quarrel , discuss , debate1) Tomorrow were going to the problem in class.2) There is no need about this matter. It is very clear that it is useless.3) The two boys because neither of them would give in.4) The have for over an hour on the merits(优点)of

30、the different systems.inspire , encourage1) What Helen Keller did in her life many other deaf and blind people.2) My friend wrote to me and me to take part in the speech contest.AADABworth; worthwhile; worthy; worth, worthydiscuss; to argue; quarrelled; debatedhas inspired; encouragedModule 4 Unit 2

31、In the past ten years the citys population _ by 12%.A. exportedB. outputC. expandedD. equipped2. The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle _.A. to be heardB. to have heardC. hearingD. being heard3. American eat _ vegetables per person today as they did in 1999.A. more than

32、 twiceB. as twice as manyC. twice as many asD. more than twice as manyThe price of these shoes has been _ since New Years Day.soldB. reducedC. cheapD. expensiveThe message I received was rather _.confusedB. confusingC. confuseD. to confuseOur English teacher graduated _ South China Normal University

33、.inB. ofC. fromD. atWith great efforts, the museum has _ a fine art collection.built intoB. built withC. built upD. built to_ to the efforts by the headmaster, I can go back to school now.StickB. RefersC. LeadsD. Thanks What are the police doing? They are _ the mountain _ for the escaped prisoner.se

34、arching inB. searching at, forC. searching for, forD. searching, forDo you think it possible to _ the world _ nuclear weapons?regard, asB. keep, awayC. devote toD. rid, ofsearch, search for, in search of1) The officer went up to _ the thief for the stolen wallet.2) Scientists are working hard to _ a

35、 cure for AIDS.3) Birds fly to the south _ the winter sun.would rather. than, prefer. ToKate _ dancing _ singing.I _ sleep _ play such uninteresting games.care for, care aboutWill you _ my dog when I am not at home?Madame Curie doesnt _ money or fame.I dont _ what he will say.Would you _ a cup of te

36、a?CADBBCCDDDsearch; search for; in search of/ searching forprefers. to; would rather. Thancare for; care about; care about; care forModule 4 Unit 3I saw Bob play the piano at Johns party and on that _ he was simply brilliant.sceneB. occasionC. circumstanceD. situationIf you dont stop working, youll

37、_ yourself _.wear, offB. wear, outC. make, offD. make, outTheyve been out for a whole night _ the missing boy.search forB. in search ofC. in searchD. searched forThe bus stopped and _ another five passengers.carried awayB. got inC. picked upD. sent offMr. Baker walked in such a hurry in the street t

38、hat he _ a telephone pole.knocked atB. knocked downC. knocked offD. knocked intoThe young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took _ pictures of them.many ofB. a large amount of C. the number ofD. masses ofI tried to _ them of my innocence.ridB. convinceC. talkD. persuade_

39、in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.LosingB. Having lostC. LostD. To loseShe _ his number in the telephone book to make sure that she had got it right.looked upB. looked forC. picked outD. picked upThe old lady treats the boy as if he _ her own child.had beenB. wasC. wereD. iscut down, cut off, cut out, cut inDont _ while your parents are talking.Many trees have been _ in the past two decades.They were _ in the middle of their telephone conversation.She _ the article _ of the newspaper on Sunday.pick out, pick up, pick atHe _ his former teach


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