1、本教材使用说明教师按语伴随每个教学单元的按语应该被视为建议。如果愿意,教师可以偏离所规定的教学计划,或是省略他认为不符合他教学目标的练习。然而,写上按语的目的是帮助教师组织训练所介绍的句型。在可能的情况下,每课书的练习均按难易程度分级。这就意味着,如果时间不够,最后的练习可以删去,而不至于严重影响学生的学习进程。每个教学单元包含两小时的内容。如果教师仅有45 分钟用于每个单元的前半部分或后半部分,那么他就要根据他所能使用的时间来重新编排这些练习。每个教师上课时都会使用的那些指令和评语如“请听”、“坐下”、“再说一遍”、“一起来”等等应该用英语来说。在初级阶段,这些短语的含义可用手势和模仿动作来
2、表述。这些短语必须被看成与课文无关,除非它们正式在课文中出现。按照本教材的目的,只有当学生学会使用某个句型他才算是熟悉了这一句型。这就是为什么课堂教学中常用的指令并没有列入教师用书课文之前的句型和词汇表内。按语分列在不同的标题之下。现在我们来介绍其中的每一项。内容和基本目标总体评论这两个标题下的内容简要地归纳了课文所教的句型和语项。归纳完全是为教师准备的。听力理解详尽的指令在课程之初便作了交代,但随着教师慢慢适应这一程序,指令便逐渐简化。我们推荐介绍课文的9 个步骤,用以训练学生听懂英语口语的能力。这9 个步骤如下:1 介绍故事2 了解情景3 听力训练目标4 播放录音或朗读课文5 回答问题6
3、精读7 再次播放录音或朗读课文8 重复9 大声朗读每一个步骤都必须简洁。让我们来看一下如何在实践中运用这9 个步骤:1 介绍故事教师用几句话介绍课文,使学生能清楚了解所发生的事情,而不需要去猜测。开始可以用少量的中文,但教师必须尽早开始用英语。例如:Today well listen to a storyabout a handbag.(今天,我们要听一个有关手提包的故事。)2 了解情景要求学生看插图,以便检查学生是否了解课文中所发生的事情。在最初阶段可以给少量的中文作为提示,但教师必须尽早开始使用英语。例如:Look at the pictures andtell me what is ha
4、ppening here.(看图,然后告诉我这里发生了什么事情。)(你可以再加上1 至2 个问题作为提示。)3 听力训练目标通过给学生提个问题,让他们寻找答案的方式,教师为学生确立一个“听力训练目标”。这就意味着学生会积极地而不是消极地去听课文寻音。例如:Listen to the story,then tell me:Whose handbag is it?(听故事,然后告诉我:这是谁的手提包?)4 放录音或朗读课文教师播放录音或朗读课文,在不停顿的情况下让学生静听一遍课文。5 回答问题现在教师再一次问第3 步骤中的问题,让学生试看回答:Now youve heard thestory, w
5、hose handbag is it?(你现在听了这个故事,这是谁的手提包?)训练学生不要集体回答,如果他们认为自己知道答案,就让他们举手。问一个学生,然后问其他的人:“你们中有多少人同意他她的回答?”“如果你们同意请举起手来。”“对另一个学生如果你不同意,那么你认为答案是什么?”“你们中有多少人同意他她的回答?”“同意的请举起手来。”这样就能让学生不断地猜测,而且把全班学生都调动起来。从一开始就要训练学生不做“任何准备”地去听,也不通过“翻译”。很快,他们就会适应英语的语音,并理解他们所听到的内容。6 精读现在教师重放录音或重读课文,每行后稍稍停顿,检查学生是否理解。这是课堂教学中非常重要的
6、一个环节,因为学生必须全力通过图片去理解课文。如果学生不能通过图片来理解部分课文的内容这种情况总会发生的教师必须用手势和模拟动作来进行解释。如果仍不能表述那一含义,教师就应该请班上学得最好的学生给出一个单词或词组的译文,以照顾尚未理解词义的学生。把翻译看成最后一种手段。在开始阶段,传达意思是很困难的一个环节,但随着课程的进展,困难就会越来越小。7 再次播放录音或朗读课文不停顿地再次从头播放录音或课文。经过以上6 个步骤的精心讲解,这次学生应毫无困难便可听懂。8 重复再次播放录音或朗读课文,每行后停顿一下,让学生全体、小组(如教室里每一行)和单个地重复。当全体和小组重复时,要求学生在看到你的明确
7、信号后一起开始。你可用点头或以手中的铅笔来做信号,想像你自己在指挥一个交响乐团。课文中的断句标志着不同的“阅读单元”,它们的长度与学生视线的宽度是一致的。9 大声朗读让一两个学生扮演对话中的角色,大声朗读。从中你可以了解到不同学生是否能够准确地读出他们听到的英语。这个介绍课文的过程不应超过25 分钟。随着学生能力的提高,教师可以根据需要简化其中的步骤,这样就可以有更多的时间用于其后的练习。在家中自学的学生应尽可能多听课文录音,使自己完全熟悉课文。如果愿意,甚至可以把课文背出来。理解这个阶段包含两个练习:1 学生回答问题;2 学生提问题。1 学生回答问题按照以上9 个步骤介绍课文后,教师在班上向
8、学生单独提问题。如果一个学生没能回答出来,很快转向另一个学生,因此,这部分练习要很注意节奏。教师提的问题和相应的答案都包括在教师用书中。当然,如果你愿意,可以提一些额外的问题。问题分成两类:a 一般疑问句一般来说,仅用Yes(是)或No(不)来回答一个问题是不礼貌的。要训练学生注意听一般疑问句的第一个单词,在回答时用同样的词。教师:Is Annas dress new?(安娜的连衣裙是新的吗?)(问题中的第一个词是Is)学生:Yes,it is(是,它是新的。)(is 是答案的一部分)教师:Is Annas dress blue?(安娜的连衣裙是蓝色的吗?)学生:No,it isnt(不,它不
9、是。)b 特殊疑问句(以Wh-开头和以How 开头的疑问句)训练学生回答以When,Where,Which,How 等词开头的疑问句(当然,在这本教材中要花一些时间才能逐渐达到这个目标)。学生可以用完整的句子回答,也可以用简短的、较自然的回答方式。教师:Whose dress is new?(谁的连衣裙是新的?)学生:Annas dress is new或Annas(安娜的连衣裙是新的。或简短回答:安娜的。)就这样,经过一段时间的训练,学生会把When 和时间、Where 和地点、Why 和原因、Who 和身份、Whose 和所有权、Which 和选择、What 和选择、身份或活动、How 和
10、方式联系起来。2 学生提问题为了防止类似Where he went 的错误问题,需要训练学生同时问两个问题。第1个是一般疑问句,第2 个是特殊疑问句。例如:教师:Ask me if Sally is in the garden(问我萨莉是否在花园里。)学生:Is Sally in the garden?(萨莉是不是在花园里?)教师:Where?(在哪里?)学生:Where is Sally?(萨莉在哪里?)(而不是Where Sally is?或WhereSally?)当然,在这本教材中要经过一段时间问题才能发展到这个形式。所有的这类问题都包括在教师用书中。如果教师愿意,可以增加一些问题。活动
11、在每个教学单元第1 部分的结尾处,有一些关于课堂活动的建议。如果没有足够的时间,它们可以全部省略。应该尽一切可能不时地介绍一些课堂活动,因为它们会活跃课堂气氛,为语言教学增添乐趣。所建议的课堂活动有两种形式。游戏一系列关于游戏的建议可以帮助学生操练某些句型。讲故事可以要求学生仅仅依靠插图来重新组合对话。成年学生在课堂上“表演”对话通常会感到不自然,讲故事活动是一个很好的折衷办法。这也是非常有用的锻炼记忆力的方式,同时为讲话打下基础。附加练习在学生用书中,每个教学单元的后半部分(所有双数课文)都有一些标了数字的插图,有些还有单词和句子。正如前面所指出的,在可能的情况下,一个单词要在口语中出现后才
13、教师试着引导班上的学生练习一系列不同的句型。学生可以全班、小组或个人进行回答,形式可以由教师来决定。每次给学生介绍一个新的句型练习时,教师应该说明所需要的回答形式,可以用口头说明或将回答写到黑板上。不需要从语法上进行解释。每一个新句型都应该作为口头表述的形式来介绍。但介绍新句型的方法则由教师自己决定。在进行句型操练时,教师提供诱导,学生看着自己的书作出回答。例如引导有关现在完成时用法的句子可以这样进行:教师:Look at the first picture. What has she just done?(请看第1 幅画。她刚刚做完了什么?)学生:She has just aired the
14、 room(看插图她刚刚给房间通了通风。)教师:Look at the second picture. What have they just done?(请看第2 幅画。他们刚刚做完了什么?)学生:They have just cleaned their shoes( 看插图他们刚刚擦了鞋。)在部分练习中,没有要求学生去查看插图,只让学生使用“提示词”。所用的提示词都列在教师用书中,而且是从学生所熟悉的词汇中选出来的。下面是这种练习的一个例子。引导使用very much 和very any 的句子:I cant buy very much/many(我不能买很多。)教师:What about
15、 pencils?(那么铅笔呢?)学生:I cant buy very many(我不能买很多枝。)教师:What about coffee?(那么咖啡呢?)学生:I cant buy very much(我不能买许多。)以下是可用在问题What about?中的提示词:面包、奶酪、肥皂、牛排、饼干、鸡蛋、蔬菜、水果、鲜花、蛋糕、纸张、墨水、胶水、衣服、阿斯匹林、药品、果酱、蜂蜜、信封、杂志、葡萄酒、牛奶。句型训练之后是书面练习。书面练习书面练习有两种形式:结构练习和听写。结构练习在最初的几个教学单元中,学生在开始正式的书面练习前应先抄书。在学生用书中印有要求使用的手写体格式和所要求的回答形式
16、。应该注意到,在开始阶段,虽然书面练习的指令很简单,但所用的语汇是学生所不熟悉的,需要解释。这些练习的目的不是学习新的句型,而是去重复和巩固已经口头学会的内容。它们必须置于口头训练之后,而且可以作为家庭作业。学生不应仅填几个空,而应抄写整个练习。听写听写练习在第17 教学单元之后才开始,听写的内容均是课文中见过的语言。教师用来听写的总是前一个教学单元笔头练习的答案。附加练习部分有将近1 小时的素材。由于练习是按难易程度编排的,因此,如果时间不够,可以省略最后几项。测试在全书的中部有一个测验,教师可以用这套试题来评估学生的学习成果。课外作业录音磁带除了布置书面作业外,必须鼓励有配套录音磁带的学生
17、在家里多次播放新学对话的录音。如有可能,应要求他们背诵对话。同时也应建议学生跟随录音带上的练习进行训练。全书的72 篇课文组成了一个循序渐进、按语言结构难度分级的基础英语概论。课文短小精悍,便于记忆,可以使零起点的学生在使用语言过程中逐渐增强信心,提高能力。继续深造这本教材是完全独立的,足够1 年使用。在课程结束后,学生应能较好地掌握英语口语。凡打算继续深造的学生,可以接着学习以下各册。教材各册之间的内容相互“重叠”,学生继续学习不会感到困难。Practice and Progress实践与进步:中级以下水平综合教材Developing Skills培养技能:中级水平综合教材Fluency i
18、n English流利英语:高级水平综合教材在这几本书中,学生将继续他们在这本教材中开始的口语训练,并系统地接受英语写作的训练。About this courseFrom theory to practice: basic aimsThis course attempts to put into practice all the theories about languagelearning outlined above. Briefly, the aims may be stated as follows:1 To provide a course for the secondary sch
19、ool or adult beginner. Noprevious knowledge is assumed. There is sufficient material for one yearswork which will completely meet the requirements of the pre-elementary andelementary levels. It is assumed that the student will be able to work atthe course for a complete academic year of about thirty
20、-six weeks. It isalso assumed that the student will receive about four hoursinstructioneach week: i.e. four one-hour lessons on four separate occasions, or twodouble periodseach consisting of two hours or ninety m inutes. The studentwill receive most of his training in the classroom and will be requ
21、ired todo a little extra work in his own time.2 To, train the student in all four skills: understanding, speaking,reading and writingin that order. The exercises in this course are largelyaural/oral. Full-scale training in the written language should only beundertaken when this course has been compl
22、eted. It must be clearly understoodthat this course has been designed entirely to meet the needs of the teacherworking in the classroom, not of the student working on his own.3 To provide the student with a book which will enable him, with theaid of a teacher, to use the language.4 To provide the te
23、acher with well co-ordinated and graded materialwhich will enable him to conduct each lesson with a minimum of preparation.Taken together, the studentsbook and the teachers book form a completecourse: it is not possible to use one without the other.5 To provide the teacher and student with recorded
24、material which canbe used in the classroom and at home. It must be emphasized, however, thatthis is in no way a full-scale self-study course. It is essentially a classroomcourse, with taped material that can also be used at home. The recorded drillssupplement drills done in the classroom.The compone
25、nts of the courseThe course consists of the following:The Students Book.The Teachers Book.A set of cassettes, on which the multi-purpose texts have been recorded.Another set of cassettes, on whichRepetition drillin the TeachersBook has been recorded.A description of the courseIn this course, two les
26、sons, each of about an hours duration, areconsidered as one teaching unit. The student will spend about an hour oneach lesson and will complete two teaching units each week. There areseventy-two teaching units in all, that is, sufficient material for thirty-sixweeks work.The Students BookThe first p
27、art of each teaching unit consists of a structurally controlledsituational dialogue or narrative piece in which the new linguistic featuresintroduced in the lesson are contextualized. The passage will be used fortraining in understanding and speaking, reading, and practising progressivepatterns.The
28、second part of each teaching unit usually consists of sets of numberedillustrations which will be used for understanding and speaking practice.Where possible, new vocabulary items are not presented in print until thestudent has mastered them orally. The new linguistic features introducedin the conte
29、xtualized passage are isolated and drilled intensively. Thisoral work is followed by a very short written exercise which seeks toconsolidate skills which have already been acquired.The Teachers BookIn the first p art of each teaching unit, the teacher is provided withthe following information:Conten
30、t and basic aims: A list of patterns, structural words and contentwords which the student will actually use.General remarks: A summary of the main grammatical items that areintroduced in the unit.Listening comprehension: The nine steps for presenting the text, sostudents will be trained to understan
31、d spoken English.Comprehension: Constant practice in answering and asking questions basedon the text.Pattern drill: A brief drill on a particular difficulty is givenoccasionally, or the ground is prepared for the exercises which are to followin the second part of the teaching unit.Activities: Materi
32、al is provided occasionally for particular activities,such as telling the story, games or some kind of classroom activity.In the second part of the teaching unit, the teacher is provided withmaterial to practise the new patterns. These exercises generally take twoforms: Repetition drill and Pattern
33、drill. Pieces for dictation arerecommended from Teaching Unit17 onwards.The tapesTwo sets of tapes accompany the course for use in the classroom andfor home study.1 A set of cassettes, on which the situational dialogue or narrativepiece in the first part of each teaching unit is recorded at less tha
34、n normalspeed(100 words per minute). These cassettes are intended for use in theclassroom when the teacher is working through the nine steps when presentingeach text. However, students studying at home may also make use of thesecassettes to improve their listening comprehension.2 Another set of cass
35、ettes, on which theRepetition drillin the secondpart of each teaching unit is recorded for use in the classroom or at home.There are 72 drills in all. These cassettes are intended for teachers touse in the classroom and for students who decide to do the drills on theirown with the aid of a cassette-
36、player at home.The drills consist of three phrases: stimulus/student response/ correctresponse. The drills are based entirely on the main grammatical item introducedin each lesson. The tapescript of the drills is included in the second partof each teaching unit in the Teachers Book.关于本教材的说明从理论到实践:基本
37、目的这本教材试图将上面简述的关于语言学习的理论付诸实践。现将目的简述如下:1 为中学生和成年初学者提供一本教材。假定学生没有学过英语。这本教材的内容足够1 年使用,可以使学生达到初级以下和初级的水平。假定学生1 学年上课36 周,可在1 学年内结束这本教材。这就是说,学生每周上课约4 个课时,即互不相连的4 个课时,每课时为1 小时,或两个“双课时”,每个双课时为2 小时或90 分钟。学生主要在课上接受训练,在课下仅做一点额外的作业。2 全面训练学生的4 项技能:理解、口语、阅读、写作按此顺序进行训练。本书的练习大多数是听说方面的,笔语方面的全面训练要到本书学完后才开始。应该明确,这本书是为满
38、足教师课堂教学的需要而设计的,而不是为自学的学生设计的。3 为学生提供一本令他能够在教师的帮助下自己使用语言的教材。4 为教师提供配合得当、循序渐进的教材,使他们在上课前只需做极少的准备。教师用书和学生用书组成一个完整的教程,两者不可缺一。5 为教师和学生提供可在课堂和家里使用的录音材料。然而,必须强调的是,这不是一本全面供自学者使用的教程。从根本上来说,这是一本供课堂使用的教材,但它的录音材料也可以在家里使用。录音练习对课堂练习是一个补充。教材内容这本教材由以下各部分组成:学生用书教师用书一组录有多功能课文的盒式磁带一组录有教师用书中的“重复训练”的盒式磁带教材介绍在这本教材中,每两课课文每
39、课大约为1 课时被看成1 个教学单元。学生学每课书大概用1 小时,每周学完两个教学单元。全书共有72 个教学单元,因此足够36周使用。学生用书每个教学单元的前半部分有一篇按句型结构编排的情景对话或描述性文字,其中每课书介绍的新的语言内容被融进了上下文之中。课文用于训练学生的理解能力,以及学生说、读和运用渐进型句型的能力。每个教学单元的后半部分通常有几组有编号的插图,用于理解和口语练习。在可能的情况下,新词汇在学生口头掌握之后才见之于文字。在具有语境的课文中介绍的新的语言现象被单列出来,并进行反复练习。在这种口头练习之后有一小段笔头练习,用来巩固已经学到的技能。教师用书在每个教学单元的前半部分,
40、教师可以找到如下几部分内容:内容和基本目标:列出学生将要使用的句型、结构词和词项。总体评论:介绍本教学单元的主要语法项目。听力理解:介绍课文的9 个步骤,用以训练学生听懂英语口语的能力。理解:训练学生根据课文回答问题和提出问题。句型训练:有时会有某个语言难点的简单训练,或为本教学单元后半部分的练习铺平道路。活动:有时为某些活动提供素材,例如:讲故事、玩游戏或其他课堂活动。在每个教学单元的后半部分,教师可为新句型的训练找到素材。这些练习往往采用两种形式:重复训练和句型训练。从第17 教学单元起,书中列出了建议听写的段落。录音带与教程相配套的两组录音磁带,可用于课堂教学,也可供自学使用。1 第1
41、组录音磁带含有每个教学单元前半部分的情景对话或描述性文字的录音,录音速度比正常语速慢一些(每分钟100 个单词)。这些磁带是为教师在课堂上使用而设计的,以便按照9 个步骤来介绍课文。然而,自学的学生也可以用这些录音带来提高他们听的能力。2 第2 组录音磁带含有每个教学单元后半部分的“重复训练”,可用于课堂教学和课外自学。一共有72 个练习。这些磁带是为教师在课堂上使用而设计的,决心借助于录音机在家里完成这些练习的学生也可使用这些磁带。练习分成3 个步骤:引导学生回答正确答案。这些练习是根据每课介绍的重点语法项目编写的。练习的书面材料刊印在教师用书中每个教学单元的后半部分。TO the teac
42、herLearning a foreign language in the classroomGeneral principlesTraditional methods of learning a foreign language die hard. As longago as 1921, Dr. Harold Palmer pointed out the important difference betweenunderstanding how a language works and learning how to use it. Since thattime, a great many
43、effective techniques have been developed to enable studentsto learn a foreign language. In the light of intensive modern research, noone would seriously question the basic principles that have evolved sincePalmer s day, though there is considerable disagreement about how theseprinciples can best be
44、implemented. Despite the great progress that has beenmade, teachers in many parts of the world still cling to old-fashioned methodsand to some extent perpetuate the systems by which they themselves learnta foreign language. It may, therefore, not be out of place to restate somebasic principles and t
45、o discuss briefly how they can best be put into effectin the classroom.Learning a language is not a matter of acquiring a set of rules andbuilding up a large vocabulary. The teachers efforts should not be directedat informing his students about a language, but at enabling them to use it.A students m
46、astery of a language is ultimately measured by how well he canuse it, not by how much he knows about it. In this respect, learning a languagehas much in common with learning a musical instrument. The drills and exercisesa student does have one end in sight: to enable him to become a skilled performe
47、r.A student who has learnt a lot of grammar but who cannot use a language isin the position of a pianist who has learnt a lot about harmony but cannotplay the piano. The students command of a language will therefore be judgednot by how much he knows, but by how well he can perform in public.In order to become a skilled performer, the student must become proficientat u