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1、新概念英语第一册期中考试测试卷姓名_ 分数_一、选出划线部分发音不同的一组1. A. east B. head C. eat D. season ( )2. A. race B. stand C. baby D. late ( )3. A. west B. set C. subject D. best ( )4. A. clock B. shop C. moment D. noise ( )5. A. size B. rise C. mild D. finish ( )二、根据句子的意思填入正确的单词,首字母已给出1. Jane has a t , so she must see a dent

2、ist.2. Tomorrow is Friday, so today is T .3. A ship is going u the bridge.4. A plane is flying o the hill.5. In the evening, the children come home f school.6. Two dogs are e bones.7. W is the time? It is 5oclock.8. A q past eleven is also eleven fifteen.9. H old are you?10. I was a the butchers yes

3、terday.三、把下列名词变成复数man _ dress_ employee_ watch_assistant _ woman_ housewife_ child_ boy_ foot_ tooth_potato_ wife_ valley_ fly_ 四 、写出下列词的反义词或者对应词big_ fat_ young _ short _ mother_ brother_ cold_ open _ tall _ late_五、写出下列词的现在分词make_ fly_ live_ drop_ shave_open_ listen_ run_ sit_ read_go_ walk_ wait_ w

4、ash _swim_六、 根据要求变换: 1、I(宾格) _2、dish(复数) _3、sit(现在分词) _5、tall(反义词) _6、young(反义词) _7、white(反义词) _8、she(物主代词) _9、desk(同义词) _10、housewife(复数) 11、children(单数) _12、swim(现在分词) _13、up(反义词) 14、is not(缩略式) _15、 clean (反义词) _七 、用所给动词的适当形式填空1.The boy_(sit)under the tree now.2.Do you want_(some)meat today?3.Wha

5、t are you going to do?I_(paint)the bookcase.4.He_(like)spring best.5.It often_(rain)in summer.6.Where_the girl_(come)from?She_from Beijing.7.We are_.We come from_(Chinese,China).8.There are some_(policeman)in the park.9.Jim_(not like)coffee,but he_(like)tea.10.Look,the dog_(run)aftera cat.11.The dog

6、_(run)after a cat now 12.Mr.Black goes to work on_(foot)every day.13.The children always do_(they)homework at night.14.The boys_(play)in the gaarden now.15.She often_(watch)TV in the evening,but now,she_(read)the newspaper.16.Tim_(go)to school by bus every day.17.He usually_(arrive)at home at six oc

7、lock.18.I only have some small_(box).19.What_you_(go)to do?I_(go)to water the flowers.20.Give you your_(change).八、选择填空1、How do you do?_?A How are you ? B How old are you ?C How do you do ? D Thank you very much .2、How are you ,Miss Wang ?_.A how are you ,miss gao . B I am fine ,thank you .C you are

8、right ,I am fine . D thank you .3、_! Are you mr . chen ?No ,I am not ._.A hello; good . B sorry ;excuse me C hello ok D excuse me ; sorry .4、_is a fine day today.A That B This C It D Today 5、The aeroplane is flying _the bridge . A on B of C out D over 6、They are looking _ the sky .A at B over C on D

9、 in 7、There is a bridge _the river.A. on B over C in D at 8、They _over the bridge now .A. walk B walking C are walking D is walking 9、Can she type this letter _me ?A. of B at C for D in 10、I usually go to school _7 oclock _the moring .A. in ;at B at ; in C on ;in D at ; on 11、We usually stay _home o

10、n Sundays.A. in B on C for D at 12、My father often goes to work _car.A. by B in C on D at 13、_ the moment they are playing _the garden.A. at ,by B at ,in C in ,on D in ,at.14、Look ! he _the radio.A. listening to B is listening C is listenig to D listen to 15、Do you go to school _bus or _foot ?A by ,

11、on B by ,by C on ,on Don ,by 16、There _a desk and four chairs in the room.A are B is C be D 17、Whats the climate _in your country ?A likes B like C look like D looks like 18、 Do you want beef _lamb? Beef ,please .A and B yet C but D or 19、_I dont like english at all.A Telling you the truth B To tell

12、 you the truth C Telling you the true D To tell you the true20、Whats the matter _your bike ? Its broken.A with B along C in D about 九、就划线部分提问1. I am Chinese . _?2. My name is mary ._?3. My skirt is red . _?4. Its eight oclock.:_?5、My shirt is red. _?6. He is a teacher. _?7. I like spring best._?8. I

13、 have a headache ._?9. I am reading._?10.I am going to paint the bookcase._?十、按要求改写句子1. My mother is making the bed. (对划线部分提问) _2. Lets go to the zoo. (改为please开头的祈使句) _3. My shoes are on the floor. (对划线部分提问) _4. Give a cup to me. (同义句转换) _5. The young man is a doctor. (对划线部分提问) _6、She like cats.(改为

14、一般疑问句,并做否定回答)_ 7、Im Chinese. (对划线部分提问)_8、This is my mothers handbag. (对划线部分提问)_9、There are some cups on the table . (变为一般疑问句)_10、Whats the weather like today? (同义句转换) _十一. 完形填空Jimmy is a school boy. He1hard at his lessons. So his teachers2 him. But he thinks himself is the cleverestboy in his class.

15、One afternoon Jimmy3home after school. He is hungry. So he says to his mother, “Mum, Im too hungry.4 I have something to eat?” “Supper is not ready now. But here are two5 . You can eat them first.” Says his mother.So Jimmy6 the two apples in his hands. He7the apples and says, “Mother, I have8 apples

16、 now. Please look. This is the first one. This is the second one. Isnt one and two three? Im clever, you see.” “Oh, yes, you are very clever, Jimmy,” says his mother, “No, please give me the9 one. Give your father the10one. And you eat the third one.”( ) 1. A. dont study B. doesnt study C. study D.

17、studies( ) 2. A. doesnt like B. likesC. dont likeD. like( ) 3. A. go B. does go C. gosD. goes( ) 4. A. CanB. DoC. Am D. Does( ) 5. A. appleB. orangesC. apples D. bananas( ) 6. A. takesB. takeC. eats D. eat( ) 7. A. look atB. looks forC. look forD. looks at( ) 8. A. oneB. threeC. twoD. four( ) 9. A.

18、oneB. twoC. firstD. second( ) 10. A. secondB. firstC. two D. one十二、阅读短文.Peterwasasmallboy.Helivedwithhisparentsinasmallhousenearsomehills.Thepeopletherewereallpoor.Onenightitwasvery dryandwindy.Wheneverybodywasasleep,Petersuddenlyheardsomenoise.Itcameoutfromthekitchen.Hegotupandwalkedtothekitchen.He

19、foundthatthewoodbesidethestovewasburning.Therewasnowatertapinthehouse,sohecouldnotputoutthefire.Heshoutedloudlytowakeupeveryoneinthehouse. Thenhe ranoutofhishouseandknockedonthedoorsofmanyhousestowakethepeopleup.Theyalllefttheirhousesquickly.Atlastthefirewasputoutbythefiremen.Manyhouseswereburn.Butn

20、obodywas burntinthefire.1Peterlivedwithhis_.AsistersBbrothersCunclesDparents2Onenighthefoundthat_besidethestovewasburning.AthetableBthewoodCthedoorDthewindow3_,sohecouldnotputoutthefire. AEverybodywasasleepBHecouldntshoutloudCThekitchenwasverybigDtherewasnowatertapinthehouse4Peterknockedonthedoorsofmanyhouses_.AtowakethepeopleupBtogetsomewaterCtofindhisclassmatesDtovisitthem5_hurtinthefire.APeopleinotherhouseswereBPetersparentswereCNobodywasDPeterwas十三、 Writing. 写作写一篇介绍某个场所的小短文(教室,卧室,客厅)请尽量使用There be 句型以及相应的形容词。 5


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