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1、 五年级英语Unit2单元测试卷 听力部分30分1、 听录音,选出句中你所听到的单词。(10分)( )1.A.computer B. art C.music ( )2.A.third B.second C.first( )3.A.classroom B.bedroom C.bathroom( )4.A.high B.heavy C.have( )5.A.swing B.come C.computer( )6.A.first B.second C.third( )7.A.classroom B. class C.computer( )8.A.heavy B.high C.great( )9.A.

2、sing B.swing C.stop( )10.floor B.four C.flower二、听录音,根据问句选择答句。(10分)( )1.A.Yes,there is. B.No,it isnt. C.five students( )2.A.No,it isnt. B.No,there isnt. C. Yes,there are.( )3.A.Its twenty. B.Theyre twenty. C. I can see twenty.( )4.A.Yes,there are . B. No,there isnt. C.Yes,they are.( )5.A.Its on the f

3、irst floor. B.There are six rooms C.Yes ,Miss Li 3、 听录音,根据所听到的内容完成句子。(10分)1. A:Are there any in the . B: No,there .2. A. Is there a on the floor? B.Yes, there .3. A:Wheres room B:Its on the floor.4. There are not any in my school? 笔试部分一、 英汉互译。(8分)1一位新学生 _ 2.show her around_ 3. 在二楼 _ _ 4. an art room

4、 _5. 两间电脑室 _ 6. the third day _7. push me _ 8. on the swing_二、选择填空。(10分)( )1. There _ two computer rooms and a library on the first floor. A. are B. is C. am ( ) 2. There _ any orange juice in the fridge. A. are B. arent C.isnt( ) 3. How many _ are there in your school? A.classroom B.a classroom C.i

5、snt( )4. -Where _ my gloves? -They are on the chair. A. are B. is C. be( )5. The table tennis room is _ the first floor. A. in B. on C. under( )6.- How many oranges are there in your bag?- _ 24.A. They are B. Theyre C. There are( )7. Are there any music rooms on the second floor?- No, _ .A. there ar

6、e B. there arent C. they are ( )8. There _ a library in my school. A. isnt B. have C. arent( ) 9.- Are there any table tennis rooms? - Yes._ are on the second floor. A. There B. They C. Theyre( )10. _ books are there on the desk? A. What B. How much C. How many三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. The library is o

7、n the (two) floor.2. Lets go and (play).3. Its great (fun)4. There (be) some bananas on the chair.5. How many (desk) are there in the classroom?6. There arent (some)hamburgers on the table. 7. -Are there any (picture) on the wall ? - No ,there arent.8. Push ( I ),please!9. Its time (have) dinner.10.

8、 There are four (room) in the house.四、选词填空。(10分)on under in near between1. There are two table tennis rooms _ our school.2. Our classroom is _ the second floor.3. The yellow shoes are _ the bed.4.The library is _ the computer room and the art room.5.There is a park _ my house.五、在B栏中找出A栏相对应的答句。(10分)(

9、 )1.Is there an egg in the box? A.Id like some noodles.( )2. How much are the socks? B.No,there isnt.( )3.What would you like? C. Yes, there are.( )4.How many computers do you have?D. OK.Lets go.( )5.Are there any beds in the room? E.Thank you.( )6.Here is some soup for you. F.They are four yuan.( )

10、7.Lets go and have a look. G. I have one.( )8.How many classrooms are there? H.Fine,thank you.( )9.How are you? I.Here you are.( )10.Can I have some water,Mum? J.There are 24.六、根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词。(10分)1.你的客厅里有一台电视吗? 不,没有。 a TV in your living room? No, there .2.在桌子旁边有一张椅子。There a chair the table.3.你有什么?

11、 我有一些苹果。我没有一些香蕉。 do you ? I have . I have .4.你们上午有什么课?我们有语文、数学、英语。 What do you in the morning. We have Maths and .5.你们学校有几间电脑室? How many are there in your school?6.图书馆附近有一个公园吗? there a near the park?七、阅读理解(10分)(A)I have a picture of my school. There is a new building in the middle of the picture. Th

12、ere are many flowers and trees near the building. Therere twelve classrooms in it. Therere twenty-four desks for the students and one desk for the teacher in every classroom. Beside the building, there is a big playground. There are some boys and girls in it. Theyre playing happily. There are some h

13、ouses next to the building. They are our library and reading rooms. How many windows are there in every reading room? Four. So its bright. Now some students are reading. We all like our school very much.根据短文内容,判断正(T)和误(F)。( )1.I have a picture of a new classroom.( ) 2.There is a new building in the

14、picture.( ) 3.There are twenty-five desks in every classroom.( ) 4.There arent any flowers or trees near the new building.( ) 5.Therere four windows in the building.(B)Beibei: Welcome to my bedroom, Fanfan. Come in, please.Fanfan: Wow, how nice! Whats on the desk?Beibei : Theres a big cake and some

15、books.Fanfan: Whats in the desk?Beibei : There are a lot of photos of my family in the desk. You can have a look at them.Fanfan: Great! . Im tired .Wheres the sofa?Beibei : Theres not a sofa. Come and sit on my bed. Its soft.Fanfan: The two dolls on your bed are pretty. I like them.Beibei: I like th

16、em, too.Fanfan: Is there a map of China on the wall?Beibei:Yes. Its near my bed. Fanan, shall we go and play basketball now?Fanfan: Great! Wheres the ball?Beibei: Its under the bed.Fanfan: I cant find it there.Beibei: Oh, its behind the door.阅读对话,选择正确的答案。( )1.Whose bedroom is it? A. Fanfans B. Beibe

17、is C. I dont know( ) 2.Whats in the desk? A. Some storybooks. B.A computer C. Family photos.( ) 3. Is there a sofa in the room? A. No, there isnt. B. Yes, there is C. No, there arent.( ) 4.Wheres the map of China? A. Its on the bed. B. Its near the bed. C. Its near the window.( ) 5. Wheres the baske

18、rball?A. Under the bed. B. Behind the door C. Under the desk1、 二、在B栏中找出A栏相对应的答句。( )1.Is there an egg in the box? A.Id like some noodles.( )2. How much are the socks? B.No,there isnt.( )3.What would you like? C. Yes, there are.( )4.How many computers do you have?D. OK.Lets go.( )5.Are there any beds

19、in the room? E.Thank you.( )6.Here is some soup for you. F.They are four yuan.( )7.Lets go and have a look. G. I have one.( )8.How many classrooms are there? H.Fine,thank you.( )9.How are you? I.Here you are.( )10.Can I have some water,Mum? J.There are 24.The art room is on the second floor.There is

20、 a computer on the teachers desk.The box is too heavy .Bobby is on the swing.Their classroom is on the first floor.2、 听录音,选出你所听到的答句。Is there a girl over there?Are there any desk in the room?How many books are there in the bag?Are there any dogs in the desk?Open the door,please.4、 听录音,根据所听到的内容完成句子。5.

21、 A:Are there any students in the playground. B: No there arent6. A. Is there a classroom on the first floor? B.Yes, there is.7. A:Wheres computer room B:Its on the third floor.8. There are not any art rooms in my school?根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词。1.你的客厅里有一台电视吗? 不,没有。 a TV in your living room? No, there .2.在桌子旁边有一张椅子。There a chair the table.3.你有什么? 我有一些苹果。我没有一些香蕉。 do you ? I have . I have .4.你们上午有什么课?我们有语文、数学、英语。 What do you in the morning. We have Maths and .5.你们学校有几间电脑室? How many are there in your school?6.图书馆附近有一个公园吗? there a near the park?


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