1、2019年国际乒联女子世界杯2019ITTF Womens World Cup记者报名表JOURNALIST APPLICATION FORM2019年10月18日至20日成都Oct 18th-20th,2019,Chengdu报名截止日期: 2019年10月10日 Deadline of the Application- Oct, 10, 2019姓名Name记者证号码Press Card NO.照片Photo身份证号码/护照号码ID NO./Passport NO.所在媒体单位名称Media Name文字记者Journalist摄影记者Photographer记者类型(请打)Please
2、indicate your function by “”摄像记者Videographer广播记者Radio Reporter网络 Website报纸/杂志Newspaper/ Magazine媒体类型(请打)Please indicate your media type by“” 电视台TV Station电台Radio地址Add.电话(包括区号)Tel传真Fax电子邮件E-mail新闻中心内的记者工作间提供免费工作桌和上网线Free worktable cable wires are provided in the Press Center.填表地点、时间Time/Place of Appl
3、ication申请单位确认报名Organizations Stamp 公章Official Seal 请提供以下材料Please provide the following materials:1.记者证复印件 One copy of press card 2.一寸证件照(用于制作证件) Photo(2.5cm*3.5cm)3.若无记者证,请媒体单位出具身份证明,并加盖公章The journalists without Press Card, please prepare a certificate with seal from your own company. 4.外籍记者在中国境内采访需
4、持有J-1或J-2签证。若已获得J-1签证,请提供复印件;如需组委会协助申请J-2签证,请发邮件至报名电邮。Foreign journalists in China need to hold a J-1visa or a J-2 visa. If you have obtained J-1 visa, please provide a copy; if you need the assistance of the Organizing Committee to apply for the J-2 visa, please send an email to the registration email. 5.如果您对媒体报名申请还有任何疑问,请及时与赛事组委会取得联系。If you have any questions about the application, please contact the Organizing Committee as soon as possible.6.联系人Contact Person:Renxi 电话/传真Tel/Fax: 86 28-87636025 报名电邮E-mail: 备注Remarks: 2 / 2