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1、 高三140bdbd8bfe09c0b12e980e1b8130d52.pdf词汇复习Model 1 - Unit2 Heros第一节:Warm up + Lesson 1 + Lesson 2I. 话题词汇分类训练请将下列形容人性格词汇翻译并归类brave, calm, cruel, dangerous, childish, generous, honest, humorous, greedy, skilful, weak, brilliant, kind, pleasant, smart, violent,modest, ambitious, bad-tempered, outgoing,

2、 narrow-minded, lazy, pessimistic, optimistic, stubborn, responsible, ungratefulPositive adj.Negativeadj.II. 词汇检测(I) 名词n. : character _; flight_; launch _; atmosphere _; opinion _; struggle_; protest _; astronaut _; revolution _; republic _;(II) 动词v.: explore _; wave _; found _; march _; glow _;(III

3、) 形容词adj. equal _; calm _; generous _; violent _;(IV) 副词adv. : personally _; peacefully_.III. 读课文复习词组81. 起飞 _2. 载人宇宙飞船 _3. 从分离_4. 数百万_5. 向人群挥手_6. 探索太空_7. 收集信息_8. 完成任务_9. 放出降落伞_10. 表达愿望_11. look out of _12. run out of _13. be famous for _14. fight for _15. light bulb _16. in my opinion _17. fight aga

4、inst _18. enjoy equal rights _19. be angry with _20. be influenced by _21. be in prison _22. receive/win the Nobel Peace Prize _23. be remembered for _24. start/begin with _25. take turns _26. receive a medical degree _27. continue to do _28. come out of prison _29. spend (in) doing _30. agree with

5、_IV. 课文长难句型分析 (翻译或填空):1. Yang Liwei showed the flags of China and the United Nations, expressing the wishes of the Chinese people to explore and use space peacefully.2. As Yang Liwei returned into the earths atmosphere, helicopters were flying to where he would land, ready to collect him.3. When Yan

6、g Liwei climbed out of the spaceship, he smiled and waved to the crowds waiting for him.V. 重点词汇解读1. When the spaceship separated from the rocket, I suddenly got a feeling of soaring into the sky because of the zero gravity. separate v. 分离,分开,区别 adj. 单独的,各自的对号入座 The two communities are separated by a

7、 highway. They separated three years after they got married At this point the satellite separates from its launcher. She finds it difficult to separate fact from fantasy. Use separate knives for raw and cooked meat.A. 分居 B. 各自的,不同的 C.区别 D.分开,分割 E. 分离,脱离 重点短语1) Our teacher separated us into four grou

8、ps. _2) The island is separated from the mainland by a channel. _对号入座 使与分离 把分成 拓展练习1)请根据中文提示完成下列句子。 England _ _ _ (隔着)France by the English Channel. They talked until midnight and then _. (分手). The children _ often _ _ (被分成)groups for the game. Brought up in town, the boy finds it difficult _ _ rice

9、 _ wheat. (区别)The children have _. (各自的卧室)2. After some struggle, blacks and whites were able to sit together on buses. struggle vi.奋斗,努力;斗争,搏斗;挣扎 n.斗争,搏斗对号入座 He struggled to control his temper. _ The prisoner struggled against those policemen but couldnt escape. _ Its hard to rescue drowning people

10、 because they struggle so much. _ The wounded soldier struggled in the forest. _ There has been a severe power struggle between the two parties these years. _A. 挣扎 B. 搏斗 C. 艰难地(朝某方向)行进 D. 努力,奋斗 E. 斗争 重点短语1) Millions of people are struggling for survival. _2) The old man was struggling with cancer. _

11、3) The shopkeeper struggled with the thief. _对号入座 与某人搏斗 奋斗,努力 与抗争VI. 第一节复习巩固A. 根据语境及要求填空:1. He was arrested as he committed _(暴力) crimes. 2. He is a very g_ man, for he always gives away his money to the homeless.3. His hometown is in Shandong p_.4. Try to keep _ (镇定), and tell me what happened.5. N

12、ewton told us the g_ brings the apple to the ground.6. The _ (性格) of the US is formed by immigration (移民).7. He is a r_, and we can often read his articles in the local newspaper.8. The _ (航班) is delayed by the weather, so I cant go there on time.9. She cut the melon into six _ (相等的) pieces.10. I wa

13、nt to e_ the South Pole region. 11. The Peoples R_ of China was f_ on 1st Oct, 1949.12. He is sleeping p_ (安详、平静地).13. Chinas first _(载人宇宙飞船) were l_ on 15th, Oct, 2003.14. Last night a _ (直升机) crashed, 12 people killed.15. When the _ (宇航员) get out the spaceship, he smiled and w_ to the crowd waitin

14、g for him.16. The _ (电灯泡) was invented by Edison. 17. _ (数百万) Chinese people were watching the l_ of the Shenzhou VII on Sep. 25th. 18. UN is short for the _. 19. P_ I dont think this is a good idea.B. 词组翻译1. 起飞 _2. 数百万_3. 向人群挥手_4. 探索太空_5. 收集信息_6. 完成任务_7. 表达愿望_8. enjoy equal rights _9. be angry with

15、 _10. be influenced by _11. be remembered for _12. continue to do _C. 用词组的恰当形式填空:separate from; fight for; take turrns; fight against; spendin doing; agree with; 1. Please _ the big apples _ the small ones.2. She _ her whole life _ with poor and sick people. (work)3. She has been an important person

16、 in _ animal rights.4. I quite _ you about his latest book- its awful.5. Martin Luther King _ racism and his actions changed American society.6. You cant do it together; youll have to _.第二节:Lesson 3 + Lesson 4 + Lesson 5I. 话题词汇分类练习请将与运动有关的英语翻译成中文。名词: sports event, golf, finals, player, champion, ath

17、lete, field, diving, marathon, court, medal动词: train, compete,II课文词汇检测(I) 名词n. : violence_; career_; disaster_; injury_; relationship_; charity_; quality_; (II) 动词v.: promote_; commit_; react_; divorce_; involve_; admire_; dive_;(III) 形容词adj.: brilliant _; skilful_; awful_; useless_; unusual_; keen_

18、: amazing_; disabled_; confident_; (IV) 副词adv.: fortunately_; afterwards_; dead_; absolutely_;III. 读课文复习词组1. 充满_2. 回顾,追忆_3. 旧地重游_4. 对某人严厉_5. 相互竞争_6. 对表示出极大的兴趣_7. 结束_8. 取得惊人的进步_9. 发生在.人身上_10. 开始做某事_11. 在上大学_12. 因而著名_13. 取得惊人的进步_14. 学会做某事_15. 独自地_16. 引起公众的关注_17. 想到放弃_18. 康复_19. 自杀_20. 与相处得好_21. 与.起反应_

19、22. 参与,卷入_23. 提高生活品质_24. 随着的进步_IV. 课文句型分析1. In a recent interview, Venus spoke about the time when she and Serena were practicing tennis and they had to run and hide as bullets started flying through the air.2. Brandi, the sisters mother, taught her daughters at home so that they completed their hig

20、h school while developing their tennis careers.3. This not only drew public attention to research into back injuries but also encouraged a lot of people living with all kinds of problems.4. Im far too busy living to think of giving up.V. 重点词汇解读1. He has always been very strict with his daughters, tr

21、aining them hard to compete against each other. compete vi. 竞争,比赛 重点短语1)He welcomed the chance to compete against professional athletes. 2)Animals in the wild have to compete for food. 3)He regularly competes in road races. 4)The two companies will have to compete with better service for customers.

22、对号入座 同某人竞争 同某人竞争; 为得到某物而竞争 参加比赛或竞赛拓展练习1)请根据中文提示完成下列句子。 More than 2,300 candidates from 93 political parties _ _ _ (正在角逐) 486 seats. Will you _ _ (参加) the race? My handwriting cannot _ _ (比不上) his.2. He also raised a lot of money to promote medical research into back injuries. promote v. 促进; 发扬;提升对号入

23、座 Helen was promoted to senior manager. _ Shes in London to promote her new book. _ John Major promoted the idea of a classless society. _A. 促销,推销 B. 提倡,倡议 C. 提升 拓展练习:1)请用promote的适当形式完成下列句子。 The boss _him to the post of chief accountant last month. Because of his hard work, he got _. 2)请将下列句子译成英语。 我

24、儿子刚被提拔。 _ 他在城里推销他的新书。 _ 该组织旨在促进各国之间的贸易。_3. He also raised a lot of money to promote medical research into back injuries. injury n. 受伤处; 伤害; 侮辱对号入座She was taken to hospital with serious head injuries . _The driver of the truck sustained only minor injuries to his legs and arms. _Luckily she escaped i

25、njury . _The pilot was treated for suspected internal injuries . _Dont lift that toolbox - youll do yourself an injury ! _1)(意外地)把自己弄伤 2) 重伤3) 轻伤 4)内伤 5)没有受伤 VI. 词汇巩固: 用单词的正确形式填空。1. He has been _ (奋斗) to succeed in his business.2. The residents _(抗议) about the noise and dust from the construction si

26、te.3. The look on his face said that he was _ (自信的) of success.4. When they have to choose between _ (质量) and price, the former usually is their choice.5. After the _ (灾难) there were many who wanted food and shelter.6. We listened her _ (令人惊奇的) story with great attention.7. It should be _ (糟糕的) if h

27、e found out the truth.8. _ (幸运地), the fire was discovered soon after it had started.9. _ (后来) I heard from Lao Li that this was not the fact.10. She is _ (熟练的) enough to control the machine now.11. In the past few years, this young scientist has make great _ (成就) in his research.12. He has been _ (提

28、拔) to sales manager, which surprised us all.13. They have a perfect working _ (关系).14. She is particularly _ (热衷的) on outdoor sports.15. The first day at school is a big _ (事件) in a childs life.16. He suffered serious _ (伤害) to the arms and legs.17. Most crimes are _ (犯(错误) by young men.18. Her pare

29、nts _ (离婚) eight years ago, which has a profound effect on her life 19. You never know how he is going to _ (作出反应).20. Dont _ (卷入) me in your quarrel.VII. 用词组的恰当形式填空:be remembered as, on ones own, get on, pull through, get involved with, give up1. The two brothers_ very well. They seldom quarrel wit

30、h each other.2. Believe me! She can do the work _. After all, she is no longer a child.3. Although he is disabled, he never thinks of _. Instead, he _charity work to encourage other disabled people and to improve the quality of their life.4. Christopher Reeve will always be _ a superhero by people a

31、ll over the world.5. His injuries are severe but hes expected to _.compete against, express a keen interest in, look back, come to an end, make () progress, be strict with,6. The sisters and their family moved to a safer area and since then they have never _.7. The sisters father has always been ver

32、y _his daughters, training them hard to _ each other.8. They have _working in design after their tennis careers _.9. Serena has continued to improve and _ fantastic _.VIII. 单元复习巩固A. 根据语境填写适当的单词或词组。compete against, fortunately, keen, on ones own, lift off, promote, confident, pull through, get involv

33、ed 1. Are you _ to play tennis this afternoon?2. Bailey _ athletes half his age and won at last.3. I broke my arm playing basketball but _ it is fine now.4. Dont just sit there! _ and help disabled people!5. Were trying hard to _ world peace.6. He wont be able to walk _ again. 7. She is _ that her m

34、others hurt will heal.8. Chinas first manned spaceship _ at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, October 15th,2003. 9. She was so ill that it seemed unlikely that she would _.B. 完成句子(每空一词)。1. Three weeks or so later, the fighting _ _ _ _ (结束).2. This patient should _ _ _ (隔离)the others.3. In her letter she _ _ _ _

35、(表达了极大的兴趣) in this field. 4. He succeeded in _ _ ( 度过, 挺过)the difficulty.5. This article will _ _ _ (使公众关注) to farmers and agriculture.C. 实际运用 : 运用本单元所学重点单词和短语,翻译下面短文。 姚明是一名优异的中国职业篮球运动员,曾效力于美国国家篮球协会休斯顿火箭。生于上海,姚明从少年起就对篮球感兴趣并打篮球。姚明如此的成功以至于他在2002年NBA选秀中被休斯顿火箭队选中。当他刚刚着陆在美国,他什么都要靠自己。他非常的努力,克服了很多困难,并且在篮球场

36、上越来越有自信。姚明在他的队伍里是一名主力队员。他们和很多出名的团队比赛。姚明被全世界的球迷钦佩。三年后,一个足踝受伤结束了他2005年赛季。对自己严格,姚明努力训练,取得了好的进展。很幸运地,他渡过难关,在下一个赛季结束前返回了篮球场。非常不幸的,接下来的几年,他都有连续的伤病。姚明和他的足踝挣扎着。他的情况已经太严重到而让他无法返回篮球场了。2011年,姚明在一个记者招待会上宣布退役。答案第一节:Warm up + Lesson 1 + Lesson 2V. 重点词汇解读1. separate重点短语 把分成 使与分离 拓展练习1)请根据中文提示完成下列句子。 England is sep

37、arated from(隔着)France by the English Channel. They talked until midnight and then separated. (分手). The children are often separated into(被分成)groups for the game. Brought up in town, the boy finds it difficult to separate rice from wheat. (区别)The children have their separate bedrooms. (各自的卧室)2. strug

38、gle 对号入座D. 努力,奋斗B. 搏斗A. 挣扎C. 艰难地(朝某方向)行进E. 斗争 重点短语奋斗,努力 与抗争 与某人搏斗 VI. 第一节复习巩固A. 根据语境及要求填空:1-10 violent, generous, province, calm, gravity, character, reporter, flight, equal, explore,11-19 Republic & founded, peacefully, manned spaceship & launched, helicopter, astronaut & waved, light bulb, Millions & launch, United Nations, PersonallyC. 用词组的恰当形式填空:separatefrom, spent working, fighting for, agree with, fought against, take turns第二节:Lesson 3 + Lesson 4 + Lesson 5V. 重点词汇解读1. compete vi. 竞争,比赛 重点短语对号入座


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