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1、追求卓越 大山教育 挑战极限名校名师名卷用所给单词的正确形式完成下列句子1 The flowers must _(water)every day.2 Take off your shoes before_ (enter) the room.3 Katina asked me to leave the door_ (open).4 As a Chinese, Im_ (pride) of my motherland.5 Do you feel like_ (trek) through the jungle with me this summer vacation?6 Among these st

2、ories, which do you think is_ (annoy) one?7 My little brother with my parents_ (be) used to living in the countryside already.8 The old man planned to give away all he had_ (help) the people in need.9 Dont speak to the disabled people_ (polite) or laugh at them.10 His car_ (break) down half way once

3、 more, so it needed repairing indeed.11 My father is so_ (energy) that he never appears tired.12 The house is kind of small for us now, I want_ (sale) it.13 Nobody likes a person who is_ (honest).14 Please show me the photos_ (take) in Tibet.15 The US is one of the_ (develop) countries in the world.

4、16 Could you_ (possible) open the windows for me ?17 Never give up_ (learn) English and one day you will achieve it.18 Dont forget to read the_ (instruct) before taking the medicine.19 I think what he did_ (disappoint).20 Who is the_ (shy) of the twin sisters?21 Its raining hard. Lets drive_ (care).

5、22 Are you allowed to study at a_ (friend) house?23 Uncle Tom is really_ (knowledge);he seems to know everything.24 You can learn English better by_ (study) with friends.25 Did you enjoy_ (you) in the party, kids?26 The students_ (discuss) a problem, when the teacher came in.27 Judy studies so hard

6、and is one of_ (good) students in her class.28 He doesnt know what_ (wear) to the party.29 Chinese_ (teach) in many schools abroad.30 Both of the girls_ (succeed) in passing the exam last term,31 There_ (be) robots in our house in 100 years.32 I hope these books are_ (help) to you.33 Tom seems_ (wor

7、ry) and he is really quiet this morning.34 Young people need_ (spend) some time on sports.35 He often listens to the tapes to improve his_ (pronounce).36 More vegetables and less meat can keep you_ (health).37 Everyone needs to have at least eight_ (hour) sleep a night.38 Plastic bags shouldnt_ (use

8、) anymore in supermarkets.39 I_ (read) the storybook twice;its really interesting.40 Can you speak a little bit_ (slow)? I cant follow you.41 It isnt hard_ (say) things;but its hard to do them.42 The question is too_ (hard) for the middle school students.43 They are_ (leave) only at 7 oclock.44 He i

9、s proud of_ (know) him.45 He was reading his book when I_ (go) to visit them.46 There is only one sure way to_ (success).47 This medicine is to be_ (take) four times a day.48 The little girl doesnt know the_ (valuable) of fresh air and sunlight.49 Where he went, he was_ (kind) received.50 The more y

10、ou practice, the_ (easy) it becomes.51 I couldnt understand why he was so_ (interest) in the invitation.52 I wonder why the_ (leaf) on the tree have become yellow recently.53 Thanks for your_ (value) suggestions.54 Nancy is too young to look after_ (she) .55 After the terrible earthquake, hundreds o

11、f people were_ (home).56 Chocolate is usually the_ (child) favorite food.57 Thank you very much for your_ (invite).But Im so sorry that I cant come to your party tomorrow.58 When I got there yesterday, they_ (go) to park,59 At weekends, Nancy enjoys_ (read) comic books at home.60 The mother looked_

12、(angry) at her naughty daughter.61 Tree-planting Day is on the_ (twelve) of March every year.62 People in the west often think that the number thirteen is_ (luck).63 She likes_ (comedy) very much.64 Lily usually_ (study) at home on weekends.65 Nobody can help us. We must help_ (we).66 Tim is good at

13、 physics, but his math is_ (bad) of all.67 _ (read) novels is one of my sisters hobby.68 Nothing can live on the earth_ (with) air or water.69 Mr Li asked his students not_ (play) computer games too late.70 Anne fell down but she stood up very_ (quick).71 The time is too short. Its_ (possible) for D

14、avid to catch the train.72 My daughter practices_ (play) the piano at the weekend.73 There_ (be) lots of milk in these bowls. Youd better drink more.74 Hurry up! Your parents_ (wait) for you at the school gate.75 Computers and printers are now_ (wide) used in many companies,76 Sally dances much_ (go

15、od) than Helen does.77 When sleeping, Steven always keeps the window_ (close) .78 Its time for us_ (have) supper.79 This school is far from_ (we).80 Who taught him English? Nobody. He learnt it all by_ (he) .81 Dont argue with me. My_ (decide) is final.82 Today is Johns birthday; he is the_ (glad) a

16、t the party.83 Chinese is also one of the most important_ (language) in the world.84 There isnt any cloud in the sky. What a_(sun) day!85 Our teachers often encourage us_ (study) hard.86 Two_ (three) of the students in our class are boys.87 Tom_ (interview) by a reporter last Monday.88 Will you go_

17、(skate) with me ?89 Be careful to look both ways before you_ (cross) the street.90 Please stop_ (talk). I have something important to tell you.91 She went to her_ (one) movie when she was three years old.92 My_ (big) problem is that I have no money to go abroad.93 Whom would you_ (suggestion) for th

18、is job ?94 My brother is old enough to look after_ (he) .95 Hundreds of_ (listen) are attracted by his speech.96 The experiment must be very_ (help) to her.97 The work is very_ (tire). But they still want to try.98 He would rather walk there than_ (take) a bus.99 Last summer he went to Shanghai and

19、took many _ (photo) there.100 Yellow River, the_ (two) longest river in China, has a lot of problems now.101 She puts her love to good use by_ (work) in the after-school care center.102 Can you make it possible for me_ (be) a volunteer in Gansu ?103 All the students were_ (excite) when they were tol

20、d to have seven days off.104 I improved my_ (pronounce) by listening to BBC every day.105 Potato chips were invented by a chef_ (name) Gorge Grum.106 It is _ (believe) that China will send Shenzhou VIII Spaceship in 2010.107 .When she woke up this morning, her dad_ (go) to work.108 It would be_ (emb

21、arrass) if I were fooled in a public place.109 My favorite_ (invent) are Edison and Karl Benz.110 I_ (plan) to go to Hainan for vacation, but he decided on Shenzhen.111 If I arrived there earlier, I_ (see) the famous scientist with my own eyes.112 Lucy came to Xian for the first time, so he had diff

22、iculty_(find) her daughters home.113 As students, we shouldnt always think of_ (we). We should try to help others.114 We will start to leave as soon as our bags_ (pack).115 Dictionaries are very_ (help) for beginners who want to master a foreign language.116 Youd better take_ (many) exercise if you

23、want to keep healthier.117 All medicine should_ (keep) away from children.118 How_ (polite) it is to point at others with your chopsticks at dinner table.119 Children under 1.2 meters in _ (high) take buses freely in this country.陕西2010年预测卷120 When I got there, the meeting_ (be) on for five minutes.

24、121 I would rather you had told her the_ (true).122 His advice is _ (use) for us to get new information on the subject.123 The teacher said to the boy, “Dont be_ (silently), say something.”124 He has a 7-day holiday_ (relax). How exciting!125 The students worked out the difficult problems by_ (they)

25、.126 He planned his work carefully, and never left_ (today) work for tomorrow.127 It was raining_ (heavy) all the morning. so he stayed at home.128 Your homework needs_ (correct).129 Therere lots of young ladies wearing different kinds of _ (scarf) in winter.130 Xiao Shenyang is one of the_ (act) in

26、 the new movie A Simple Noodle Story.131 Now most women who want to be_ (thin) take some medicine to lose weight.132 I believe that the 16th Asian Sports will be held_ (success) in Guangzhou.133 After several days of rescue in Haiti, these doctors become tired and_ (sleep).134 Our teacher always enc

27、ourage us not to be afraid of_ (speak) in public.135 In foreign countries, people usually dont visit their friends without_ (call) first.136 On summer vacation , most of the students have fun _ (travel) around the world.137 When the baby saw her mother next to her, she stopped_ (cry) and smiled happ

28、ily.138 After my friend asked me many times if I mind_ (lend) her money, I really dont know what to say.139 Many countries and_ (organize) have offered Haitian a lot of help in the disaster.140 The strong earthquake_ (destroy) Chilean buildings and houses, but it could not defeat brave, strong, and

29、hard-working Chilean people.141 We have made excellent_ (prepare) for Shanghai Expo 2010.142 He had some_ (interest) experiences while traveling in Africa.143 During the vacation, we enjoy_ (us).144 Attention, please! All the_ (passenger) get on the bus, please.145 The NPC & CPPCC (全国两会_ (hold) in B

30、eijing in March in 2010.146 She is a very_ (love) girl, so all of us love her very much.147 Its raining hard outside. You had better_ (go) out.148 Well be away for two weeks because well have a_ (two weeks) holiday.149 Take more exercise, and youll be stronger and_ (health).150 _ (thousand) of volun

31、teers tried to help the people who lost their homes in Wenchuan earthquake.151 We can use MSN_ (talk) with each other on the Internet.152 Its nine oclock. My sister_ (work) on the computer.153 Many of Jay Chous songs were written by_ (he).154 The city library is a little far from here. Its about fif

32、teen_ (minute) bicycle ride.155 _ (use) English as often as possible is the best way to learn it well .156 Mr King isnt here. He _ (go) to the airport to meet his parents.157 There are some_ (different) between the two pictures. Who can find them out ?158 I dont think football is as_ (popular) as ba

33、sketball in America.159 The_ (west) countries spoke highly of the Chinese army for what they did in Wenchuan last year.160 Next Sunday is my grandpas_ (ninety) birthday.161 Which is_ (cheap) of the two coats?162 The class_ already_ (begin) by the time I got to school.163 My grandmother_ (not like) t

34、he noisy city. She prefers the quiet countryside. 164 If I _ (give) five more minutes , I will get everything ready,165 He is showing some_ (visit) from Japan around our school.166 Our teacher believe_ (strong) that we can learn English well .167 You will_ (success) if you think you can.168 Miss Cat

35、hy from America_ (teach) English in Xian for more than 6 years.169 My grandparents_ (marry) for more than 50 years till now.170 My brother isnt feeling well and he doesnt feel like_ (eat) anything.171 Hearing the exciting news, all the students cant help_ (jump) happily.172 It is reported the giant

36、egg_ (lay) by a wild goose a few days ago.173 Rather than_ (listen) to music, I prefer_ (chat) online with my friends.174 I_ (sit) under the tree. when an apple fell onto my head .175 The homeless dogs and cats should_ (take) good care of.176 Susan can sing English songs as_ (sweet) as that famous p

37、op star.177 Its necessary to learn some_ (science) knowledge about our daily life.陕西初中毕业学业考试说明检测卷178 He was sorry that he had an_ (argue) with his best friend yesterday.179 I _ (watch) TV when my parents got home.180 _ (luck), Kate didnt pass the exam last week.181 Do you think it very_ (use) to lea

38、rn a foreign language?182 _ (stay) healthy, you should do more exercises everyday.183 Im going_ (hike) this vacation.184 Who do you think does_ (well) in math, Maria or Julia?185 In Xian , what is the most popular way of_ (get) to school?186 We have great fun practicing our_ (speak) English after cl

39、ass.187 They spent two hours celebrating their grandmas _ (eighty) birthday.188 You should talk to the old _ (polite).189 Betty did the work badly and Sam did even_ (bad).190 As we all know, Peter_ (success) passed the entrance examination to the college.191 Her pet dog has been_ (die) for about thr

40、ee years.192 There is something wrong with one of my_ (tooth);I have to see a dentist.193 People are not_ (allow) to smoke in some public places.194 This is my car; _ (you) is over there.195 What are the machines used for?-They are used for_ (keep) the rooms warm.196 This year well have an eight_ (week) holiday.197 Before she got to school, I had finished_ (clean) the classroom.198 If our teacher_ (not come) tomorrow, we will go to see her.199 Though Lei Feng _ (die) for many years, he is still in out he


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