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1、Unit One:EducationText:In Praise of the F Word对F的赞美Tens of thousands of 18-year-olds will graduate this year and be handed meaningless diplomas. These diplomas wont look any different from those awarded their luckier classmates.Their validity will be questioned only when their employers discover tha

2、t these graduates are semiliterate. 今年,将有成千上万的18岁学生毕业并被授于毫无意义的文凭。这些文凭对每个人都是一样的 ,没有一点差别, 而不管学生的成绩如何.但当雇主发现他们没有实际能力时,文凭的有效性就会被质疑。 Eventually a fortunate few will find their way into educational repair shops-adult-literacy programs, such as the one where I teach basic grammar and writing. There, high s

3、chool graduates and high school dropouts pursuing graduate-equivalency certificates will learn the skills they should have learned in school . They will also discover they have been cheated by our educational system. 即使少数幸运的人找到了成人进修的地方,像我教语法和写作的地方。在这里,高中毕业和高中辍学的学生为了追求等价的毕业证书必需学习他们本应该在学校学习的东西。他们会发现自己

4、被我们的教育系统所欺骗。 As I teach,I learn a lot about our schools.Early in each session I ask my students to write about an unpleasant experience they had in school . No writers block here! “ I wish someone would have had made me stop doing drugs and made me study .” ”I liked to party and no one seemed to car

5、e .” “I was a good kid and didnt cause any trouble,so they just passed me along even though I didnt read well and couldnt write.” And so on. 当我教他们的时候,我从我们的课堂上学到了很多。在每次开班,首先我会让学生写一下关于他们在学校的一次很不愉快的经历。每个学生都会有这样的经历。有人说:“我希望有一个人可以使我停止吸毒,让我好好学习。”;有人说:“我喜欢聚会,但好像没有人注意过我”;有人说:“我是一个好孩子,没有制造过任何麻烦。所以尽管学习不好,考试还是

6、让我通过。”等等。 I am your basic do-gooder, and prior to teaching this class I blamed the poor academic skills our kids have today on drugs ,divorce and other impediments to concentration necessary for doing well in school. But ,as I rediscover each time I walk into the classroom ,before a teacher can expe

7、ct students to concentrate ,he has to get their attention ,no matter what distractions may be at hand .There are many ways to do this ,and they have much to do with teaching style .However , if style alone wont do it,there is another way to show who holds the winning hand in the classroom. That is t

8、o reveal the trump card of teacher . 我是教过这个班级的先届老师和他们最初级的改良者。我痛斥那些拙劣的教学方式,以至于今天我们的孩子们陷入吸毒,离婚和其他使他们不能专注于学习的困扰。但是,当我每次走进教室都会发现的是,在一名老师期望可以引起学生的注意之前,他已经吸引了学生的注意,而不管面临什么样的干扰。有很多方式可以做到这一点,并且老师们在教学风格方面还亟待改进。然而,如果教学风格不能做到这点,还有另一种方法使你成为教室里的导引者,那就是使用教师的杀手锏。 I will never forget a teacher who played that card

9、to get the attention of one of my children. Our youngest,a world-class charmer ,did little to develop his intellectual talents but always got by until Mrs.Stifter became his teacher . 我永远都忘不了那位曾用她独特的方式来吸引我儿子注意力的那位老师。我最小的儿子后来成为了世界级魔术师,但在Stifter 女士成为他的老师之前,学习总是不怎么努力却总能过关,直到Stifter 女士当了他的老师,这种局面就改变了。 O

10、ur son was a high school senior when he had her for English. “He sits in the back of the room talking to his friends ,” she told me . “Why dont you move him to the front row ?” I urged, believing the embarrassment would get him to settle down. Mrs.Stifter looked at me steely-eyed over her glasses.”I

11、 dont move seniors ,”she said. “I flunk them.I was flustered. Our sons academic life flashed before my eyes.No teacher had ever threatened him weth that before . 当她教我们儿子英语的时候我们儿子还是一个高中生。她对我说:“你们儿子总是坐在教室后面和他的朋友说话。”我敦促她说“为什么你不把他调到前排”, 相信他坐在前排被那么多人看着就会好好学习。Stifter女士用坚毅的眼神通过她的眼镜看着我说:“我不会为他们调位,他们已经是高中生了,

12、我让他们不及格。”我很慌张。I regained my composure and managed to say that I thought she was right . By the time I got home I was feeling pretty good about this .It was a radical approach for these times .but ,well ,why not ? “Shes going to flunk you,”I told my son. I did not discuss it any further. Suddenly Eng

13、lish became a priority in his life. He finished out the semester with an A.我们儿子的学术生涯从我的眼前一闪而过。在这之前从没有老师威胁过他。我恢复了平静,也认为她做的是对的。当回到家时我对这个方式感觉很好。它是一个好的激降法。为什么不这样做呢?于是我告诉我的儿子:“她准备让你不基格。”我其它什么也没说。突然英语在他的生活中处于优先地位。他这个学期的成绩竟然得了一个A。 I know one example doesnt make a case,but at night I see a parade of student

14、s who are angry and resentful for having been passed along until they could no longer even pretend to keep up. Of average intelligence or better,they eventually quit school, concluding they were too dumb to finish.”I should have been held back” is a comment I hear frequently.Even sadder are those st

15、udents who are high school graduates who say to me after a few weeks of class,”I dont know how I ever got a high school diploma.” 我知道一个例子虽然不能充分说明全部,但是在晚上我看到满是愤怒和怨恨的游行学生,由于被忽略掉,他们甚至不能再这样假装的忍耐下去。即使智力一般的或更好的学生, 由于认为他们太笨,而使他们最终退学。“我应该被留下”是我听到的最频繁的话。更令人悲哀的是,那些高中毕业生过了几周对我说:“我不知道我曾经是怎么获得了一个高中毕业证。” Passing

16、students who have not mastered the work cheats them and the employers who expect graduates to have basic skills.We excuse this dishonest behavior by saying kids cant learn if they come from terrible environments.No one seems to stop to think that-no matter what environments they come from-most kids

17、dont put school first on their list unless they perceive something is at stake.Theyd rather be sailing. 让一个对自己的学业都没掌握好的学生毕业,不仅欺骗了他们自己,也欺骗了那些认为毕业生们都掌握了基本技能的雇主们 。我们可以对这个不诚实的行为辩解说,孩子们不能学习是因为他们周围的环境太糟糕。似乎没有人停下来思考过这个问题无论孩子们来自什么环境,大部分孩子并不会把学业放在第一位,除非他们意识到这种做法有一定风险。他们宁愿随波逐流。Many students I see at night cou

18、ld give expert testimony on unemployment,chemical dependency,abusive relationships.In spite of these for a better job or the need to hang on to the one theyve got.They have a healthy fear of failure.我在夜校看到的学生的状况被解雇、对毒品的依赖和家庭暴力等 可以给出有力的证明。尽管有这样许多的困难,他们依然把接受教育放在优先的位置,他们被他们心里的希望激励着,或是出于要找到一份好的工作,或是出于对保

19、持现有工作的需要。他们对失败都有一个健康的心理。People of all ages can rise above their problems, but they need to have a reason to do so. Young people generally dont have the maturity to value education in the same way my adult students value it. But fear of failure, whether economic or academic ,can motivate both.所有年龄段的人

20、都能克服他们的问题,但他们需要一个这样做的理由。年轻人通常不像我的那些成年的学生一样有一个成熟的心态去看待教育 。但是对失败的害怕,可以激励他们,无论是在经济上或是学术上。Flunking as a regular policy has just as much merit today as it did two generations ago.We must review the threat offlunking and see it as it really isa postive teaching tool.It is an expression of confidence by bo

21、th tecahers and parents that the students have the ability to learn the material presented to them.However,making it work again would take adedicated,caring conspiracy betwwen teachers and parents. It would mean that teachers would have to follow through on their threats, and parents would have to s

22、tand behind them, knowing their childrens best interests are indeed at stake. This means no more doing Scotts assignments for him because he might fail. No more passing Jodi because shes such a nice kid. 考试不让通过作为一个策略,具有许多优点无论是在现在还是在两个世纪以前。我们在看到他的危险之外,必须看到这确实是一个积极的教育工具。老师和家长应该对此具有信心,即学生完全有能力学会你所给他的东西

23、。然而,要让其重新行之有效必须要做出一些奉献,老师和家长应该合作起来。这将意味着两者都必须要正视这个现实中的困境让不学习的学生通过,可以避免短时的悲痛,但却注定了他们长期的无知。这意味着教师们在了解了他的危害之后必须要坚持到底,并且家长们在了解了他们孩子的最终利益受到危害之后必须坚定的站在老师的这一边。这意味着,不再替Scott做作业是因为这样会给他带来失败,不让Scott通过是因为他是一个如此优秀的孩子。This is a policy that worked in the past and can work today. A wise teacher, with the support o

24、f his parents, gave our son the opportunity to succeed-or fail . Its time we returned this choice to all students.这是一个在过去和现在都行之有效的方法。一个聪明的老师,在家长们的支持下,要给我们的孩子机会成功或失败。现在是时间让我们重新回到这个抉择了。4 Text B:Essence of Education教育的本质 Robery W. Tracinki The essence of education is the teaching of facts and reasoning

25、 skills to our children, so that they learn to think.教育的本质是向我们的孩子们教授事实和推理的技能,让他们学会思考。Yet almost a century, our schools have been under assault by an approach to education that elevates feelings over facts. Under the influence of Progressive Education - It is now more important than getting him in to

26、uch with the facts of history, mathematics or geography.然而几乎一个世纪以来,我们的学校都在受到一种将感受凌驾于事实之上的教育方法的攻击。在进步教育的影响下让学生了解历史事实、数学或地理都不如感觉重要。 Creative spelling- in which students are encouraged to spell words in whatever way they feel is correct - is more important than the rules of language. Urging children to

27、 feel good about themselves is more important than ensuring that they acquire the knowledge necessary for living successfully.“创造性的拼写”鼓励学生以任何他们感觉正确的方式拼写单词这比语言规则更加重要。鼓励孩子们对自己“感觉良好”比确保他们获得顺利生活所必需的知识更为重要。 This emotion-centered, anti-reason assault on education has found a new ally: those who believe th

28、e literal words of the Bible. The Kansas Board of Education has just excised the theory of evolution from the states official science standards. Several other states have enacted similar anti-evolution policies, thereby elevating the feeling of religious fundamentalists over the accumulated evidence

29、 of the entire science of biology.这种以情绪为中心、反对理性的对教育的攻击已经找到了新的同盟军:那些相信圣经上文学词汇的人。堪萨斯州教育理事会刚刚推翻了该州官方科学标准中的进化论。几个其他的州已经颁布了相似的反对进化政策,从而将宗教原教旨的感受凌驾于整个生物科学所累积的证据之上。These policies do not actually ban the teaching of evolution, nor do they mandate the teaching of “Creationism” -biblical claim that the Earth

30、and all life on it were created in six days. They simply drop evolution from the required curriculum. The goal of the religious activities is to keep students ignorant of the theory of evolution, or to encourage the teaching of evolution and Creationism side-by-side, as two competing theories.这些政策实际

31、上并不禁止教授进化论,他们也不命令教授特创论圣经上说地球及其上的所有生命是在六天中被创造出来的。他们只是在必修课程中排除了进化论。宗教活动的目的是令学生对进化论的原理保持无知,或者是鼓励同时教授进化论和特创论,把他们作为两个相互竞争的理论。Consider what this latter would mean in the classroom. On the one side, teachers would present the theory of evolution, supported by countless observations, all integrated into a c

32、omprehensive explanation of virtually every fact in its field.考虑一下后一种做法在课堂上意味这什么吧。一方面,教师将呈现进化论的原理,一个被无数观察者所支持,整合了对领域内每一个方面解释的综合理论。On the other side, teachers would present - what? All that the Creationist view offers is the assertion by would-be authorities that an ancient religious text reveals tha

33、t 10,000 years ago God created the world in six days. 另一方面,教师将教授什么?特创论信奉者的观点只是自诩为权威的人的断言,即一部古老的宗教书揭示了一万年以前上帝在六天中创造了世界。Some of these religious activists claim that they reject the teaching of evolution because it is unproven, since it lacks sufficient evidence.一些宗教激进分子宣称他们反对教授进化论,因为它“未经证明”,由于它缺乏“充分的证

34、据”Yet their arguments systematically reject the need for proof and evidence. Scientists can point to a billion-year-long fossil record of continuous changes across a11 species as they develop from more-primitive to present-day forms. They can point to the natural variations among members of a specie

35、s, variations that change from one climate to another as species adapt to their environment. But the Creationist categorically dismisses the evidence - because it contradicts biblical dogma.然而,他们的论点恰好系统地反对检验和证据的需要。科学家们能够指出一百万年以来的化石记录,它记载了所有物种从原始形态发展到今天的形态的持续变化。他们能够指出在中物种成员之间的自然变异,这些为适应环境、随气候的变化而发生的变

36、异。但是特创论的信奉者明确的拒绝这样的证据,因为它与圣经教义相悖。The central issue is not whether there is enough scientific evidence to validate a particular conclusion - but whether science as such, rather than faith, is the basis for arriving at conclusions. There can be no scientific debate between these two positions. There c

37、an be no rational argument between a view that rests on observation and reason, and one that rests on blind faith - i.e., on its adherents desire to believe something, irrespective of logic. 中心问题不在于是否有足够的科学证据来证实某个特定的结论而在于科学本身而非信仰,是否是得到结论的基础。在这两种立场之间不可能有科学的辩论。一中观点依靠观察和推理,另一种观点依靠盲目的信仰即依靠追随者相信某件事的渴望而不考

38、虑逻辑,在这两种观点之间不可能有理性的争论。If the Creationist approach were taken seriously, what would remain of education? If evidence and reasoning are to be balanced by faith or feeling - what, then, would not belong in the curriculum? Even the theory that the Earth is flat has proponents who feel it is true. More t

39、o the point, what is to stop teachers from presenting any other nonrational view of the origin of man? Why not give equal time to, say, the Nazi claim the white race descended from the superior Aryans?假如特创论的观点被当真,那教育将剩下什么呢?如果证据和推理被信仰和感觉所平衡,那么什么将不属于课程的一部分呢?即使地球是平的这样的理论也有人认为它是正确的。此外,什么将阻止教师教授其他关于人类起源的

40、非理性观点?为什么不用同样的时间来讲解诸如纳粹认为白种人是源自高等雅利安人的观点?The most ominous implication of the Creationist position is its belief that, in judging the truth of an idea, one can simply ignore rational evidence - if it clashes with ones desire to believe otherwise. This is a disastrous methodology to inculcate in our c

41、hildren - and it is even more dangerous to back it up with the ruling of a government body. 特创论立场最坏的暗示是它相信在判断一个想法的真实性时,一个人完全可以忽视理性的证据只要它与一个人相信其他事情的愿望相冲突。把这样的方法论灌输给我们孩子是灾难性的而用政府组织的统治来支持这种观点则更加危险。The crucial role of education is to provide young people with the information and methods they need in ord

42、er to learn how to think independently. Education has liberated mankind from the shackles of myth, superstition and unchallenged tradition. But the prevailing trend - from both the progressive left and the religious right - is to reverse this development, by enshrining feeling over facts and faith o

43、ver reason. 教育的极其重要角色是为年轻人提供能够使学会如何独立思考的这些信息和方法。教育已经将人类从神话、迷信和未受质疑的传统中解放了出来。但现在普遍的趋势从“进步左翼”和“宗教右翼”两方面来看都在把感受凌驾于事实之上,把信仰凌驾于理性之上,这样做是在倒转发展的方向。If campaigns such as the one against teaching evolution are allowed to succeed, the ultimate result will be the extinction of genuine education. 如果类似一个反对教授进化论的运

44、动被允许取得成功,最终的结果将是真正的教育的灭绝。3Unit Two:LoveText A:A Wedding Gift结婚礼物Elizabeth Economies伊利莎白埃科诺莫I had always dreamed of being proposed to in a Parisian cafe, under dazzling stars, like the one in a Van Gogh knockoff that hangs in my studio apartment. Instead, my boyfriend asked me to marry him while I wa

45、s wandering the bathroom mirror.我一直有这样的梦想:星光灿烂的网上,在一家巴黎咖啡馆能有人向我求婚。那个咖啡馆就像梵高所画的“夜晚的咖啡馆”,我的工作室墙上就挂着一幅此画的翻印本。然而,我男朋友却在我用“稳得新”擦洗卫生间镜子的时候叫我嫁给他。At 40 years old, it was my turn. 1 had gracefully stepped aside and watched both my twin sister and our baby sister take the matrimonial plunge before me? 1 had b

46、een a bridesmaid seven times and a maid of honor three times. 1 had more pastel-colored, taffeta dresses than a consignment shop.我已经上40岁,是该轮到我了,我已经体面地让开,眼看着孪生妹妹还有小妹在我之前出嫁,我做过女傧相7次,伴娘3次,我的淡颜色塔夫绸衣服比寄物店都多。My fianc, George, and I are Greek-American, but we wanted a simple, elegant affair. No entourage o

47、f bridesmaids and groomsmen. No silly slideshow revealing details of our courtship. This would be an intimate gathering, neither big nor fat, with 100 or so guests. In our families that is intimate. 我的未婚夫乔治和我都是希腊裔美国人,但是我们想办一个简朴、大方的婚礼。不需要很多伴娘伴郎。也不放映幻灯片,展示求婚的细节,那太傻了,这会是一次很温馨的聚会,请的人不多也不铺张,100个左右的宾客吧。在我

48、们的家族,那算是小圈子内的聚会。My job as a publicist to a monomaniacal orchestra conductor had just vanished, so 1 had lots of time to devote to my new project. George, who worked 60 hours a week as a pharmacist, now had a second job: listening to me whine about the wedding. After all, this was my show, and 1 was the director.我为一位偏执狂的管弦乐队指挥做公关刚刚结束,因而我有很多时间投入到我这个新的项目上。乔治是药剂师,每周工作60小时,现在又有一份工作:听我抱怨婚礼一事。这毕竟是我表现的时候,得有我说着算。But the more time and effort 1 put in, the more the universe tried to thwart me. The Greek band from Los Angeles that 1


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